David Peckinpah and the S4 writers sat in the local Pizza Hut (Known
to the writers as the "Drug Hut"), discussing the Season 4
finale, "Revelations"
Writer#1-So, we're going to do the story about the world where Kromaggs
with the "Breeder" alien inside use snakes to lure Maggie
back into "The Chasm", right?
Writer#2-I thought we were doing the show inside Quinn and Maggie's
parties in the Bubble World. One huge orgy!!!
Writer#3-Wait! Wasn't the whole point of this season to reveal Colin
to be a Kromagg spy? You know....REVELATIONS!!!
Peckinpah-No!!!! We trashed that idea with Lipshitz! We needed Charlie
to do that funny accent!!!! And the title of the episode is talking
about the Bible. I want the fans to know that I am their true God!!!
Writer#3-But shouldn't we reveal to the fans that love the show that
Quinn really IS from Earth Prime? I mean, I've been reading some of
the BBoards and they sound kinda pissed!
*Immediately after hearing the word "fan", Peck rose from
his chair, grabbed his gun and shot Writer#3.
Writer#2-I got it! A flaming tire follows the Sliders to a world where
Kromaggs have been enslaved by Colonel Rickman!
Writer#4-Rickman died!
Writer#2-Who cares? And I know the perfect person to play him! There's
a hobo outside that has a great British accent!
Peck-I don't know...but I know how to find out! Waiter! Come here!
Peck-What's the LAST pizza on the rack at the Buffet line?
Waiter-That's pineapple...
*Peck stood up and started spinning around, blurting the word "pineapple"
Peck-Pineapple... Pineapple... Pineapper... Pineipper... Pineitter....
Wrineitter... Writer!!! Writer!!!!
Writer#1-Yes! A writer, writing stories about Kromaggs!!!
Writer#2-And we can make Maggie really mad for some reason!
Writer#4-And we can make this a way to send Colin and Quinn home!
Peck-Exactly! And Maggie will stay with Quinn! Its perfect! We've abandoned
all the other characters and turned Quinn into a total brainless moron...now
its Rem's turn!
Waiter-Wait! It sounds like you guys are ending the series? How will
you buy booze if Sliders doesn't continue?
Peck-Oh my gosh, you're right! Okay, we'll take Quinn and Colin home,
but we'll end up making Quinn's parents total maniacs!!! What a great
idea! What's your name, son?
Waiter-Keith...Keith Damron...
Peck-How'd you like to write for the show next year, since you saved
Sliders and all?
Waiter-Leave Pizza Hut or destroy a Sci-Fi legend?
Peck-Free booze....
Waiter-I'll take it!!!!! And I have an idea for the beginning! Have
a giant hand try to take Maggie!
Writer#1-That makes no sense...
Everyone-Its perfect!!!
And, so...a legend was born....
The Moral of the Story....
Don't let friends write drunk(or high)....
Your turn!