<Rips clothes off!!>
Date: 06/26/01
From: SL4ever
HEY!!!! I was promised a >:-#-ing post party!!! Where the >:-# is it???????????? I don't care what the post number is right now or whatever else is delaying this party!! I've had a bad couple weeks and I want to PAR-TAY RIGHT NOW!!! I'm neekkid and hungry!! NOT a good combination! Let's get this party in gear!!

Whoa, dude!
Date: 06/26/01
From: SL4Beaver
Mebbe people don't wanna party. I mean, this is only a Tuesday, mebbe you had better throw a robe on or something until you see which way the wind is blowing on this issue. Or at least until some beaver arrives! :-P~~~~~~~~~

Actually ...
Date: 06/26/01
...I think that SL4ever being neekkid is probably the biggest determent to there being a party here. EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

That's his plan, fellows!
Date: 06/26/01
From: Sliding_Skull
What a misanthrope like SL4ever really wants is to scare everyone away from him! Why else would he rip his clothes off? :-O

Hey guys! Do you know what we're doing?
Date: 06/26/01
From: Silly_Slidey
We're playing with ourselves! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Oh. My. God.
Date: 06/26/01
From: Dexibal_Lector
I'm EATING the next person with a "joke" that bad! :-<

Date: 06/26/01
From: ThomasKegthus
Woohoo!! Bring on the beer!! Bring on the music!! Bring on the...whatever else there is at parties since I've never been to one and wouldn't know!! PAR-TAY!!

I say let's play some tunes!
Date: 06/26/01
From: FireJohnLennon
Dexibal Lector Lives in a cell it's his Hell cause he smells Nobody cooking Dexibal Lector Eats what he can has a pan cooks a man When nobody's looking All the eaten corpses How can he eat them all?

That sucked, John
Date: 06/26/01
From: WaterPaulMcCartney
'Course this is coming from the man who wrote "Admiral Halsey", so it's not like I've got a lot of room to talk. Someone's riffing at the door Someone's making us LOL (repeat ad nauseum) Do me a favor, read the MST, and let SL riff

Where did I get that brownie?
Date: 06/26/01
From: EarthGeorgeHarrison
I got my skull set on slide I got my skull set on slide I got my skull set on slide I got my skull set on slide I know that I'm really lame I've dragged down the Beatles' name But if you can dig my lingo At least I'm better than Ringo!!

Hey, I resent that, George...
Date: 06/26/01
From: WindRingoStarr
Where's your All *Starr* Band, eh? You haven't even recorded a song in fifteen years! She's got a chicken to ride She's got a chicken to ri-hi-hide She's got a chicken to ride, but she don't care

< tries to sneak word in edgewise >
Date: 06/26/01
From: Callie21V
Ungh. NGRRF! It... won't... FIT! Hmm... maybe if I cut it down to cornerwise... :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> C/21

Woo. Hoo.
Date: 06/26/01
From: AphexTwin
I'm not getting nakkid until it's absolutely necessary. +_Con someone confirm that? :-)

Outta Sight!
Date: 06/26/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
...is where I'm hiding to avoid glimpsing SL4ever's vast expanses of naked flesh!!!! :-O I always knew he was a master of horror, but this is taking things to a whole new level! - Isaac the Bartender http://www.isaacthebartender.com/ "So? Who's gonna buy a beer from Isaac?"

Date: 06/26/01
From: SL4Beaver
That'll be one iced Beaver on the rocks, please. :-P~~~~

Who's riding CHICKENs?
Date: 06/26/01
From: Sliding_Skull
I didn't know the party was gonna get THAT freaky!!! Kewl! :-D

<Jumps on stage>
Date: 06/26/01
From: SL4ever
<grabs microphone> "All I wanna do, is have some puns... And I know ... I'm not the only oneeeeeeeeeee..."

Meanwhile, at the VCR in the back ...
Date: 06/26/01
From: HenryTheWonderDog
Leo varies the procedure on Quinn's bracelet, touching his device to it. TBH <mimicking Quinn> : Hey! I like to know someone a little better before I let them touch my bracelet with their device! LEO: Okay, you're activated. HTWD: Actually I have a headache. Sorry. LEO (then, a rote spiel) SL4: I prefer ritual blather myself. LEO: Now, the way the buddy system works is that each of you... TBH: Take each other out for beer and lie about how much sex you've had the last week. We already know how it works! LEO (reacts to something outside the window): Hold on... HTWD: Janet Jackson sun bathes this time every day! I'll be at the window for the next hour. :-P~~~~~~~~~ LEO (into walkie-talkie) : I have a red glow in sight. SL4: Oh no! It's the Cylons! Under the couch! VOICE FROM WALKIE-TALKIE: Checking your position. TBH <mimicking VOICE FROM WALKIE-TALKIE> : Okay, it's a false alarm. They're shooting the new Battlestar Gallatica movie across the street from you. VOICE FROM WALKIE-TALKIE (then) : You have Steve Brown. HTWD: What has Remmy's brother down NOW???? VOICE FROM WALKIE-TALKIE: Violation C14710. Action approved. SL4: Thank god they've approved action, I'm ready to fall asleep again over here. Leo hurries to one of the vent windows and opens it, then draws his huge gun with a silencer. TBH: Wouldn't it work better if he drew his huge gun with a hand? SL4: No doubt. That's how I always draw my huge gun. He aims and fires, dropping a MAN on the sidewalk dead in his tracks. TBH: Wait a damn minute! There's too many impersonal pronouns flying around here! Leo dropped a MAN on Steve Brown in Leo's tracks? The Sliders react with slack-jawed astonishment, but Leo simply returns the gun to his holster and turns back to them with an air of utter nonchalance. HTWD: Oh, so it was "utter" nonchalance? That is much more impressive than regular nonchalance. LEO: Now, where were we? SL4: I don't know about you, but we're stuck at the beginning of that poorly written action. Why are you using your silencer to pull out your huge gun and where did you keep this MAN you dropped on Steve Brown? off the Sliders... TBH: I don't know. If you off the Sliders there won't be a show anymore. Opps! Too late. They offed all four original Sliders and we don't have a show. >:-# FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE HTWD: Is it my imagination or was that the most tedious first act since "Cats" ? FADE IN: 13 INT. SITTING ROOM - DAY - LOOKING THROUGH THE FRONT WINDOW to the street where we see LEO overseeing TWO MEN IN WHITE UNIFORMS pick up the dead man and strap him to the back of a special GOLF CART. SL4: Anyone at the party wanna take a CRACK at this line?

Post Party!!!!!
Date: 06/26/01
From: Blinker_Quinn21
Who wants to use my pool? ;-) Wait! GET THAT FAT GUY OUT OF THE POOL! What?!?! Oh, screw it, they won't be able to tell! Everyone here is already drunk! Yeah, just tell them that someone spilled warm beer there! ;-) bq21

<still singing>
Date: 06/26/01
From: SL4ever
"And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -uh- IIIIIIIIIIIII -E- IIIIIIIII... Will alllllllllllllllllllllll ways... Rub yoooooooooooo -uh- ooooooou..."

$^ ) @) $@&$%%^() $ )#^@(%@ %##^%^%$)# $
Date: 06/26/01
From: Blinker
HURRY UP, E-MAIL SERVERS!!! I WANT MY HANDLE REGISTRATION INFO, AND I WANT IT *NOW*!!! <breathes> <breathes> Cravings... NOT pretty... - Blinker 7:-O http://slidersweb.net/blinker

They killed Steve Brown?!
Date: 06/26/01
From: Recall317
Well, there go three of the better Sliders episodes of Season Two. ("Obsession", "As Time Goes By", "In Dino Veritas.") Oh, those inside jokers, those Sliders writers. Glad that part was cut. Bad, bad, bad SL4ever. You shouldn't hide Crapparattus posts in Party Posts! Never, never mix! "I've got Mole People in by Batwoman!" "I've got Batwoman in my Mole People!" -The Wild, Wild, World of Batwoman, MST3K R317

You bastards!
Date: 06/26/01
From: Callie21V
" $^ ) " ????????????? What's that, an Executive smiley????? >>> C/21

$^) = Happy money hungry
Date: 06/26/01
From: HenryTheWonderDog
REMBRANDT (O.S.) : They're just carting him off like garbage. SL4: It's not so bad, Remmy. There's a Chinese Restaurant logo on the side of the cart. They're going to recycle! PULL BACK TO REVEAL THE SLIDERS with L.J., watching the scene through the window. TBH: TV must be as awful on this world as it is on ours. L.J. (resigned) : The buddy system, man. (then) "Friends don't let friends break the law in San Francisco." HTWD: Awwww, that's sooo cute! I just have one question! Who the >:-# is YOUR buddy??? How come we don't see your buddy the entire ep? That's real close tabs you're keeping on that bastard, eh? WADE: What're you saying? That guy didn't even do anything! SL4: Hold on, Wade. If he didn't do anything, why is he in prison in the first place? For all you know, he raped 26,000 women to be put in this hellhole. L.J. : Them's the breaks. TBH: Tell you what. How about you and Quinn switch buddies and then we'll see how utterly nonchalant you are about thems beings the breaks! Meaning there's a grave concern -- Sid's on the loose. HTWD: Thanks for spelling out this complicated plot for us, scriptwriter. ARTURO (wording carefully) Inasmuch as we're leaving so soon, hypothetically -- if one of us were to... slip... Presumably there wouldn't be time to ... uh... SL4: This is careful wording? He sounds like a drunken W. Bush! L.J. : Wrong. Between the bracelets and the neighborhood watch, the custodians'd be on you in no time. TBH: There should be a $50 fine on this world for making up contractions. QUINN : Neighborhood watch? HTWD: It's kinda like snitching, only worse. L.J. : Oh, yeah. Major perks for reporting a crime. SL4: What kind of perks can this cesspool of a prison offer? They let you say your prayers before shooting you like a dog for what someone else they paired you with did? HTWD: Hey! Watch those dogist remarks. Quinn anxiously watches through the Window as Leo leaves with the body pickup crew. Then he turns to L.J. TBH: So THAT was the emotion JOC was trying to convey during this scene! Anxiousness! QUINN (urgent) : I've got a problem. My buddy's on the loose. HTWD: Did you check the last place remember having him? WADE : We've got to find him. SL4: Not so fast! The less JDM in this ep, the better. Let him wander around for a while. L.J. : Why? What's he gonna do, knock off a bank? TBH: Ha ha ha! That's rich! Having banks in a prison! Do the prisoners go in with their statements every month and complain about hidden fees? Ha ha ha! The next thing you're going to tell me is that they have ATMs in prison as well! ... What? ARTURO: I suspect that will be his first impulse. HTWD: If there WAS such a thing as banks in prison. Who would the employees be? Other convicts? Or do people from outside come in to work in a bank in prison? How bad of a bank employee do you have to be that the only job you could get was inside a city-prison?

Warm beer, you say?
Date: 06/26/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
IsaacTheBartender begins dipping beer steins into the pool, filling mug after mug with the delicious, yellow beverage. Thanks bunches, Quinn! This simplifies matters considerably! - Isaac the Bartender http://www.isaacthebartender.com/ "So? Who's gonna buy a beer from Isaac?"

Hey! Put your !@#$ clothes on!
Date: 06/26/01
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Before I get into this party, we need two things. 1 - SL4 FULLY CLOTHED. 2 - Women. We need some women at this party or it's over for me already, Beetles or no Beetles. DMD

No way! I'm letting it ALL hang out!
Date: 06/26/01
From: SL4ever
Unless getting dressed will bring the women into this party. Speaking of women, where the *^#)*^%#$*_%#&@!*#^*%^&@*#&* is MSR?????????? You'd think she'd be the first one here!!!

What about me!
Date: 06/26/01
From: Marie_duPres
Marie entered the party establishment and dropped at her jaw at the abundance of rambunctious, carousing, drinking, burping, half-naked men parading and dancing around the room. She rolled her eyes as she made her way to the bar. *Jeez, how come there's never a cute half-naked guy at these parties* She shoved a drunk, half dressed partier out of the way on the way to the bar. Marie: Can I have a pepsi, Iassac? Issac: Sure coming right up. Don't mind the men around here. Marie: God, they all look gay. This has to be a gay bar or at least a shemale one. I can't be the only woman here. Who the hell is MSR I keep hearing about? Issac: One of the regular partiers. Marie: Oh. You think she'll show up? I don't want to be the only female here. Issac: Dunno. By the way, the guys over there want to dance with you. Marie: Sure, I'll dance, but I want have some rules. Folow the rules and I'll say yes. Don't follow them and face the consequences. One, keep your clothes on unless I think you're hot and drop dead gorgeous. Two, no lame pickup lines or I let you talk to my hand which will be shoved down your throat. Three, DO NOT mention any other woman's name in my presence or I'll bitchslap you, kick you where it hurts then give you a wedgie. Those are the rules. Marie

Let's see...
Date: 06/26/01
From: SL4ever
Straight? Check. Hot? Check. Lame pickup lines? <tosses out "What's your sign?" "Hey baby! Are you tired? Cuz you've been running through my mind all night!" "So, should I call you for breakfast in the morning or roll over and nudge you?"> Other women? All their names are deleted. We're ready to dance! WOO HOO!!! Marie: Um, you forgot one little detail. SL4: What's that? Marie: You're still neekkid!!! SL4: D'OH!!!! Oh well, I burned my clothes so I guess I'm gonna have to pass on the dance. :'-(

Golly, Moses!!!
Date: 06/26/01
From: chiquitabanana
I thought I'd never get through to register this special party handle! But now that I'm here.......someone get that microphone out of SL's hand. Ohhhhhhhhhh. Never mind. That's not a microphone, is it? SL -- quit that and put some clothes on!!!!! Chiquita on her way to partying hardy. CB

Date: 06/26/01
From: Ed_The_Sock
Da sock loves a friggin' party! Specially one where da sock can come in da sock's birthday suit! So all ya nekkid mooks line up and get ready fer some Sock-style arse burnin' wit da stogie! Isaac get me a beer ya friggin mook! And where the h-e-double crooked letter is Tito? Ed_The_Sock So? Who's gonna buy da sock a beer? http://www.edthesock.com

Hot Cinnamon Buns
Date: 06/27/01
From: CinnamonSpiceGirl
Cinnamon smoothed her red dress down, checking to be sure just the right amount of cleveage was showing. She sashayed up to the bar. "Hey Isaac," she smiled sweetly. "One coke please." "Ahhh sure," he said while his eyes did a lengthy scan of her. Cinnamon scanned the room looking for prey, she turned to one of the half naked men "Have you seen Sabre_Ed? He owes me a dance" She pulled a tube of red lipstick from her cleavage and began to paint her lips. CinnamonSpice

I am THAT good.
Date: 06/27/01
From: DangerBunny
She stood in the doorway. Tight black leather pants with a silver sparkling halter top that screams "I am that hot." She tosses her hair around as she scans and dismisses the competition. A tall, muscular man approached her. His brown hair fell fetchingly into his brown eyes reminding her of an old fling. He was almost as stylish and she felt. "Hi" He leaned in nice and close as he let the word drip onto her. She was definitly going to enjoy this toy. She bit her lower lip invitingly and slid him onto the dance floor. When they started dancing, everyone's jaws started dropping. No one had ever seen some of that outside of foreplay. "Got A name?" She nibbled on his ear as she asked. "317, Recall317," he whispered in her ear as his hands went places that made eyebrows raise. Somehow he knew she wouldn't mind. "Who're you? Woah, slow down girl," he moved her hands back up to his chest. Now jaws were dropping. "That's so unfair," the nekked guy exclaimed. "I'm even nekked already. She doesn't have to do THAT," his voice went up three octaves. "Where's the Sabrina lookalike?" "I'm DangERBunny," before she could do any more Marie_duPear yanked on her shoulder. "Who do you think you are, slut?" She noticed that Marie_duPear was an unattractive shade of red. "The WOman YOU wish you were," while Marie_duPear stood stunned the couple sidled away from her.

Date: 06/27/01
From: Recall317
"Carribean Queen! Now we're sharing the same dream!" belted out Brand_Ocean, the singer for the shindig. "And our hearts still beat as one...no more love on the run." While that putrid tune cleared the dancefloor, Recall317 staggered over to the bar to catch a quick breather. "Milk, chocolate," he said to Isaac. "Better make it a double." "Who's the broad?" Isaac asked. "Not quite sure, but there's something familiar about her," replied Recall. "That brassed off look, that way of over enunciating in the wrong places, her way of calling ThomasKegger an acceptable casualty when she inadvertantly elbowed him in the head..." "Well, you better hurry back out there," said Isaac. "I think she's already latching on to a new man." Dangerbunny was checking out Sliding_Skull. "And your HEAD is so shinY," she giggled. "Well, I am going for that Patrick Stewart look," he replied nervously.

"Thanks baby."
Date: 06/27/01
From: Sliding_Skull
"I got a woman who polishes my head every night." :-D

Date: 06/27/01
From: AphexTwin
Who wants to dance with the Twin?

I'll dance with you! :-P~~~~~~
Date: 06/27/01
From: SL4Beaver
Mind wearing this beaver hat?

Date: 06/27/01
From: SweetOne
She eased her way through the half neeked men toward the bar. Feeling slightly out of place in her faded jeans, blue T-shirt and sandals, with her hair in a high ponytail. She sat at the end of the bar with her back against the wall searching the crowd for a friendly face. "What's your pleasure?" Isaac the bartender asked. "Ummm... I'll take a Corona with lime. Oh and I want it in an unopened bottle." she smiled. SweetOne

Partay is still going strong I see
Date: 06/27/01
From: GlossyHotsex
GET OFF ME YOU PISS ANT!!!!!! I want to be on TOP for awhile!!! Where'd my cowgirl hat go??? I want to ride high in the saddle!!! SciFi Me! GlossyHotsex

"Nothing to say, but it's okay..."
Date: 06/27/01
From: Blinker
Bunnies... beavers... bananas... we sure have some strange metaphors for pulchritude 'round these parts. - Blinker 7:-P http://slidersweb.net/blinker

Date: 06/27/01
From: CinnamonSpiceGirl
Cinnamon grabbed a tall handsome man by the arm and dragged him toward a dark corner of the dance floor. "Problem?" she asked as he sputtered. "Ah no, I just like to do the draggin'" "So, what's your name big fella?" Spicy

Well thank you, thank you very much.
Date: 06/28/01
From: CayenneSpiceGuy
Cayenne/ "Cayenne's the name, ma'am." Cinnamon/ "Oohhh. Didn't you reply to my "What I want" post?" Cayenne/ (turning red) "Uh yeah." Cinnamon/ "Then I believe you owe me something, mister." Cayenne/ "And I intend to deliver, my Spicy little lady. But the night is young and I could stand a drink. Isaac! A drink, my man!" Cinnamon/ "Just don't make it a beer or you won't be getting anywhere near me with that mouth of yours." cayennespiceguy@hoaxmail.com

Date: 06/28/01
From: SouthernExposedSassy
SES looked around the room "mmmm... that one looks promising" she thought. She grabbed a half naked SL4Beaver "Who is that gorgeous guy" she asked. "Why does everyone want to know who HE is?" "Because" she sighed. DangerBunny and MarieDuPear were having a heated discussion over who would have the next dance with Recall317. SL4 pranced around the pool hoping to attract attention to his masculine form. As the party goers tried desperately to avert their eyes. DangerBunny had had enough of Miss Marie and began backing her toward the pool. She took her shot when Marie was close to the edge. Splash! Marie came up cursing and gasping for air. Recall317 offered a hand up to Marie, only to be shoved from behind. SouthernExposedSassy

About the earthGEORGE impostor
Date: 06/28/01
From: SavoyTruffIe
As the webmaster of earthGEORGEHARRISON.com, it's my right to advise all FIFTH-RATE IMPERSONATORS to collectively eat a FAT, FAT TRUFFLE. Back down, or BRING IT ON. I have COUNTLESS WORSHIPFUL LACKEYS and I KNOW HOW TO USE THEM. And in NON-SEXUAL WAYS, TOO. Loves, - ST

<EATS SavoyTruffIe>
Date: 06/28/01
From: Dexibal_Lector
Mmmmmm. Truffles are simply the best. :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Date: 06/29/01
From: AphexTwin
Did anyone bring any Buffallo Wings?

Entertainment please?
Date: 06/29/01
From: MissingSliderRyan
MSR sat at the bar watching the commotion at the stage. She looked at the crowd then went back to her Sprite. *Why in the hell is SL4 having a party here?* she thought as she saw a couple dancing. Her eyes grew when she she saw six hunks strut up to the stage. Liquid went down the wrong tube causing her to cough for several seconds. "Take it off! Take it off!" she screamed, getting on top of the bar. Issac grabbed her off the bar while she kept yelling "Take it off!" "Quiet down, they're about to start," he said as he escorted her to the back of the bar. "Dammit! Take it off!" ranted MSR, craning her neck back to the stage as she was shoved toward the back door. She saw the guys lined up on stage. One of them nodded to the DJ and the music started as the door closed on her. o/~ Body, wanna feel my body, body, baby, such a thrill, my body Body, wanna touch my body, body, baby, it's too much, my body Body, check it out, my body, body, baby, don't you doubt, my body Body, talking about my body, body, baby, checking out my body
Listen here o/~ "Damn, take that record off!" MSR complained, pounding at the door. "Awww... screw it." She trudged off into the darkness while the music played on.
o/~ Every man wants to be a macho man To have the kind of body always in demand Joggin' in the mornings, go man go Work up to the hill's top, muscles grow You can best believe me He's a macho man Glad he took you down with anyone you can Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey o/~
Macho, macho man I gotta be a macho man Macho macho man I gotta be a macho Macho, macho man I gotta be a macho man Macho macho man I gotta be a macho A car skidded to a stop beside her in the alley. The window rolled down.
o/~ Body, my body, body, wanna feel my body Body, baby, body, body, come and thrill my body Body, baby, body, body, love to funk, my body Body, baby, body, body, it's so hot, my body
So hot, yeah my body Allright Everyman ought to be a macho, macho man To live a life of freedom, machos make a stand Have your own lifestyles and ideals Access the strip of competence, that's the skill You can best believe that he's a macho man He's the special god son in anybody's land hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Macho, macho man I gotta be a macho man Macho macho man I gotta be a macho Macho, macho man I gotta be a macho man Macho macho man I gotta be a macho Macho, macho man I gotta be a macho man Macho macho man I gotta be a macho I gotta be a macho man I gotta be a mucho mucho, macho macho man I gotta be a macho o/~ MSRMSRNMSR

Now THAT'S entertainment!
Date: 06/29/01
From: IsaacTheBartender
> Issac grabbed her off the bar > while she kept yelling "Take > it off!" <wiggles eyebrows in passable imitation of a hamburger chain logo> Sweetheart, I'm *always* glad to oblige the admirers. But first up, baby: let's go... outta sight. Hey, where'd she go? >:-I - Isaac the Bartender http://www.isaacthebartender.com He may not be YOUR idea of a shower fantasy, but he DOES have his admirers!

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/26185
Nominated by Blinker