2000th POST PARTY Pt. 2
Date: 08/13/02
From: Slider_Quinn21
WOOOHOOO! You thought there would only be ONE 2000th Post Party! But Sci-Fi has provided us with a brand new set of numbers, and 2000 has come up again! So, PARTY!!!!! Grab a drink, jump in the pool, role call, ect. Whatever you want! Just get away from that damn spammer crap! ;-) Quinn http://sliderweb.net/otherworlds/214

This is a horse of a different color!!
Date: 08/13/02
From: Ed_the_Horse
BT is completely color blind!! Woohoo!! Post number 2000!! It seems like even more fun the second time around! Oh and I've got Ed_the_Sock's beer if he wants it. Thanks to Clyde and Dale for that. Ed_the_Horse

Party's over soon.
Date: 08/13/02
From: thomasmalthus
School will be starting soon, huh Eddie. Saddle up and return to creative writing class. I'll miss your postings after high school calls you back.

I brought zarnans for all!
Date: 08/13/02
From: JermachesMolaudian
BT may not have a zarnan. That is, for all of those who are not tragste. I do not want to envision what they would do to the poor zarnans. In the spirit of partying downwards, I bring you this list straight from the desk of David Numberman. Top Ten Party Uses for Zarnans 10. Use its eartubes as noisemakers (unless you bleed easily). 9. Tease it mercilessly about the infamous Zarnan Boo. 8. Make it into a Flintstones-style shot glass. 7. Play pin the tail on the zarnan. Whoever doesn't lose an eye wins! 6. Hold a Habby the Habalinez Zarnan lookalike contest. 5. Glue zarnan feed to party crashers. 4. Play Twister with it. Watch out, its neck can stretch across the mat! 3. Turn them into Sliders bobble-head dolls (but don't use anything you don't want damaged). 2. Send it out for a beer. Not recommended if you don't like Molaudian's Own. 1. Try to get it to mate with a rubber chicken. JermachesMolaudian

I'll take two! :-P
Date: 08/13/02
From: Callie21V
BT should be fed to a zarnan coop!! I've always wanted a pair of yellow, bulbous, angrily squawking earrings! WOO HOO! [peruses list] Tease it about Zarnan Boo? I dunno; I kinda liked it until they brought in Scrappy Boo... wait, are we talking about the same show? Anyway, let's see how these things fiii...ow. OW! Ouch. OWW!!! Ergh...niagh...OOF! Ick. (...oh, yyuuuucckkk...) Teh. Guh. Confound you!! >>> C/21

Drinks over here!
Date: 08/13/02
From: IsaacTheBartender
One BT on the rocks, outta sight! o/` A horse is a horse, of course, of course And no one buys drinks for a horse, of course That is, of course, unless the horse Was formerly called TM! o/` Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all evening. Isaac http://www.isaacthebartender.com/ "So? Who's gonna buy da horse a beer?"

<HURLS self into pool!!!>
Date: 08/13/02
From: Blinker
WHEEEEeeeEEEEeeeEEEeeee**splash!!** Awright, a party! If this doesn't call for bad disco music played at unbearable volumes, I don't know WHAT does! - Blinker 7:-P~~~~~~~~~~~ http://slidersweb.net/blinker

Date: 08/13/02
From: TuxedoedGentleman
Would any ladies care to dance? ~~~~~

Making a vaguely opaque appearance.
Date: 08/13/02
From: The_Originals
BT is clearly off-white. It is not standard practice for we who created time and space to involve ourselves in the affairs of the mortal race. However, we seem to recall there being some sort of Sour Cream and Onion Dip you people invented that was rather tasty. Say, these aren't ruffled, are they? We have a sensitive palate. The_Originals

Somebody order a pizza!
Date: 08/13/02
From: Blinker_Quinn21
No BT on the pizza, please! I need something to eat. I'd have a hamburger, but the Canadians keep putting mayo on them! ;-) bq21

Not a bad shindig!
Date: 08/13/02
From: ThomasMorphus
I refuse to morph into BT!! It's more fun than Mimic in a room full of New Mutants! However, it's less fun than Sunfire writing Willow/Tara shipper fic. And about the same amount of fun as Nocturne and Sasquatch battling it out in that Danger Room that was designed by Arcade. So...draw your own conclusions about the fun level for this party. I'm breakin' out the orange-and-green leisure suit! Morph

I like hamburgers with mayo!!
Date: 08/13/02
From: DaveNelson
I don't like hamburgers with BT! Does that make me Canadian? Hey, you! In the orange and green suit! Get away from that! That's not supposed to swirl! DaveNelson Jimmy: So I thought why not take the Japanese version and have it translated back into English? Dave: It seems to work well for VCR instruction manuals.

Where's da sock?
Date: 08/13/02
From: Recall317
I need a stogie! I can't call this a party until Ed_The_Sock arrives! R317

What a party!
Date: 08/13/02
From: Curlytop
Wow. This was a great party. I can't wait until posting # 3000. And with ThomasMalthus spamming all over the place, this should occur right about next week.

Date: 08/14/02
From: oceanic_kate
She glides into the room, trailing a diaphanous dress behind her as onlookers gape. "It's like its made out of.. solid water," Dave Nelson says.. "You mean ice?" asks BlinkerQuinn. Paying them no mind, she sidles over to the bar and strikes up a discussion with Recall37... "So who's this sock character? Life of the party, is he?" "You don't know the half of it," he grins.

Stepping up
Date: 08/14/02
From: Dunce_Brigade
The hapless trio looked at the sign above the bar and cheered. sliderteeth: We have arrived! LL2K: Another party! Yay! Cooties: Let's get drunk, but someone remember where we parked. sliderteeth: Dude, where's the car? LL2k: Don't remember anymore after the last party. Cooties: Mmmm.... hmmm... all those men dancing... and our drawers dropping to the floor... then the zoo. Come on, let's party! The trio forgot to read the sign reminding all to step up because of the uneven pavement. All three fell together in a jumble of feet, arms and legs. LL2K: I wish I could read better. Cooties: I wish I could eat better. sliderteeth: I wish I could have better teeth. Within a couple of minutes, the trio managed to enter the bar and wondered how a horse got inside. The trio made their way to the bar and stared at the horse. Ed_the_Horse: What's the matter? Haven't seen a horse before? Cooties: We have. Never seen one drinking and talking. Gotta lay off the moonshine in that jug we found. LL2K: Uh... that was urine. Cooties: No wonder it tasted weird. sliderteeth was stupid enough to pat Ed too hard on the rear causing Ed to rear and kick him in the teeth. The remaining teeth flew into Callie's drink. Callie: Ewww... Issac another drink here! Callie stood up and dumped the alcoholic teeth upon the newly toothless sliderteeth. Callie: He should have kicked you lower! His compatriots laughed as Callie set him on fire. DB

Great illustration, Blinker!
Date: 08/14/02
From: BYOZ
BT is always a poor illustration. http://slidersweb.net/blinker Heehee. Awesome job! Totally like a zarnan! Ed_the_Horse Kodos (impersonating Bob Dole): Zarnans for all. Crowd: Boo! Kodos: Very well. Zarnans for nobody. Crowd: Boo! Kodos: Hmm. Zarnans for some, miniature American flags for others! Crowd: Yay!

Date: 08/14/02
From: Slider_Quinn21
I made Gate Haven's front page! Start my five minutes of fame! WOOHOO! Quinn http://slidersweb.net/otherworlds/214

Take dat ya friggin' mook!
Date: 08/14/02
From: Callie_The_Sock
BT is the long-lost fourth Dunce!! Yeah, you hoid me! You mess wit da airheaded sock wit da timer and you get da stogie so far down yer throat yer gonna be crappin' ashes for a week! SLIDER_QUINN21: Um... he pretty much IS ashes. CALLIE_THE_SOCK: Crap! >>> C/TS

Thanks, Frohike! I mean, Byoz!
Date: 08/14/02
From: Blinkformant
David Greenwalt must be destroyed!! I threw the ad together in a rush, but as long as you like it, all is good! Hey Isaac... wanna slide me a Shirley Temple I can pour on Curlytop? - Blinkformant 7:-P http://slidersweb.net/blinker

Party Hard! LOL :-p
Date: 08/14/02
From: SlidersCentral
Haha, hey what can I say? Beer just ain't enough for a Sliders post party, you need whit, and some JD to wash it down with, LOL. Anyways, yea, have a good time. Sorry to make this short, but I kinda gotta get goin. God Bless! SC http://go.to.SlidersCentral

Da sock is here
Date: 08/14/02
From: Ed_The_Sock
BT's a friggin' mook! Da sock has finally arrived ya mooks. Fegured since dat Rerun fella's lookin fer me that he can buy da sock a beer! So get in yer pocket Rerun and get me a beer or else da sock'll burn yer arse wit his stogie! Bring on da beer and get da sock another stogie! And where' dat Callie chick? Da sock needs some lovin' So? Who's gonna buy da sock a beer? Ed_The_Sock http://www.edthesock.com

If you'll direct your attention...
Date: 08/14/02
From: BarnabasCollins2013
...to me sucking BT's blood!! ...to your equine counterpart's initial post, Mr. the_Sock, you will see that he has had a cold one waiting for you with the bartender for quite some time. He has heard more "long in the face" jokes than he would care to mention while waiting. Now I'm off to get some liquer from my, er, private stock. BarnabasCollins2013 "The shadows are even darker... in the future! Mwahaha!" "What's that supposed to mean?" "I have no idea."

I'm here awaiting my lady for a dance.
Date: 08/14/02
From: HandsomeDevil
It's not BT! Won't you please come and dance Ms. LiquidSunshine. Your tall, dark & handsome date awaits. HandsomeDevil

Where's the Beaver??
Date: 08/14/02
From: SL4Beaver
BeaverT is the best kinda beaver!! Bartender!! I'll have a moist beaver, shaven, not spurred. :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Date: 08/15/02
From: sq21
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! ;-) sq21

One beer for da sock!
Date: 08/15/02
From: Recall317
Hope da sock likes Katahdin Red. R317

<knock, knock>
Date: 08/15/02
From: TrevorWing
Pizza's here! * * * * * "One large Beginning Text pizza with extra mayonnaise," Wing declared. "I didn't order that!" Slider_Quinn21 objected, lifting up the top of the box. That gave Wing all the time he needed as he pressed past Quinn and into the party. "Oh my gosh, it's WING!!!" exclaimed Recall, just as MSR also called out his name. Wing's eyes lit up at the name recognition. All those Infinite Slides parts must be starting to pay off... "I see you're familiar with me," said Wing, extending his hand. Recall numbly shook it. "How are you all doing today?" "What's it friggin' look like, ya mook?" interjected Ed, in between angrily planting stogie brands on "Slidermania" and "BigSliderFan." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Of course, this is all a terrible spam war," backpedaled Wing. "The good thing is that you're all still posting. It would be my privilege to appear in your fan fiction." "Like what, Tigs' sequel to 'Peas Pass the Bread'?" mocked Callie. She took another sip from her Zarnan Zima. "Huh? Oh this!" laughed Wing, looking down at his Greenfeld Family of Pizza duds. "Not the typical apparel of a top guest star, but I think it proves my resourcefulness. There's nothing I won't do to grace the pages of your stories." "This boy is a recurring character?" whispered Barnabas Collins to DMD. "It's not a complete inconsistency. I remember him making a cameo in 'Fever,'" replied Dolenz. Barnabas simply raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, a startled cry came from SlidersCentral. "Hey, where'd the pizza go?! I *like* mine with mayo!" Muffled giggles wafted across the party hall. Everyone turned in the direction of their origin. Isaac scanned his memory. "I think I saw a big guy and a redheaded girl head behind that partition with it... why?" * * * * * Wing

Date: 08/15/02
From: Blinker_Quinn21
BT makes too many mistakes to count! SLIDER_Quinn21 didn't order the pizza, I did! I'm a completely different person! ;-) bq21 Where's my damn pizza? NO MAYO!

<flings a PIE at The Originals>
Date: 08/15/02
From: SL4Blinker
...then another one at BT!!! <...and scampers away> Heeheeheeheehee! You shoulda seen their expression. And the way they threatened to unmake the entire universe as retribution was... very... uh-oh. - SL4Blinker 7:-O http://slidersweb.net/blinker

Date: 08/15/02
From: Recall317
Heehee! That was a great post! Isaac, get Trevor a beer! R317

A cold one for the Wingman!
Date: 08/15/02
From: IsaacTheBartender
I wish BT were outta sight!! Here ya go, you crazy Mary double, you! Um, we're all out of Molaudian's Own and Chaser9's Frosty Mugs, so you're getting this mystery bottle with a handwritten label of "Tarkalan's Treat." If you start hallucinating a dozen enraged Mekalechs bearing down on you with Church Windows in the background, for goodness' sakes... DISCONTINUE USE AT ONCE! - IsaacTheBartender http://www.isaacthebartender.com/ "So? Who's gonna risk fatal alcohol poisoning at the hands of Isaac?"

Er, Isaac...
Date: 08/18/02
From: LycurgusTarkalan
BT is similarly flummoxed! I cannot allow you to provide that liquer as sustenance to some lowly human. It is a ceremonial wine used in the worship of Mekalech. We cannot ask for his blessings on Lesion and his eternal curses on our lesser being enemies without it. I will thank you for returning it and Lesion will consider not conquering your world as a way of saying thank you. LycurgusTarkalan

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/1502107
Nominated by Blinker