Post 25,000. Let's outreply the Census!!
Date: 02/14/01
From: Blinker
Firstly, a few words. The Wacky BBoard Christmas Party of '99 received 206 replies, spawned such enduring BBoard personalities as Ed_The_Sock, and was generally a hell of a lot of fun. [] The Fifth Anniversary Post Party of March 22, 2000 received 126 replies, and WAS a hell of a lot of fun when it wasn't being spammed. [] Subsequent parties have fared... less successfully. 7/30/2000: 15 replies [] 10/13/2000: 9 replies [] 10/31/2000: 11 replies [] 12/12/2000: 10 replies [] Today, we celebrate the 25,000th post to grace the finest damn Sliders board on the net. If THAT isn't excuse enough to slap on some loud music and get virtually sloshed, I dunno what is. 7:-P Do we have a theme? 'BBoard History' comes to mind. Come as an alternate of your favourite poster, and watch our semi-talented yet ever-expanding band of Exec impersonators warble the hits. Ongoing plotlines, bizarre hilarity and associated hijinks are heartily encouraged. TIP is not. So get out there, register a few dozen new handles, and let's show 'em what a REAL party is... WHO'S GOT THE MONKEY BRAIN JUICE????? - Blinker 7:-P~~~~~~~~~

Thanks to Blinker!
Date: 02/14/01
From: SpaceTime
His IM trumpeting this post caused a nuclear meltdown of my computer! Whoo hoo! But then, I run Win 2k, so I had it coming... :) - ST

Da Sock sez it's Party Time!
Date: 02/14/01
From: Ed_The_Sock
Okay ya friggin' mooks da sock ain't been around lately cuz da sock thinks ya mooks have turned inta abuncha cry babies! So da sock is gonna do ya mooks a favor. Free stogie burnin's to alla ya mooks! So bend yer arses over and get ready fer da burn! Ed_The_Sock

I am the dark ruler of the underworld!
Date: 02/14/01
From: Gachnar
Fear me!

I'VE got the monkey brain juice...
Date: 02/14/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
...the monkey brain juice, and the LOVE. Tonight, Isaac tires of serving the Board's finest with the non-alcoholic processed bodily fluids of apes. Tonight, Isaac will step onto the dance floor, and Kari-like, desperately offer his services to the very first bidder. While panting, rhythmically. But only because he's flabby and out of shape. What say you, ladies? <eyebrows perform brief jig> Come on... I'm so very lonely... IsaacTheBartender "So? Who's gonna buy a beer from Isaac?"

<o> <o>
Date: 02/14/01
From: Crashdown
.......\.../....... ........\./........ .........X......... ......../.\........ ......./...\....... Party!

Woohoo! Party!!!!!
Date: 02/14/01
From: Winker
Let's rock this joint! 7;-o

There is no reason to celebrate this END
Date: 02/14/01
From: Exlaxative
I love you mommy, please don't hit me again

Screw the juice. Where's the FOOD?????
Date: 02/14/01
From: SL4Blinker
Someone toss me a properly warmed orange!!! STAT!!! ...yep, it's Borg implants. 7:-P 7:-P~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!! 7:-P~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is anyone here from Texas?<end>
Date: 02/14/01
From: Wazootymann

Date: 02/14/01
From: LinkerB
LinkerB in Da house!! Give Me the Juicez, THe Booz and all Da Ladies!!!!!!!

Date: 02/14/01
From: Dexibal_Lector
So whom do I eat first?

Date: 02/14/01
From: WagonChrist
Dammit! wrong costume. BRB.
The Aphex Twin

Just call me Timmy Smallfeet!
Date: 02/14/01
From: SpaceTim
And you all know what they say about men who *don't* have large feet! >:-D -ST

It's Lime Time!
Date: 02/14/01
From: SpaceLime
I want a drink. Get me a margerita!

Stogie THIS,You Meanie
Date: 02/14/01
From: Charmed007
I'll fish for sock monkeys ANY TIME I WANT TO.I'll even start up loving,committed relationships with them if I SO CHOOSE! Ooooh...*hic*...yer lookin' mighty sexy there, monkeyboy... -Charmed007 Live and let starve.

Screw the *juice*?????
Date: 02/14/01
From: blinkerlynn
But then what's the orange for???????? Wait, this can't be the right handle... << dials down Icky-o-Meter hidden beneath tuft >> Ahhhhhh, that's better. Smile. Take care. 7:)

Hey, Dexibal
Date: 02/14/01
From: SpaceTim
EAT ME. It's fun! -ST

LOL SpaceTim
Date: 02/14/01
From: Dexibal_Lector
I will ... but sadly for you not the way you want me to. :-D Start spreading some barbacue sauce on your flanks, I'll be right there.

Anybody wanna dance?!?!
Date: 02/14/01
From: SpaceLime

:::sippin' on some Barcardi::::
Date: 02/14/01
From: IncredibleHK
I hope no one plays any Kari music. And that will make me VERY pissed. Barkeep, another round!

Hell yeah!
Date: 02/14/01
From: SL4Beaver
Let's get some beaver in here! Woo Hoooooooooo!

The women ....
Date: 02/14/01
From: Dexibal_Lector
That would be moist excellent. Bring the wives too! I'm giving very serious thought to eating your wives. :-D

25,000!!! Woohoo!!!
Date: 02/14/01
From: ThomasMalthus
Although statistically speaking, since the number of posters increase arithmetically and the number of posts increase geometrically, we all have way too many frickin' handles! But who cares??? It's PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!! YeeeHAW!!! ThomasMalthus

H E Y !!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 02/14/01
From: Kromaggot
Someone turn the CD over i think it's finished!!!

SpaceLime? "About the Poster"
Date: 02/14/01
From: ReCallie317
Unlike many partiers, I guess I could be labeled a casual Sliders BBoard member. I saw a few first run episodes from Earth 374 before reading the entire 6th Season. I did tune in to see what happened to buffyboy. The announcement of his departure was so horribly implausible that I gave up on the board. When he failed to return for the 80th time, I did not weep. However, my interest was rekindled when the HoF picked up some posts. I read all the old posts leading up to the new batch. And then I flunked college and moved to a place that didn't get I did find someone with a DSL line to read the first episode of the Dominion War. But there was no me, since I'd never posted. And was destroyed. And Brand_S was an interdimensional deity. That was enough for me. Which brings me to now (2/14/2000.) I have again, and I'd really like someone at this party to dance with me. Here's hoping you enjoy the ride... Callie Truman, 21 (V), failed every one of her college courses but especially the ones involving words or numbers. E-mail at

<takes the stage wearing flemporal Tux>
Date: 02/14/01
From: Exec_Impersonator
In honour of the 25,000th SpaceTime parody handle... er, post... *ahem* LindseyD was quizzical Asked a metaphysical Question of the board; Where have the O'Connell brothers gone? Oh, oh oh Lord... Mattwell SpaceTimeison (Couldn't find a rhyme-ison) Gets extremely cross; He's the BBoard's boss because he said So, oh oh oh... So when D turns her back on the post, Guess who should reply...? (d-doo doo doo) *BANG* *BANG* Mattwell's Flaming Hammer came down upon her post; *BANG *BANG* Mattwell's Flaming Hammer made sure that she was toast... T H E E X E C I M P E R S O N A T O R

:::snacks on Buffallo Wings:::
Date: 02/14/01
From: IncredibleHK
Mmmm... This is... <lick>... pretty tasty <munch>...
Dexibal: Mmmm... tasty... Green meat... :-P.... Uh oh...

YO Blinky..
Date: 02/14/01
From: MrsBlinker
You're main sqeeze it here! Let's dance! MB

Date: 02/14/01
From: ThomasMalthus
Because of the evil system that is, I cannot currently create new handles for myself. So consider my handle for this post to be: TMClonedMyBaby Party: Sliders rocks! 25,000 posts: Yay! Let's all drink some beer! We have come so far Considering how messed up Our show has become Yet we are still here Fighting the good fight because We still love our show Wonderful people Post in droves upon this board Then there is SpaceTime I hope that we have 25,000 again "Sliders" forever! TMClonedMyBaby

Date: 02/14/01
From: LiLSweetheart
I'll drag out the ol costume in honor of Valentines day and the BBoard party! So..what are we doing for fun around here? <SMACK>LIL

Hey IHK!!!
Date: 02/14/01
From: SL4Beaver
Get yore bad self over here and open this can of pickles for me! Woo Hooo!! <rips shirt off, lights it on fire, and twirls it over his head> Any beaver to dance with????????? :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dance with me LiLSweetheart!
Date: 02/14/01
From: SL4Beaver
I'll twirl you up in the air. It'll be like old times! This reminds me, where is you sister, LilSassySlider?

Texan...right here
Date: 02/14/01
From: Slider_Quinn21

< twirls MrsBlinker around the room >
Date: 02/14/01
From: Blinker
Hey, whoever said that tuft guys don't dance????? 7:-P - Blinker 7:-*

Flaming Hammer?
Date: 02/14/01
From: SpaceTim
EVERY Norse god around here has a BURNING HAMMER of SASSY DEATH. Don't make me bust out Mythology 101 on your bed-sore-ridden ass, Exec. -STim

:::: opens bottle of pickles:::
Date: 02/14/01
From: IncredibleHK
<munches on a pickle> Ah, the glorious sour taste of Dill...
Barkeep, a Long Island Iced Tea please... --IHK--

WOO HOO! Happy 25,000! Let's Party NT
Date: 02/14/01
From: poopie_butt

I don't post on these things. No- wait!
Date: 02/14/01
From: snackcakes
I went and did it, didn't I?

A monkey juice here, please.
Date: 02/14/01
From: dellytwo
dellytwo glanced around the party, looking for his female double. No immediate signs of her. Come to think of it, there were very few women at the party at all. d2: "Man, if some ladies don't show up, this party is gonna be a real drag." Rupaul: "Did you say drag?" d2: "Smeg off. Not that kind of drag."

Let's Rock
Date: 02/15/01
From: DaisyMaeDuke
Hey Barkeep give me a shot of Jack and a coke chaser, no make that a double. Let's Dance. DaisyMaeDuke

Oh baby, rock my world.
Date: 02/15/01
From: Tigs
The dance floor is calling us dellytwo. Oh the sweet sound of testosterone devestating the air. The handle queen will be disappointing mr dexibal or is that decibal or detector? Oh it matters not. That poetry was almost enlightening, but I think I'm in the wrong head space. Speaking of places why aren't we dancing yet? Finish that drink and let's slink out there and make some jaws drop. Well, we arent' that bad. Anyone else wanna dance with me and d2? or was that d3? Torrid I'm not, Tigs I am

Entree gnu
Date: 02/15/01
From: Dunce_Brigade
Motley Miscreants known as the Dunce_Brigade: We have arrived! They all stumble over the one before since they ignored the Watch your step Please Step Up sign. sliderteeth: Damn, are you blind? LL2001: Sorry, I was tired and didn't know what I was doing. Cooties: LL2001, yeah I saw you're latest excuse for sticking your foot in your mouth. Rest of the DBs laughs while the other partygoes just roll their eyes. LL2001: I'm bored. Someone flame me. sliderteeth: We need alcohol. Cooties: Yeah now! The DB walk to the bar while the other partiers throw things and say things to them. dellytwo: Get a f*cking dictionary, thesauraus and read your posts before you hit Post reply illiterete mendicants. Blank stares appear on all members of the Dunce_Brigade. dellytwo: F*CK YOU ALL! YOU'RE WASTING MY F*CKING TIME. I'M GOING TO WRITE A FANFIC THAT FLAMES YOU ALL, BUT YOU'RE ALL TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND IT. THE OTHERS KNOW AND LAUGH AT YOU! dellytwo throws a 10 pound unabridged dictionary at the group and leaves their unwashed, smelly presence before their stupidity infects the air dellytwo breathes. The DB make their way to the bar four hours later after getting directions from various partiers. They were wondering why they had to go to the Dominion Hotel and stick forks into those things on the wall first. The buzz was nice as all agreed. Then the Coke machine, the ice machine then it was... uh... the petting zoo. Dunce Brigade: We have arrived!!! They fell over themselves again because they ignored the sign again. Cooties: Hey it's the Olsen Twins. LL2001: Yeah and the Pepsi girl. sliderteeth: I'm in love with Gary Coleman over there. DB: Let's stay here. Is that Haley Joel Osmet over there? Come here baby. So the DB danced, partied, got wasted and laid that night.

Eats snackcakes...
Date: 02/15/01
From: Dexibal_Lector
Ahhhhh. I like the sweet creamy middle the best. :-F

Shall we dance?
Date: 02/15/01
From: PBanJ
There are enough of us to dance with ourselves but it is always funner to dance with others. :-D Where's Mikey?

Drinks comin' up!
Date: 02/15/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
One Long Island Iced Tea for the Incredible HK! One glass of Monkey Brain Juice for dellytwo! And one shot of Jack and a coke chaser for DaisyMaeDuke . . . no, make that a double! Isaac the Bartender "So? Who's gonna buy a beer from Isaac?"

I am not a god!
Date: 02/15/01
From: SpaceWhine
WHINE WHINE WHINE! I'm a loser! Whine Whine Whine! My site sucks! Whine Whine Whine! I hate you all! Now go back to your lousy party! Whine Whine Whine! SpaceWhine

I hate this Board and 90% of you!
Date: 02/15/01
From: Blink_S
Isn't it ironic, then, that the song I'm about to rip off is by Utopia? ===== Posts go up The page keeps turning, and posts go up Posts go up The page keeps turning and posts, go, up The poem from Roads Taken None of the newbies knew who the thing was written by. They asked again and again I think the right answer was some dead Italian guy. Posts go up, Whether or not there's a reason. Posts go up, Enter another season. The week they aired Unstuck Man We received an average one-twenty posts per day. There was a whole lotta spam But before too long, all the morons went away. Posts go up, Whether or not there's a reason. Posts go up, Even when there's no more seasons. Posts go up The page keeps turning, and posts go up Posts go up The page keeps turning and posts, go, up The daily reruns went off Hammer asked fans once more, to turn the other cheek. And before you could cough "WEAR'Z MY SLYDURZ????1" became the Question of the Week. Posts go up, Rarely with any decorum. Posts go up, Such is a day at our forum. - Blink_S >:-O~~~~~~~ ( As seen in Dominion War I, that's the violent retching I perform every time I log onto this Board! )

LOL Dexibal!
Date: 02/15/01
From: FogBlink
That idiot snackcakes could not have picked a better handle to return under! 7:-D By the way, snackcakes... I know who YOU are too. BESIDES gastrof. Be good this time or you're getting ANOTHER reputation down the toilet... - FogBlink 7:-P THE UNOFFICIAL POST 25,000:

Date: 02/15/01
From: SL4Beaver
Ah, I love the smell of beaver in the morning! Good morning all!

Thanks, Issac!
Date: 02/15/01
From: dellytwo
d2 finishes off his monkey juice and heads over to Tigs. Tigs: "It's about time. Why aren't we dancing yet?" d2: "We are now, Tigger dear." Blinker and MrsBlinker seem to be having a good time on the dance floor as well. Dexibal_Lector walks bye wiping something (is that snackcake?) from his chin. d2 notices DaisyMaeDuke finishing her drink. Tigs: "Are you looking at her?" d2: "Um... at who?" Tigs: "DMD, that's who." d2: "Ummm..." Tigs: "I am so totally out of here."

Hey Isaac...
Date: 02/15/01
From: Callie5579A
Gimme a lemonade over here, k? SL4: Mike's HARD Lemonade????? :-P CV: No... Mikey's. << Mikey flips Callie the bird >> CV: HEY! This isn't badminton! And one question, Bar Boy. How come people are ALWAYS spelling your name 'Issac'???? >>> C/5579

D2---- :-O !!!!!!
Date: 02/15/01
From: Callie5579A
I wrote that before seeing your post... honest!!!! >>> C/5579 :-D

Date: 02/15/01
From: Ignorant_
Sign my petition to restore INTEGRITY to Sliders. Only YOU can convince Sci-Fi to digitally insert that clip of the Sliders running (formerly used in the opening credits) to all future reruns of S5 episodes! T h e I g n o r a n t _ j/k

Outta sight!
Date: 02/15/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
Here's that lemonade - with a Summers chaser. Which, if you're wondering, is Info's favorite drink for watching Buffy. Isaac the Bartender "So? Who's gonna buy a drink from Isaac?"

I gess da Sabre's double ain't comin'
Date: 02/15/01
From: Sabre_Ed
And da Sabre thought he never missed a party! -Sabre_Ed

:::sips some more Barcardi::::
Date: 02/15/01
From: IncredibleHK
Rockin' part so far.. I wonder if I could eat more fodd than Dex in this party :-)

Contributing For 57
Date: 02/15/01
From: Stax_
But the handle thing is just too hard .stax

Incredible HK: Warrior Reporter!
Date: 02/15/01
From: BlinkerD_Raven
[ Calling on skills he picked up in the First Beret War, IHK is dictating into a handy camcorder... ] IHK: I'm here at what may shortly become a scene of vicious carnage between SpaceTim and Dexibal_Lector. The former has asked Food Boy to EAT him -- and his nemesis seems ready to oblige. DL [helpfully]: But not in the way he wants! >:-D~~~~~~ IHK: With innuendo like this, it can only be a matter of time before the situation comes to blows... - BlinkerD_Raven 7:-P

hey beaver
Date: 02/15/01
From: SiIverguy
u want make 6 ft wormhole i b --Silverguy Silverguy 01 on AOL IM

Ey! Somebody dance wit da Sabre
Date: 02/15/01
From: Sabre_Ed
Da sharpest Ed in town is gettin' a cold shoulder . . . which admittedly makes sense since it's made of da friggin' steel. Just don't hang da Sabre out ta dry, ya mooks! -Sabre_Ed

my protector
Date: 02/15/01
From: DaisyMaeDuke
DaisyMaeDuke was singing a horrid song to herself, for some reason it wouldn't go away. "I blew out my flip flop stepped on a pop top cut my heel had to hurry back home. But there's booze in the blender and soon it will render..." She spotted D2 and Tigs, and headed their way. Dexibal was searching for his next snack, <sniff, sniff> Someone smells sweet enough to eat. He headed toward the delicious scent. "There you are my dear." DL said as he sniffed the air around her. DaisyMaeDuke was shocked by the devilish look upon his face. "Umm, can I help you?" she asked taking a step away. D2 and Tigs did not like this. And headed toward their frightened friend. <tap> Dexibal turned and growled showing his fangs. D2 stepped between Dexibal and Daisy, "Sorry, but you'll have to find someone else to eat. The ladies are under my protection." Dexibal: Grrrrr guess I'll have to wait until later... So whom shall I eat now? DaisyMaeDuke Yo barkeep can I get a banana, pineapple daquari over here? Please.

Dance anyone?
Date: 02/15/01
From: CinnamonSpiceGirl
I feel like dancing. So will one of you gentlemen get your buns over here? Cinnamon

25,000 daiquiris on the wall...
Date: 02/15/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
...25,000 daiquiris; You take one down, You pass it to Daisy, 24,999 banana-pineapple daiquiris on the wall! "Outta sight!" Isaac the Bartender "So? Who's gonna buy a beer from Isaac?"

Gotcha covered, Stax_. 7:-P
Date: 02/15/01
From: Blinx_
Over here, Cinnamon honey !blinx

Right here, Cinnamon
Date: 02/15/01
From: IncredibleHK
Let's dance! I hope that you are light on your feet!

I wanna dance wit da Cinnamon Girl
Date: 02/15/01
From: Sabre_Ed
Da Sabre could be happy da rest of da post wit his Cinnamon Girl! You two mooks are outta luck! If da Spice Chick's got any taste at all, she's comin' fer ME! -Sabre_Ed

You asked a little to late, Ed
Date: 02/15/01
From: IncredibleHK
the girl's dancin' wit' me! Go ask That Tigs girl.

Anyone got a towel?
Date: 02/15/01
From: sliderteeth
A wet sliderteeth walked up to the bar. Isacc give me something strong. Isacc said why are you wet? sliderteeth said the water was turning the other way from where I'm from. Isacc said oh, someone was flushing the tolet while your head was in it. Issac gave him a towel and a drink. Yeah. What's this? I call it Red Flaming Flamingo. Try it. It's good. When you still have some in your mouth, light this lighter and spit out the drink. Just make sure you're by yourself. Okay. Thanks. sliderteeth walked to an empty corner and forgot what Issacc said. With the drink still in his mouth he put the lit lighter in mouth. Boom Whoa! Just like Daffy Duck when he drank nitroglycerine and blew up when he and Bugs were competing. The partiers ignored the smoldering hole in the floor.

Anyone got a towel?
Date: 02/15/01
From: sliderteeth
A wet sliderteeth walked up to the bar. Isacc give me something strong. Isacc said why are you wet? sliderteeth said the water was turning the other way from where I'm from. Isacc said oh, someone was flushing the tolet while your head was in it. Issac gave him a towel and a drink. Yeah. What's this? I call it Red Flaming Flamingo. Try it. It's good. When you still have some in your mouth, light this lighter and spit out the drink. Just make sure you're by yourself. Okay. Thanks. sliderteeth walked to an empty corner and forgot what Issacc said. With the drink still in his mouth he put the lit lighter in mouth. Boom Whoa! Just like Daffy Duck when he drank nitroglycerine and blew up when he and Bugs were competing. The partiers ignored the smoldering hole in the floor.

Reply #69... of course.
Date: 02/15/01
From: ColleenMallory
I'd say something here to commemorate it if I had the appropriate faculties. - ColleenMallory 7:-P

Date: 02/15/01
From: DoctorWhy
This is really something. Anyone up for a round of Peckindarts?

My my my
Date: 02/15/01
From: CinnamonSpiceGirl
Soooo many men to choose from. Blinx, IHK, Sabre_Ed so who should it be? eeney meeney minee moe Blinx you're up baby. awww why him? the others asked 'cause he asked first, but not to worry there's plenty to go around. IHK yes I am very light on my feet. Besides I can dance so long it'll probably take all three of you to keep up with me!! Cinnamon (So will there be an award for best costume handle?)

Coming in from the shadows
Date: 02/15/01
From: Coming in from the shadows
A sneaky man in a leather jacket carefully made his way to the bar, watching for anything suspicious. "Bartender, give me a vodka on the rocks and make it quick." He spied the room again and searched for the object of his displeasure. "Here you go. Looking for someone?" asked the barkeep. "Not looking. Running away from a stalker. She follows me everywhere. Thinks I'm her true love. Sheesh... delusional." He downed his drink in several seconds. "Well, thanks for the drink." "Hey, baby! Miss me," said a woman behind him. He turned around, anger evident in his face. "I'm not your baby and stop stalking me!" MissingSliderRyan just smiled. "Awww... poor baby. Let's dance." She pulled on his left arm which detached. He had his chance and took off. She followed him screaming, "I love you!!!" RR

< sweeps Spicey off her feet >
Date: 02/15/01
From: Blinx_
Mmmmmmm ..... SpiceTime ...... <<< as the song winds up, blinx_ deposits dance partner in the bulky green arms of incredible hk >>> Unfortunately now you've got me imagining the Spice Girls performing the hits of Neil Young ."After the Gold Rush" performed by those prepubescent harridans puts the "Scary" back into "Scary Spice" ,as if it had ever left to begin with .blinx Logan to the left (Slide for your life!) Rickman to the right (Slide for your life!) Vortex up ahead (Slide for your life!) Ohhhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhhh ...

Peons. I am ABOVE dancing.
Date: 02/15/01
From: SpaceTim
BOW BEFORE ME. Then eat me. And Isaac, gimme some SUGAR... -Tim

Before I can...
Date: 02/15/01
From: MissingSliderMichele
...invite the dashing Ryan -- literally -- to join me on the dance floor, he's gone. All that remains of that most elusive Missing Slider is a severed artificial arm cradled by a crazed MSR [no relation]. Undeterred, I snatch up the Limb o' Lovin'™ and race out to shake some booty. Or pinky, as the case may be. You may think you've missed something. I think I did, too... =MSM=

If you post TIP, TIP will come
Date: 02/15/01
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:TIP's General Warning: Reading TIP's posts may be hazardous to your health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - TheIrrelevantPoster TiP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tip://------.---/----

Date: 02/15/01
From: RyansArm
No one asked my permission to be danced with like that!!!!! I demand a lawyer!!!! Or at least Ross J Kelly! >:-#

Let's get some hot beaver action going!
Date: 02/15/01
From: SL4Beaver
:-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When are the two .38 Special CDs going to get spun? I love a pair of 38s!

Coming back from the petting zoo
Date: 02/16/01
From: LipschitzLive2000
Hey where's that beaver I keep hearing about? I want some beaver action. Pound me baby. I want some beaver loving.

Staggers in....
Date: 02/16/01
From: Recall317
Recall317 wonders in from a bar. This is his 5th stop of the evening. Sure it's a Thursday, but hey, ...

Date: 02/16/01
From: SL4Beaver
Hot Beaver Action! Where's Sharon Stone when you need her???? :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Sneaky Snake ... goes dancing..."
Date: 02/16/01
From: PBanJ
All it takes is a sawbuck and you can get the DJ to play anything for you. :-D "...a wiggling and a twistin' ..."

No, screw this. I'm in, too.
Date: 02/16/01
From: LiveLipschitz2000
:-A :-B :-C :-D :-E :-F :-G :-H :-I :-J :-K :-L :-M :-N :-O :-P :-Q :-R :-S :-T :-U :-V :-W :-X :-Y :-Z Next time, I'll have something better . . . *fwoosh*

Relive the magic...
Date: 02/16/01
From: FogBoy
...of every single secondary handle ever created. EVER.

I think we're a LONG way from that, FB
Date: 02/16/01
From: dellytwo
Every secondary handle ever created? Not by a long shot. d2 takes DaisyMaeDuke by the arm to lead her to the dance floor. Fortunatly, the arm stays attached.

Chaser1 enters the room
Date: 02/16/01
From: Chaser1
That's right the original Chaser has arrived! Not that 9 guy. So who's gonna give me a beer? Better yet, who wants to shake the night away with the master of the Vortex Slide? --Chaser1

Date: 02/16/01
From: VectorAnomaly
Where's my Monkey Brain Juice? VectorAnomaly

Armor Digivolve into Partymon!
Date: 02/16/01
From: Veemon
Partymon digital parties Partymons are the dancers Change into Digital Partiers To dance the night away . . Partymon digital parties Partymons are the dancers So, who wants to dance with a cute litte blue guy? ~Veemon

Da sock's callin ya out Sabre_Ed
Date: 02/16/01
From: Ed_The_Sock
Da sock don't like ta be imitated! So da sock sez dat we gonna settle dis da sock's way. Stogie burnin' at 20 paces. Ya up fer it Sabre? Ya probably ain't cuz yer chickenbut da sock'll still bern yer arse wit da stogie ya mook! Ed_The_Sock

Date: 02/16/01
AND_YOU_ARE_NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE_ME_A_BEER!!!!!!!

The_Sayer can see your future
Date: 02/16/01
From: The_Sayer
And The_Sayer sees dancing lots of dancing! Leo_Sayer

I just have one question
Date: 02/16/01
From: Tracy_Torme
What the hell is monkey brain juice? tt

Bring on da tunder, Sockmook!
Date: 02/16/01
From: Sabre_Ed
Stogie burnin'? Yer on! -Sabre_Ed

There's nothing the imperfect duplicate
Date: 02/16/01
From: BizarroPeckinpah
of Peck loves more than a good party! Would someone please pass the 3-D Doritos? And throw another TURKS script on the fire! MWAHAHAHAHA! Poor Dave. bp

< wide-eyed > 3D Doritos?
Date: 02/16/01
From: ReCallie317
So if you eat 'em while wearing those neat li'l blue 'n red glasses, you can taste 'em in stereo? Cooooooooool... >>> C/317

Only Da Mooks Die Young
Date: 02/16/01
From: Ed_The_Sock
If ya think yer man enough ta take on da sock Sabre den bring it on! But ya better get ready to get burned! MOOK! Ed_The_Sock

I am a sock! Not the sock!
Date: 02/16/01
From: SpaceWhine
So Sabre_Ed and Ed_The Sock how about I join your little burning contest. Cause no one can beat the Whiner! SpaceWhine

Has it really been that long
Date: 02/16/01
From: Andrew_Summers
Since I was stranded here after the Wacky BBoard Christmas Party? Trapped in a world I don't belong on . . .<Isaac walks up and hands Andrew a beer> . . .Thanks Isaac. Anyway what was I saying? Oh yeah, I just wanna go home. But hey, heck of a party here! And the beer is pretty nice too!

That Summers boy whines almost as much
Date: 02/16/01
From: Chaser1
as SpaceWhine! --Chaser1

A swirling green vortex opens
Date: 02/16/01
From: Chaser9
And Chaser9 falls onto the dance floor. He has a mission. "Andrew!" Andrew Summers turns to see Chase approaching him. "It's you." Andrew is ready to kill Chase for what he did over a year ago. Chase hands Andrew a timer and speaks, "Go. She loves you. Make her happy." Andrew eyes widened. "What?" "You don't have much time. That timer hits zero in 20 seconds. Autumn loves you, go to her." Andrew held up the timer as the numbers slowly reached zero. He opened a vortex and spokem, "Bye everyone." The vortex collapsed and Chase spoke, "Blink! I'M BACK!!!!!! LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!" "Uhm Chase, we already are partying." "Oh . . .then uhm . . .Isaac! How about a beer?" --Chaser9

Sabre_Ed rushes at da Whiners
Date: 02/16/01
From: Sabre_Ed
Wit one blow to da head, Sabre's Destructostogie knocks SpaceWhine to da ground! Dat'll teach YOU fer bitchin' about de flame tourney and anytin' else in sight til da Sabre's ears hurt! Sockface? BRING IT ON sucka! Take dat ya damn dirty mooks! -Sabre_Ed

My money's on the sock
Date: 02/16/01
From: VectorAnomaly
Run while you still can Sabre. VectorAnomaly

IsAAc! A beer, please!
Date: 02/16/01
From: EustiBlinker
EustiBlinker avoids the battling stogies and takes a seat at the bar, searching for a drinking partner. EB 78^P

Yep... I think we nailed it, MSR. 7:-D
Date: 02/16/01
From: HandleDetective
Lock, stock, motive, and one smoking "Post Reply" button! << moves on to next case >> - HandleDetective 7:-P

Me?? I think you're confused.
Date: 02/16/01
From: MissingSliderRickman
In any event... barkeep! Take me to your monkey brain juice. I rather developed a taste for the stuff on that last world I was on . . . or should I say, MY BRAIN STEM DID!!!!!!!!! [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] Really. It's good stuff. --COL. Rickman My journal could kick Wade's diary's flower-printed ass.

Outta Sight!
Date: 02/16/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
[ slides a beer down to EustiBlinker while catching up on old times with Chaser ] ITB: Man. Has it really been a year, buddy? C9: And then some. But hey, I had some damn cool Sliding Adventures along the way. *BBoard* Sliding Adventures, you might call 'em. ITB: Oh, sorry dude... that was kinda trademarked during your absence. C9: :-O™ ITB: But, anyone can write or appear in one. C9: WOO WOO WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!® Isaac the Bartender "So? Who's gonna buy a beer from Isaac?"

Now where's Laurie Price????
Date: 02/16/01
From: Callie21V
Come on! Along with Andrew, we're a trial... triumph... trinary... EustiBlinker: Triumvirate. C21: I was thinking of Triumph the Comic Insult Dog, but yeah... that too. >>> C/21

Date: 02/16/01
From: SL4Beaver
Gimmie that sock! >:-D I need a sock anyway! No, no, just one if you please. "In the naaaaaaaaaame, of Beaver..."

Big, Strong and Green
Date: 02/16/01
From: CinnamonSpiceGirl
OH IncredibleHK You are a wonderful dancer. I love it when you twirll me around over your head. Cinnamon Spicy

Yum,Just Like The Sock
Date: 02/16/01
From: Charmed007
Big,strong and green that is.COME TO MAMA,sockboy! :-* -007

True Chaser
Date: 02/16/01
From: Recall317
Recall317: So as I was saying Chaser4.. Chaser1: I'm Chaser1. Recall317: Where did Chaser4 go? Chaser1: I don't think he exists. Yet. Dexibal_Lector: I ate him. Recall317 and Chaser1: GO AWAY!!!! Dexibal_Lector: Hmm...I think I could use a chaser to wash down that Chaser4. Isaac! Another CapriSun please! **********************

I'm not going away. :-D
Date: 02/16/01
From: Dexibal_Lector
There's too much "free range rude" walking around on this board. :-D BELCH! Opps, was that a Chaser arm? Lemme get a towel, I'll be right back to clean that up.

Screw you LL2K!! I just read your post!
Date: 02/16/01
From: LipschitzLive2000
I thought of something better to say. Whoever you are . . .
* LipschitzLive2001 * LiveLipschitz2000 I beg of you . . . stop. It's bad enough that you claim to be me, only to go around insulting other board members in my name to give me a bad image, just because you're jealous of me. I have ENOUGH of that in my life. But making it seem as though I create handles to flame myself, making me look like as much of a loser as you? That's just beyond the line. You are you. I am I. Leave it at that. Shut the fuck up, LiveLipschitz2000. I have a strange, yet persistant suspicion you are also LipschitzLive2001. Quit besmirching a good man's name! If I leave the board, will you stop trying to torment me? *fwoosh*

So, you've been travelling...
Date: 02/16/01
From: Recall317
Recall317: You've led a fascinating life, Dex. Dexibal_Lector: Well, I try. Another Chaser1 hand? They're finger-lickin' good! Recall317: think I'll pass... ***********************************

Yum! Finger food!
Date: 02/16/01
From: dellytwo
d2 took a break from dancing with DMDuke. d2: Hey, Dexibal_Lector! Someone told me you've got some finger food around here, might you share? The buffet's been demolished by some green guy and a fighting sock. DL: Why certainly, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg. d2: <gulp> uh, nevermind. Hey DMDuke! About that dance...

The Way It Wuz: Par-tay Edition!
Date: 02/16/01
From: ThomasBlinkthus
SpaceTimes and Blinkers Populate the scenery "Recall" as BBSA? Snackcakes? That moron One more Dexibal victim Good with fava beans FogBoy notices Secondary handles are Common as beer mugs CinnamonSpicey Dances with various guys Feet fly like Beav jokes Michele, lost Slider Misses Ryan, but becomes Armed and dangerous Incredible 'Kain A lean, green, posting machine Brit likes his johnson Three-way sock battle New York accents everywhere Speaking of Lipschitz... WHAT'S WITH THAT CRACKHEAD?!? Eight handles; nothing to say Try READING sometime The Dark Lord Gachnar About to become quite PIED You'd be wise to duck - ThomasBlinkthus 7:-P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SPLAT*!!!!!!!!!!!

Ey! Where'd dat coward go
Date: 02/16/01
From: Sabre_Ed
Da Sabre knew you was too chicken ta face da Sabre's wrath! Jus' keep up yer runnin' an' maybe you'll be able ta drown out da mocking laughter from all da partygoers! MOOK! -Sabre_Ed

Do Tell
Date: 02/16/01
From: DoctorWhy
Dexibal L - "And that's when they kicked me out of the restaurant for nibbling on the waiter's succulent thumb..." ReCall317 - "Biting the hand that feeds you?"

Bartender monkey juice...
Date: 02/16/01
From: MissingSliderRyan
Anyone seen my baby? MSR

Date: 02/16/01
From: dellyone
That got 120 again? dellyone

Date: 02/16/01
From: Recall317
Dexibal_Lector: If you'll excuse me, I need to get some air. I fear that spleen I just ate may start repeating. Recall317 was not alone for long, for in strode a familiar face, Recall317: Well, looky here! If it ain't my old pal Brand_R! Brand_R: How ya doing Recall? Still stickin' with numbers I see, eh? Don't you see that letters are where it's at? Recall317: I like my name. Brand_R: But you're just one of an infinite number. There are however, only 26 letters! I am important! I matter! To prove it, I will now make up my own catch phrase. Go ahead, say something witty. Recall317: I dunno, that's more of a BritSlider thing... Brand_R: RRR! Recall317: Come again? Brand_R: That's my new laugh. When someone says something really funny, I'll say ROTFRRRR! Recall317: You sound like a seal. Brand_R: RRR! Very witty! Recall317: All you need is the beach ball. Brand_R: All right, now you're starting to tick me off. Recall317: Woah, cool it Andre... [Brand_R sucker punches Recall317 right off of his barstool.] Brand_R: That was so funny, I have to laugh maniacally! MWARARARARARA! ************************************

Narcotics and Lollipops
Date: 02/16/01
From: darkslider
<Swings open the grande door to Matt-a-Chello. Looks around at the DANCE PARTY FOR GERIATRICS in his front lawn. Exec_Imitator was attempting to make out with a goldfish fountain, as dellytwo took pictures.> What the hell is going on here?! <Dark runs out into the lawn wearing his robe, Eeyore boxers and bunny slippers. Blinker and MrsBlinker lay consumating their nuptials in the geraniums.> HAVE YOU PEOPLE LOST YOUR DAMN MINDS?! MY GERANIUMS!! <IncredibleHK was whispering sweet nothings into two different girls' ears, all the while drinking the last of dark's moonshine. SpaceLime and SpaceTim alternately kept spanking each other with inflatable whales, which knocked various rolled up socks out of their pants. Each "playfully" claimed that they WERE in possesion of the "FLAMING HAMMER....OF SAILOR SOAP PASSION". Dark shook his head> GO HOME!! <dark spun in the direction of a "YEEEE-HAAAWWWWW!!!". What he saw made his jaw drop.> LOOK AT MY POOL!!! <A troop of billies lay in it, cleaning and "warshing" their clothes in it. The pool, once a serene green, now was the color of the Executive's ONE unwashed pair of underwear that he wears for "special occasions"...which is whenever his "sweaty manlovin penpal" Beatrice from prison gets up for parole. The billies' dog, which HAD to be named BEUFORD, laying consumating nuptuals of his own with the statue of SpaceTime.> MY STATUE!!! <Everywhere people WHO HAD NO BASIS FOR EXISTING lay DESTROYING THE GROUNDS OF MATT-A-CHELLO. Passing out, screaming, puking...all at AN UNGODLY HOUR OF 11am.>
SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!! <Dark turned back to the direction of the doors. As he ran towards the SAFETY of the house, he kicked SL4Ever in a Blinker mask out of the way..> WHERE THE HELL IS MY SHOTGUN?

Mmmmm.... pictures!
Date: 02/16/01
From: dellytwo
*These pictures of Exec_Impersonator trying to make out with a goldfish fountian just might come in handy!*

Oh Baby!!
Date: 02/16/01
From: DaisyMaeDuke
Dellytwo you up for a dance? Or better we could get another drink. <wobbles> d2: I think you've had enough. DMDuke: Pleassseeee! I get real friendly when I'm tipsy. <wink, wink> Daisy Don't eat the Daisy.

Isaac! For Tormé's sake!
Date: 02/16/01
From: dellytwo
Get DMDuke another drink! Afterall, friendly is good, right? Hear, m'dear, let me help you into a chair. :)

This one's for Daisy!
Date: 02/16/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
[ slides yet another drink down to our *other* resident DMD ] It's my philosophy that if you're still *capable* of asking for another beer, you haven't had NEARLY enough yet. [ begins pouring MSR a monkey juice... ] Isaac the Bartender "So? Who's gonna offer a dance to Isaac?"

:::sipping Krystal while dancing:::
Date: 02/16/01
From: IncredibleHK
Aaaahhh... When will the next batch of Buffalo Wings be ready? <sip> I think I'll sit down now... --IHK--

Gimmie that bottle!
Date: 02/16/01
From: IsaacTheBlinker
IsaacTheBlinker mixes his own Irish Coffee, thank you very much. 7:-P

Date: 02/16/01
From: CinnamonSpiceGirl
Where are you? Are you still fighting with The Sock? Put down that Stogie and get over here. Oh goodie one of my favorite songs. Scartissue "Close you eyes and I'll kiss you.... push me up against the wall young tough girl in a push up bra... a southern girl with a scarlett drawl... soft spoken with a broken jaw... it's a lonely view..." Mr. Bartender could I get a drink while I wait for my next dance partner? Thanks. If Sabre_Ed doesn't show up would you be so kind as? Cinnamon

*walks in, shakes head* . . .
Date: 02/16/01
From: onestrwydd
'BBoard History' Right. Oh Blinky-poo. Sorry I'm late. I wish I'd been here yesterday. I'd have been able to take advantage of 'reverse' day. I just love you SOOOOOOO much. You know I do! Such a fun party. *yawn* Uh, what? Oh sorry, fell asleep... Time to leave. But had to make my 'mark' in this hysterical (uh, historical) post. Honest, I did. *shakes head, walks out*

Date: 02/16/01
From: DaisyMaeDuke
<giggle><giggle> <giggle><giggle> <Hiccup> nother onnee? Isaac: I don't know? d2: You heard the lady, she did asked for it. I: ok, but you're gonna have to drive her home. d2: No problem. Daisy: Are uuuu takin me bout:? I meen u talk me.. ahh forget it. I: slides another drink Daisy's way. Daisy: Welcome me.<Hiccup> Daisy Don't eat the Daisy

Oh, onestrwydd... how I have missed you.
Date: 02/16/01
From: BlinkyPoo
Next time I'll be a better shot. - Blinker 7:-P

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Date: 02/16/01
From: SL4ever
onestrwydd makes an appearence the very same day we get an extremely rare appearence from Executive. Hmmmmmmm. You don't have to be a handle detective on this one. Anyone figured out how to make a beaver drink yet?

One beaver smash coming up.
Date: 02/16/01
From: IsaacTheBlinker
Anyone got a hammer? :-P I also need some vodka.

Hey Beave, call Sherlock Holmes!
Date: 02/16/01
From: onestrwydd
Ya need more lessons in detection. Yer WRONG! Heh! Of course you are. No surprise there. But here's a surprise for you: I'm no more a fan of Executive than you are. Ya just can't stand the fact that I don't much like you, either. What... ? Oops, missed me again Blinky!
ooooooo.... 2 posts for history.

Bite my monkey!
Date: 02/16/01
From: SpaceLime
FWWWEEEEEE! Hit me agIn Issapp. <thud> SpaceLime

I think that's enough, Isaac.
Date: 02/16/01
From: dellytwo
d2 noticed that DMDuke was getting a little too smashed. d2: Well, m'dear, you seem to have had quite a few drinks. DMD: Wha makesh you think that? d2: Oh, just clever guess work. DMD: *hick* d2: May I give you a ride home? DMD: That dependsh. Yoursh or mine? d2: <grin>

Your place or mine? Honeybun
Date: 02/16/01
From: DaisyMaeDuke
d2: woo-hoo! he thought to himself. DMDuke: come on honeybun, let's go. leans in and nibbles his ear. Yum d2: gulp Daisy

<munches on some wings>
Date: 02/17/01
From: IncredibleHK
Mmmmm.... wings.... does this mean that we have officially out-replied the Census <munch>.
Wow! <eats some stuffed eggs and cooked coctail weinies> --HK-- <munch>

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Nominated by Blinker