To Robert Floyd - MOST IMPORTANT!!!
Date: 08/03/1999
From: Cryin
I was just wondering why, being a big actor and such, you spend so much time on the bboard. I mean I`m sure you could be getting chicks left and right (hopefully Kari), but yet you choose to spend all your time with us.
In other words, there is no fuc_in way that this is the real Robert Floyd.

I agree with Cryin to an extent
Date: 08/03/1999
From: Executive
Even if it was the real Robert Floyd, there is no reason why he couldn't post on a bulletin board. And in all the time I've been here, I've only seen one or two posts by someone using the name "RobertFloyd" and they were both written today!! (By the way, he didn't claim to be the actor).

Thank you for your respectful comments
Date: 08/03/1999
I'm sure we all got a great deal out of your posting, and having been exposed to it, we will all be better people.
Pardon me, I have to go wash my eyes out with soap...

Date: 08/03/1999
From: informant
Just because he posts her doesn't mean he couldn't be the real one. I'm not saying I believe him yet, but he hasn't done anything odd.
1. He's commented on episode ideas in the ideas page. But has never posted his own. (Robert Floyd showed interest as to what fans wanted on the show in the TV Guide chat, I hear)
2. He never actually claimed to be RF. Never claimed not to be.
3. We know RF reads this board, or at least his family does, and passes things on. (And I think he's said he's posted here)
4. Even actors get days off to do nothing. Maybe he decided to surf the web.
5. On the "Buffy" board, a few actors and THE Producers and creator, Joss Wheadon all find time to post sometimes. And Joss's schedule is harder than anyones. He just got started on a spin-off and has 2 shows to work on now.
Now as to if he is the real Robert Floyd, I don't know. But there's nothing saying actors can't post here... unless there's something saying actors can't post here.

Another Well...
Date: 08/03/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I don't know if it's the real one either...but at the TV Guide chat, Floyd and Locke both stated that they read *and* post on this board. And of course, they never divulged what their handles were nor did they say how often they visit or post...

TF and Informant...
Date: 08/04/1999
From: Cryin
I`m not saying the RF does not post here...although I was not at the chat...but I doubt he`d use a name as his real handle. Tembi`s "tembi99" handle is much more believable. Anyway, you both still did make good points.
By the way, TF, I loved your pitch where the sliders landed on a world where time moved at a different pace for them as did everybody else. That idea was dealt with well in a book called "Singularity." In the book, there were two twins who were I believe in their teens. Anyway, they found an old barn in which time moved at a much faster rate than it did on the outside. One brother goes in their for a year so that he no longer felt that he lost his individuality being a twin. I read the book about ten years ago so I forget the details, but if you`re interested I can find you the author.

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