Rejoice! Rejoice in the glory of your prizes, and be merry! Unless you
didn't play yesterday, in which case we've got *nothing* for you. Nothing
nothing nothing!
ThomasMalthus wins a wooden steak... er, stake!
EustiSlider wins one acre of Amazon rainforest!
HurriKain wins one free exorcism of his disk drive! <shudder>
Silly_Sillerson wins a box of Cocoa Pebbles!
dellyone wins a lovely pair of matching rubber gloves!
Vigeant wins a whole lotta stock footage of ordinary, unmoving
train tracks!
SL4ever wins a handcrafted Executive beer coaster!
Slider_Quinn21 wins a laundry disk, for those laundromats in
the middle of the forest!
sliderules wins a crate of exotic aluminum!
FogBoy wins a plate of transdimensional beans and chili!
BLINKER: Huh? *That* piece of crap had something to teach us? Oh...
we're on!
SYNTHIA: Well, I don't know about you, but --
BLINKER & SYNTHIA: -- Ilearnednevertowatchitagain!!!!
[A pause.]
SYNTHIA: I was first.
BLINKER: Dammit. 7>:-| Uhh... lemme think. I learned that the Sliders
now consider it a good idea to engage in a BOBSLED RACE with the window
coming up. I mean, for smeg's sake! Can you imagine what the slide at
the beginning of 'Fever' would've been like if they'd landed in front
of that truck in a BOBSLED????
SYNTHIA: Actually, they wouldn't have stopped anywhere *near* the exit
point. Didn't you notice the sled hurtling on for several miles at speeds
that'd make a Formula One racer pee his pants? They must've been COUNTING
on sliding into a vast, open desert! These people are on CRACK!
BLINKER: So very, very true.
SYNTHIA: Hey, speaking of which... when are you going to run the corrections
for all the egregious factual errors you've allowed to creep into these
posts by rushing them in at the last minute?
[ Grumbling, Blinker pushes a button on the Satellite drive console.
A stream of phrases races through the air in front of the two hosts
at lightning speed. ]
CC_DEVILLE: Hey, this says there's 1.44 *megs* on a standard floppy,
and *3.5* inches!
EXECUTIVE: "The Academy Awards" is really THREE words???
How can it be????
SLIDER8_: Whoa, Ted Koppel IS a robot!
What did YOU learn from the episode? Speak now, or forever hold your
- Blinker 7:-P
"In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"