Sliders "worst" Survivor, round III
Date: 01/31/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
Hey, Sliders DVD news and a new round of Survivor, all in the same day? Sounds like a good day to me.
Welcome to Round III of Sliders *least-favorite* episode survivor. Be sure to check each season for the number of episodes being voted out!
Round II results:
Last Days - 5
Luck of the Draw - 3
Eggheads - 2
Summer of Love - 2
Fever - 1
The Weaker Sex - 1
The King is Back - 1
Last Days is eliminated.
Into the Mystic - 6
Invasion - 4
Obsession - 2
El Sid - 1
As Time Goes By - 1
The Young and the Relentless - 1
Into the Mystic is eliminated.
Rules of the Game - 9
Season's Greedings - 8
The Prince of Slides - 5
Slide Like an Egyptian - 5
The Last of Eden - 4
The Fire Within - 3
Murder Most Foul - 3
State of the A.R.T. - 2
Electric Twister Acid Test - 1
Stoker - 1
Desert Storm - 1
This Slide of Paradise - 1
Dinoslide - 1
Rules of the Game, Season's Greedings, The Prince of Slides and Slide Like an Egyptian are eliminated.
The Alternateville Horror - 6
Roads Taken - 5
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? - 5
Slidecage - 5
Slide by Wire - 3
Virtual Slide - 2
Prophets and Loss - 2
California Reich - 2
The Chasm - 2
My Brother's Keeper - 2
Just Say Yes - 1
Data World - 1
Net Worth - 1
Revelations - 1
Mother and Child - 1
The Alternateville Horror, Roads Taken, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? and Slidecage are eliminated.
Requiem - 4
The Unstuck Man - 4
New Gods for Old - 3
To Catch a Slider - 3
Dust - 3
Eye of the Storm - 3
The Seer - 2
A Thousand Deaths - 1
Strangers and Comrades - 1
A Current Affair - 1
Heavy Metal - 1
The Java Jive - 1
Requiem and The Unstuck Man are eliminated.
For Round III, you may choose from the following:
SEASON ONE (seven remain, choose one)
Summer of Love
Prince of Wails
The Weaker Sex
The King is Back
Luck of the Draw
SEASON TWO (ten remain, choose one)
Love Gods
Gillian of the Spirits
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
El Sid
Time Again and World
In Dino Veritas
The Young and the Relentless
As Time Goes By
SEASON THREE (eighteen remain, choose 3)
Electric Twister Acid Test
The Dream Masters
Desert Storm
Dragon Slide
The Fire Within
State of the A.R.T.
Murder Most Foul
Paradise Lost
The Exodus - Part I
The Exodus - Part II
Sole Survivors
The Breeder
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
This Slide of Paradise
SEASON FOUR (fifteen remain, choose 2)
Prophets and Loss
Common Ground
Virtual Slide
Just Say Yes
California Reich
The Dying Fields
Mother and Child
Net Worth
Slide by Wire
Data World
Way Out West
My Brother's Keeper
The Chasm
SEASON FIVE (fourteen remain, choose 2)
Strangers and Comrades
The Great Work
New Gods for Old
Please Press One
A Current Affair
The Java Jive
Easy Slider
Map of the Mind
A Thousand Deaths
Heavy Metal
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
The Seer
You're voting for the episode (or episodes) you'd like to see *eliminated* from the competition. Voting will remain open at least until I feel like posting the next round.

I can't believe Roads Taken was saved
Date: 01/31/2003
From: Recall317
I mean, S4 wasn't THAT bad
S1: Eggheads
S2: As Time Goes By
S3: (chokes back the bile) Sole Survivors, Murder Most Foul, State of the ART
S4: Genesis, Just Say Yes
S5: Even though I haven't seen either, I'll throw a blind shout out to Current Affair and Java Jive

Date: 01/31/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Didn't we vote it off a while back?
Season 1-Eggheads
Season 2-Invasion
Season 3-Murder Most Foul, The Fire Within, The Last of Eden
Season 4-Prophets and Loss, California Reich
Season 5-New Gods for Old, To Catch a Slider
TUESDAY is the day! "With Age Comes Wisdom", the Earth 214 SERIES FINALE, premieres 2/4/03. BE THERE!

BTW, I'm shocked
Date: 01/31/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Recall, I'm calling you out...
You're mad that Roads Taken has been taken off, and then you vote for GENESIS? The episode that basically ruined the show (in my eyes, of course)...?
Please tell me this is to get back at Roads Taken...
(Or at least tell us why Genesis is one of the top 5-10 episodes in Season 4)

Genesis is one of S4's best
Date: 01/31/2003
From: Recall317
Hate the concept, love the episode
Or at least appreciate the episode.
"Genesis" isn't really that bad. I watched it last week and was startled at how good a job it did in many places. First of all, Quinn is Quinn. He's acted well, he's written well; that makes a huge difference.
The Kromaggs aren't exactly in full Nazi mode yet. Peck even retains an element of suspense. A few of the Magg guards have the same type of hair as the S2 and none of them speak. It isn't until the "human" general shows himself as a Magg. That's new, but it's not inconsistent.
The episode is exciting. There's a great moment when Quinn and his mother are speaking and Quinn suddenly realizes he may be talking to a plant...or thin air, a trick he remembered from "Invasion." "Invasion" really did stand up throughout Genesis; it's only the later eps that completely ruin the Kromaggs.
Even the extras aren't bad. The hacker is a neat character, you know, one you might consider allowing to recur.
It has its bad moments: I don't like the arc it creates. I really don't like Wade being sent to a breeder camp. I hate that Quinn is an alien. I can't comprehend why they'd destroy earthprime. However, taken as it is, it's one of the best eps of S4. Energy and enthusiasm, something sorelu lacking as the season wore on.
Marta (holding a gun): Move and I'll cut you to pieces!
I mean, you can't script comedy like that! Well, I guess you can...
PS. Roads Taken, on the other hand, holy crap is that awful!

You took your time! :-)
Date: 01/31/2003
Well, at least you finally got round to it :-)
Season 1: Luck of the Draw
Season 2: Obsession
Season 3: Last of Eden, Murder Most Foul and er... Desert Storm. I'm not sure why, but hey, look at what's left! :-)
Season 4: Net Worth and Slide By Wire.
Seaosn 5: Dust and A Current Affair

Date: 01/31/2003
From: The_Seer
A requiem for Beginning Text.
I seriously cannot believe "Requiem" has been voted off while decent episodes like "To Catch a Slider", "Strangers and Comrades" and "New Gods for Old" remain. C'mon, even some of you have got to admit that "The Seer" was better than "Requiem".
Oh well, on to the vote at hand.
SEASON ONE (seven remain, choose one)
The King is Back
SEASON TWO (ten remain, choose one)
SEASON THREE (eighteen remain, choose 3) (soon I'll be flipping a coin)
Electric Twister Acid Test
Desert Storm
Murder Most Foul
SEASON FOUR (fifteen remain, choose 2)
Slide by Wire
My Brother's Keeper
SEASON FIVE (fourteen remain, choose 2)
To Catch a Slider
The Seer

And on the "Genesis" debate
Date: 01/31/2003
From: The_Seer
BT will not join in on this one.
Recall actually makes some good points about "Genesis". I myself consider the episode a very mixed bag.
Here are it's good points:
1) The Kromagg occupation of Earth Prime was a good way to provide incentive for the sliders to have kept sliding even if Sabrina had returned as Wade and Quinn's awful new origin was never conceived.
2) This is the last episode we see Quinn show any kind of concern about Wade
3) This is the first episode we see Maggie's improved personality and a deeply scarred Rembrant.
4) Quinn's suspicion that it wasn't really his mother and that it was a Kromagg trick.
4) I liked Quinn's last line at the end of the episode. "We'll be back. You can count on it." It's too bad Quinn (and the writers) forgot all about it by the time "Revelations" rolled around.
Unfortunately the episode has some bad things, some of which were already mentioned:
1) Quinn's origin.
2) Wade in a breeding camp.
3) Maggie's miraculous ablity to now be able to breathe on Earth Prime (not as much of a strike against it since that whole thing was stupid to begin with).
4) Quinn's suspicions going out the window simply because of some microdot.
5) The fact that Quinn's "real" mother is not a double of Amanda.
6) Quinn's last line is rendered meaningless when it is later forgotten by Quinn (and the writers) by the time "Revelations" rolls around.
Overall, I tend to lean towards not liking it because the negatives do affect the rest of the series and it probably should have stayed "alive" longer in this contest but I was much more willing to see it go than say "Requiem".

My Vote!!
Date: 01/31/2003
From: arturoisgod
1) Luck of the Draw
2) Invasion
3) Murder Most Foul, Stoker, Paradise Lost
4) Genesis, Revelations
5) The Seer, New Gods for Old
There we go......

Date: 01/31/2003
From: The_Seer
Homer Simpson knows BT.
Corrections to my last post: "Genesis" has not been voted off yet and essentially the same sentence mentioning "Revelations" is in two places.

Woo Hoo!
Date: 01/31/2003
Mmmmmmmmmmm... BT...
Season One: "Luck of the Draw"
Season Two: "El Sid"
Season Three: "The Fire Within," "The Exodus Part I," "Electric Twister Acid Test"
Season Four: "Data World," "The Chasm"
Season Five: "Eye of the Storm," "Strangers and Comrades"
MARGE: [disapproving grumble] Homer, have you been voting for "The Chasm" again?
HOMER: Um... no! It says, uh, "The Charm." You know, where Quinn walks out of 77 Mekalech Way, and says "so long, suckers"? Hee hee hee! I love that scene.
MARGE: Let me see that.
- HomerBlinkson 7_8^(|)

my votes
Date: 01/31/2003
Luck of the Draw
As Time Goes By
Desert Storm
This Slide of Paradise
Mother and Child
Slide by Wire
Strangers and Comrades
Eye of the Storm

Date: 01/31/2003
From: MissingSliderLogan
ROFLMAOCBNO2! Bwahahahhahahhhahhaah <breathe> bwahahahahahha <falls to floor> bwahahahahhahhaha sig rocks <keeps on laughing>

Desert Storm? Desert Storm?!?!?!
Date: 01/31/2003
From: Recall317
You guys are driving me mad. Mad I tell you!
Wow, if Desert Storm is eliminated this round, then that says everything you need to know about the third season.
Chasm?! Paradise Lost?!?!?! You people have actually SEEN these episodes, right?
I really enjoy this contest. Most people get all worked up about their favorite eps. Me? It's the worst ones I go to war for...and against.

On a quest to save Grimace
Date: 01/31/2003
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT's on the a Don Quixote quest.
Season 1
Luck of the Draw
Max is my shower fantasy. He's do drop dead handsome in a tux.
Season 2
Gillian of the Spirits
Quinn, they should have left you.
Season 3
Murder Most Foul
Investigate me, Max.
The Dream Masters
Anything to see Wade scream in agony.
Paradise Lost
Max, you looked like Laura Palmer
Season 4
Prophets and Loss
Easy Bake Goodness
The Chasm
Hmm... If only my timer would have caught up with them there. Oh, Quinn, you would have been really contented and very dead.
Season 5
New Gods for Old
Oooo... nanotechnology is so cool
Strangers and Comrades
I love mimes in boxes as long as they don't scream out, "I'm coming out of the box."

my selections
Date: 02/01/2003
From: Grizzlor
ONE: The Weaker Sex
TWO: Greatfellas
THREE: Murder Most Foul, Soul Survivors, Stoker
FOUR: California Reich ,Revelations
FIVE: A Thousand Deaths ,The Seer

Well, here they are folks!
Date: 02/01/2003
From: sliderules
A big barrel of roasted BT. Enjoy!
Here are my vote-offs for this round. It's getting harder, as most of the S3 and S4 episodes left really were awful.
S1: Luck of The Draw
S2: Invasion
S3: The Fire Within, Dream Masters, Dragon Slide
S4: Genesis, Slide By Wire
S5: New Gods For Old, Dust
Sound good to you?
"Nananananananana Fatman!"

Taken Roads
Date: 02/01/2003
From: TemporalFlux
The guilty pleasure of season four as many have called it. For me, all the things just under the surface make "Roads Taken" a favorite. The view of other distant slide tunnels in a chaotic slide...the possibility of an unknown nuclear blast causing the reality fission...the undertone that Quinn and Maggie were essentially left mutually brainwashed by forming a reality that filled in gaps the other person had about what they wanted and how they wanted to act...even a fair attempt at actual alternate history for a change. The episode has alot going for it even with some of the decidely bad moves (such as the unecessary "Groundhog Day" effect at the end).
As for my picks this round:
Season one:
"Summer of Love"
Season two:
"As Time Goes By"
Season three:
"State of the Art"
"Murder Most Foul"
"The Fire Within"
Season four:
"Net Worth"
"Slide By Wire"
Season five:
"New Gods for Old"
"A Thousand Deaths"

Ah yes, Survivor!
Date: 02/01/2003
From: SL4ever
BT was voted off first! >:-#
SEASON ONE (seven remain, choose one)
Summer of Love
SEASON TWO (ten remain, choose one)
SEASON THREE (eighteen remain, choose 3)
Dragon Slide
The Fire Within
Murder Most Foul
SEASON FOUR (fifteen remain, choose 2)
Just Say Yes
Slide by Wire
SEASON FIVE (fourteen remain, choose 2)
A Current Affair
The Java Jive

My picks
Date: 02/01/2003
From: Yeonto
For Round III, you may choose from the following:
SEASON ONE choose one)
The King is Back
SEASON TWO choose one)
El Sid
SEASON THREE choose 3)
The Fire Within
The Exodus - Part II
The Breeder
SEASON FOUR choose 2)
My Brother's Keeper
The Chasm
SEASON FIVE choose 2)
Map of the Mind
Heavy Metal

Anyone mind if I vote?
Date: 02/01/2003
From: HandmaidenAnde
I'm new to the board, and I didn't watch the last two seasons, but I hope it's okay if I put in my two cents. :)
Luck of the Draw-My favorite episode of the series
Gillian of the Spirits
Dream Masters
Last of Eden
Sole Surivors
(The last one isn't the greatest of episodes, but I think Sabrina does a fantastic job in it.)
That was fun! :)

After some slight handle adjustment...
Date: 02/01/2003
You want BT? You can't handle BT!
...I have returned to save some episodes. A lot.
Season One- Eggheads
Season Two- As Time Goes By
Season Three- Sole Survivors, Last of Eden, The Fire Within
Season Four- Genesis, California Reich
Season Five- New Gods for Old, Strangers and Comrades
TMybot: That'll put a triple in your oil company, Bobby!

Yo ho ho...
Date: 02/02/2003
From: CoolSlider
Season One: Summer of Love, for the love of Christ!
Season Two: As Time Goes By. Best. Episode. Ever.
Season Three: The only GOOD episode here is Murder Most Foul. So, Murder Most Foul, Fire Within, State of the ART
Season Four: My Brother's Keeper, Virtual Slide
Season Five: New Gods For Old, To Catch a Slider

Here's my list
Date: 02/02/2003
S1 Fever
S2 Gillian of the spirits
S3 Slitehr, The Exodus 1 and 2 I hate Maggie
S4 Way out west , Data world
S5 Dust , Heavy metal

my vote
Date: 02/03/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
season one: Luck of the Draw
season two: Obsession
season three: Sole Survivors, State of the ART, The Fire Within
season four: Genesis, The Dying Fields

My votes & poll closed.
Date: 02/10/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
SEASON ONE (seven remain, choose one)
SEASON TWO (ten remain, choose one)
As Time Goes By
SEASON THREE (eighteen remain, choose 3)
Murder Most Foul
The Fire Within
Dragon Slide
SEASON FOUR (fifteen remain, choose 2)
My Brother's Keeper
California Reich
SEASON FIVE (fourteen remain, choose 2)
New Gods for Old

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Nominated by Blinker
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