Sliders "worst" Survivor, round X
Date: 02/27/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
Round X of Sliders *least-favorite* episode survivor. In this round, vote off one episode from each remaining season.
S1 Survivor - The Weaker Sex
Round IX results:
Love Gods - 5
Greatfellas - 4
El Sid - 3
Time Again and World - 2
Love Gods is eliminated. <Jiggle-Me Arturo fights off the Velvet Fog>
Paradise Lost - 5
Slither - 4
The Exodus, part II - 2
The Breeder - 2
This Slide of Paradise - 1
Paradise Lost is eliminated. <Worm excrement - It's what's for dinner!>
Califiornia Reich - 5
The Chasm - 4
The Dying Fields - 3
Revelations - 2
Califiornia Reich is eliminated. <That's it. Take a stand and immediately leave the dimension!>
The Great Work - 5 (12)
Heavy Metal - 5 (4)
Easy Slider - 3
Previous votes are in parenthesis. The Great Work is eliminated. <Huh? Fights off nausea>
For Round X, choose one episode from each season. You may choose from the following:
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
El Sid
Time Again and World
The Exodus - Part II
The Breeder
This Slide of Paradise
The Dying Fields
The Chasm
Easy Slider
Heavy Metal
Voting closes Monday.

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
Date: 02/27/2003
From: BabyCasanova
I doubt BT ever does that.
FauxScottishAccentedPirate vs. WannaBeHusband#25BikerChick????
Cover your eyes! EVIL! Cover your eyes!
Can't we just call both eppys as a two-parter called "Dueling Sleazy Sliders," please?
Sliders Jeans was heavily promoted during these two eppys! Every commerical break!
7:-D : The Red Wormhole Diaries? ...okay, that's just wrong.
Hug Me!

Bloody Travesty
Date: 02/27/2003
From: Recall317
Paradise Regained? Ugh.
S2: Greatfellas
S3: Slither
S4: Dying Fields
S5: Heavy Metal
It is a tribute to John Rhys-Davies--and John Rhys-Davies alone--that Paradise Lost escaped. I agree it's not the worst of all-time, but only because it's excessive amount of mistakes and brazen contempt for its audience makes it a spectacle of sorts.
D'arrrggh! I be thinking that all 4 previous votes to save Heavy Metal belong to me...yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!
516 | A Pirate's Life For Me!
The Coast Guard has gone bad and the rest of the more powerful divisions of the United States Armed Forces are powerless to stop them. Quinn is beyond stunned when they land in the Pacific Ocean.
"I thought the 400 mile radius only worked up and down!"
Colin attempts to explain the math to him, but Quinn smacks him upside the head. They are rescued by Captain McAllister, a salty old captain if one ever sailed the ocean blue. He gives them the option of joining his crew or seeing Davy Jones' locker up close and personal. Colin is confused and Maggie thinks the Captain has made a pass at her. Rough waters give the four a sudden momentum shift and they escape into a lower deck.
There they meet a few sailors who are tired of their pirate ways and want to go back to their old jobs - drug running. They tell Quinn that others feel the same way. If only they could find someone to lead them, they could mutiny and overthrow the tyrannical McAllister. Quinn decides this requires bold leadership - and nominates Rembrandt for the job. Happy just to be a focal point, Rembrandt accepts.
Suddenly they find their ship in the middle of a naval battle on the edge of a pretty little resort town. Rembrandt informs his men to fight for their survival. They can betray McAllister when it's over. Unfortunately, McAllister proves an inept leader and their ship is overrun. Rembrandt, Colin and Quinn escape to dry land but there's no sign of Maggie. They wander through town for a bit, dodging pirates and broom wielding women, before encountering Maggie at a slave auction. Patrons are yelling "Bring out the brunette! We want the brunette!" as Maggie struts her stuff. Rembrandt offers $200, before Colin yells out $250. Quinn smacks him upside the head. They finally win Maggie, two chickens, and a dog for $437.
After a rousing good time of raping and pillaging, the Sliders find themselves in a prison cell at the end. Just out of reach is the dog, who has the timer in his mouth. Oddly enough, the episode ends without resolution.
"This was a tough one to film," said O'Connell. "I had gotten tired of the Studios so I took the crew down to Disneyland for the day. Unfortunately, not everyone was to keen about us filming in one of their attractions."
Nonetheless, Charlie turned in his most convincing performance to date.
"That whuppin' he took from that extra, damn that looked real," said Cleavant Derricks.
"Happiest place in the world my ass!" muttered Charlie. Filming resumes at Universal next week.
McAllister's final words - "Arrrrrrr..... I don't know what I'm doing."

Ya shoulda seen the ep that got away
Date: 02/27/2003
Beginning Text must be keelhauled!!
Yarrr. On second thought, "The Great Work" is no ep; 'tis a remorseless yawn-inducin' machine. [stretches arms] Yarrrrwwwwn.
Season Two: "El Sid"
Season Three: "The Breeder"
Season Four: "The Chasm"
Season Five: "Easy Slider"
Come to think of it, why *is* it that the episodes with sex are always the most reviled? I mean, "This Slide of Paradise" is quite possibly the worst hour of television ever produced (INCLUDING the Star Wars Holiday Special), yet it's "The Breeder" we consistently hold up as the quintessence of third season crap...
- Blinker 7:-/
Arr... I hate the fourth season and everything in it. But especially "Revelations."

Hmmmmmm, choices get harder now
Date: 02/27/2003
From: SpacemanSpiff1976
As the choices dwindle down, the choices for who stays and who goes gets harder. But here goes...
I still think this is one of my favorites off all time. Maybe it is the Godfather spoof or something. S2 has its hits and misses and this was a hit.
S3--The Exodus P2
Hey, it still has Arturo, so it should never be one that is left, no matter what.
I hate all 3 but this is the best of the bunch.
S5--Easy Slider
I can't even remember the other one, so it must not have been that good.

Ye know too much!
Date: 02/27/2003

Oh my goodness
Date: 02/27/2003
We're supposed to wade through the crappy episodes?
Wasn't Prince of Wails the Season 1 Survivor? Or am i just mad?
Season 2: Greatfellas
Season 3: I cannot believe Paradise Lost got voted off? Grrr! Exodus 2... barely
Seaosn 4: The Chasm... I can't believe I'm doing this
Season 5: Heavy Metal by default. No, really.

"Paradise Lost"? I'm totally lost!
Date: 02/27/2003
From: The_Seer
I seem to have lost BT.
Time Again and World
It was either this one or "Greatfellas". Since I don't feel strongly in favor of either and since the early indications are that "Greatfellas" will win this round easily, I decided to at least try and make it more interesting by going with TAAW.
The Breeder
You know, I had just barely recovered from the shock of having seen "Paradise Lost" get voted off when I started seeing posts in this round voting for "Exodus Part II". Maybe everyone else thinks otherwise but IMO "Paradise Lost" and "Exodus Part II" are two of the worst pieces of garbage ever produced for television. Yes, even WITH JRD being in them and NO Maggie or Rickman. JRD being in them doesn't redeem either one of them in my eyes. The fact that JRD was in them and they were still THAT bad convinces me even more that they must be the worst episodes ever of "Sliders". At least the "Maggie" episodes can fall back on the excuse that, even with successful shows, sometimes there are difficulties with a show when an integral character is removed and a new character is added to the "mix". "Exodus" might have a little bit of that excuse going for it since it was the Arturo-Maggie "transition" episode but "Paradise Lost" has no such excuse going for it.
Okay, I've ranted enough about this one. On to the rest of the voting.
The Dying Fields
No need to flip a coin this time since to me it's the clear choice out of what's left.
Heavy Metal
Also no need to flip a coin here.

Good votes last round
Date: 02/27/2003
From: Grizzlor
makes me proud.
SEASON TWO: Greatfellas (no contest)
SEASON THREE: Slither (oh my god these last 4 are bad)
SEASON FOUR: Revelations (I'm sorry but Peck or not, Dying Fields was a Horrendous and The Chasm didn't deserve to be an episode of Lexx)
SEASON FIVE: Heavy Metal (best of the worst i guess)

The crap in my toilet bowl...
Date: 02/27/2003
From: sliderules
isn't nearly as crappy as these eps, and BT!
I'll get right to voting so i don't up-chuck while writing this...
S2: El Sid
S3: This Slide of Paradise
S4: The Dying Fields
S5: Easy Slider
"Sick things make me sick."

Lady G is correct.
Date: 02/27/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
"Prince of Wails" was the Season One Survivor, not "The Weaker Sex."

my vote
Date: 02/28/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
season two: GreatFellas
season three: The Breeder
season four: The Dying Fields

Remember, I'm not LadyG here :-)
Date: 02/28/2003
Not unless there's MLPs involved! Well, I used to use it at other boards (I'll probably get lynched for going to some of them! :-), but now I just use that on ebay and pony boards. Except when I forget and sign it with my MLP tag.
Not that any of that matters one jot. lol :-)

The strategy failed...
Date: 02/28/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
...but the campaign didn't...
I'm glad to say that, barring a big push for Revelations, the "Save Revelations" campaign was a success.
So, is it over? No. I still hate Revelations, and I would like to see it win season 4. But I won't push for ANYONE to pick "Chasm" over it...
Season 2-Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
I know I'm changing votes midstream (From El Sid), but this episode wasn't THAT bad. Besides the VERY annoying Texas stereotypes, it had some good alt-world stuff. And it brought out action Quinn without overdoing it (*cough Season 4 *cough*).
Season 3-The Breeder
I think Blink's right. This episode gets a bad rap because it has all the sex. But it made SOME attempt at alt-world stories. It wasn't as blatant as the others (who saw Species, anyway?)
Season 4-The Dying Fields
A vote for Dying Fields sets up the ultimate battle between evil and... Well, evil I guess...
Season 5-Easy Slider
Awful episode. Crappy episode. Crappy TITLE. But even though, it seems that Heavy Metal tried some interesting things, IT MUST DIE.

Here we go
Date: 02/28/2003
From: Slider_Paul
I vote for BT to be destroyed.
2: Greatfellas
3: The Breeder
4: Revelations
5: Heavy Metal

Jiggle-Me Arturo
Date: 02/28/2003
From: TemporalFlux
The fad for this Christmas! Stock up now!! :-D Also coming soon from Ronco, Remmies - the adorable talking afros programmed with thousands of old Navy stories for hours of interactive entertainment.
Season two:
Season three:
"The Breeder" (believe it or not, in my mind it edges out the drunken presentation of Exodus Part 2)
Season four:
"The Dying Fields"
Season five:
"Heavy Metal"

Date: 03/01/2003
From: sliderseth

Hey, there's a Second Gettysburg!
Date: 03/01/2003
Trust me, BT, you don't want to stick around for Beckett's Charge.
How else could there be a Second Gettysburg Address? (Waits for laugh.)
S2: Time Again and World.
S3: Slither.
S4: The Dying Fields.
S5: Heavy Metal.
Disclaimer: This post is not an endorsement of the film "Gods and Generals" which, by all accounts, sucks. However, the author is pleased to see the bit actor he cast to play Robert Byrd in "Nuclear War" has made it to the big screen.

And then there were three...
Date: 03/01/2003
From: HandmaidenAnde
seasons, that is.
Poor Prince of Wails. It's still a good little episode.
Greatfellas Everyone had something to do. Loved Quinn counting cards at the blackjack table. Lawyer World and the wet landing were great.
The Exodus Part II While I do dislike this episode, at least it made some attempt to be suspenseful. Breeder will probably be my choice next time. I detest Slither, and I think This Slide of Paradise is the worst episode of the series.

my votes
Date: 03/01/2003
Time Again and World
This Slide of Paradise
The Dying Fields
Heavy Metal

Date: 03/03/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Voting closes at 2:00 p.m., EST
S2: Greatfellas
S3: The Exodus, part II
S4: Revelations
S5: Easy Slider

Voting is now closed.
Date: 03/03/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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