Sliders Valentine Survivor, final round
Date: 02/12/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Welcome to the final round of the Valentine-themed Sliders Survivor. Sorry once again for the delay. I'd hoped to wrap this up before Valentines Day, but it isn't going to happen. Results of round 5 were as follows:
Luck of the Draw - 4
As Time Goes By - 3
Last Days - 1
"Luck of the Draw" is eliminated.
For the final round , choose one of the following for elimination:
Last Days
As Time Goes By
Voting closes Monday afternoon (EST).

I'm All Out of Love
Date: 02/12/2004
From: Recall317
I'm so lost without you.
I vote to take out Last Days.

I want....
Date: 02/12/2004
As Time Goes By eliminated !! I've always liked "Last Days" because of the Wade/Quinn relationship, Remmy's interaction with that woman and Bennish vs. Arturo...
A great episode !

Don't say that this is the end.
Date: 02/12/2004
Vote Last Days!
Because we'll always have the Wormhole.

Down with "Last Days"!
Date: 02/12/2004
Beginning Text must be voted down!!
I voted against this in favour of an *S4* episode. No way is it beating the haunting, melancholy masterpiece "As Time Goes By"!
- Blinker 7:-/

There's no Love in this room
Date: 02/12/2004
From: Grizzlor
Save Last Days! Quinn and Wade! I know Brooke Langton was cute, but come on! Her character's brother was Charlie O'Connell! And The Net was a miserable show.
Off with As Time Goes By.

One last spurn across the universe...
Date: 02/13/2004
Beginning Text must be dumped!
If there had been an episode that was all about romance featuring Quinn and Wade, and that episode was "Last Days", I would vote for "As Time Goes By". However, since there isn't, and it isn't, I won't. My vote goes to "Last Days".
Watch it now 'cause of Season Three flaws.

Last Days
Date: 02/13/2004
From: Slider_Quinn21

Eliminate As Time Goes By
Date: 02/13/2004
From: zyzzybalubah

As Time Goes By <end>
Date: 02/15/2004
From: sliderules

Tough choice
Date: 02/16/2004
From: TemporalFlux
But I eliminate "Last Days".
Of all the choices, "As Time Goes By" probably best illustrates the spirit of Valentine's Day...just not in the way most would automatically think. "As Time Goes By" presented a look at destiny. For better or matter what the situation...we were shown that Daelin and Dennis were meant to be together. One could say they were soulmates - though pretty obviously doomed ones.

o/` Once, twice, three times a lady o/`
Date: 02/16/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT doesn't like that song either.
This one's for Blinker :-P
As Time Goes By
Standing here
Seeing you
Knowing I lost again
Ripping a new tear
In my heart
The universe is against us
We will never be together
I know that now
Turning to new pursuits
Saying, "Good-bye Daelin"
Hoping time will heal my heart
Tumbling once again into the unknown
Bye bye As Time Goes By World, Hello Sliders Jeans World

Voting is now closed.
Date: 02/17/2004
From: DieselJeffProbst

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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