different Fever poll
Date: 09/05/2000
From: EustiSlider
This is something I started on the Earth 62 bboard. I'm posting a poll
for each ep for the fans to rate each show. Tonight's episode, 'Fever.'
(Duh!) Post your vote here or you can vote anonymously at
The poll:
Rate 'Fever'
5) Woo Hoo! It rocked! Sliders at it's best.
4) Some room for improvement, but still a classic.
3) Hmmm. Still watchable, but somehow lacking.
2) Bad, but not the 'Pat Sajack Show' either.
1) Can I please have that hour of my life back?
If I get enough responses, I'll post these here as well as the E62 bboard.

Date: 09/05/2000
From: SouthernSlider
But first -- <grovel, grovel> Oh, please do continue this here.
This is a good one.
Now for me and Fever, I vote #4. Am a supposed to give a reason? Not
sure. I really liked it, but it wasn't one of the all-time best.

say (4) as well. Keep 'em coming! |nt|
Date: 09/05/2000
From: Blinker

Date: 09/06/2000
From: sliderlynn
For me the answer is: no.5.The reason being is this,
it showed that the Sliders could pick up the Q, all
but Quinn.I lkie this,keep it on the board.

Date: 09/06/2000
From: sweetone
I really liked it.
"Our friends see the best in us,
and by that very fact call forth
the best from us."
Hugh Black

"Fever" was one of Slider's best
Date: 09/07/2000
From: Slider_Dee

Jackson will like this world..
Date: 01/24/2001
From: sliderseth
I mean all the not kissing people, going over the top on keeping everything
hygienically clean and the food coming in airtight plastic wrapping.
not the disease bit.

these EustiPolls are just a fad (5)
Date: 01/24/2001
From: LiveLipschitz2000
Not the BEST, but still great.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/22954
Nominated by Blinker
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