LOVED "Roads Taken"
Date: 04/17/1999
From: LoverofQuinn
First of all, being confounded throughout any Scifi movie or tv show
but seeing it all clearly at the end is my idea of good scifi. Any criticism
will simply roll off my back on my idea of good tv, so save your breath.
Now add a romance to the spin and I am happy. I love the idea, like
in and episode of Star Trek TNG, that someone can live an entire life
in a matter of hours and take all of the experiences and emotions of
that experience and have it alter their life.
I know everyone gets huffy about the writing and whatever, but being
female, I think the emotional aspect of the show has always been the
draw for me. And so it is the idea that captivates me. I can use my
imagination to fill in the blanks that the writers left.
I see so much potential in this relationship now, and it breaks my heart
to know that Quinn will be gone soon. All of the memories Maggie will
carry of another lost husband.
And to all of you who can't accept Maggie, you sound ike a bunch of
bratty kids who can't stand the fact that their dad remarried. They
can't stand to see him with someone other than mom. Guess what? Wade
is gone. Sabrina left. Her choice; and she is getting on with her life.
Get to know your step mom and see the possibility in new beginnings.

Date: 04/17/1999
From: KaliJacobs
*lol* oh, i love it! that was the absolute BEST, most accurate analogy
i have heard im a very long time. and as for everything else in the
article, again, i agree completely. i can't believe that just when they're
FINALLY getting into the more emotional aspects of the show, the o'connels
are leaving. and i was just thinking that it'll suck for maggie to again
lose a man she loves. but, anyway, the argument is getting old and i
just wanted to tell LoverofQuinn that i loved what you said. =)

well said!!!
Date: 04/17/1999
From: Cryin
That is exactly what I`ve been trying to say LOC! I`ve always thought
Maggie was hot, but her and Quinn have really been clicking in the last
two weeks (The Chasm and Roads Taken). I`m not even into this romance
stuff, but last night`s story was sensational! Personally, even if Sabrina
had stayed on, I don`t think Wade and Quinn were a very good match for
each other. Maggie`s slowly been maturing and mellowing out on the show
and she seems like she`d be much better for Quinn.
With Tears in My Fro,

Date: 04/17/1999
From: bucklind
That was very well said! I was looking at a few of these other posts
and noticed that the reasons WHY they didn't like this episode was because
of Maggie having the relationship with Quinn. Well, Wade is gone, so
it's time Quinn can get on with it. I happen to like Maggie, I like
her role in the show and like Kari as an actress. It's a good part and
a good role and I don't understand how people can dislike her because
she is not Wade. Probably the same reason people dislike Colin because
he isn't the professor. Life is life, and this episode really showed
how great life can be, and what your dreams can do. I really liked it
too, and I'm not confused about it either. It was good, and that poem
at the end is awesome.

that you'll listen but...
Date: 04/17/1999
From: SlidingThrough
Personally, I've always wondered if putting Quinn and Wade together
romantically might not have spoiled something really special. I mean
Jerry and Sabrina had unbelievable chemistry together as friends but
would that have carried through for them as more than that? But I guess
we'll never know now.
As far as Quinn and Maggie, I just feel that
1) If they were supposed to be together romantically, the writers should
have done it more gradually. The only hint before now of either one's
desire for anything between them besides friendship was the kiss at
the end of season 3 (which was never followed up on) and Maggie's fantasy
in "Virtual Slide" which led you to believe she might be willing
to take their relationship further... but he certainly didn't seem to
reciprocate in reality and, again, it was never followed up on. To suddenly
have them go into a full-fledged romance at this point...well, I guess
I've always felt that "building the sexual tension" thing
(and they actually haven't even done that) followed by "now everything's
hot and heavy" is just so lame. And usually spells trouble for
the show.
2) Frankly, Jerry and Kari don't seem to have any chemistry. When I
see them in "romantic" scenes they just seem awkward and forced.
Of course, this is all just MHO. And judging by the patronizing tone
of your post I doubt you've even read this far, but I just thought I'd
at least *try* to set the record straight, at least about the viewpoint
of *one* of the "bratty kids".

Stepmother is a Slut!
Date: 04/17/1999
From: QBall79
It seems you all are missing the point. It's not that we miss Wade (although
some of us do), it's that we can't stand Kari or Maggie. You all just
brought Wade into this to change the subject. You don't think we know
Wade is gone? I've dealt with it, okay? It doesn't change the fact that
I dislike Kari Wuhrer so much, and always will.

Date: 04/18/1999
From: Pazzazz
I totally agree with you. I too loved the episode. I thought it was
one of the best I've seen in ages (except old seasons of course). I
guess I liked the fact that there was more emotion to this episode.
Colin and Remmy risked their own lives to save Quinn and Maggie. I know
the life risking thing happens in every episode, but this one was different.
I'm not going to ramble on and on. I just liked it and that's that.

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