Sliders "worst" Survivor, round V
Date: 02/13/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
Welcome to Round V of Sliders *least-favorite* episode survivor. Be sure to check each season for the number of episodes being voted out!
Round IV results:
Eggheads - 5
Fever - 4
Summer of Love - 3
The King is Back - 1
The Weaker Sex - 1
Eggheads is eliminated.
Invasion - 6
Gillian of the Spirits - 3
El Sid - 2
Obsession - 1
Greatfellas - 1
The Young and the Relentless - 1
Invasion is eliminated.
The Exodus, part I - 8
State of the A.R.T. - 7
The Dream Masters - 6
Electric Twister Acid Test - 6
Stoker - 6
Dragon Slide - 4
Desert Storm - 2
This Slide of Paradise - 2
Dinoslide - 1
The Exodus, part I, State of the A.R.T., The Dream Masters, Electric Twister Acid Test and Stoker are eliminated. (In the case of a tie, up to two more than the requested number of episodes may be eliminated)
Way Out West - 6
My Brother's Keeper - 5
Prophets and Loss - 5
Just Say Yes - 4
Revelations - 3
Virtual Slide - 3
Common Ground - 3
California Reich - 3
Net Worth - 2
Mother and Child - 2
The Dying Fields - 1
The Chasm - 1
Data World - 1
Way Out West, My Brother's Keeper and Prophets and Loss are eliminated.
Eye of the Storm - 6
To Catch a Slider - 5
The Seer - 5
A Current Affair - 4
A Thousand Deaths - 3
Heavy Metal - 1
The Java Jive - 1
The Great Work - 1
Eye of the Storm, To Catch a Slider and The Seer are eliminated.
For Round V, you may choose from the following:
SEASON ONE (five remain, choose one)
Summer of Love
Prince of Wails
The Weaker Sex
The King is Back
SEASON TWO (nine remain, choose one)
Love Gods
Gillian of the Spirits
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
El Sid
Time Again and World
In Dino Veritas
The Young and the Relentless
SEASON THREE (nine remain, choose one)
Desert Storm
Dragon Slide
Paradise Lost
The Exodus - Part II
The Breeder
The Other Slide of Darkness
This Slide of Paradise
SEASON FOUR (ten remain, choose two)
Common Ground
Virtual Slide
Just Say Yes
California Reich
The Dying Fields
Mother and Child
Net Worth
Data World
The Chasm
SEASON FIVE (eight remain, choose one)
The Great Work
Please Press One
A Current Affair
The Java Jive
Easy Slider
Map of the Mind
A Thousand Deaths
Heavy Metal
Voting will remain open yadda yadda yadda
PS Anyone interested in the method behind the madness of breaking ties can read about it here
Good luck making sense of it.

Exodus I was eliminated this early??
Date: 02/13/2003
From: SL4ever
BT loves The Breeder!!! >:-#
What the >:-# has been going on in this game while I was away???
My picks:
SEASON ONE (five remain, choose one)
The King is Back
SEASON TWO (nine remain, choose one)
SEASON THREE (nine remain, choose one)
Dragon Slide (the bottom six eps of this season are really going to be hard to pick from)
SEASON FOUR (ten remain, choose two)
Virtual Slide
Net Worth
SEASON FIVE (eight remain, choose one)
The Java Jive

I call dibs on the second post!!
Date: 02/13/2003
From: sliderules
Sorry BT, I beat ya to it!
Hmmm, let's see now. What deserves to be voted off, and what deserves to be skewered over hot coals while we all dance around with glee? Ummm...
S1: Fever
S2: Gilian of The Spirits
S3: Dragon Slide
S4: California Reich, Virtual Slide
S5: The Java Jive
That sound good to you guys?
"I like to ate, ate, ate, apels and bananays!"

Don't Vote for Exodus!
Date: 02/13/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Vote for Revelations, and someone loses a kidney!!!
I don't care if it wins. I don't even care if it wins season 4. It deserves to make a case for the worst episode of season 4, though.
SO DON'T VOTE FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Season 1-Prince of Wails
Season 2-Gillian of the Spirits
Season 3-Dragon Slide
Season 4-Virtual Slide, Net Worth
Season 5-The Java Jive
E214 Presents: Don't vote for REVELATIONS!!!!

Don't Vote for Revelations!
Date: 02/13/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Vote for Revelations, and someone loses a kidney!!!
I don't care if it wins. I don't even care if it wins season 4. It deserves to make a case for the worst episode of season 4, though.
SO DON'T VOTE FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Season 1-Prince of Wails
Season 2-Gillian of the Spirits
Season 3-Dragon Slide
Season 4-Virtual Slide, Net Worth
Season 5-The Java Jive
E214 Presents: Don't vote for REVELATIONS!!!!

Date: 02/13/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Just read the 2nd one...

Fans of "Revelations" in: Kidney Trouble
Date: 02/13/2003
I'm amazed they're alive now! A-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh.
Season One: "Fever"
Season Two: "El Sid"
Season Three: "Dinoslide"
Season Four: "Data World," "The Chasm"
Season Five: "Easy Slider"
Hey... at least I didn't vote for "Revelations."
- Blinker 7:-P

The ranks begin to thin
Date: 02/13/2003
From: TemporalFlux
And so does taste as well. ;-)
Season one:
"Summer of Love"
Season two:
"Gillian of the Spirits"
Season three:
"The Other Slide of Darkness"
Season four:
"Net Worth"
"Virtual Slide"
Season five:
"A Thousand Deaths"

Voting is getting close.
Date: 02/13/2003
From: HandmaidenAnde
Ah, now I get BT
SEASON ONE (five remain, choose one)
SEASON TWO (nine remain, choose one)
Gillian of the Spirits (I'm hoping this one is eliminated next because it's one of my favorites.)
SEASON THREE (nine remain, choose one)
Desert Storm
Andé :)

Can I vote for "The Chasm" instead?
Date: 02/13/2003
From: The_Seer
BT would vote for that episode.
Okay, I may actually be delusional enough to have helped vote off my namesake episode but I'm not delusional enough to vote for either "The Chasm" or "Revelations" until it comes down to either of those two, in which case I'll vote for ... well, we'll cross that ERP bridge when we come to it.
SEASON ONE (five remain, choose one)
The King is Back (c'mon people, this is a great episode)
SEASON TWO (nine remain, choose one)
In Dino Veritas
SEASON THREE (nine remain, choose one)
Dragon Slide
SEASON FOUR (ten remain, choose two)
Just Say Yes
Mother and Child
SEASON FIVE (eight remain, choose one)
A Current Affair

Date: 02/13/2003
I WAS humping my dog last night and she was so good i was humping her so mutch

Dizamn, yo...
Date: 02/13/2003
From: CoolSlider
Season One: Summer of Love
Season Two: In Dino Veritas
Season Three: Dragon Slide
Season Four: Virtual Slide, Just Say Yes
Season Five: A Current Afair

Date: 02/14/2003
From: Grizzlor
What is wrong with Revelations?
I wouldn't even count that Spambag rembrant03's votes.
SEASON ONE: The Weaker Sex
SEASON TWO: Greatfellas
SEASON THREE: Dragonslide (man what is left for this season is ALL GARBAGE)
SEASON FOUR: Just Say Yes, Revelations
SEASON FIVE: A Thousand Deaths

my votes
Date: 02/14/2003
Gillian of the Spirits
The Dying Fields
Mother and Child
The Great Work

Don't vote for anything! :-)
Date: 02/14/2003
Do as I say, not as I do :-)
I'll make sure I read it properly this time!
Season 1: The Weaker Sex
Season 2: Obsession
Season 3: Yay! Only have to vote for one! But even that's hard with this list! Er... Desert Storm
Season 4: Net Worth and Just Say Yes
Season 5: A Current Affair

My votes once again,
Date: 02/14/2003
From: SouthernSlider
S1: Fever
S2: Love Gods
S3: The Other Slide of Darkness (This was a eenie meenie situation)
S4: Virtual Slide
S5: A Current Affair (Another eenie meenie)
Maybe we should just go ahead and do away with the rest of S3 and S5 now and avoid the Christmas rush.

my vote
Date: 02/14/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
season one: Fever
season two: Gillian of the Spirits
season three: The Other Slide of Darkness
season four: The Dying Fields, Just Say Yes

EasyBake Oven Overload Averted...
Date: 02/14/2003
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT just couldn't fit inside dammit.
Season 1
Summer of Love
Yes that summer was so lovingly beautiful except for that stupid mime interrupting us. Well that mime was the first test subject, albeit he wasn't a volunteer. It was cracking me up when he starting screaming when I pushed him in. Thought he'd pantomime that.
Season 2
Gillian of the Spirits
Quinn on another plane of existence? ROFL. I know he left his heart somewhere probably there. Besides, we're the same aren't we?
Season 3
The Other Slide of Darkness
Nice to know that there are others worse than me. What did it look like Quinn when you stared at your future self?
Season 4
Mother and Child
Awww... now don't you think that Wade would have been better off if that bullet had struck her? I believe so. Thank you Quinn, now you've reached the darkness of our soul. Do you like it?
Love is overrated when there isn't a British man to love and the MAYO.
Season 5
Map of the Mind
As long as I'm not stuck in the nuthouse like I was before. Hehehheheh that world is gone now. Call me insane! I think not.

I'm to vote out the best ones, right?
Date: 02/15/2003
From: Yeontoo
For Round V, you may choose from the following:
SEASON ONE (five remain, choose one)
SEASON TWO (nine remain, choose one)
Gillian of the Spirits
SEASON THREE (nine remain, choose one)
Paradise Lost
SEASON FOUR (ten remain, choose two)
Just Say Yes
Mother and Child
SEASON FIVE (eight remain, choose one)
A Thousand Deaths
Voting will remain open yadda yadda yadda

Date: 02/15/2003
From: arturoisgod
Here we go:
1) The Weaker Sex
2) Love Gods
3) This Slide of Paradise
4) Virtual Slide, Revelations
5) The Great Work

I've got a fever for the fever in Fever
Date: 02/15/2003
BT gives me...hives.
And as long as we're issuing "don't vote for" warnings, I'd like to say a little something. Don't be fooled by the overall horror that is Season Three: Paradise Lost and This Slide of Paradise must be forced to do battle, one on one, after the "superior" episodes are made to survive. That is all.
Season One: The King is Back
Season Two: In Dino Veritas
Season Three: The Other Slide of Darkness
Season Four: Net Worth and Virtual Slide
Season Five: A Thousand Deaths
Heehee! I didn't even vote for Fever! I guess my temperature must be higher than I thought. (Looks at thermometer quizzically.)

My votes
Date: 02/17/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Season One: Summer Of Love
Season Two: Gillian of the Spirits
Season Three: Dragon Slide
Season Four: California Reich, Common Grounds
Season Five: A Current Affair

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Nominated by Blinker
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