&Tell -------> The Pilot, Part One!
Date: 08/28/2000
From: Blinker
BLINKER: Grrrrrr. Not *another* round of whining about how boring the
place is!
SYNTHIA: Hey, you've gotta admit... when the most replied-to post is
about George Bush getting hammered at a wedding 10 years ago... well,
let's just say things're getting duller than Hakavonn's "rapier
BLINKER: Screw this. I'll just do what I always do... rip off the MST3K
board! Rerun-based games, here we come! 7:-P~~~~~
The rules are simple: you bring in something from or inspired by today's
episode and share it with the rest of the group. Tomorrow, you'll get
a prize just for participating! Don'tcha feel all warm 'n cuddly already?
"Show and Tell" is brought to you by Silverguy's Sub Shop.
Now YOU TOO can enjoy a sandwich "6 ft wide!!!!"
BLINKER: I brought in Mrs. Mallory's horribly fake curly brown wig
from Red Means Go world. It should make an excellent Brillo pad to scrub
off the spittle left from Executive's most recent reply. 7>:-|
SYNTHIA: Well, *I* brought in the iceberg that Remmy drove his caddy
into. Just think: if Peckinballs had been on staff at this point, we
could have had the car sink into SF Bay like some minuscule red Titanic!
BLINKER: I'd pay good money to see the bit with Quinn and Wade in the
back seat... and the windows getting all fogged up. 7:-P~~~
SYNTHIA: Pervert!
What did YOU bring???
- Blinker 7:-P
'No respectable media outlet will have anything to do with this trash',
predicted a top campaign source.

brought Quinn's vortex doodlings...
Date: 08/28/2000
From: Ignorant_
...which looked more like the result of a spirograph on amphetamines,
and of course my petition to SAVE SLIDERS:
I G N O R A N T _

got Quinn's family photo!
Date: 08/28/2000
From: HurriKain
and hey, Colin's in it too! That's funny, he's named "Bopper"
in this one. :-)
movin' along,

Date: 08/28/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
I bring Quinn's annoying cat, that sits in the same place on every world!!!!!!!
AKA-The Star of Sliders!!!!!(No....that's not right.... :-)

I have Conrad's glasses...
Date: 08/29/2000
From: FogBoy
...of course, when I look through them, the world looks like an episode
of "Salvador Dali's Muppet Babies", but hey, no biggie.

Date: 08/29/2000
From: BlinkChick
I have Wing's notebook. It makes for great paper airplanes. They went
really high on ice world.
- BlinkChick 7:-*
'The best site on the multi-net,' raved Callie21V.

Date: 08/29/2000
From: JessieMallory
My item is a rare find the very first timer used by Quinn during his
early antigav experiments. I really love the stylish black and red wires
on the large gray base. I must say the flash red numbers are a great
accessory. It is bulky and not easily lost, but ugly and not very convenient
when it comes to carrying it around all day.

bounce, bounce>
Date: 08/29/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
No, Maggie isn't in the Pilot! ...minds in the gutter all of you...
I brought Quinn's basketball! The actual first traveller from Earthprime
to a parallel universe! Unlike Quinn this ball is 100% in successful
return trips ;) <dribble, dribble>
He shooooots.... He scores!!
ps. Nice Game Blink :)

Date: 08/29/2000
From: TemporalFlux
I brought Wade and Quinn's Doppler Computer boss, Michael Hurley! I
have to admit that it was harder to get him here than I thought it would
be. For some reason he didn't like the big net...I don't know why. And
he even *bit* me! I had to get a tetnus shot after that...ugh. Anyway,
he seems to have calmed down ever since I sealed him in that plastic
bag I got from the cleaners.
Come on Hurley...time to get up for show and tell! Hurley....<shakes
him a bit> one is amused that you can hold your breath this
long. Get up!!

Date: 08/29/2000
From: SliderNum5
I brought the tornado from Ice World. It is really cold and spins...
My mommie says it has an eye, but I think she's lying. When I grow up,
I want to be just like... hey look out! It's coming right at us! Look
out Mrs. McKowan!

got Quinn's book!!!!!!
Date: 08/29/2000
From: Prime2099
The one he was reading at the beginning of the episode. Forgot which
one it is. :)

Date: 08/29/2000
From: Vigeant
I brought that cheap computer Wade was telling the guy about. It's CD
ROM screws up and it will be obsolete in a few days.. but that's the
case with any computer.
I have to wait a DAY for my prize?? Sheesh. It better not be those
cheap gold stars.

video diary
Date: 08/29/2000
From: EustiSlider
I grabbed that stack of videotapes Quinn was using to document his experiments.
Let's see if there's anything interesting on these that we didn't get
to see in the Pilot...
<play>"...azing! I've had the vortex open for over an hour
now. After the sucessful test with the basketball, I'm more sure than
ever that there's another dimension on the other side. I.. <a piece
of paper flutters up out of the wormhole> .. Wait! I didn't send
this through! The passageway must work in both directions. There's writing
on the paper! It says, 'would you please shut that damn thing off!'"<stop>
Huh. How about that? Let's try this tape...
Oops! Gosh, I guess Quinn and Wade were closer than they let on. I'll
just keep this one for later.

have Quinn's Glasses.
Date: 08/29/2000
From: Dove_Slider
Today I have brought Quinns glasses. Only seen in the opening
scenes of the show, which leaves me pondering how he found his way around
the multi-verse. As an added bonus the fingerprints of the wearer on
still on, from his waking up in the morning still wearing them and tried
to rub his eyes. Hmmm makes me wonder, did he forget he wore glasses
or was this a show piece trying to make JOC look like a brain?

brought those...
Date: 08/29/2000
From: dellyone
missing glasses Quinn wears in the beginning of the 'Pilot'. I confess
I took them to prove that you shouldn't assume someone is a genius just
because he or she wears glasses. Besides, he doesn't need them anyway.
Look he reads newspapers and books, fixes the tiny pieces of the timer
and doesn't bump into anyone or anything. I think his double was pranking
Now where's the Professor's glasses? I saw them around here.;-)

dokie Dove_Slider
Date: 08/29/2000
From: dellyone
you have Quinn's glasses. So who's do I have? <d1 puts on glasses>
Hmmm... there's no lens. Prop guy! I wanted the real one, not these
cheap imitations. <d1 runs after prop guy rambling on and on and

prop guy threw me...
Date: 08/29/2000
From: dellyone
the can't blow them out candles that Quinn, Wade and the Prof were using
in Quinn's house. So whomever's birthday is next, they are going to
be on there. I'll just watch and laugh as the person turns blue from
trying to blow them out. ;-)
This has been a 'Bored as a Gourd moment'. I'll be returning you to
the regularly scheduled replies.

my contrib...
Date: 08/29/2000
From: ThomasMalthus
I brought the original tape recording of Mrs. Mallory (Linda Henning)
saying "Quinn, don't you have class today?" that was used,
to my recollection, at least forty-seven times throughout the course
of "The Pilot". I think I'll add some backbeat and make a
rap tape out of it.
Qu-quinn don't you
Have c-c-c-c-class today?
Cl-l-l-l-lass today?
Oh yes, this should keep me amused for a blissfully short period of

bring Remmy's in aid of ribbons
Date: 08/29/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I was gonna bring the caddy itself, but then I realised I wouldn't have
insurance and that would be scary.

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