Thing, Bad Thing ----> DragonSlide!
Date: 10/26/2001
From: Blinker
BLINKER: Since "Desert Storm" was such a crappy episode, all
of today's prizes are... well, really crappy!
SYNTHIA [thuds face into hands]: We broke our budget again, didn't
BLINKER: Hey, giving TM full ownership of Wal-Mart was YOUR idea.
SYNTHIA: Um, true... but *you* insisted on tossing in that copy of
SL4ever wins a day at Ellen DeGenerate's place, replete with
"Oral B" and "cross action!"
Slider_Quinn21 wins some more brown water... from a paperless
ThomasMalthus wins Tim Curry and Mrs. Garrett from 'The Facts
of Life' in "The Worst Waterwitch!"
vortex62 wins this box of Girl Guide mint cookies. They're just
like the chocolate and vanilla types, only deliciously inedible!
SweetOne wins The Fan's Guide to Osbcure Sliders Eps, so she
can finally Recall even the blandest of 'em!
TemporalFlux wins Tom Baker and Tom Servo in "The MSTs of
MissingTimeRyan wins a thousand thousand slimy things!
SpiderMonkeeDolenz wins a "crystal amulet" I picked
up from the prize bin at the dentist's office, so he can finally trade
Joey_Starr wins a railroad spike to hide in sliderseth's Ovaltine!
Wait for him to swallow it and watch the hilarity ensue!
sliderseth wins a kick in the pants!
And now, yet another iteration of "Good Thing, Bad Thing."
To play along yourself, cite something positive and something negative
about "DragonSlide." Ready? Let's go!
On the up side: of the first 400 US airings of Sliders episodes,
as compiled by the amazing Kromagg1 at,
only four of them were "DragonSlide."
On the flip side: A fan survey asking for possible alternate
history ideas at [
] included such howlers as "back in time and find Aurto again,"
"Aworld where Quinn is naked 99% of the time," "something
religious," and "Where people grow from the ground like corn"...
yet EVERY ONE OF THEM is superior to the premise of "DragonSlide."
According to Slider120 at,
the filming of this episode magically caused the events it depicted
to be "brought to life."
Wait, that's a bad thing.
- Blinker 7:-P
"As she nears the collection, she is tripped by Honey. She then
admires the gold statue of Budha and begins to lick it. Of course, Honey
starts trembling by this."

can only be one...
Date: 10/26/2001
From: MissingTimeRyan
Moldy!Mulder, so that's where all the slimy things came from!
I haven't watched this episode in a long time. Here goes.
Good Things
1. Quinn died
2. RWR - Remmy Wade Romance
3. Flashback for Requiem
Bad Things
1. Quinn lived
2. Duck, duck, duck, duck
3. No Maggie ;-)
4. Remmy didn't sing
"I'm missing nine minutes!"

Date: 10/26/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
DIE BEGINNING TEXT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Thing-Charlie O'Connell isn't TERRIBLE in this.
Bad Thing(s)-He doesn't die
This WASN'T his last appearance
He has lines

were good things?
Date: 10/27/2001
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Four score and seven years ago Bonnie Hamer blah blah blah
Ok, good thing: One of the Sliders *finally* professes his undying love
for Wade.
Now, bad thing: It took a spell for it to happen, and it *still* wasn't
"We don't have time."

Date: 10/27/2001
From: ThomasMalthus
Beginning Text must be destroyed!!
...the Walton family got kind of anal about me not owning Wal-Mart
or any of its subsidiary chainstores or products. It really threw me
for a loop, because they were so nice when they had their own TV show.
Good Thing: I have forgotten 95% of what happened during this episode.
As I recall, Wade is trying to figure out why Rembrandt is in love with
her when Charlie O'Connell (who plays a cop named O'Hara) comes up to
her and says "Forget it, Wade. It's Dragontown."
Bad Thing: The title. "Dragon Slide". It just sort of sits
there. There's no pun. There's no literary allusion. Peckinpah didn't
even try to be clever. Is a little bit of effort with the title too
much to ask?? Apparently so. Oh yeah, and in case you were still unclear
on this...the episode sucked big time.

Idea = Doing Something Once.
Date: 10/27/2001
From: FogBoy
Bad Idea = Doing It TWICE.
The good thing for this episode would be the Remmy/Wade dialogue at
the bar, after he's back to normal and they discuss their relationship.
The bad thing is that we had to see this scene used again as filler
in the really-crappy-but-at-least-it's-not-Dragonslide "Requiem."

Good and the Bad (no Ugly though)
Date: 10/28/2001
From: The_Seer
- Good placement in the episode order. When compared to the previous
2 episodes ("The Dream Masters", "Desert Storm")
and the next one ("The Fire Within"), it's brilliant.
- They didn't have COC play Phillip Mallory.
- Remmy, not Quinn, falls in love with Wade.
- COC gets speaking lines.
- After Quinn loses the timer, Arturo just happens upon it in the middle
of a large grass field. I guess Arturo had been eating his carrots (among
other types of food).
Hmmm ... 2 good, 3 bad. Not bad for a Season 3 episode.

I'll come out of lurking for this
Date: 10/28/2001
From: Wrong_Arturo
A lot of people beat me to some really good points, so I won't repeat
those. Instead, here's a new angle:
GOOD THING: There's actually almost characterization going on when
we find out that Remmy was just acting out his subconscious under the
supposed spell, and that he really did love Wade.
BAD THING #1: This isn't a clever attempt to take the characterization
in a new, unexpected direction. This isn't daring TV that truly suggests
a multiethnic romance. No, any hope of interesting television is robbed
from us with Remmy's speech, in which he essentially says, "All
I meant when I said I loved you and wanted more than anything to touch
your soul was that I was a really good friend of yours, and we have
a lot of common because we aren't egghead scientists like those other
two." Huh?
BAD THING #2: All of this was just an excuse to try to make the viewer
forget that Quinn was not giving Wade the time of day. It didn't work.
BAD THING #3: Because this was the only thing resembling a strong moment
of characterization between these two, it had to be referenced in "Requiem."
As far as I'm concerned, this and most other s3 episodes should not
even be considered part of the continuity. Yet every time Remmy reminisces
about the "good old days" (the only time anything before Season
4 and 5 is mentioned), he talks about zombies and robots and giant bugs
and such. (Proof that there truly was no shame about these episodes,
as the later writers claimed there were.) His flashback to "Dragonslide"
makes that an irrevocable part of the continuity. Ugh!! (Unless of course,
everything that happened after "The Guardian" was just a bad
dream. I'm all for that...)

the prizes are so good in these...
Date: 10/28/2001
From: Joey_Starr
I will waste yet another text line here.
Good Things:
1. Jerry O'Connell shows off his fencing skills.
2. The orginal cast is still in it.
3. Hey, if they had to make it so unreal, at least we saw a dragon!
4. We get at least a half way believable reason why magic could exist
in this dimension
5. Sliderseth didn't reply to this one!
Bad Things:
1. Charlie wasn't used to play an alternate relative of Quinn's but
is in the ep anyway.
2. The whole love spell thing.
3. The trademark finding the timer out of luck trick.
4. I was made to relive watching this episode.
5. Sliderseth still could reply this yet!
Could I be the one to give seth his "Kick in the Pants?"

out The Fan's Guide
Date: 10/29/2001
From: SweetOne
I'll have a little coffee with my sugar and cream.
Bad thing: The guy turns into a bug, which looks an awful lot like
a roach. And y'all know how I hate roaches.
Good thing: He gets squished. (you gotta say that suthen)
Another good thing, there are horses. I love horses.

on the SOL..
Date: 10/31/2001
From: Vigeant
Joel on the first season set with Crow and Servo (voiced by Josh), man
I'm such a nerd
Crow: Oh man, what a terrible episode.
Joel: Okay guys it's time for ram chips and dip. Now the rules of this
are you have to say a good thing and a bad thing about the movie and
then you get a ram chip!
Bots: Yay!
Joel: You go first Crow.
Crow: Well, the bad thing was that the plot made no sense, the acting
was vile and I have a toothache.
Joel: Oh, and the bad thing?
Crow: Um, well, it wasn't as long as a movie.
Joel: Okay, you get a ram chip.
Tom: Me next!! Woo! Um... the bad thing was that it gave me a terrible
headache with the awful..
Joel: Crow already went into that.
Tom: Oh. Um. Well, that the Wade/Remmy thing wasn't longer, like the
entire episode, and the fact that that wasn't very well developed and
then there is the whole plot thing it's not very well written and it
made my load pan ache..
Joel: Well.. I don't know if I should give you one, but just get a good
Tom: Um. Sabrina Lloyd, Clevant Derricks, and John Rhys-Davies were
in it, and that's alot better than Forrest Tucker.
Joel: What about Jerry O Connell.
Tom: Worse than Forrest Tucker.
Joel: Okay, Ram chip for you.
Tom: YAAY!
Joel: Gypsy?
Joel: That's right, you win! How about that evil overlords (pushes button)
Dr. F: Well, Lar, put this one on file.
Lar: Will do.
Dr. F: See you later, my space tutu.
*button dissolve*
For all of you MSTies who have never seen a season one episode that
was a pretty good rep. of how lame the final segments usually were.
There you go. Man oh man am I a nerd ;).
"Don't be the bunny."

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