BBoard Pool Party!!!!!!! <starting here>
Date: 06/15/00
From: HurriKain
Thing were getting a bit dreary around here, so I decided to revive a board tradition...POST PARTY!!
The pool's filled up and the barbeque's cookin' so take out your bathing suits that have been sitting there for 9 months and sport them at the annual BBoard Pool Party. Drinks (alcoholic or otherwise) and a DJ will be on hand. Doesn't matter if you come in masks or not. IT'S ALL ABOUT FUN!!!!!! SO LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<grabs pool party pack>
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
<Tigs walks into an empty pool area. She heads to the dj booth and pops in a variety pack of music> <she stretches and as she dives Offspring blares through the speakers.>

Me? At a party?...
Date: 06/15/00
From: capaqu
I'm not much of a partier. And in a bathing suit? Ugh!!! <you'll thank me> Hey, I can't even swim (what's that all about, I live in a beach town)! Can someone teach me? But, YUM... barbeque! And music!!!! Maybe I stay for a little while. Cappy ;)

Glub glub glub
Date: 06/15/00
From: TemporalFlux
<Loose translation from underwater noise> "I can't breathE!" Tf - turning blue and not because he's Fluxy smurf ;-)

<walks to the bar and takes a seat>
Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
"Bartender, a tall cold glass of Coke," said MSR as she looked at Tigs who is diving off the board once again. The bartender quickly sets down her order. "Thanks." He went over to another customer. *Cool, they've got some BBQ cooking. Got to go get me some before it's all gone.* MSR wanders over to the BBQ. "HK, can I have a well done burger with cheese?" she asked as she dodged the smoke. "Surely, coming right up," he answered as he flipped the burgers into the air. MSR waited patiently at a nearby table sipping her drink. MSR

That's a cry for mouth to mouth!
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
<Tigs pulls tf to the side of the pool> "Ugh," tf gasped before collapsing onto the deck of the pool. <Tigs checked his mouth for breathing> "Dang" she whispered. <Tigs gave tf a quick shot of air> "Ooooh. Hi Tigs," Tf looked a tad stunned. "What? You stopped breathing." Tigs looked around, "I had to do something." Tigs smiled slyly. "Oh look. There's MSR." "Tigs, we need to talk..."

HK observes the rescue...
Date: 06/15/00
From: HurriKain
Nice job Tigs! <turns to the bombshell blonde in a red, skin-tight bathing suit on>
Uh... sorry Donna, false alarm. <the blonde looked saddened and ran back out> TF why didn't you bring a pool toy or inner-tube? HK

The talk
Date: 06/15/00
From: TemporalFlux
"Tigs...I really appreciate you saving me, but you don't understand the complex layers I had in motion. My drowning was sure to pull David Hasselhoff out of the wood work which would allow me to club him over the head and steal that wonderful car. Once the car is in my possession, then I can take down BA's custom GMC which is my only stumbling block to taking over the world!!" Tigs nodded understandingly as she realized the oxygen was just cut off too long from the brain...or was it? That van in the background that seems to be watching...can there really be that many custom GMC's with red striping in the world? Tf

<all eyes turn to the entrance>
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
<Two shadowed figures in black leather trunks stand menacingly at the entrance to the pool party.> "Dude who are they?" Tigs whispers. "No idea." Tf starts to edge towards the pool. "Oh boys," MSR waved to the two.

<Cappy comes out to see>
Date: 06/15/00
From: capaqu
Who are they?

<Observes pool party through.....
Date: 06/15/00
From: TimeFluxEMC2
satellite on computer> Hmmm, very interesting. <Turns back to research> -TimeFlux "Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

<MSR waves them over>
Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
"Over here," called MSR. They conferred with each other before moving toward her. "MSR, you know the rules," said the taller of the dark haired guys as he surveyed the area. "Why can't you ever follow them?" asked the shorter man as he looked at TF getting in the pool. "Rules are made to be broken," MSR answered as she backed away from the men. The men glared at her once again and silently agreed. "We're staying as long as you stay and that's final." "Suit yourself," replied an adamant MSR. "Be a dear and get me a hamburger, Alex. Duncan, I want another Coke." "Yes, ma'am," they both answered with a smile. Tigs and HK were in shock. "My bodyguards. Aren't they so thoughtful," said MSR. "Okay, whatever you say," said Tigs. HK was a bit nervous, "Um... they aren't going to busting anything are they?" MSR gave them a wicked smile and walked away from the nervous duo.

Almost late
Date: 06/15/00
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo puts her towel and her stuff on a table, and walks straight up to TemporalFlux, and pushes him back in. "Whadjya do that for Y?" Tigs mouth was hanging open. "He was wanting to get blue again!" Yeontoo giggled. Tigs stands beside Yeontoo, "Nice Suit" Yeontoo compliments Tigs. As Tigs looks down, Cappy joins them, "Hey guys... You recognize them?" "Nope" Tigs says, diving in the water. "Wow, a perfect 10 dive!" MSR claps with the others around cheering. "Hey, Cappy, Y, you two dive in and see if you can do as well as Tigs" Cappy dives in, perfect 9. Yeontoo dives in, and accidentally does a belly flop. MSR laughs so hard that she falls in.

SE bumps open the pool gate...
Date: 06/15/00
From: Sabre_Edge
SE snags a Mountain Dew from the ice chest on his way to the pool. He heaves his lounge raft into the pool and takes a step back. He narrows his eyes judging the distance as he adjusts his dark blue board shorts tied around his waist. He slugs his MD, tossing the can over his shoulder into the recycle can. Sabre propels himself across the deck leaping of the pool edge. He sommersaults in the air... and splashes into the water completely missing the raft! Yeontoo laughs as she swims over to the raft where she shoved it. Climbing up she looks over at the all wet SE as he surfaces. "Oh... was this yours?" she looks innocently at him. SE growls as Tigs and MSR climb up on the raft with Y to claim it for the ladies...

Time for a little diff water
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
<Tigs slid off raft and out of the pool> "Ugh. I need to warm up." Tigs spotted the dormant, oh so big, jacuzzi. She let one hand idle in the water to test the temp. "Perfect." Tigs slid in and fired up the bubbles. Quickly everyone else jumped out of the pool. Just as they all got settled in the warmth a look of shock hit their faces.

All eyes turn to the door!!!
Date: 06/15/00
From: MsFrosty
MsFrosty walks into the room arm and arm with another stunning lady. Looks around the room, listening to the buzz about Tigs saving TemporalFlux. Spies TemporalFlux spilling into the jacuzzi,with the rest of the gang. The two ladies walk over to see if everything is OK. *Hiya Tf, You all right there dear?* She says batting her eyes. Tf looks up and chokes on the drink he brought with him. *Hey take it easy sweetie. I know its been awhile since you seen me, but don't die on me yet. You still owe me a dance. But first let me introduce my sister here, Ice_Nova, meet TemporalFlux, MSR, Yeontoo, HurriKain, Sabre_Edge, Cappy, sorry don't know the 2 gentlemen with MSR. Gang meet my sister Ice_Nova.* Tf just smiles and coughs a *Hi* They sit down along the edge of the jacuzzi on either side of TemporalFlux. *Hey bartender, a couple of drinks over here please.* She smiles at TemporalFlux, *I'll let you catch your breath dear, we can dance later. Oh by the way I heard Hasselhoff is Europe dear.* MsFrosty

*This is the gang?*
Date: 06/15/00
From: Ice_Nova
The ladies sip their drinks. *What's the story with, tf was it?* MsFrosty blushes a bit. *Well...* *If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Who are the other men?*

<rushes into the party>
Date: 06/15/00
From: BasementJaxx
BJ ran inside with a Super Soaker fully charged. "Hello all!" he said as he pressed the trigger, soaking the lounging partygoers in ice-cold water. Tigs: AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! MSR: Damn it! <whistles> Then her two bodyguards show up and ran after the Twin. But lets say he's too... slippery for them. ;-) The Basement Jaxx

"Where'd she go?"
Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
asked Duncan as he held a Coke and searched the room. "She's over there in the pool," said Alex as he took a bite out her hamburger, since he was starved. "Hey, you better get her another one or she'll start screaming and when she starts screaming she won't shut up for an hour. I don't want to be deaf," complained Duncan. Alex smiled at him as he took another bite, not caring about the consequences. Besides how was she going to know that he ate before bringing her one. She was nowhere to be seen. Seeing that Alex didn't care, Duncan started drinking her Coke. Unbeknownst to the both of them, MSR was watching from the jacuzzi. Alex and Duncan dropped what they were holding when they heard the all too familiar whistle and swearing of MSR. Those near MSR closed their ears to her shrill and unstoppable cursing until Yeontoo placed her hand over her mouth. They followed the assailant towards the pool as the man soaked them with the watergun. Basement Jaxx almost got away until he hit a wet spot and tumbled into the water. Alex and Duncan dove into the water after him. He was surrounded.

*Yes, this is the gang I told you about*
Date: 06/15/00
From: MsFrosty
She takes a sip of her drink again. *The 2 gentlemen with MSR, I believe, are her bodyguards, Alex and Duncan. As for Tf he is the one I told you about who I call the Boy Scout. He's a pool shark, the billards type that is. He spent most of the last party I came to playing pool, and beating the pants off everyone. He still owes me a dance. We got interrupted by a pool game, but he promised me a future dance.* She blushes and continues in a whisper, *He's a cutie ain't he.* MsFrosty

Date: 06/15/00
From: Yeontoo
"EEK!" Yeontoo squeals, hiding behind SE (who got a face full for his efforts). HK choked on Cold Water and Coke going down at the same time. MSR watched her bodyguards chase the supersoaker, and loose him. "Boys! You're suppose to stop stuff like that, or aprehend the culprit!" "But we want to swim too!" They elbowed each other. "Frosty and Ice. Nice names tootsies" Tigs motioned the barkeep to bring them colas while they climbed in. "TF, man, did you catch that game tonight?" HK asks. TF, HK, and SE start animately talking about the championship basketball that played earlier. Suddenly a dark cloud of smoke from the grill wiffles in their direction..... "Hmm, HK? You watching the grill?" SE looks panicked. HK and TF bump each other try

Jaxx BABY!!!
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
I need a twirl. What are my chances?

oh sh**!!!
Date: 06/15/00
From: HurriKain
HurriKain rushed for the grill and opened the lid.
HK/ Oh NO!!!! Tigs/ what happened? HK <taking the charred remains into the nearby trashcan>/ say goodbye to the first batch of Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. TF/ Aw.... HK/ I'll cook another batch later. In the mean time... <picks up the phone> who wants pizza? HK

*He's not bad.*
Date: 06/15/00
From: Ice_Nova
The sisters grinned at each other. *Are there any other guys around?* *I swear dear, you need to think about something besides men.* *But they are so much fun.* Ice_Nova smiled at her sister for a second before her attention was caught by a new arrival. A delicous drink of water of a man had wandered in. *Maybe we should go say hi.* *To him?!?!?* MsFrosty spit her drink out in astonishment. *Oh look, Tigs is diving again. Let's go swim.* *Nice try at changing the subject. You know what will happen if we go in the pool.* MsFrosty blushed. *Forgot about that dear.*

<dodges the bodyguards>
Date: 06/15/00
From: BasementJaxx
Hey Tigs! So you want a twirling partner, eh? :-)

"Aw crap."
Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
said Sabre_Edge as he looked over the black GMC van. He recognized the blond haired man exiting the passenger side door. He rushed over to MSR and whispered to her, "Um... Jack's here. Better hide." "Dammit can't I have any fun," she mumbled. She grabbed SE's hand. "Let's go dancing." He pulled her hands off. "What are you crazy? You remember the last time."

"I didn't mean to turn you on"
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
by Robert Palmer wafts past the partiers as BJaxx and Tigs dazzle with their dancing. "You are such a wonderful partner. I knew I'd been missing something." BJaxx laughed. "It's a good thing you are safe." "Always." Tigs giggled as she was twirled.

<coming out of her semi-slumber>
Date: 06/15/00
From: capaqu
Cappy says "Yes, we need more MEN here!" Not enough to go around, if you ask me! Oh, and HK... I like pepperoni and mushrooms on my pizza! <settles back into the background>

*Well, OK you'll hound me anyway..
Date: 06/15/00
From: MsFrosty
until I introduce you.* The sisters walk over to the hunk who has just walked into the party. *Sis, I want you to meet the other guy I told you about, SpaceTime. SpaceTime meet my sister Ice_Nova.* SpaceTimes mouths drops open and he utters a faint *Hi* to the sisters as he looks from one to the other. Then he catches himself and smiles wickly. *Sisters huh?* MsFrosty smiles and whispers to her sister, *He's the resident Bad Boy around here, and he's all yours sis.* With that she turns and walks back over to Tf. MsFrosty

SE notices something about the van...
Date: 06/15/00
From: Sabre_Edge
SE goes up to the van. "Jack?" "Yeah, it's me... I have to do pizza deliver since MSR left me", Jack whines. Jack hands SE the pile of pizza boxes. "Cool, Pepperoni and Mushroom, Capaqu will be happy." "Cap who?" "I think it's French, I'm not sure" SE turns to leave with his load, "oh and MSR isn't here so you can go now" "Um, why would you say she's not here, unless... she is here!" SE grimaces as Jack strains to look over the fence... "MSR, what are you doing here?!"

Hey guys.
Date: 06/15/00
From: TeddyRuxpin
Teddy walks in, seeing everyone having a good tome
"You have room for one more?" he asked. "Sure, come on in. Sorry aout the food shortage, but its coming in about 30 minutes or less." "Ok. OOOH JACUZZI!" he yelled as he ran to the bubbling pool.

*He is delicious.*
Date: 06/15/00
From: Ice_Nova
MsFrosty shakes her head. *Sis, you don't want to meet darkslider.* *Uh, did someone mention me?* Another delightful looking man joins the sisters. *You two are the bad boys?* They both look a little worried as MsFrosty drags Ice_Nova back to the bar. *I said they were all yours and they are. But be careful.* *Frost I'm not going to do anything too bad.*

Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
Sabre_Edge dragged me to this party so you can blame him," MSR replied as she stood up. "I knew it. It's on now," said an angry Jack as he threw down that stupid cap of his. "Um... I don't think we should fight," replied SE as he started backing away. "And why is that?" asked Duncan and Alex who snuck up on SE. SE was surrounded. "Well... um..."

Alright, who let the bear in?! LOL
Date: 06/15/00
From: Sabre_Edge
SE looks over at the jacuzzi as he sets the pizzas down. "I am NOT cleaning the fuzz out of the filter!"

Ooohh ...
Date: 06/15/00
From: capaqu
<hoping no one notices my one-track mind> BAD BOYS!!!! Now this is more like it!

don't worry,
Date: 06/15/00
From: TeddyRuxpin
I groomed myself before coming here. So I won't shed anythng.
Is there anyone here who'd like a dance? Teddy

Barkeep? Monkey Brain Juice?
Date: 06/15/00
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo hopped out of the water to beg the barkeep to break out the good stuff. "Aw Y" the barkeep kicked his feet. "HK didn't say..." "MmmmmmmmSsssssssRrrrrrrrrr!" Jack hollered in. MSR dove in the water, and held her breath, staying under. HK motioned to the barkeep to give Yeontoo whatever it was she wanted, and motioned Jack on in the party. Spacetime and Ice were melting some ice on the dancefloor, as TF was finally gonna honor his pledge to MsFrosty. "Hey! I thought you only liked bad boys?" Tigs called, lounging back, soaking in the bubbles. As HK was asking Cappy to dance, SE opened the first box of the stack of pizzas. Tigs looked at the fuzz, "EEWWWW, me either" Going to the pizza, Yeontoo hooked a towel over SE's arm. "Whats that for?" SE raised his brow. "You are my towel boy, remember? Here's your towel, baby. Now dance with me." Yeontoo giggled at his expression, but he let her lead him to the floor. As the bodyguards were tearing into the pizza, Y begged, "Please save some for the rest of us?" HK notices that the pizza is here, and he didn't have to pay for them. "OH COOL!!!"

"Please come back to me."
Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
whined Jack as he stood at the edge of the pool. Finally, MSR had to get some air and swam to the surface. "Stop your whining," said MSR as she swam to the edge of the pool. "Help me up please." Jack did as she ordered. "We can talk at the bar." He started to put his arm around her shoulder, but she moved out of the way. They both went to the bar and sat next to Yeontoo. "Y, you do remember Jack, don't you?" asked MSR as she received another Coke. "Yeah. You left... er.. you had differences in opinion though I have no idea what," answered Yeontoo as she quickly sipped some monkey juice. Jack recognized Yeontoo. "Hey, didn't you..." MSR clapped her hand over his mouth. "Um... that's not her," MSR blurted out. Jack just nodded while Yeontoo glared at MSR. MSR and Jack had a heated conversation while Yeontoo was the referee. Yeontoo tried several times to leave, but one of them would ask her to stay. Meanwhile Sabre_Edge was laughing with Tigs as they watched the fireworks explode at the bar. MSR *Have fun everyone, I'm off to bed.*

Y'all wait!!!
Date: 06/15/00
From: SouthernSlider
"I wanna join in the fun. You guys sure do stay up late." SS throws her towel over the chair and heads for the jacuzzi. "Now this is more like it. Y'all just go on divin' and eatin' pizza, and dancin'. I'm gonna stay right here until I wrinkle." SS

I woke up, something didn't seem right..
Date: 06/15/00
From: nole9
"Why is there a guy sleeping in a pizza delivery van outside my house?" "What's he doing with that telescope?" Oh well, nothing surprises me in this part of town, I'd better go make breakfast. "OHHHH, MY GOSH" "Where did all of these people come from?" "I thought I locked the gate to the pool." "Who are these people?" "How did they make snowwomen in the middle of summer?" "Why is there a bear in my jacuzzi?" I need a drink. What's that bottle say, monkey something....... nole9 Someone who just woke up pretty darn confused

"Did someone say pizza?"
Date: 06/15/00
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
DMD asked from over the fence before letting himself in. He grabbed a slice of double pepperoni before heading toward the hot tub. "Um, what's with the bear?" Tigs and SoutherSlider both said "Shhh!" Southern explained, "he's very sensitive." SE walked up and said "Hey, don't I know you?" MSR took a break from her argument to add, "Yeah, you look familliar." DMD just blushed and sheepishly slipped into the hot tub, leaving the others to wonder.

Hello Ladies...
Date: 06/15/00
From: CoolSlider
...woo, I just got here and the ladies are already all over me. It's a price you gotta pay for this sexy bod... CS

fashionably late
Date: 06/15/00
From: sflite
as usual! Now pass me a margarita bartender!WOO HOO! SF

Oh Hell!
Date: 06/15/00
From: sflite
were we supposed to come n costume MsFrosty? BasmentJaxx? <runs to car for a quick costume cange> I shall return... SF

Date: 06/15/00
From: Prime2099
ALRIGHT! WHOOHOO! (Now it's time to whip out the wet towels and wind em up. Insert evil laugh)

Date: 06/15/00
From: Lil_Sassy_Swimmer
The doctor is having a dilema. See, last night she broke her ankle! Not fair! So she stumbles into the party, just a tad late (a little TINY bit!), on crutches. The cripple somehow snatches a lounge chair and elevates her foot.

I CAN'T SWIM!!!!!!
Date: 06/15/00
From: Slider_Quinn21
and I left my floaties at home.... :-( Quinn

I wish I'd had some warning...
Date: 06/15/00
From: Informant
I can't do the pool party thing because I didn't have time to get into good enough shape. I'll watch from the sides though. hehe

Date: 06/15/00
From: CoolSlider

Date: 06/15/00
From: EustiSlider
The splash from the cannonball reached all the way to the hot tub, chilling off everyone in the tub. DMD crawled out and dried off. He went to the bar for some libation.

---->-->->> SPLASH <<-<--<----
Date: 06/15/00
From: Blinker
<glub> "BEHOLD... the awesome mightiness of the MIDLIFE-CRISIS-MOBILE," Blinker declaims. <glub> "Now could someone please fish me and my new sports sedan from the pool before I drown?" <glub> "Uh-huh? Yeah? I'm over HERE?" An irritated BasementJaxx gets on the phone to the tow truck... er, tow boat company. Tigs shakes her head and takes another sip from the Monkey Brain Margarita. "Well, at least he hasn't lost his gift for making entrances..." - Blinker 7:-I

Date: 06/15/00
From: Slider_Sarah
YAY! <Sarah dances around the pool> Hope this hasn't got anything to do with last nights conversation dearest towel boy! Oooh... do I spy ice cream? <she runs over to the ice cream> Oh what to choose! And there's drinks as well! Too much choice! But then there's the pool! <She dives in gracefully> See, I can dive great. Sorry Blinky, didn't mean to hit you! Sarah.

Drunk as HELL
Date: 06/15/00
From: SpaceTime
SpaceTime sat down. The boilermaker was doing its job... excellent. Was he hallucinating or was there a) a lot of people here he'd killed a month ago and b) a piece of ass batting her eyelashes in his direction? It didn't matter. He was barely conscious from all the alcohol. Dark stood there looking at Space, wondering what the hell he was doing sober. The girl was about to initiate conversation but Space passed into a heavenly drunken stupor... where was Lolita, anyway? - ST

Date: 06/15/00
From: Lil_Sassy_Swimmer
The Sassy Swimmer looks at her ankle in disgust. "Hi Info, how are you?"

<finishes drink>
Date: 06/15/00
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
DieselMickeyDolenz started to head for the pool. "Whoa! First a bear in the hot tub, then a car in the pool? I need another drink."

Can I have this dance?
Date: 06/15/00
From: ContessaM
Connie walked over to a confused nole9 who was drinking a monkey brain juice. He was sitting at the end of the bar watching the people mill around him. Connie: (extends hand) Hello, my name is Contessa, but you can call me Connie. nole9: (shakes hand) You look vaguely familiar. Do I know you? Connie: (smiles) No, not really. I was at the Beret War Awards show in the back. I was one of the few people who were clapping since they knew red light green light. nol9: (smiles) Ah... yes that was a strange awards show. So did you like it? Connie: (takes a seat next to nole9) Yes. I did. You did a great job emceeing it. nole9: (blushes) Thank you. You are so kind. Connie: Can I have this dance? nole9: (sweat starts to roll down his back) Of course. It would be my pleasure. nole9 offers his hand and escorts Connie to the dance floor. They danced to Savage Garden. Connie thanked nole9 for the wonderful dance and went to find another dance partner. She found him at the bar, slightly wet, but now warm. Connie: (sits down next to DMD) Hello, weren't you at the Beret War Awards show? Bartender, a monkey juice please. Bartender: (finishes wiping counter) Coming right up. DMD: (puts down drink) Yes, I won for Best Guest Star. Connie: (smiling) Yeah, now I remember. That was a great night. DMD: (big grin appears on his face) Yes it was. Would you care to dance? Connie: Sure, but after you are done with your drink. DMD: (downs the drink in a gulp) All done. Come on. DieselMickeyDolenz leads Connie to the dance floor. They dance to 'Oops… I did it again' by Britney Spears. Connie starts giggling while they dance. DMD: (amused) What's so funny? Connie: (between giggles) Everytime I see the video and that guy in the spacesuit shows up I remember Jerry O'Connell in 'Mission to Mars.' DMD: (small laugh) Oh... I see. (the song ends) I hope you had a fun. Connies (blushes) Yes I did. You are a wonderful dancer. Thank you. Connie and DMD go their separate ways. Connie spies another prospective dance partner. She walks over to the dark blond man sitting at the bar. Sabre_Edge looks up as he sees her approach him. Sabre_Edge: (puts drink down) I know you don't I? Connie: (sits down next to him) I was one of the Dec. 10 Boyz groupies sitting in the back with a sign. Sabre_Edge: Oh, yeah. Too bad you got too rowdy and they escorted you out. Connie: No problem, since I got to see you guys in action. Sabre_Edge: Yeah, repelling down the side of the building. That rocked. Connie: Yeah it did. Can I ride in Airwolf? (gives a great big smile) Sabre_Edge: (thinks for a split second)) Um... no can do. (Connie starts to frown)But if you like how about a dance? Connie: (smiles again) Sure. (she grabs his hand and drags him to the dance floor) Sabre_Edge: Whoooaaa! (stops her) Connie: (excited) Sorry about that. (lets him go) It's that I've got to run soon. This is the last dance I have time for. Sabre_Edge: Oh, okay. Now, let me lead. (offers his arm and she places her arm inside) Connie: Okay. Lead on, sir. Connie had a wonderful time and thanked Sabre_Edge. Sabre_Edge: I know you from somewhere else. Connie: I bet you do. See ya. Connie ran off, leaving Sabre_Edge to wonder as to her identity. ContessaM

hey Sarah, wanna dance? <end>
Date: 06/15/00
From: TeddyRuxpin

Can I have ANYone's dance?
Date: 06/15/00
From: Blinker
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase? C'monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..... - Blinker 7:-X

I'll dance with you Blinker...
Date: 06/15/00
From: capaqu
Slow or fast? You choose!! Cappy

Woo Hoo!
Date: 06/15/00
From: Blinker
Mmmmm, this day may be looking up after all. 7:-P Let's take it SLOOOOOOOOOW. This heat has brought me to the point of exhaustion! - Blinker 7:-P

Makin' it 60...
Date: 06/15/00
From: Callie21V
"What's the gem for a sixtieth anniversary?" Callie inquires. "Ooooh, I hope it's cubic zirconia!" "Nah, they changed it a while back," says DMD. "It isn't gems anymore, it's household appliances. Sixty is... oh yeah! Dust Devil." HurriKain strides across the deck, handing out Dust Devil® brand miniature vacuum cleaners to all and sundry. "Oughta come in handy the next time one of us checks out," murmurs MsFrosty approvingly. >>> C/21

Whoo Hoo. My 7th post today.
Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
"Jack apologize to nole9," said MSR as he saw nole9 once again at the bar. He had finished his dance with ContessaM. "What for?" he complained. "For sleeping outside of this house and him catching you with a telescope spying on me," replied MSR. "Aww... alright." The second Jack passed MSR, she ran off to the jacuzzi and hid behind her two bodyguards - Alex and Duncan. MSR

I'll dance!!
Date: 06/15/00
From: Slider_Sarah
Teddy, Blinker. I'll dance with both, but onea t a time! And no fighting! Sarah.

Me, too.
Date: 06/15/00
From: SouthernSlider
The hot tub is full. I need a break. Anybody here know how to rock and roll? And I mean reeeeallly rock and roll. You know, soul music of the 60's, baby. SS

New in Town and Fashionably Late
Date: 06/15/00
From: GlossyHotsex
I will come in if the water is warm. Hey, I'm taking a leap off the diving board now and I hope I land on something just right. Well, I jumped right into an underwater dance going on. Woo Hoo! Let's come up for air and a sip of the bubbly spirits. I am GlossyHotsex. SciFi me!

Alcoholic LOVIN,
Date: 06/15/00
From: darkslider
Dark rubbed his temples in frustration. WHY THE HELL WAS SHE ALWAYS LATE?! How much preparation was needed in order for her to put on a THONG?? No matter..the wait would be well worth it. And if the Jug of Sterility had anything to say about it, he wouldn't remember the TWO HOURS he had to wait for her to get here.... He took a swig and glanced over at Pappy. Space certainly new how to work the ladies. Not today though. He now lay in a stupor with one hand on the "juice" and another on some unamed bottle of alcohol that appeared to fizz. Both bottles had done their job, as Space was out colder than Exec's bed has been since the zoo found that monkey in the maid outfit in his bedroom. A new girlie Dark did not know walked by and stared at Pappy, taking in his sasiness from afar. She seemed to look longingly as Space lay in his stupor. She soon realized that he was not responding to the stare and walked, went head down, to the other end of the pool to talk with Tigs. Space seemed to get lovin without even trying. Dark had to go to get a YAK in order to land it. What the hell was going on here? Lord...he needed a drink. He went to take a swig when he noticed the ground was no longer where it should be. He was about to ask Space when he noticed that he appeared to be conversing with the plastic lawn chair he was on about the state of beer in Liberia. Dark began to walk toward the lawn gnomes playing tennis when the ground came back.
"Sweetcakebottom!" dark heard behind him. FINALLY, she was here. "AppleLoveMuffin!" He yelled started to yell back, "Where the HELL HAVE YOU---" when he turned and saw what can only be described as THE HOTTEST WOMAN ON THE PLANET walked toward him. COMPLETE with a CUBE of Guinness. He chocolate skin glistened in the sun...LORD she was HOT. He looked around at the party. Sabre was gettin lovin from his dancing moves from capaqu..Space was fuly revived and delivering a HEALTHY BOUT of SSL to the Sasstress he had brought to the party with him over by the pool. Brand_S and Jorge were no where to be seen, likely handing out SSL to the ladies of their choice. He grabbed Tembi's hand, and took the beer with the other. "Let's go." he said. "But baby, we just got here!" Tembi said..the Pout of ALL WOMEN already on her lips... "Yeah, but where we're going the party will be MUCH HOTTER....." dark said, grabbing a quick look at THE GLORY that was Tembi's HOT BODY. Tembi followed his eyes and smiled..."Will there be Yak Lovin?" Dark sighed and shook his head" ....believe me, we AREN'T going to need it..." They left as if a fire had broken out. And in a way, one had. -darkslider

Date: 06/15/00
From: SpaceTime
Space thought he was awake. He really did. And then he keeled over, one eye twitching as the booze IV replaced blood with nourishing alcohol. He was in a booze coma, and he wasn't waking up... ever. - ST

Here comes the Cajun!
Date: 06/15/00
From: RajunCajun
Sliderkitty, may I have a dance, ma'am? :) I'm wearing Bermuda shorts! RajunCajun

ah..a party!
Date: 06/15/00
From: Mychand
Did I miss much while I was in hell at work? I think I need a drink! <My finds the nearest bar> Okay...where's the pool?

Where's the 'THONG' Babes! Capaqu? Tigs?
Date: 06/15/00
From: cc_deville

<Tigs, Ms Frosty, and Ice_Nova lounge>
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
"Listen Ice girl, you don't want to bother with those guys." <Tigs sipped her screwdriver> *They look so yummy. Of course, the one is zonked and the other just bailed with his girlfriend.* "I know Ice. By the way, where did you pick up that accent?" <Tigs noticed CC enter the party> "Just a sec girls." <Tigs shouted> "CC come on over, and don't even mention Thongs to me boy!" <she grinned as CC blushed> *Oh, we both talk like this* Ice_Nova smiled. *Which guys are fair play then?* "Hmmm." <Tigs pondered as CC edged his battered and bruised body into the jaccuzzi> "Well, tf is ok. So are qball and Chase. You pretty much wanna stay away from anyone with a chicklet on his arm or glaring at you as you walk by." *Alright* Ice_Nova peered around the room. "So CC, any good games this weekend?" Tigs grinned at his look of bliss.

The suns' come up
Date: 06/15/00
From: Yeontoo
DMD and Nole9 coax the bear out of the jacuzzi with the last of the pizza. "You get to buy more too" HK yelled over as he put a monster load of food on his grill with SE's help. "I know I said they'd eat a bear, but I didn't mean it literally!" "Mff, grrrrrrr" Then the bear purred as Nole9 and DMD vacuum the bear with their Dust Devils. Seeing a happy bear, everyone, except Callie, gave up the Dust Devils to a good cause. Yeontoo jumped in front of Dark and Tembi. "Tembi, hun, won't you go to Jumpin' Jimmy's and fetch some more monkey brain juice?" Tembi, the smart cookie she is, ran off to do Y's bidding. "Why'djya do that!" Dark hit his forehead on his palm. "I waited for 2 hours!" "The wait'll do you good hun, now do be a dear and dance with Tigs." Yeontoo smiled, motioning to Tigs to come over. "I'd rather..." "Sh" Tigs was delighted to dance with Dark, even if he was known to step on toes. "Why, sweetie, I'd be delighted to dance with you." Turning and spying her good-looking towel boy, "Dance with me, bay bee?" Yeontoo calls, slowly with her accent. "Sure hun, let me finish signing Sassy's cast first" SE imitated, then laughed while scribbling away. Yeontoo then grabbed the IV nearby, and pulled it out of Spacetime's arm. He jumped up yelling something like puppetmaster. Ice ran over and pulled him to the dance floor. With smirk, ST showed Ice all dance moves (and he only stepped on her toes twice!). As soon as the towboat towed the car, and the towtruck towed the towboat that towed the car, and the towplane towed the towtruck that towed the towboat that towed the car... Infy rubbed his eyes, then his temples. Then he looked again, and the car was gone. Southern Slider hooked her lil' southern arm around thru Infy's, "Nah deyah" and they strolled around the pool. MSR and her bodyguards superglue SE's raft to SliderQuinn21. "Whatcha do that for?" he non-politely asks. "Cause we didn't want you to drown!" MSR smiled. "I'm in the jacuzzi!" SE finally finished his scribbling and bowed to Yeontoo, "I'd be honored to have this dance" (he hid his smirk well) "Oooo. You sure you ain't southern bred?" Yeontoo asks as they began dancing. "I'm..." ST yells, "as southern as Southern California can get." Then he looks at his dance partner, "You are showing me some new moves baby." MsFrosty coaxed TF out of the pool for another dance. Tf laughs, yelling, "Aint too much more southern than Mississippi!" CoolSlider does another cannonball in the pool, successfully drenching Info and SS, and filling her drink with chlorine water. "ACK". Nole9 looks around, then calmly walks up behind Infy and SS, and gives them a gentle push in. Then runs to collect more pizza. "Y? Just how long will Tembi be gone?" Tigs asked. "At least another day" Y giggled, stepping on SE's toes. "hmf" Dark's mouth dropped open, "Tommorrow?!?"

Recuperation... and expiration
Date: 06/15/00
From: SpaceTime
Space was sober. "Dammit," he gurgled as he danced with Ice_Nova. He needed booze. And he needed it now. He stumbled over to the bar. "Give me somethin' stiff," he stammered to the barkeep. "Sorry, Mr. Time, but we had orders to cut you off." The sound of Space's eyes opening completely surprised even Executive, who was off in the corner looking at a picture of a goat and a California condor that just HAD to be doctored. Space panicked. He looked around. People were ENJOYING themselves. No booze. No Lolita. No... Syrup. Space had all he could. The alcohol seeping out of his system was burning his brain. Space walked over to a dimly lit alley. No one could hear him there. He pulled out a Creativity Disruptor™. He aimed it to his chest. He pulled the trigger. Game over. - ST

"Listen, I know you don't want to
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
really dance with me Dark," Tigs began. Dark's eyes started to light with hope, or alcohol deprivation, "I have a little present for you and then you can go hunt up Tembi if you want." <Tigs walked over to her bag of tricks and pulled out a black velvet box. She handed it to Dark.> "Uh." Dark looked a little confused. "Open it." <Dark opens the velvet box and pulls out a red superball.> "What the hell?" <Tigs grinned.> "For the easily amused." "That isn't funny." <Dark looked slightly offended. Tigs figured it was just the unusual amount of oxygen and nutrition in his blood.> "Here." <Tigs hands Dark a large brown bottle, after popping the cap> "What is it?" <Dark looked at it dubiously> "Homebrew dude. For the alcohol amused." <Giggling Tigs wandered over to SE and Y who were at the bar>

Let's play Marco Polo!
Date: 06/15/00
From: CoolSlider
C'mon guys, I'll be "it" Marco?

Tigs, wanna play a game of baseball?
Date: 06/15/00
From: cc_deville
Tigs, curiously, wades over to cc, "so how do you play?" "first, we move over behind those bushes, and I'm at bat. You can start by pitching me some spitballs, and we'll see how far I can go!" cc say slyly Tigs, thinking of backhanding cc, stops and says "do you think you can get past first base?" "I think I can get a HOMER!" "I think you have misspelled HOMER! You mus mean a B..." Tigs replies, teasing. "What happens if you strike out. Do I get up!" "Sure, and I'll show you my SLIDER!", cc replies, inching closer To Be Continued...

Date: 06/15/00
From: Wade_lookalike

<Tigs slipped behind the bar>
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
<still giggling about the spiked homebrew she dumped a small vial of fairy dust into the monkey juice. She'd already laced the spices for the food> "What is that Tigs?" <BJaxx looked at her.> "What's what?" <Tigs showed both her hands and there was nothing in them> "Wanna dance?" "I think I better dance with Cappy. We'll dance later. Hey, Dark looks like he needs a partner." <The two watched Dark rock out to Enter Sandman> "Cool. Rock on." <Tigs wandered back over to Dark and noticed that half the bottle of homebrew was gone>

hey HK, did you tell TF about the party?
Date: 06/15/00
From: trueslider2
do ya think he'll show!

Slider_Dee, you wear a thong!? Anyone?
Date: 06/15/00
From: cc_deville
Thong Tha-Tha-Thong thong thong cc

<The song ended>
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
<Dark sat down with a burger and a new bottle of homebrew> <Tigs walked back to the jacuuzi> "CC darlin'." <CC had a bad feeling> "How about we stay out of the bushes and I buy you a drink?" "You don't want to see my SLIDER?" <CC raised his eyebrows in a wannabe lachivious (sp) fashion> <Tigs smirked> "Here's a Haystack Black." <Tigs waiting until CC had slammed half the bottle> "You did hit a homer at tryouts right?" <CC nodded> "That was great. What's in it?" <his head started to feel really light> "Nothin'." <Tigs smiled too sweetly> "Wanna dance?"

slow or fast?
Date: 06/15/00
From: cc_deville

I'll dance with you cc, nice and slow..
Date: 06/15/00
From: chocolate_mozart

<feeling a bit tipsy>
Date: 06/15/00
From: capaqu
Cappy thanks BJaxx for the dance. She spies Dark sitting alone. She goes to sit with him.... "You look mighty lonely, Dark..."

DUTY CALLS!! (or booty calls!!) lets go!
Date: 06/15/00
From: cc_deville
Sorry Tigs! Ya don't know what yer missin! Losta love and kissin! cc

Date: 06/15/00
From: Lil_Sassy_Swimmer
Ironic, isn't it? The day of a pool party and the doctor can't swim, but none the less takes the time to get an alternate handle. *Sigh* The swimmer, who can't get in the water, is still reclining on her chair. She's come dressed for the occasion, sporting a takini. (lol@CC!) Her handy cell-phone starts to ring. "Allo?" she asks, holding it to her ear. "Oh hi. Yea I'm resting it. It has to be higher than the heart, I know. Oh! The x-rays are back? What? It's not broken?! Yes, I know a sprained ankle still needs to be treated. 'course I'll follow your orders. Ta-tah." She ends the call and turns off the phone calmly. Then she leaps out of her chair and half-runs, half-limps to the side of the pool. "Polo!"

"I cannot keep a man."
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
"what the hell?!?" <Tigs looked at mozart cozying up to cc and cappy oozing over dark> <Tigs walks to the bar and grabs a bottle of House of Lords scotch from Edurado Distillary in Scotland> <She sits at an empty table and pours a double shot> "Sigh" <she sips the most excellent scotch and watches the couples> "If it wasn't for this and fairy dust I might die of gagging"

<A drunk TimeFlux stumbles through gate>
Date: 06/15/00
From: TimeFluxEMC2
HAPPY NEW YEAR... or is it summer? <TimeFlux think about it for a second> Thats right, HAPPY SUM-oh boy, this is gonna hurt. <TimeFlux trips over his own feet, landing flat on his face knocking him unconsious> -TimeFlux "Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

"That *would* hurt!--
Date: 06/15/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
Somebody get him some ice!"

Date: 06/15/00
From: Wade_lookalike
wade_lookalike screams, spilling the cosmopolitan in her left hand, while slurping the frozen margarita in her right!

Who needs stuff??
Date: 06/15/00
From: nole9
"Who needs what? I know most of y'all didn't plan to be here all day, and all night for that matter, so I'm going to the store." "Yes, I know we are out of beer, Dark, it's on the list." "No ladies, I'm sorry, but I'm not going out looking for more 'gentleman' for you to dance with." "Okay, DMD, more food is on the way." "No, for the last time, I'm not buying everyone thongs. I said NO!" "Monkey Whatever Juice, check. Yentoo, do you know where I can pick that up?" "A baseball bat? Okay CC." "Last Call?" "Any requests?" "MSR, the bodyguards need anything?"

Blinker, did'ya get happy with cappy!?
Date: 06/15/00
From: cc_deville
I had a nice sip of some chocolate_mozart! only the good die young cc

master of the grill
Date: 06/15/00
From: HurriKain
HurriKain was dancing as he was cooking some Ball Park Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Ribs...
"MMMMMM! That's smells good!" CoolSlider said as he took a wiff. "Yep. Almost done too. give me a minute, would you?" "WOO HOO!" As HK prepares the plates with the piping hot food, someone taps on his shoulder. He turns around to see Donna, the Baywatch babe from before. "Oh Hi!" He said as he try to distract his attention from her protruding chest. "Uh... nobody drowned yet so we don't need your services right now." "Oh no. I just here for a little fun. You don't mind if I stay don't you." Donna said. "Oh sure. Hey I want you the meet someone." HK said as he points to TF soaking in the jacuzzi. "Hey, isn't it that guy that drowned from before?" "Yeah. He needs someone to teach him." "Oh really. You can count on me, also he is kinda cute." "Enjoy." HK said as he watch Donna run over to TF. My work here is done in the playground of love. ;-)

HurriKain, need a hand with the grill?
Date: 06/15/00
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
DMD strolls over to HurriKain. "Mmmmm. That barbeque, HK?" HK: "Yeah, it's almost ready. Man it's hot." DMD: "Well hey, I can watch this for you while you quench your thirst. Just leave everything to me." HK: "Cool, thanks!" HurriKain runs off towards the bar. DMD grabs a plate and thinks "Mmmmmm, riiiiiibs!"

"Oh nole9..."
Date: 06/15/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
"nah. My bodyguards don't need anything. Thanks for asking." MSR

HK, throw shrimp on the barbie for Oz!!
Date: 06/15/00
From: cc_deville
We can't forget our buddy from thge land down under. Oh less we forget, noles9, get a case of Foster's for him too! I come from a land down under, were the beer does flows and the men shunder (yer right, I don't know the slang words!) cc

<wipes away bbq sauce>"Hey Tigs!"
Date: 06/15/00
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
It looks like you could use a new dance partner. Whadda you say?"

"DMD I'm all yours."
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
<Tigs raises her bottle of Naive water (she switched during her dinner of strawberries and coolwhip)>

Pass me a burger!
Date: 06/15/00
From: TeddyRuxpin
HK hands the teddy bear a burger and he munches on it. "Mmmmm, thanks... numnumnum.... that's good eatin'." "Uh, thanx..." HK said as he watched the bear eat the burger in less than 10 seconds. "Can I have two more?" Teddy

"Woo Hoo!"
Date: 06/15/00
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Tigs and DMD make their way to the dance floor, almost tripping over Teddy Ruxpin, who was off to get another burger. "Thanks for the dance, Tigs!" DMD said over the music as he started moving to the music. Tigs started dancing, but was giving DMD strange looks. Finally she said, "You don't actually know how to dance, do you?" DMD: "Well, no. But you did such a great job at the luau the other night, I just had to ask." Tigs blushed, "Well, at least it's not as bad as Charlie O'Connel running!"

"You saw that? Oh man."
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
Dancing Queen started up... "DMD ya gotta dance another one with me," Tigs pleaded. "Just don't laugh at me," DMD started to groove like a John Travolta wannabe on Saturday Night Fever. <The corners of Tigs' mouth twitched as she got into the disco groove>

<TimeFlux slowly gets up off the ground>
Date: 06/15/00
From: TimeFluxEMC2
<Talking to himself> So this is why I was told never to get drunk. Oh well, it was kinda fun... in a painful sort of way. <Walks over to a chair and sits down> -TimeFlux "Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

<DMD bows politely as the song ends>
Date: 06/15/00
From: Tigs
"Thanks for the dance Tigs." "You are most welcome. Thank you" <Tigs smiled.> "See you later." <DMD dashed towards the grill and grabs a burger.> "Sigh. I need another dancing partner." <Tigs looks around. Dark and cappy are slow dancing to Thin Lizzy's rendition of Whisky In A Jar> "That's a new one." <sparkly little bits of SpaceTime can be seen wafting through the air> "Who kills himself at a party?" <and cc and mozart sit on a shared lounge chair giggling>

<TimeFlux looks around>
Date: 06/16/00
From: TimeFluxEMC2
Wow, it looks like people are starting the Summer off with what looks to be a HUGE party. <Notices something that gets him a little confused> Is that a bear or am I still drunk? <Shakes head and looks away> -TimeFlux "Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

cc stares at tigs, a mix of passion and
Date: 06/16/00
From: cc_deville
jealousy rages in his eyes. Images of tigs and himself, skinny dipping at the pool once everyone leaves, occupies more and more of his mind. "com'on cc, lets go back to my place" says choc moz, as she gets up and takes cc by the hand, leading him away from the party. cc, gazes back at tig, and sees tigs, looking back at him, smiling with her eyes. cc smiles, and slowly turns, leaving with choc moz. but, what if....

Date: 06/16/00
From: Tigs
<Tigs shakes her head as cc and cm leave>

The chant of BFA forever begins
Date: 06/16/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
MSR, now holding two supersoaker squirt guns, gets on top of the bar. She fends off all those who want her to get off by spraying them with water. "Ladies and gentlemen, BFA forever! BFA! BFA! BFA! BFA!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. "Oh bloody hell, now it's going to start once again between Jack and MSR," commented Duncan as he saw Jack inch his way to the bar with two supersquirt guns at the ready. Alex sighed, "Why can't those two just get along?" Duncan shrugged. Both of MSR's bodyguards wisely moved as far away from the duo. Yeontoo looked up from what she was doing and tapped Sabre_Edge's shoulder. "They're going to start it again." "Not again. Those two are crazy. Um... let's go to the BBQ and see what's cooking," SE suggested as his toes still tingled from being stepped on by Y. "Sure. Lead the way, towel boy." SE hobbled slightly as he lead Yeontoo to the grill. By this time, Jack jumped onto of the bar and yelled at MSR, "Dammit, you know that irritates the hell out of me. ABL-DRC forever. ABL-DRC forever. ABL-DRC forever." "Screw you, Jack. BFA forever." Tigs started to pull on MSR's leg, "Girl, give it up. It's over and no one wants another war." MSR looked down "Tigs, it's a matter of principle. He's wrong." By this time some of the partiers watch the bar intently as the two faction leaders draw their squirtguns and start shooting each other. At the BBQ, HK asks. "What's MSR and Jack doing?" Yeontoo started to giggle. "That's the reason she left him. She's all BFA and he's ABL-DRC. They can't get along." HK looked at the bar once again and they were finally hauled down by Duncan and Alex. "So where's her beret?" SE stopped in midbite. "Beret? No one said anything about beret. BFA stands for Bugs Bunny For All and ABL-DRC stands for Anti-Bugs Bunny League-Daffy Duck Rules Commission." All three's attention snapped toward the bar once again. "Rabbit season," began Jack. MSR countered, "Duck season." "Rabbit season" "Duck season." On and on they went as Alex and Duncan separated the duo. SE, HK and Yeontoo were laughing hysterically as were the other partiers at the ridiculousness of MSR and Jack's fight. MSR

Date: 06/16/00
From: darkslider
dark and capaqu finished the dance. As they did, he bowed and swooped her into a classic "Gone with the Wind" movie poster stance. He looked deeply into her eyes. "You are very beautiful...." dark began "Your eyes show me an eternity of beauty and grace..." "Yeah?" capaqu answered in a voice barely above a whisper. "I need to tell you something...I need to tell you that..."dark began. She leaned closer. He leaned closer to her... "Poppa's gotta go." She frowned. "What?" "Look, we'd NEVER work. You're too damn elegant for me. Besides, I'm the WORST person to be involved with...and I love Tembi." dark added while placing a kiss on her cheek. He turned and whipped his Poppaphone(tm) out from his pocket. He hit the autodial button and waited a beat, or the same amount of time it takes for Executive to reveal his "secret" love of Care Bears. She answered on the second ring. "Yes, loveofmylife?" Tembi asked while searching for GOD KNOWS WHAT, and taking her SWEET ASS TIME DOING IT. "Baby, I need a favor." dark announced into the phone. "You want me to wear the Twinkie Costume again tonight, Poppa?" Tembi asked, smile on her lips. Dark laughed nervously, "No, muffinsweets, I need you to come over RIGHT NOW and pick me and what's left of Pappy up. You know what parties do to him. And bring the "Milk Carton of Creativity Disruption. We're gonna need it." "But what about the--" Tembi began to ask "NO. Just get your sweetlumps down here and pick me up!" Dark told the PoppaPhone(tm). "Oh! And Appledumplin? Bring the Twinkie Costume too." dark added as he hung up the phone. As Dark waited he rubbed his temples and looked around. Tf was wobbly and beligerent from all the alcoholic lovin. He had three women around him giving him more and more of the blessed alcohol and cooing over his now unintelligeble word. WHERE THE HELL WAS HE DURING THE BERET WAR? We could've used him in the LoB! No matter. Dark scraped the bits that were his GOD into the Jug of Sterility. "The disrutor did the trick, all right. Just a damn shame that he hadn't had set it on overload and taken half the monkeys like Exec at this party with him," dark thought. No matter. Dark would be home in time for SSL, and that's all that matters. He glanced at capaqu. She had a swarm of studs around her, and didn't even notice Dark's little wave. Tigs and Ice were also in the same boat with equal STUD LOVIN. Dark would NOT be missed. He was SURE OF THAT. But before Tembi got here, Dark had a little unfinished business. "Hey Yeontoo, did you see THIS?!" dark yelled to Yeontoo from across the pool. "What is it ZacK?" Yeontoo asked, already slamming DARK'S NAME. Dark shuddered at the sound of the "k" and continued "Well, this is the best book of all time! Here, I got you a copy!" Dark handed her a book in plain paper. No cover blessed the title. "Thanks! I'll read it later!" Yeontoo said, already looking to correct SE's blatant disrespect for her in his use of the word NIPPLETWISTER in her presence. "No! I think you should look at it NOW!" Dark said "I marked a section that I KNOW you'll love!" Yeontoo stopped her attack at SE, shrugged, and opened the book to the designated page which was marked with a Kitten Bookmark. Yeontoo read three lines and began to shake uncontrollably, he eyes rolled backward and she collapsed into an "antivulgarity seizure". She twitched more uncontrollably than Exec who was dancing in an attempt to "woo" one of the stuffed poodles someone had left near the corner of the pool. She hit the ground when the commotion began. The book "Private Parts" by Howard Stern fell to the ground with a thud. The lesbian story left unread. Dark handed the first poster to go help Yeontoo the last of his "juice". "Give this to her, she'll be fine." dark said to him as he saw the Sassmobile pull up. Tembi arrived right on time, FOR ONCE. Dark spun and walked away as a few more members ran to help Y. The seizure had passed, but she was still lying down. "Lesibians, jubblie..adksljdlkaflkjdnfk" was all Dark heard her mutter as he walked away toward his BrownGoddess. As Dark approached Tembi, an unaware DMD ran smack into him, and thus causing half of Space's remains to fly out of the Jug. Dark stopped and looked. DMD looked back. Dark squinted and opened his face grew grim. "Matthew Perry?" dark asked. "BASTARD" DMD yelled as he ran toward a recovering Yeontoo. He got two steps when he stopped DEAD. He inhaled a bit of Space that had escaped from the jug and fell to his knees. "SPACETIME IS MY GOD." was all the explanation he gave. He then began to spell "EarthPrime is the BEST SITE ON THE WEB, and I am NOT WORTHY OF VIEWING IT" in the dust in front of him. Dark got to Tembi and took a swig of the Disruptory Goodness in the carton. He then gave the rest to Tembi and gave her the "drinky drinky" motion. She followed his command, and was rewarded with a kiss. They both were now UNALTERABLE BY ANY OTHER WRITER. PERIOD. Dark took Tembi and began to get into the car. Dark walked past Tigs and she said "Bye Dark!" Sometimes we need to realize that like goes with like, and to be wary of this. Brain dead parakeets stay with Exec because they think of the same things. The LoB stuck together for their love of the "Juice" and all it's benefits. And TEMBI was with Dark because she had his temper.....and his shorsightedness...and then some. "What's THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Tembi asked pulling out the Creativity Disruptor. Dark had to think fast before she killed EVERYONE. She had no qualms about it either, as his adventures in the future had proven. Tembi raised the CD at Tiggs and fired like a pro. If it had not been for the Jug of Sterility and Dark's quick arm, Tigs would have died right there. The Jug exploded and Space's remains scattered like the wind. ALL OVER EVERYONE. They all BREATHED IN THE MAGIC and fell down to their knees. NO ONE was spared, save Dark and Tembi who had taken off in the Sassmobile at a respectable 85. The partiers screamed in unison "SpaceTime is our GOD. WE love him and his SITE. We worship his ADONIS LIKE BODY AND ALL OF THE "MAGIC" he possesses. EARTHPRIME IS AS SEXY AS HE IS. WE ALL KNOW THAT WE ARE NOT WORTHY OF HIS SASSINESS!" As they were screaming this, Tembi and Dark were well on their way HOME in more ways than one....... The partiers regained consciousness an hour later. The statue of Space complete with "Sass action towel" was finished. Bikini top(and bottoms in some cases)offerings littered the statue of the God's feet. Yeontoo had fully recovered and was now enjoying her "juice", flipping through the pages of Stern and LOVIN IT. Tigs, Ice, and capaqu sat talking with their HORDE of admirers around them. And the party resumed right where it had left off, sans DARK, SPACE, and TEMBI. Dark and Tembi continued the "SSL Party" long after the one they had departed from had finished. -darkslider

<Sorry, I'm late!!! ...
Date: 06/16/00
From: JessieMallory
had a slide to set up for someone.> She looks around the room, and sees everyone having lots of fun. MSR and a gentlemen are having a super soaker fight, Y and SE are walking over to the grill, Tigs is talking to HK at the grill, MsFrosty and Ice_Nova are eyeing the 2 bodyguards, and everyone else is either dancing or swimming. A giggle coming from the jacuzzi,, gets her attention. She cranes her neck to see who is over there. Some big chested blonde in a Baywatch swimsuit is laughing and at something a blushing Tf has just said. Tigs motions her over so she decides to go over and say Hi to the people by the grill. <Hi Tigs, What's up?> <Not much, what are you doing with the wash clothe dear> Tigs asks smiling. <Oh just thinking of spoiling someone's fun is all> She smiles back. <Spoil someone's funny, Jess what are you thinking of doing?> Yeontoo asks , her curiosity is now peeked. <Jess spoil someone's fun not her.> SE pipes up. <Just wait and watch dear.> She smiles. She walks over to the side of the pool where Dark and Cappy are dancing again, and sticks her foot out tripping them both. Both of their arms fly in the air trying to keep themselves from falling in the pool. Dark goes in first, but she grabs one of Cappy's arms preventing her from falling in also. <Sorry Cappy, but I needed a guy in the pool that needs saving.> She smiles and watches a drunk dark trying to stay a float. She says loudly, <Hey I think dark is having trouble in the pool. Do we have a lifeguard on duty?> The big chested blonde jumps up and does a running dive into the pool and drags dark to the side. She pulls dark from the pool and begins to give him mouth to mouth. With each breath she gives him, the smile on his face gets wider and wider. <OK my work here is done.> She says walking back to the grill twirling her wash clothe. HK looks sternly at her and says, <Now that was mean Jess.> Tigs and Yeontoo giggle and her, and SE is trying to stiffle a laugh himself. She shrugs, <Sorry, I woman does what she has to do dear.> She winks at Tigs at walks over to the jacuzzi. She walks up behind Tf and dangles the wash clothe in front of his face. <Oh, wash clothe lad.> Tf looks up at her getting redder and redder by the minute, and thinks to himself. <Oh god, What did I do?>

<gets up and wobbles to the grill>
Date: 06/16/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
The good doctor suddenly feels a little sick as she realizes that all HK is serving is meat, and she's already missed the pizza. "Yuck." DQ thinks to herself. Suddenly, she remembers her beach bag. She darts over to her reserved lounge chair, as quickly as anyone whose leg is wrapped in a cast can, and digs through the retro-colored nap-sack. Pulling out her prized...VEGGIE BURGERS! Satisfied, DocQuinn races back to the grill and quietly asks HurriKaine to throw one on. "Plllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssse!" she begs. As soon, as he consents, she assists TimeFluxEMC2, who's just hit his hangover.

<shedding soft tears>
Date: 06/16/00
From: capaqu
Cappy can't believe it! Dark has abandoned her. For TEMBI! None of the other men will do (except maybe Space, and he's gone too). Quantity is no subsitute for quality! Cappy decides, it's time to leave. The BAD BOYS are gone! Hey Dark... ... you want TEMPER? ... you want SASS? Honey, you ain't seen nothin' yet! You have NO idea what you're missing! <cappy turns to leave...>


Date: 06/16/00
From: TimeFluxEMC2
TimeFlux starts to get up> Thanks for the help DQ. My headache is just about gone now. <Walks around still a little confused, not really knowing where to go> -TimeFlux "Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

<Fairy dust swamps the party>
Date: 06/16/00
From: Tigs
<everyone looks around a little dazed and a lot confused> "What the hell is that?" Jess looked around and saw the mud man statue out on the lawn. <cappy sits on a lounge chair sobbing> "What's wrong honey?" Tigs walks up to her. "The fairy dust should've cured you. After all everyone had their preweirdness splash of it." "He," she sniffled, "He left with her..." Tigs and Jess both shuddered at the wailing. "but, but you can't fix me. SpaceTime is my God and Darkslider is sooooooo hot." Tigs looked at Jess, "can we say loophole?" "I can say a few other things," Jess smirked. "Be nice girl. Cappy, he's all yours. Go ahead. You only have to fight Tembi and Space for him." Cappy looked around. "Really? You don't want him?" Tigs looked uncomfortable for a sec, "I'm actually only interested in finding out what else is in his mind." Cappy perked up. "Anyone have a car I can borrow?" "Take Jack and his van." MSR piped up. Before anyone could say anything else Cappy and Jack were in hot pursuit of Dark and Tembi. "Oh boy. You are bad Tigs," Jess giggled. "I'm nice. I'm always nice."

Hey, Tigs...
Date: 06/16/00
From: nole9
I'll dance with you. I may be a poor sub for the LoB boys, but I'll try. I know the Charleston!!!!

Volleyball anyone?
Date: 06/16/00
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Having finished his burger and his 'dance' with Tigs, DMD decided it was time for a game of vollyball. He found the ball and yelled, "anyone for volleyball?" MSR said "ooh, me!" and snatched the ball on her way to the net. Duncan and Alex rolled their eyes and dutifully followed MSR to the court area. Y and Tigs were next to volunteer. Tf mumbled something unintelligible, tried to stumble toward the court and was saved by falling on his face by a very attractive Baywatch babe. SE got an evil grin and made his way towards the women who were already practicing. "OK, I'm in. But I get to pick my team!"

"Pick me!"
Date: 06/16/00
From: MissingSliderRyan
said MSR as SE looked at the small group assembled in front of him. Sabre_Edge grinned. "When was the last time we were on the same team?" MSR thought for a few seconds. "I don't think we were." "Exactly so I'm not going to start now," he replied as he looked at her. DMD piped in, "Dude that is so cold." "That's not cold. That's the truth," added Yeontoo. "MSR, don't you start with your tricks again," Tigs chided. MSR gave them an angelic smile. "Who me?" "Knock it off. Next thing you'll say is 'Trust me' and I don't so you're not on my team. I pick Yeontoo." She went over to SE's side. "Your pick DMD."

Can I play too?
Date: 06/16/00
From: TeddyRuxpin
I am like the KING of volley where I come from. :-)

Late arrival!
Date: 06/16/00
From: Robin14334
<Robin scans the party crowd. She drops her stuff on a lounge chair and dives in the pool.> Robin: Alright, let's PARTAY!!

Late arrival from yesterday returns
Date: 06/16/00
From: GlossyHotsex
HEY!!! HK please throw on some Don Henley music will ya' pretty please!!! Thank you..... "She wants to party, Ooooooh! She wants to get down Ooooooh! All she wants to do is dance and make romance!!! Can you feel the heat???" She has returned with lots of great goodies. As she runs over to the grill area and plops down a zillion Johnsonville Brats and buns to boot. As she speaks to the gathered crowd, "These will taste great later," as she smacks her lips. "Long, hard brats ooooozing with juice are always sooooo satisfying", she exclaims. She runs back by the pool and the crowd is yelling at her, "Show us your thong." She replies, "What thong?" "I only have a small coverup on over my bikini top, but no thong."
"I have something else that may interest you in my bag over here, they are inflatable air mattresses, for use on the water or on land." She bends over slightly to get them out of her bag, but she is very careful and reveals nothing. "They are are great for lying down and snuggling." "Anybody interested?" I am GlossyHotsex! SciFi me.

Party continued in new post...
Date: 06/16/00
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
MSR created a continuation post at: See ya there! Diesel Mickey Dolenz

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Nominated by Blinker