Date: 04/16/1999
From: 1013shan
what the hell was that?
1) did that stupid episode make any sense
2) not to mention that whole ridiculous maggie quin thing eeewweee
3) even Remmie couldn't act...
I can't even calm down enough to put my thoughts in order ..I'll be
back later..but i can say that that had to be the WORST ep that i've
ever seen of ANYTHING that I ever watched on TV...The writers obviously
still haven't met the characters yet...
I need oxygen..

to break it to you, but...
Date: 04/16/1999
From: Cryin
...Wade`s gone. Her and Quinn didn`t seem to work out. Face it, Maggie
rocks (except when she calls in to the Howard Stern show).

still can't stand....
Date: 04/16/1999
From: spaz119
excuse me......<wretch wretch>

roads taken
Date: 04/16/1999
From: Tery
I am with you shan and spaz! WHY THE HELL DID THEY DO THAT? dont the
writers EVER go online?? from what I have seen everyone is all for wade
and all against maggie. by the way do people that have any effect on
the show ever read these message board? (I hope so cause I support almost
everything said, especialy JERRY IN A TOWEL :) ) if people who have
an effect on the show dont look at this what DO they look at cause I
am sure as hell gona write something on it!! ( Quin and Rembrant? now
THAT would be interesting, but god forbid Quin be gay)

Date: 04/17/1999
From: Mychand
Sorry but I don't buy the Quinn and Maggie thing. I wonder if this is
an old script originally meant for Quinn and Wade?
It was awful!!!! Maggie and Quinn have absolutely NO chemistry together!!!!
If that is what Scifi had in mind for the future then I'm glad JOC is
gone. .....yes, I said that.

is the worst!
Date: 04/17/1999
From: SciFiWatcher
The love story was so unbelievable. Quinn looked unhappy with Maggie.
Ooh, just thinking about the ep. is making me sick. What the HELL are
the writers thinking about because it sure isn't the show or it's fans!

all so right (well, *almost* all)
Date: 04/17/1999
From: SlidingThrough
Besides making no sense whatsoever (a world created from wishful thinking????!!)
the whole Quinn/Maggie thing is such a crock! First of all, it came
completely out of nowhere (the only hint of anything between them besides
friendship up until now was in "Virtual Slide" when you got
the impression from Maggie's virtual fantasy that she might be interested...but
Quinn certainly didn't seem to reciprocate!). And, as Mychand said,
Jerry and Kari have *no* chemistry whatsoever. I have to agree, I'm
glad for that reason that Jerry won't be here next season because then
the writers can't try to force more of this nonsense down our throats.
P.S. "Put the top down!" Did anyone else want to vomit when
she said that??!!

Date: 04/17/1999
From: SlidingThrough
That should have been "Put the top up!". <sigh> Maybe
I shouldn't post when I'm under the influence of Alka-Seltzer!

(whine)? I saw chemistry.
Date: 04/18/1999
From: LShel
Ok, don't crucify me, but I thought the romance was very well done &
believable. Maybe it's cuz I've got no emotional attachment to Wade
like you guys. I've only been watching re-runs & originals since
Sliders hit Sci-Fi Prime. C'mon, give it up, Wade is long gone. The
"almost kiss" at the end definitely showed some chemistry
(good acting); I just wish they had gone ahead. Since they kept the
memories, I'd be interested in seeing if/where they go with this pseudo-romance
in future episodes.
Speaking of the Quinn & Remmy possibility...what if they landed
on an Earth where gayness was caught like a virus (to reduce the population
or make inmates get along) & they started to fall for each other.
LOL. Wouldn't that be too much? PLEEEZE, someone with creativity, give
me some fanfic for this Quinn & Remmy thing.

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