To Let You Guys Know(ot)
Date: 05/02/2000
From: DariaTeen
As most of you know,I know Charmed07 personally.(In fact,she was the
one who introduced me to the board.)Well,I just wanted to let you know
that she won't be here for a few days.Her appendix busted during school
hours,and she's at the hospital getting surgery right now.Just thought
I would let you know.

this be a lesson....
Date: 05/02/2000
From: Fish_Bone
Diet is a die with a T. I feel sorry for anyone who took the diet she
posted on the board. All because her Drama Director wanted a Kate Moss.....damn....
Fish Bone

us posted about her condition, OK?
Date: 05/02/2000
From: Slider_Dee
Hope all goes well with Charmed.
Also hope she's gotten over this anorexia/bulimia/need to be bone thin
thing that was hurting her.

her The Hunter Says
Date: 05/02/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
Get well soon.

Date: 05/02/2000
From: SingularVisions
I hope she's better soon. I hope you and her both (and your parents)
will go to the school board and complain about the drama director.
The director has no BUSINESS telling a girl she's too fat when she's
not. That's irresponsible and he should be fired for that.
- SingularVisions

Are You Guys Talking About?
Date: 05/02/2000
From: DariaTeen
Her mom told me she was in there because her appendix busted,NOT for
an eating disorder.She WAS bulimic,but that was 2 years ago.Sure,she's
been on a diet for a month,(and like 2 dozen failed ones) and she has
lost a little bit of weight.But she didn't lose much.It just look like
she did because she's been wering alot of baggy clothes lately.

we're talking about
Date: 05/02/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
She said her weight was about 89 or 85 pounds and she is 5'1"
The right weight for someone that height is about 100 to 125, not 80
She had also mentioned her Drama teacher said she HAD to loose wweight
to play a part.
I know enough about biology to know underwiegiht may not cause a burst
appendix, but it can't HELP it

Date: 05/02/2000
From: DariaTeen
She couldn't be 85 or 89 pounds!Why,I saw her last about 2 weeks ago,(I
was away)and she had to have weighed at least 106 or 110.I thought she
looked fantastic the last time I saw her.Thinner than she used to be,but
everbody loses their baby fat.Plus,I've talked to her on the phone,and
she never mentioned any tremendous weight loss.Neither did her father.(I'm
best friends with her sister)There's no WAY her weight could have dropped
20 pounds in just 2 weeks.It's a little strange how she started wearing
really baggy clothes a weeks ago,but that's the only strange thing I
can think of.

Date: 05/02/2000
From: DariaTeen
I did a typo.Exchange father with family.(Cause her father bailed like
5 years ago)

Date: 05/02/2000
From: SouthernSlider
she's okay, whatever the problem. Tell her we're thinking about her.

too bad.
Date: 05/02/2000
From: Brand_S
Poor naïve little urchin. Hope she gets better.

a shame
Date: 05/03/2000
From: kipper2222
tell her I said get well soon!

hope her recovery is swift.
Date: 05/03/2000
From: Tigs

well wishes
Date: 05/03/2000
From: Yeontoo
Dear DariaTeen,
Please relay our get well wishes to her, that surgery isn't the most
fun you can have. At least, she can surf during her recovery period
at home. :)
Remind her to follow the doctor's orders explicitly.
Thanks, and blessings,

in there, Charmed!,,,
Date: 05/03/2000
From: capaqu
Please pass on our thoughts to Charmed.
Tell her to take care.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/20369
Nominated by Blinker
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