THOMASMALTHUS: Twenty bucks says next Thursday.
EUSTISLIDER: Pfffft. Fifty on tomorrow!
SYNTHIA: Uh, what's going on?
SLIDERULES: We're holding a pool on when Blinker's going to run out
of steam and let this post series slide for another half-year again.
VIGEANT: I've got two grand on Friday the 17th!
SLIDER_QUINN21: Hey, that reminds me. How come back in the early days
of Voyager, it was a huge deal when Tom Paris started a radiogenic-particle-count
betting pool in defiance of regulations... but in the finale, Harry
starts up a baby pool on B'Elanna's delivery date and the senior officers
all chucklingly pitch in?
BRANNON PECKINBRAGA: Who cares; it's a parallel world!
SLIDER_QUINN21: Gimme a >:-#ing break! The first time, Chakotay
was ready to give Paris' ARM a >:-#ing break!
BLINKER: Um... are we GOING to have a show tonight?
SYNTHIA: Good point! Ten grand says *yesterday*'ll be our last one
for a year. :-D
Recall317 wins a mechanized Tracy Tormé FOX Gripe Generator,
and a GOLD STAR!
Slider_Quinn21 wins a 64:1 scale typewriter ink cartridge!
ThomasMalthus wins no less than 69 edible chocolate roaches handed
out to promote Howard Stern's "The Cockroach King"! Wait a
minute... edible roaches don't crawl...... EDIBLE ROACHES DON'T CRAWWWWL!!!!!!
FogBoy wins a front row seat at the premiere of "Duck Hour
II: Peeking Duck"!
DieselMickeyDolenz wins a Season Three Arturo hair extension
kit. His choice of "scraggly," "locust-eating desert
wild man," or "extra scraggly"!
SL4ever wins a stuffed tiger named "Boethius"! Be sure
to feed him, now!
TemporalFlux wins the real Almanac that the Sliders one was based
on! Well... *most* of it's real!
Callie21V wins a six-pack of Impact Cola. For Great EduLearn!®
BLINKER: Okay, this one's obvious. Good thing: the episode itself.
Bad thing: all the episodes it made *possible.* 7>:-#
SYNTHIA: Don't remind me. >:-#~~~ Umm... good thing? All the subtleties
of Kromagg civilization... from fluid, organic aircraft, to forcefields
that gradually grow more intense rather than sparking you like the clichéd
Star Trek models, to the official collective noun of the Kromagg Dynasty
being "the Kromagg" rather than "the KroMAGGS."
Bad thing? Peck tossed all this work out the window, so what's the point?
GUEST RIFFER QUINN MALLORY: Bad thing: we suffered unimaginable tortures,
saw a terrifying pall cast on the remainder of our days together, and
generally opened the door to the decimation and enslavement of six billion
people on our homeworld. Good thing: we crossed a few Kromagg wires.
KROMAGG KOMMANDER KRODIFEROUS: Yeah, you blew up our >:-#ing fridge.
Bastard. >:-I
- Blinker 7:-P
"Hey baby, show me your thorax!"