Sliders worst episode Survivor (round I)
Date: 01/15/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
At the conclusion of the "favorite episode" survivor, there was a request to run a "least favorite" version of the game. I don't know how much support this will receive, but we'll give it a shot.
You may choose from the following:
Season 1 (choose one)
Sliders (the pilot)
Summer of Love
Prince of Wails
Last Days
The Weaker Sex
The King is Back
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
Into the Mystic
Love Gods
Gillian of the Spirits
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
El Sid
Time Again and World
In Dino Veritas
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
The Young and the Relentless
As Time Goes By
Season 3 (choose 3)
Rules of the Game
Double Cross
Electric Twister Acid Test
The Guardian
The Dream Masters
Desert Storm
Dragon Slide
The Fire Within
The Prince of Slides
Dead Man Sliding
State of the A.R.T.
Season's Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Slide Like An Egyptian
Paradise Lost
The Exodus - Part I
The Exodus - Part II
Sole Survivors
The Breeder
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
This Slide of Paradise
Season 4 (choose 3)
Prophets and Loss
Common Ground
Virtual Slide
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Just Say Yes
The Alternateville Horror
California Reich
The Dying Fields
Lipschitz Live!
Mother and Child
Net Worth
Slide by Wire
Data World
Way Out West
My Brother's Keeper
The Chasm
Roads Taken
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
Applied Physics
Strangers and Comrades
The Great Work
New Gods for Old
Please Press One
A Current Affair
The Java Jive
The Return of Maggie Beckett
Easy Slider
Map of the Mind
A Thousand Deaths
Heavy Metal
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
The Seer
Remember, we're trying to find the *least* favorite episodes, and you're voting for the episode (or episodes) you'd like to see *eliminated* from the competition. Voting will remain open at least until the afternoon (EST) of Friday, January 17, 2002 A.D.

*Pops in time machine*
Date: 01/15/2003
Hey, Pops! Get outta my machine! You too, BT!
*TM goes back in time to early January 2002 to vote for the Sliders Worst Episode Survivor. TM then remembers sliding is never time travel, except when the timeline gets messed up, like in "As Time Goes By", or it's a world where the Earth rotates slower, like "The Guardian", or things are happening that just happened a few seconds ago, like in "Time Again and World", or Quinn is a moron, like at the end of "This Slide of Paradise". His brain appropriately fried, TM travels to 1955 to try to get his sports book back from Biff.*
And on a more serious note, here are my votes:
Season One: Last Days
Season Two: Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season Three: State of the A.R.T.
Season Four: Asylum
Season Five: Dust
For some reason I just don't think it's challenging enough to vote for the ones I like the best, so I'm going to vote for the ones that I think have the weakest case for worst episode ever. This explains my choice of State of the A.R.T. versus say The Guardian or Double Cross...State of the A.R.T. wallows in mediocrity so much it couldn't possibly be the worst ever. Season Three is going to be the hardest to vote for (so many bad ones to choose from!) so I'm leaving Guardian and Double Cross alone for now. Who knows if others will do the same? I mean, would you want to read a paragraph-length explanation on his votes from ThomasMalthus? And if you did, would you take his advice to heart?
Eh, probably not.

incomplete vote
Date: 01/15/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
I just started watching Sliders last September, so I haven't seen most of season 4 or any of season 5. I have seen most of 1,2 and 3, so I thought I'd vote for those seasons. Feel free to ignore me, if this throws things off. I've never posted here before.
season 1: Fever
season 2: Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
season 3: Dead Man Sliding

The following eps are, without a doubt…
Date: 01/15/2003
...NOT the worst episodes ever. Rest assured that I am on the Internet as we speak, registering my support throughout the world.
Season One: "Luck of the Draw"
Season Two: "El Sid"
Season Three: "The Fire Within," "Rules of the Game," "Dead Man Sliding"
Season Four: "Data World," "The Chasm," "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"
Season Five: "The Return of Maggie Beckett," "Requiem"
Yes, I do know what I'm doing.
- Blinker 7:-P

Date: 01/15/2003
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... BT.
Some folk'll never forget how to vote, but then again some folk'll
Like TM the Slack Jawed Yokel
Yeesh. I can't even follow instructions on this very user-friendly game of yours, DMD. I'm pathetic. Illiterate. I'm...well, you get the idea.
I would like to add The Fire Within and Dinoslide to my Season Three votes, California Reich and Virtual Slide to S4, and New Gods for Old to S5. That is, if you don't automatically disqualify utter morons from voting.
Some folk'll never get confused by Blinker Quantum Blinking into their Handle, and then again some folk'll
Like TM the Slack Jawed Yokel

Me am pick least favorite
Date: 01/15/2003
From: TemporalFlux
Bizarro survivor is a stop.
Season one:
The Pilot
Season two:
Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season three:
Double Cross
Dead Man Sliding
State of the Art
Season four:
World Killer
The Alternateville Horror
Roads Taken
Season five:
Applied Physics
New Gods for Old

Give credit where credit is due...
Date: 01/15/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Come on, DMD, be responsible...
I mean, it was me who came up with the idea for this worst episode Survivor. The least you can do is mention that. Geez...
Um...I think everyone had that idea the instant the original post started.
Oh. Really?
Oh. My bad.
Thanks DMD! This should be interesting!
S1-The Pilot
S3-The Guardian
S4-World Killer
S5-Applied Physics

Eliminate the favorites
Date: 01/15/2003
From: Recall317
Save the crap!
1. Eggheads
2. Into the Mystic
3. The Guardian, Double Cross, Season's Greedings
4. World Killer, Just Say Yes, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
5. Applied Physics, The Unstuck Man
With any luck, I can just keep using this list for awhile.

These are good
Date: 01/15/2003
From: arturoisgod
These are all good eps and should be eliminated:
1) Last Days
3) Double Cross
4) Slidecage
5) Requiem
I hope that's how it's done...get rid of the good and keep the bad.

My Choices
Date: 01/15/2003
Season 1: Fever Season 2: El Sid Season 3: Dream Masters Exodus - Part 2 Breeder Season 4: Just Say Yes California Reich Way Out West Season 5: Unstuck Man Requiem BTW, DMD, I noticed a mistake on the closing date; It should read, Friday January 17, 2003.

My turn!!!
Date: 01/15/2003
<reads instructions oh so carefully>
Everything breaks for me. If you find food on the fllor and an exploded printer, that's probably my fault.
Season 1: Last Days
Season 2: PTSS
Seaosn 3: The Guardian, Dead Man Sliding, The Last of Eden Season 4: World killer, Lipschitz Live, Net Worth
Season 5: Applied Physics, The REturn of Maggie Beckett
be a couple of them threw you a little! You were probably all expecting me to be predictable!

Date: 01/15/2003
From: MissingSliderLogan
... Dammit BT, I'm colorblind, don't you dare play "Red Light, Green Light" or you'll find yourself in an Easy Bake Oven set on overdrive.
Season 1
Luck of the Draw - Another missing slider, baby, come and play with me. Wade, honey, you don't know what you're missing.
Season 2
PTSS - Double the Grimace pleasure, double the fun. Need to find coordinates to that world.
As Time Goes By - Anything to see Quinn in agony 3X over
Season 3
Double Cross - Easy Bake Oven on maximum overdrive, wanna try it?
Season's Greedings - Maxie loved to play Santa and I was the naughty little girl. Never did get coal in my stockings baby.
Murder Most Foul - Always the intellectual, Sherlock was always good in finding what I was missing.
Season 4
Prophets and Loss - Oooooo... Oven Baked Goodness, don't you love it?
The Alternateville Horror - Ooooo.... Maggie goes Xena, but I didn't do it!
Way Out West - Oooooo... Jiggle Me Singing Tramp, Baby Doll? The silicone must have leaked into her system to believe she could sing.
Season 5
The Return of Maggie Beckett - Jiggle Me Astronaut, Baby Doll? It comes complete with her failed radiation suit. Oooooohhhh.... Maxie baby, do you think you'd be less Cajun fried if you were in a suit like that? Well there was that time we shared that biohazard suit and good thing we did. Nothing like making the the Level 5 containment unit failing to get next to you.
Requiem - What's not to like? Wade's head in a fishtank. I so love the Kromaggs... when they're on the barrel end of my Rail Gun. I wish I had thought of that earlier.

So no "Sliders Celebrity Mole"?
Date: 01/15/2003
From: The_Seer
BT wouldn't even watch that.
Drat! I hear it would have been so great. Charlie would have turned out to be the mole. Ironically, I hear it was Peck that nixed the whole mole thing. :-P
Oh well, I guess this game will have to do instead.
Season 1 (choose one)
Last Days
Season 2 (choose one)
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season 3 (choose 3)
Double Cross
The Guardian
The Prince of Slides
Season 4 (choose 3)
World Killer
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Return of Maggie Beckett
The Seer

Should have done Guest Star Survivor!!!
Date: 01/15/2003
From: Grizzlor
none the less...
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
The Guardian
World Killer
The Seer

Date: 01/15/2003
From: sliderules
BT is the worst, period!
Well, this is an interesting contest to say the least. Worst episode is a hard thing to choose out. Some episodes just need to be eliminated however, because they were the best. Which ones? Glad ya asked!
S1: Sliders(pilot)
S2: Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
S3: The Guardian
S4: World Killer
S5: Applied Physics
Well, there's my choices. Enjoy!

I should read more closely
Date: 01/15/2003
From: sliderules
BT is illiterate.
I did that last vote wrong. My bad! Here are my choices once more:
S1: Sliders(The pilot)
S2: Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
S3: The Guardian
Double Cross
Rules of The Game
S4: World Killer
Lipschitz Live!(I don't like it, but it's still one of the better eps. of Season 4)
S5: Applied Physics
New Gods For Old
There, better now. :-)
"I smile a lot."

Date: 01/16/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Here I am. Rock me like a hurricane!
Real Vote
S3-The Guardian
Dead Man Sliding
Double Cross
S4-World Killer
Roads Taken
The Alternateville Horror
S5-New Gods for Old
Applied Physics

What the heck happened?
Date: 01/17/2003
From: SouthernSlider
Did BT cause this?
I came here to vote, and I had to go back three pages to find the post. What's going on with all this spam?
S1 - Sliders,(the Pilot)
S2 - Love Gods
S3 - Double Cross
The Guardian
Rules of the Game
S4 - Lipschitz Live!
Way Out West
S5 - The Return of Maggie Becket
To Catch a Slider

Date: 01/17/2003
My Favorite one is breeder because maggies tits made me so horny i was jerking off to the hole entire show HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

My votes.
Date: 01/17/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Season One:
Season Two:
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season Three:
Double Cross
The Guardian
Season's Greedings
Season Four:
My Brother's Keeper
Roads Taken
Season Five:
The Seer

Date: 01/17/2003
From: CoolSlider
Fuckin' Arsenio Hall...
Season One: Summer of Love
Season Two: As Time Goes By
Season Three: Rules of the Game, Murder Most Foul, The Gaurdian
Season Four: Asylum, World Killer, Slide By Wire
Season Five: A Current Affair, To Catch a Slider

Voting is now closed
Date: 01/20/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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