Sliders episode Survivor (round 7)
Date: 09/11/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
First, a big thanks to all those who braved the "Server Not Found" messages and other Dominion-related crap and managed to cast a vote. Now on to the results...
Previously voted off (in order):
Season 1: "Prince of Wails", "The King is Back", "The Weaker Sex", "Fever", "Summer of Love"
Season 2: "El Sid", "The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy", "Time Again and World", "Love Gods", "Greatfellas"
Season 3: "The Breeder", "Slither", "The Exodus, Part II", "The Dream Masters", "This Slide of Paradise", "Paradise Lost", "Electric Twister Acid Test", "Stoker", "Sole Survivors", "The Other Slide of Darkness", "Desert Storm", "The Last of Eden", "State of the A.R.T.", "Dinoslide", "The Fire Within"
Season 4: "The Chasm", "Data World", "Genesis", "Roads Taken", "Revelations", "California Reich", "The Dying Fields", "Mother and Child", "Prophets and Loss", "Virtual Slide", "Net Worth", "Common Ground", "My Brother's Keeper"
Season 5: "Easy Slider", "The Great Work", "Requiem", "Heavy Metal", "The Java Jive", "Map of the Mind", "Please Press One", "The Seer", "New Gods for Old", "A Thousand Deaths"
The results from Round VI:
Season 1
Eggheads - 7
Luck of the Draw - 6
Last Days - 2
Sliders, Part II - 2
Sliders, Part I - 1
"Eggheads" is eliminated.
Season 2
In Dino Veritas - 5
The Young and the Relentless - 4
Invasion - 3
Obsession - 2
As Time Goes By - 2
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome - 1
Into the Mystic - 1
"In Dino Veritas" is eliminated.
Season 3
DragonSlide - 15
The Exodus, Part I - 8
Slide Like an Egyptian - 6
The Prince of Slides - 5
Dead Man Sliding - 4
Murder Most Foul - 4
Rules of the Game - 4
Season's Greedings - 4
Double Cross - 2
The Guardian - 1
"DragonSlide", "The Exodus, Part I" and "Slide Like an Egyptian" are eliminated.
Season 4
Way Out West - 8
Just Say Yes - 8
Slide By Wire - 5
Asylum - 4
Lipschitz Live! - 3
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? - 2
World Killer - 2
The Alternateville Horror - 1
"Way Out West" and "Just Say Yes" are eliminated.
Season 5
Strangers and Comrades - 5
The Unstuck Man - 3
A Current Affair - 2
Dust - 2
Eye of the Storm - 2
To Catch a Slider - 2
Applied Physics - 1
The Return of Maggie Beckett - 1
"Strangers and Comrades" is eliminated.
For Round VII, choose from the following:
Season 1
The Pilot, part I
The Pilot, part II
Last Days
Luck of the Draw
Season 2
Into the Mystic
Gillian of the Spirits
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
The Young and the Relentless
As Time Goes By
Season 3
Rules of the Game
Double Cross
The Guardian
The Prince of Slides
Dead Man Sliding
Season's Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Season 4
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Alternateville Horror
Lipschitz Live!
Slide by Wire
Season 5
The Unstuck Man
Applied Physics
A Current Affair
The Return of Maggie Beckett
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
Note that the number of episodes to be voted off from each season is now *one*. Again, you're voting for the episodes you'd like to see *eliminated*. Ties will be settled by counting votes from previous rounds, if this does not produce a loser a runoff will be held. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Friday September 13.
Thanks for participating!

Only one each eh?
Date: 09/11/2002
But there's still three in Seaosn 3 I want off!!!!
Season 1: Tough... Luck of The Draw.
Season 2: Obsession
Seaosn 3: The Prine of Slides
Season 4: Asylum
Season 5 The Unstuck Man

I lay my head on the railroad track...
Date: 09/11/2002
ThomasMalthus wait for the DMD. Or was that BT?
Season 1: The Pilot, Part II. The lack of Crazy Kenny doomed this one.
Season 2: The Young and the Relentless. Starring Incompetent Murderer Wade as the originator of ironic character punishments! :)
Season 3: The Guardian. I could vote for Murder Most Foul. But I don't wanna.
Season 4: The Alternateville Horror. I believe this is the last one on the list where Jerry sings. Best to be rid of it before it infects the others.
Season 5: The Return of Maggie Beckett. I really wanted to see Waggie Welkets instead.

Eliminep Deluxe!
Date: 09/11/2002
Even BT can't fathom that there are 158 people alive who consider that hideous 7:-#ing show "perfect"!!
Season One: "Pilot, Part II" (Oh sure, the Pilot is awesome as a whole, but Part II originated the dreaded resistance-movement cliché and for that it must DIE!)
Season Two: "Gillian of the Spirits"
Season Three: "Murder Most Foul"
Season Four: "The Alternateville Horror"
Season Five: "Applied Physics"
- Blinker 7:-/

Are these the Last Days?
Date: 09/11/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
...of Last Days??? In a word...
S1-Luck of the Draw
S2-As Time Goes By
S3-Season's Greedings

Round 7 picks
Date: 09/11/2002
Here we go (crosses fingers):
Season One: Last Days
Season Two: PTSS
Season Three: Prince of Slides
Season Four: Slide by Wire
Season Five: Eye of the Storm

Let's try this again!!
Date: 09/11/2002
From: SL4ever
This board really is getting irritating. >:-#
Season 1
Luck of the Draw
Season 2
Season 3
The Prince of Slides
Season 4
Slide by Wire
Season 5

Crossing my fingers
Date: 09/11/2002
From: The_Seer
BT hopes this will post too.
Season 1 - "Luck of the Draw"
Season 2 - "The Young and the Relentless"
Season 3 - "Murder Most Foul"
Season 4 - "Asylum"
Season 5 - "Dust"

Round 7 Heaven
Date: 09/11/2002
From: sliderules
BT is hell
Round 7 is a tricky one, being 1 from each season and all. I'll give it my best effort though!
Season 1
Luck of the Draw
Season 2
The Young and the Relentless
Season 3
Murder Most Foul
Season 4
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
To Catch a Slider
And with that, my voting is done with. Hope none of you have a problem with them, because if ya do, too bad! HAHAHAHAHA!! No, seriosuly though, no problems, k?
"Time to go, bye!"

votes, I hope
Date: 09/11/2002
From: Grizzlor
Why are you people voting against Asylum!>!>!!>!>!??!!?!??
And not Slide by Wire. Please, off with Slide by Wire, I can't take it any more, wahwhwhahwhwhawhawhwhwhwahhwhh.
Besides, Cleavant sang that great song "Angel" in Asylum.
Season 1
Last Days
Season 2
Gillian of the Spirits
Season 3
Rules of the Game
Season 4
Slide by Wire
Season 5
Eye of the Storm

Writes his list
Date: 09/12/2002
From: TemporalFlux
Checks it twice...gonna mail it to the Anti-Santa tonight...
Season one - "Last Days"
Season two - "The Young and the Relentless"
Season three - "Season's Greedings"
Season four - "Asylum"
Season five - "A Current Affair"

Easier this go-round....
Date: 09/12/2002
From: SouthernSlider
to pick and to post.
Luck of the Draw
Seasons Greedings
Slide by Wire
The Unstuck Man

my votes...
Date: 09/12/2002
Season 1
"Last Days"
Season 2
"The Young and the Relentless"
Season 3
"Season's Greedings"
Season 4
"The Alternateville Horror"
Season 5

"Team stealth to Zulu"
Date: 09/12/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT needs to be escorted to the brig.
Kahuna: <looking through sniper rifle scope> <talks into comm unit> Bravo cover area.
Specter: <over comm> Yes, sir.
Jester: <over comm> Covering area, sir.
Kahuna: <waves her hand> <talks into comm> Boomer, follow me. Agent in between us.
Kahuna and Agent lie prone in the thick brush. Agent follows the exact path Kahuna travels. Boomer shadowing at eight o'clock.
Boomer: <over comm> Yes, sir. Shadowing you two.
Kahuna: Always my shadow, aren't you?
Boomer: Someone's gotta cover your tail sir.
Specter: No matter how insane your commands are, sir.
Jester: Target sighted, ten o'clock, sir. Permission to take down Taxidriver.
Kahuna: Permission granted.
Specter: Target eliminated.
Kahuna: Very good. Bravo proceed to Tango.
Jester and Specter: Yes, sir.
Boomer: Sir, Agent is at six o'clock, twenty feet. I'm at eight o'clock, forty feet.
Kahuna: Agent, move to within ten feet. We're getting close to the extraction site.
Agent: Yes, sir. Moving now.
Specter: Sir, movement at two o'clock.
Kahuna: Identify.
Specter: Sorcerer, sir.
Kahuna: Eliminate target.
Jester: Target down.
Agent: We're running out of time.
Kahuna: Agent, we have more than enough time. Bravo escort us to extraction site.
Boomer: Sir, I've got a bad feeling.
Kahuna: Boomer, you always have bad feelings.
Jester: Sir, he's been right more times than not.
Kahuna: Noted. Boomer, close in on Agent.
Boomer: Yes, sir.
Specter: Targets sighted. Hopscotch at one o'clock and Little Boy at four o'clock. No shot. Repeat. No shot.
Jester: I have the shot. Permission to drop Little Boy.
Kahuna: Denied. He's not on our list.
Jester: But sir, he's...
Kahuna: DENIED. Are you deaf? Do as ordered or you will come under friendly fire. Understand?
Jester: Yes, sir.
Boomer: Sir, I'm too far for friendly fire.
Agent: <thinking> Jeez, she is insane.
Specter: Little Boy dropped, sir.
Agent: Sir, we need to get to the extraction site. They will leave us.
Kahuna: Agent, you're too important to fall into enemy hands.
Agent: This jungle is giving me the creeps. It's crawling with too many things.
Jester: Agent, this isn't your first mission, is it?
Agent: No, but it's the first one where most of the team sent in to get me are dead.
Boomer: Agent, this is better than most.
Agent: <sarcastic> Oh that’s a wonderful feeling.
Kahuna: Quiet! They can hear us. Bravo escort us to extraction site now!
Agent: About time.
Boomer: Agent, stay close to Kahuna. I'll shadow you. Follow exactly what she does.
Agent: We're all going to die.
Specter followed by Jester at eleven o'clock run into the grove of trees several yards to the north. Kahuna makes a parallel path at three o'clock. Agent crouches down then runs into the grove of trees, following the exact path of Kahuna. Boomer shadows him at six o'clock.
Specter: You should have been dead a couple of hours ago if Boomer didn't drop Jiggle Me Showgirl.
Agent: Thanks a lot for reminding me.
Kahuna: Report.
Jester: Gliding Duck in sight.
Specter: Scientist in sight.
Kahuna: We're too close to the extraction site. Bravo team, fire at will. Agent stay close to me. Boomer cover us.
Boomer: Sir, I can't do that.
Kahuna: Now is not the time. <hears sound of whirring helicopter blades> Boomer, cover us.
Boomer: Very well. You're the commander, sir.
Kahuna: Never forget that. <waves to Agent> Agent, come on or you're going to miss your ride.
Kahuna makes a run for an open space in the middle of the grove of trees. Agent follows closely. The helicopter is several yards above the area.
Jester: Sir, too many targets.
Specter: Sir, we can't secure the perimeter.
Kahuna: Retreat to my position.
Boomer: Sir, we're cut off from you.
Jester: Sir, I'm hit.
Specter: <over gunfire> Can't get to your position.
Boomer: Enemy anti-aircraft missile fired.
Agent: It's a trap. <waves frantically to helicopter crew>
Kahuna: <changing channels> Missile fired! Evasive maneuvers!
The team watches as the helicopter goes down in flames.
Kahuna: <switches channels> Team go to secondary extraction site. Report.
Boomer: <over gunfire> Sir, we're surrounded. Jester and Specter are down. I'll cover you two.
Kahuna: Good luck Boomer.
Boomer: You too, sir. It's been a pleasure serving with you.
Kahuna: Get your ass to the extraction site. You know I hate writing those kind of reports.
Boomer: <over gunfire> Will do, sir. Boomer over and out.
Kahuna pulls a shocked Agent toward him and motions to a second set of trees. The two make it to the secondary extraction site. Kahuna walks away from Agent, but watches him.
Kahuna: <changes channels> Drummer, come in Drummer.
Drummer: Drummer here.
Kahuna: Sir, Agent at secondary extraction site. We lost Jester and Specter. Boomer hasn't checked in.
Drummer: Chopper's already there. Get him out of there.
Kahuna: Sir, chopper's in flames. We can't let Agent fall into enemy hands.
Drummer: Do NOT let Agent fall in enemy hands. Over and out.
Kahuna walks back to Agent.
Agent: When are they doing to get us? Where's Boomer?
Kahuna: The next window is in four hours, two miles east.
Agent: Let's get going then.
Kahuna: See that thick underbrush. Run for it and I'll cover you.
Agent: Okay.
Agent takes a quick glance at the burning chopper before running for the brushline. Kahuna watches through her sniper rifle scope.
Kahuna: Good bye, Agent. <Drops Agent> Now you'll be no use to the enemy.
Drummer: Kahuna, mission objective successful?
Kahuna: Yes, sir.
Drummer: Proceed to tertiary extraction site. Over and out.
Kahuna walks in the opposite direction she told Agent. Now unburdened from the others, she makes her way silently through the jungle.
If you couldn't figure out who I voted for....
Season 1
The Pilot, part II
Season 2
Into the Mystic
Season 3
Rules of the Game
Season 4
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Season 5
Eye of the Storm
BTW I was disappointed that PS2's 'SOCOM: Navy Seals' didn't have order "Green light." :-P I laughed at the names given to the team members above. Obvious who Kahuna, Agent and Drummer are, right? ;-)

The Dom ate my original post
Date: 09/12/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves it when that happens.
That was Hopscotch that got dropped not Little Boy. Brain freeze because I was thinking of THE BOY, Wesely.
Will you please stop voting for Luck of The Draw?

My Votes:
Date: 09/12/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Season 1:
Luck of the Draw
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Prince of Slides
Season 4:
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5:
The Unstuck Man

If this doesn't work this time...
Date: 09/13/2002
...I'm abstaining this round.
Season 1: Luck of the Draw
Season 2: The Young and the Relentless
Season 3: The Guardian
Season 4: Slide by Wire
Season 5: To Catch a Slider

Y's Vote
Date: 09/13/2002
From: Yeontoo
For Round VII, choose from the following:
Season 1
Luck of the Draw
Season 2
Into the Mystic
Season 3
The Prince of Slides
Season 4
Slide by Wire
Season 5
The Unstuck Man
How on this earth and the next, can THE UNSTUCK MAN still be in the running?!?!?!?!? How can you possibly vote EGGHEADS OFF?!?

Last call
Date: 09/13/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
And my votes, too.................
Season 1
Luck of the Draw
Season 2
Season 3
The Prince of Slides
Season 4
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
The Return of Maggie Beckett

Voting is now closed.
Date: 09/13/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Though I expect to hear from Joey Starr at any minute :P

HHH!!! you know the drill! <end>
Date: 09/26/2002

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Nominated by Blinker
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