Sliders episode Survivor (round IX)
Date: 09/16/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Previously voted off (in order):
Season 1: "Prince of Wails", "The King is Back", "The Weaker Sex", "Fever", "Summer of Love", “Eggheads”, “Luck of the Draw”
Season 2: "El Sid", "The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy", "Time Again and World", "Love Gods", "Greatfellas", “In Dino Veritas”, “The Young and the Relentless”
Season 3: "The Breeder", "Slither", "The Exodus, Part II", "The Dream Masters", "This Slide of Paradise", "Paradise Lost", "Electric Twister Acid Test", "Stoker", "Sole Survivors", "The Other Slide of Darkness", "Desert Storm", "The Last of Eden", "State of the A.R.T.", "Dinoslide", "The Fire Within", "DragonSlide", "The Exodus, Part I", "Slide Like an Egyptian", “The Prince of Slides”
Season 4: "The Chasm", "Data World", "Genesis", "Roads Taken", "Revelations", "California Reich", "The Dying Fields", "Mother and Child", "Prophets and Loss", "Virtual Slide", "Net Worth", "Common Ground", "My Brother's Keeper", "Way Out West", "Just Say Yes", “Slide by Wire”
Season 5: "Easy Slider", "The Great Work", "Requiem", "Heavy Metal", "The Java Jive", "Map of the Mind", "Please Press One", "The Seer", "New Gods for Old", "A Thousand Deaths", "Strangers and Comrades", “The Unstuck Man”
The results from Round VIII:
Season 1
Last Days - 9
The Pilot, part II - 8
The Pilot, part I - 2
"Last Days" is eliminated.
Season 2
As Time Goes By - 6
Obsession - 5
Gillian of the Spirits - 3
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome - 2
Invasion - 2
Into the Mystic - 1
"As Time Goes By" is eliminated.
Season 3
Season's Greedings - 6
Murder Most Foul - 5
Dead Man Sliding - 3
Rules of the Game - 3
The Guardian – 2
"Season's Greedings" is eliminated.
Season 4
Asylum - 8
The Alternateville Horror - 3
Lipschitz Live! - 3
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? – 3
Slidecage - 2
"Asylum" is eliminated.
Season 5
Dust - 6
Eye of the Storm - 4
The Return of Maggie Beckett - 3
To Catch a Slider - 2
Applied Physics - 2
A Current Affair – 2
“Dust” is eliminated.
At the suggestion of Sabre_Edge, Season 1 voting has been suspended until only two episodes remain for each season.
For Round IX, choose from the following:
Season 2
Into the Mystic
Gillian of the Spirits
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season 3
Rules of the Game
Double Cross
The Guardian
Dead Man Sliding
Murder Most Foul
Season 4
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Alternateville Horror
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
Applied Physics
A Current Affair
The Return of Maggie Beckett
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
The rules remain the same: Choose one episode from each season that you'd like to see *eliminated*. Ties will be settled by counting votes from previous rounds, if this does not produce a loser a runoff will be held. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Wednesday, September 18.
Thanks for participating!

Yay, me first, me first!!
Date: 09/16/2002
From: sliderules
BT is dead last.
Well folks, I wasn't compeltely wrong last time around. I do however have a good feelign about this round. So, here I come!!!
Season 2
Season 3
Murder Most Foul
Season 4
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
Eye of The Storm
And there you have it! sliderules, first for once! Yahooooooooo!!!

Save "Murder Most Foul"
Date: 09/16/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
You shouldn't save Beginning Text!
"MMF" is the only episode to feature Dallas, Texas, even if hidden. Being that that is my home town, it'd be a great "sleeper" winner from Season 3. So, save Murder Most Foul!
*Watches how MMF will get voted off in the largest landslide since Dukakis.
S1-Can I vote for "The Breeder" here? You know, just for kicks?
S4-Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
S5-A Current Affair
New Episode at E214!

Unmasking of the Mole...
Date: 09/16/2002
Turns out it was BT all along! Huh.
Season Two: "Into the Mystic"
Season Three: "Rules of the Game" (Quinn, I can't believe I'm helping you save a PECKINPAH episode)
Season Four: "The Alternatevile [sic] Horror"
Season Five: "Applied Physics"
Season One of "My Mother the Car": "What Makes Auntie Freeze?"
- Blinker 7:-X

Dallas, Texas?
Date: 09/16/2002
Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Season Two: PTSS
Season Three: ROTG
Season Four: OBWAT
Season Five: TCaS

Episodes Most Foul
Date: 09/16/2002
From: The_Seer
BT also has quite a foul stench.
Season 2 - "Obsession"
Season 3 - "Murder Most Foul" (sorry SQ21)
Season 4 - "The Alternateville Horror"
Season 5 - "A Current Affair"

OK, who's next?
Date: 09/16/2002
BT gets my vote.
Season 2: Invasion. That guy was ugly and the sweater didn't improve things.
Season 3: Double Cross. I can take a walk on the wild side as much as the next, er, Slayer, but kissing an opposite sex double of yourself gives me the wig.
Season 4: The Alternateville Horror. Why. Won't. You. Die?! OK, people. Watch the episode again. Watch the part where Quinn has a British accent and does that ungodly thing with his tongue. You'll know why my blonde counterpart dumped his sorry behind. Case closed.
Season 5: The Return of Maggie Beckett. I would have been pretty content with her departure.
Season 6: As You Were. Oh, wait. Wrong show.

Another one bites the dust....
Date: 09/16/2002
From: KllyWlls
I hope BT bites the dust soon as well.
....OK so it's really a bunch bite the dust but that doesn't sound as good.
S2- Invasion
S3- Rules of the Game
S4- Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
S5- To Catch a Slider
That's all folks!

Reunion Tower
Date: 09/16/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
I'd like to send BT there!
At the beginning of the episode, they showed Reunion Tower. That's, by far, the best-known building in North Texas...
Check out the new episode! :-)

My Votes
Date: 09/16/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Season 2:
Season 3:
Dead Man Sliding
Season 4:
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5:
A Current Affair

Hit & Miss
Date: 09/16/2002
From: GhostWriter
I seem to always miss voting by just that <> much! I guess I'll just have to try harder to get here on time to vote.
Anywho here's my picks this time around:
Season 2: Obsession
Season 3: Murder Most Foul
Season 4: The Alternateville Horror
Season 5: A Current Affair
Catcha later,

Voting is half the battle,
Date: 09/16/2002
From: Grizzlor
the other half is not dying.
Season 2
Gillian of the Spirits
Season 3
Rules of the Game
Season 4
Season 5
Eye of the Storm

Don't eat this one!
Date: 09/16/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
Don't say network error! Don't say reset by peer! Damm you!
Into the Mystic
Rules of the Game
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Eye of the Storm
Say bye to Sorcerer, Hopscotch, Running Duck and Scientist and THE BOY.

Voting theme: Ghostbusters and Timecop
Date: 09/17/2002
Season 2: Gillian of the Spirits
Season 3: The Guardian
Season 4: The Alternateville Horror
Season 5: To Catch a Slider
*likes that his suggestion was used :)*

Addresses envelope to Iraq
Date: 09/17/2002
From: TemporalFlux
Mails the list to the soon smoldering crater...
Season two - "Obsession"
Season three - "Rules of the Game"
Season four - "The Alternateville Horror"
Season five - "A Current Affair"
"I mean, CNN. Wow. Saddam Hussein saw. Saddam Hussein and the Pope," she said.

It's the I can't believe they're still -
Date: 09/17/2002
From: SL4ever
-alive! version of Sliders Survivor!!!
WTF are these eps still doing alive????
Season 2
Season 3
Rules of the Game
Season 4
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Season 5
To Catch a Slider

Tell me it ain't so!
Date: 09/17/2002
From: SouthernSlider
But tell me BT's not still around.
I can't believe Last Days succumbed to the vote. The kiss, the kiss!! How can you vote off the kiss?!!?
Dead Man Sliding
The Alternateville Horror
Applied Physics

Y's vote
Date: 09/17/2002
From: Yeontoo
Season 2
Gillian of the Spirits
Season 3
Dead Man Sliding
Season 4
The Alternateville Horror
Season 5
Eye of the Stormr

My votes.
Date: 09/18/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Season 1: The Alternative Factor
Season 2: Invasion
Season 3: Murder Most Foul
Season 4: Lipschitz Live!
Season 5: The Return of Maggie Beckett

Voting is now closed
Date: 09/18/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
See ya next round.

Date: 09/29/2002
<nim> I say, <nim>

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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