Wacky Christmas Post Party!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Date: 12/24/99
From: Blinker
It is an average day on the BBoard. Ignorant_ is accusing JLBanker of being Slider8_. 12_Monkeys is accusing Ignorant_ of being Daniel_2. _DeepThroat_ is accusing _Daniel_8_ of having too many underscores in his handle. Suddenly all discussion grinds to a halt. The BBoarders look on as the staid, eggshell-yellow-with-black-stripe walls retract to be replaced with a pulsating disco décor. From a loudspeaker issues the haunting voice heard on Cleavant Derricks and the Blink the Greats' "Phone Booth Outta Heaven": "Let's PAR-TAAAAAAAAAY!!" CaptMaggie turns to Sabre_Edge and Slider_Sarah. "What's going on?" Edge is buoyant. "Well, well, well. Looks like those nutters at the Dominion finally got around to holding a Post Party!" Sarah is guirlant. "Ooh! Ooh! Don't forget! Everyone is highly encouraged to use alternate handles when attending! Then at the end, we guess who everyone was!!" SL4ever walks past, bearing a tray laden with his twin obsessions, food and... um, food. "Woo Hoo! All right then, who brought music???" Now, let's see if we can push this thing to 1,000 replies!!! - Blinker 7:-D http://welcome.to/gate_haven

HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!
Date: 12/24/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 walks into the party and screams, "PARTY TIME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Oh yeah and I brought a friend." Chaser steps aside to reveal Issac The bartender from The Love Boat. "Issac can you fix me a Sliding Collins?" Issac looks to Chaser. Points two fingers at him and speaks, "Outta sight!!!!" "Oh Yeah BLINK! I brought Leo Sayer's greatest hits. Who's ready for some 'You Make Me Feel Like Dancing'?" Chaser takes his place next to the bar and waits for more guests to arrive. Thinking to himself aloud, "I love parties." --Chaser9

Wazzup in the house?!
Date: 12/24/99
From: DJ_Scribble
I walk in with my mixing board and set up in the corner. "How would you all like to hear some music?!" Everyone screams, "YEAH!". I put on a new song and start doing my thing. Blinker comes up and requests a song, and I play it. It is a slow song. Blinker dances with Slider_Sarah.

Hey everyone!
Date: 12/24/99
From: Slider8_
"What's happening everyone?" I walk in and sit down in the corner. "Hey, whats up?" TemporalFlux says. "Nothin much, just hanging out." He walks away and I go to the Dj. "Hey man, could you play something fast?" "Sure" he says. I then go out on the dance floor and begin dancing like a maniac.

Date: 12/24/99
From: _DeepThroat_
I sneak in through the back door and I climb up to the rafters, where I will be surveying the party.

Leo Sayer... makes me feel like dancin'!
Date: 12/24/99
From: Callie21V
The skalographic Callie21V buzzes into the room, a fresh sheaf of Totalitarian propaganda articles in her hot pink purse. "Any of you gentlemen care to dance?" >>> C/21

bp's gonna party like it's 1999
Date: 12/24/99
From: BizarroPeckinpah
Hold up it is! bp makes his way into the disco frenzy that is the party. "As the imperfect duplicate of David Peckinpah I shall endeavor to get down and boogie like none before me! Also might I add that the bp would really enjoy one of those nice refreshing beverages the bartender from the Love Boat is concocting. Would you be so kind as to send a refreshing mixture of whiskey and vermuth bp's way?" bp is handed his Manhattan and begins to shake his imperfect duplicate of David Peckinpah groove thing. "Greetings ladies, who would like to try their luck withthe imperfect duplicate of the man who ruined Sliders? I promise not to bite. Too hard . . ." bp

Alright! Let's party!
Date: 12/24/99
From: Sabre_Edge
SE rolls in kegs of Eggnog. He points out the alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties. "Thought every one might be thirsty! Drink up because I'm not rolling the full ones back out when it is over!" "Ok ladies, who is ready to dance with the Edge?"

Date: 12/24/99
From: JorgeCis
JorgeCis comes in carrying a bag of Christmas cookies and puts it beside Sabre_Edge's kegs of eggnogs. He then pulls out a picture of David Peckinpah and places it on a dartboard. "Darts, anyone?" he asks.

This Sock wants to Party
Date: 12/24/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
Ed_The_Sock enters the party. He is looked upon strangely by the party goers. "What? You never seen a sock before? Hey you! Yeah You! The kid with the funny hair. Light my stogie." The kid with the funny hair lights Ed's cigar. "Okay, now this sock is going to show you kids how to party. DJ . . . give me some ODB!" Ed_The_Sock hits the dancefloor like something from Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo as ODB plays in the background. After Ed has finished stunning the crowd with his moves he speaks, "Hey! Somebody wanna get The Sock a beer?" Ed then makes his way to Cleavant and speaks, "Just wanted you to know, you were always my favorite, Tito. Much better than Michael. And look what the poor kid did to himself!" Cleavant motions for Blinker and he escorts Ed back to the bar. "Thanks kid, think I'll just hang out here. Tell Tito I didn't mean anything by it." Ed_The_Sock "So? Is anyone gonna get the sock a beer?"

<twirls Sarah at Ludicrous Speed>
Date: 12/24/99
From: Blinker
"Whoo! Watch those magic footsteps fly! No-one can dance like the Blinkster! YES!" Sarah edges away nervously. "Um... I'm going to go dance with the imperfect Peck double over there, 'kay?" BizarroPeckinpah welcomes his new dance partner with glee. "So, darling... care to hear how my duplicate trashed our show? The making of The Breeder was a real doozy... you got NO idea how many takes some o' those scenes needed..." Setting up his dartboard on the other side of the room, JorgeCis could have sworn he heard a faintly audible 'icky ick.' - Blinker 7:-D http://welcome.to/gate_haven

Peckindarts...I could go for that
Date: 12/24/99
From: DoctorWhy
Hand a few of those missiles this way, will you Jorgecis?

Come On In, The Parties Fine!
Date: 12/24/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 grabs another "Sliding Collins" and proceeds to the dance floor. He laughs to himself as he sees Sarah dancing with that BizarroPeckinpah guy. "Hey Blink! You should really try one of these 'Sliding Collins' they're grrrrrrEAT!" "Maybe later Chase, "Blinker replied. As Chaser9 began to do his famous 'ladder dance' on the dance floor, he heard a strange yet familiar sound. Right next to him a swirling green vortex opend and four figures stepped from it." One of them was an almost exact duplicate of Chaser, the other looked almost like Katie Holmes. While the other two could have passed for Jeremy London and Sabrina Lloyd. "Hey Chase, mind if we join the party?" His almost-double asked. "And you are?" "Come on, it's us . . . from your fanfic . ..Andrew Summers, Autumn Mallory and over there that's Jayson Garrick and his Wade Welles." Chaser's eyes widened, "Yeah, that's great. Join the fun. Let me introduce you to Issac. He was the bartender on The Love Boat. DJ Scribble, how about some more Leo?" Blinker looked to Chaser and his friends and cracked a smile. This party was reaching beyond the confines of 'this' universe. --Chaser9

Here we go!
Date: 12/24/99
From: BasementJaxx
I'm game for a party! How about yall? WOOO HOO! Who wants a margarita?
The Basement Jaxx

Who wants a dance?
Date: 12/24/99
From: AquaVortex
If you want a dancing partner, I'll sweep you off your feet.

A SlidingCptBridger Christmas fanfic...
Date: 12/24/99
From: SlidingCptBridger
"You are SO sexy.." The redhaired woman said in a deep, moaning voice. Bridger smiled. It was the first time he'd been with someone since he'd began sliding with Bennish's timer. Bridger kissed the woman, and the woman started to unzip the back of her dress. "Blip! Blip! Blip! BLIP BLIP BLIP!!" the timer sounded. Bridger didn't realize that he had only 10 seconds until he had to slide again. "SON OF A @#&$#!!! WHY NOW!!? DAMNIT!!" Bridger shouted, as he reached for the timer. He looked at it, and then back at the woman. "I'm really very sorry about this..I have to leave." "I thought men left AFTER..." the woman said. "Don't try to understand it. I'm sorry." said Bridger. With that, Bridger, who desperately needed a cold shower (if you get my drift), activated the timer, and jumped into the vortex. On the other side, Bridger landed in a fountain. It was snowing out, and the water was freezing (lucky for him, eh?). "Of all the..." the saturated Bridger mumbled. He stood up, and took his wet jacket off. He reached for the timer to see if it had been damaged. It hadn't; it showed eight days on this world. Bridger looked around the new world, and then back at his sopping wet clothes. "Oh you poor thing!" came a voice from the other side of the park, "what happened!?" Bridger looked up to see the same, redhaired woman as before. "Well, um..." Bridger said, trying to think of an excuse.."I was chasing after my dog, and I almost caught him, but I don't guess I was watching where I was going..." "Ooooh...let me help you. You must be freezing..." said the woman. "Well, as a matter of fact, I am.." "Goodness, I don't even know your name!" "Oh, my name is Nathan Bridger, Captain of the...", he stopped. He probably wasn't captain of the seaQuest on this world. For all he knew, the seaQuest hadn't even been built here. "...well, nevermind that. Just call me Nathan." "Well hello, Nathan. I'm Monica (don't get any ideas...I'm not going there). "I know..." Bridger said out loud, and then realized what he'd done. "How? How do you know?" "Oh, I was just joking." Bridger said, coving up for his idiot mistake. "Say, do you know where any hotels are...I'm kinda new here." "A hotel!?" Monica said, "I won't hear of it. Why don't you come with me to my place?" "YEAH!!!" Bridger shouted. "Oh, I mean, I would love that, thank you." So Monica and our soaked hero jump in a cab, and the two of them retreated back to Monica's appartment. It was a very nice place; it wasn't too big...it looked just like the one on the last world. After they got there, Monice helped Bridger into a dry robe, and treated him to a bowl of warm soup. "I just hate to see people cold, wet, and miserable outside...especially so close to Christmas." Monica said. "It's Christmas time!? Already?" Bridger said, as he realized he'd lost track of time during his adventures, "I guess it just sorta snuck up on me." "It does that to some of us.." Monica said, as she looked at the ground and sighed. "What's wrong?" "Christmas sorta snuck up on me too. I work at the mall, and I was supposed to find someone to play Santa for the little kids, but I havn't been able to find anyone..." she said, as she looked at Bridger with her big, brown eyes. Bridger looked back at her, puzzled at first, and then realized what she was after.."You want me to be Santa, don't you?" "Would you!?" "Yes, I love kids. I'd be happy to." The following day, Bridger stayed true to his word, and went with Monica to the mall. When they arrived there, they went to the little room where the Santa guy was supposed to get ready. There, they heard loud shouting, and things being thrown. Bridger and Monica looked into the room to see a fat man in a Santa suit, and a couple of other mall employees, a white guy, a black guy, and a white girl dressed as elves fighting some of the mall executives. "But sir, children relate to Santa.." one of the executives pleaded. "I will do no such thing, you blistering idiot!" the fat man shouted as he turned to the white guy in the elf suit. "How much time?" "About five minutes and change..." the man said. "Very good! Thank you very much, SIR, and have a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!" the fat man shouted sarcastically. "I guess that means we get to change back into our clothes now?" The black man said to the girl. The girl smiled and nodded, and the four people in costumes left. "Great! Now where are we going to find a Santa!?" one of the executives shouted. "Excuse me, sir" Monica said. "I have someone who will play Santa. Nathan, come in here!" "Wonderful!" the executive shouted. "You start in thirty minutes, deal?" "Well...thank you." Bridger said. Thirty minutes later, Bridger did indeed find himself in a Santa suit, sitting in a big, red, and quite uncomfortable chair, as child after child sat on his lap and told him what they wanted for Christmas. It got boring after a while, until one special child came up with his parents, and sat on his lap. Bridger had never seen the boy before in his life, but he knew exactly who his parents were...Lt. Ben Krieg, and Lt. Cmdr. Katie Hitchcock. On this world, Bridger thought, they must have stayed together and had a child. "Well, hello young man!" "Hi, mister." "Mister? Call me Santa." "Sorry, mister, but I don't believe in Santa." "You don't!? And why not?" "Well, Santa is supposed to know the names of ALL the boys and girls, right?" "Right.." "I bet you don't even know my name." "Hmm...well, I know your last name is Kreig." Bridger said. "WOW!!" The boy said, as his eyes lit up. How did YOU know!? "Because I'm Santa." "Well Santa, if you know my last name..you should know my FIRST name!" "Uh...well..." Bridger mumbled.. "Oh come on, Santa!!" the boy said. "Uh...erm...." Bridger said, "Ben Jr.?" "HOLY SMOKES!!!! MOM!! DAD!! SANTA KNOWS MY NAME!!!" Ben Jr. said, as Bridger sighed with relief, but Bridger wasn't the only one who got relieve, for in all of Ben Jr.'s excitement.....he wet himself. "AAAH!!!" Bridger shouted as he stood up, throwing Ben Jr. off. "He peed on me!!" Everyone in the mall had a jolly laugh...except Bridger. END OF FANFIC Hi, I'm Bob Ballard from the Woodshole Oceanographic Institution. In tonight's episode, SCB was trying to share with everyone, the magic of Christmas. He failed ....miserably. This is the worst Christmas story I've ever heard in my entire life. It sucks...it REALLY REALLY SUCKS! Here's a Christmas party tip. If you have lots of guests over, don't forget to serve up some Dolphin-unsafe tuna. It's good, and the Dolphin adds a lot of flavor. <Ballard is attacked by Darwin, and is eaten> "Ballard good! Ballard add flavor!! MWAAAHAHAHAHA!! Darwin see people next time!" MERRY CHIRSTMAS!! Sliding Captain Bridger Hymleter@odsy.net

Hey guys. Can I play?
Date: 12/24/99
From: D_Peckinpah
I want to party too! Please...I'll try to behave myself, honest! ::Trips over the phone cord:: WHY YOU MOTHER ******* PHONE CORD!!!!! ::everyone glares at Peckinpah:: Oh...yeah...sorry. Anyway..I was tired of being all by myself at Christmas. I can't seem to understand it...ever since the third season of Sliders aired, I just haven't been able to get any chicks (or guys either for that matter...). So I thought I'd come play with my friends at the Sliders bboard. ::This is the part where TemporalFlux, dressed as the headless horseman, comes riding in, and swings at Peck's head with his sword....he takes off Peck's hair. Everyone applauds.:: "NEXT TIME IT'LL BE YOUR HEAD!!!!" ::Everyone applauds again.:: GAWD!!!!! Why don't you people like me!? I've tried to do so much for the show!! I gave all of the teenage boys a big chest to look at...uh.... :tries to think of what else he's done for the show:: .....I wet myself on stage...that was pretty funny. ::at this point, the Sliders fans pick Peckinpah up, and throw him out the window:: Well FINE! If you guys feel like that, then I'll just leave! I'm going to go GET some!!! ::Peckinpah thinks to himself "Geez....I have to go sell myself again. Damn...I need to get a job...:: Luv, David Peckinpah

AquaVortex ......
Date: 12/24/99
From: VirginiaOHanlon
I love a party! My non-alcoholic frozen Strawberry Margarita is almost gone. I have to leave soon .... mega wrapping to do! :-) How about a Christmas Eve twirl or two before I leave?? Happy Holidays All!!! Virginia

"Me! Me!"
Date: 12/24/99
From: Callie21V
"I'll take a dance AND a margarita, please!" In typical fashion, Callie gulps her dance and heads out to margarita with AquaV. This leaves her dance partner VERY ticked off, and AquaV thoroughly drenched. >>> C/21 "Your worm will eat your brain."

Happy Holidays Everyone!!
Date: 12/24/99
From: MTwain
MT appears in the doorway on Blinker's arm. She whispers so only he can hear .... "Thanx for inviting me". "Hey everyone!!!!" She yells from the doorway, waving wildly. "I just had to stop by and say,Hi!This is looking like it's gonna be a great party!" Blinker heads towards the bar, MT in tow. She looks curiously at the oddly familiar bartender. Blinker orders himself a drink then turns to ask MT if she would like a beverag. Still focused on the bartender, she nods and mumbles, "Um, sure a TAB on the rocks, Pleez." She thanks Blinker for his kind invitation and the TAB then settles into a dimly lit booth with her TAB and writing tablet. She looks up occasionally to take in the holiday festivities but always returns to writing. Have fun everyone!!!!! Merry Christmas!! MT!

Date: 12/24/99
From: AquaVortex
Lets dance the night away!
<suddenly the music stops and "Mambo No. 5" starts playing> Oh no... AV

Pie anyone??
Date: 12/24/99
From: KllyWlls
PUMPKIN PIES FOR ALL!!!! <<Klly tosses a few in the air...>> OOps... my bad.. that was probably not the best thing to do with pie. KW

Date: 12/24/99
From: Cheerio
pip pip

Merry Christmas!!!
Date: 12/24/99
From: JessieMallory
Wonderful Party Blinker! I wrote a little Christmas Story for everyone here at the boards. So gather round kids and bounce over to http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/1580 and enjoy!! JM Dances on to the floor!!!! WoooHooooo

I hear this is where the party is
Date: 12/24/99
From: Stax_
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Sorry I was watching the Great Work.The company is great but the food sucks.stax

LIMBO !!!!!!!!!
Date: 12/24/99
From: DoctorWhy
How low can YOU go??? Winner gets a danish! Step right up!

Date: 12/24/99
From: bahumbug
YESSSS!!!! A party! Oh bartender...hook me up with a pepermint schnapps?!?! T.Grinch!

I've got cookies...
Date: 12/24/99
From: nole9
Nice, homemade Christmas sugar cookies. Enjoy! I'll just stand over here by the big potted palm tree and watch, that's what us lurkers do right?

Watch The Sock LIMBO!!!
Date: 12/24/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
Ed_The_Sock steps away from the bar. He has spent the last few hours drinking beer, smoking cigars and basically making Issac the bartender wish he was still on the Love Boat. DoctorWhy gets the Limbo line going. Blinker, Sarah, BizarroPeckinpah, AquaVortex, Callie21V, Edge, Cheerio and even Cleavant join in on the fun. Ed jumps in as well. Everyone makes it through the first time around, then the Limbo bar is lowered. Eveyone makes it through the second round. The bar is lowered again. DJ Scribble cranks up the tunes and the gang gets ready for go number 3. AquaVortex doesn't quite make it, nor does Cheerio. Time for round 4. Edge, DoctorWhy and BizarroPeckinpah are out. Round 5, Callie, Blinker and Sarah are all out. It's down to just Ed_The_Sock and Cleavant. Cleavant begins to limbo and Ed speaks, "You know Tito, I was wondering how Jermaine was these days." Cleavant turns around to give Ed an evil glance and falls. Ed takes a puff of his cigar and speaks, "Tuff break Tito. Lower it a couple more notches." The bar is lowered and Ed limbos under it. "Hey, you can't get much lower than a sock. Now who's gonna buy the sock a beer?" Ed walks up to Sarah and speaks, "Hey there young thing . . .ever cuddled with a sock?" "Blinker!" Blinker picks Ed up and carries him back to the bar. He looks to Chaser9 and Issac and speaks, "Will you two keep an eye on the sock." Ed looks up at Chaser9 and speaks,"Hey who's that sweet young thing next to you?" Chaser9 gives Ed the evil eye and speaks, "Hands off buddy. She's mine." "Easy there, pal. Issac, give me another beer. And did I ever tell you about the time I was *this* close to a guest shot on the Love Boat?" Ed_The_Sock "So? Who's gonna buy the sock a beer?"

Umm... ?
Date: 12/24/99
From: Matt_2
Is this post Sliders related? Next time use a NSR tag in the title! Matt_2

What's I miss?
Date: 12/24/99
From: QBall79
I've got the limbo stick! Q-Ball79 http://go.to/SSN http://thegovernment.com/conspiracytheories

<crashes party!>
Date: 12/24/99
From: SL4ever
Gimmie some juice! :-P NOW!!!!

Merry Christmas...
Date: 12/25/99
From: Mychand
I do believe it's official now....just sneaking in....just got home. Sounds like you guys are having a cool little party here! Mychand :o)

WooHoo Party, party, party!
Date: 12/25/99
From: MsFrosty
Where is Jorge? He promised me the first dance! SL4ever Hon still have that towel! ;-P Dance with me after Jorge does K?

Date: 12/25/99
From: JorgeCis
Happy that it's Christmas, JorgeCis walks up to Ms.Frosty and extends his hand. "May I have this dance?" he asks. Ms. Frosty smiles and the two begin to dance as Cleavant Derricks begins to sing Christmas carols.

Merry X-MAS!
Date: 12/25/99
From: CuffyBoy
I'm partying like it's 1998!!!!!! Hey,anyone read my Samaya's Fish Series?

I wanna play Santa this year!
Date: 12/25/99
From: siider409
Ho Ho Ho Hey everyone, Merry Christmas and stuff! (Grabs some of the beer and heads back up the chimney) See you next year!

Man, this party's just gettin started!
Date: 12/25/99
From: DJ_Scribble
I keep taking people's request's and then play a song of my own. While I'm doing this, my mixing board over-heats and breacks down. "Damn!" Many people shout. "Don't worry, I got it covered!". I grab a Sony Playstation and pop in the MTV Music Maker disc, and make some funky dance tunes with it.

Anyone care to dance?
Date: 12/25/99
From: Slider8_
I request a slow dance song and ask any girls if they would like to dance. "Hey, would you like to dance...."

Date: 12/25/99
From: _DeepThroat_
I watch everyone from up in the rafters. Finally, I see my target. Stax_, TemporalFlux, Chaser9, and Blinker are all sitting at a table together. I sneak down to the floor and slip a pipe bomb under the table. I then exit the building and hear the bomb go off...

"What's that he's doing?"
Date: 12/25/99
From: JessieMallory
Fortunatly, Jade Mallory is sliding in with Sisst form Edan to join the party. Jessica sees DT drop something and exit rather quickly. <<Sisst, something under that table in front of you.>> Jessica tells her companions. <<It is a odd look bomb of some sort.>> Sisst tells her spying the bomb under the guys table. Jessica grabs her tracker from her pouch and opens back up a vortex. This time to an empty realm. <<Throw it in Sisst.>> She commands her friend. Sisst grabs it and throws it at the vortex, which detonates as it enters. And most of the blast is heard from within. The sound is still loud enough to deafen the music a moment and fool ole DT. A few shards fly in the room as the vortex closes, narrowly missing the guests. But fortunately a disarter is overt for now. "I think we need to keep our eyes open for un wanted guest guys. Is everyone alright? Jessica asks the room.

When there's trouble...
Date: 12/25/99
From: Darkwing
Noticing what went wrong, Darkwing grabs _DeepThroat_ and takes him back into the party. The two come face-to-face with TemporalFlux, Blinker, Chaser9, and Stax_, who were unharmed thanks to JessieMallory, Jade Malloy, and Sisst. TemporalFlux gives _DeepThroat_ a hard stare. "Why are you looking at me like that?" asks DT. "We've never had problems before."

Dare I tell you what....
Date: 12/25/99
From: SL4ever
...is on my other tray???? :-P!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah, this is a PG rated board.

Date: 12/25/99
From: _DeepThroat_
I slip out of Darkwing's grasp and run out the door. Blinker tries to chase me down, but I evade him. I pull out my timer and open a vortex. "I'll be back to cause havoc in the future! You can count on it!". With that, I jump in and the party returns to normal.

<draws breadstick>
Date: 12/25/99
From: SL4ever
Btw, DT, if you try anything else, just remember that this sucker is two weeks old and hard as a so you do NOT want to be brained with it!!!Now dance!!! :-P

Dang it!
Date: 12/25/99
From: SL4ever
I forgot to turn on my vortex scooper!! Grrrr. We'll get ya next time!!

After seeing that everyone is OK, ...
Date: 12/25/99
From: JessieMallory
Jessica turns her attention to her companions. <<Are you two OK?>> She asks them both. <<Yes Jess, fine here. Are thinks always this exciting around here? No wonder you like spending so much time on Terra 12, and I thought it was for that Quinn look alike actor Gary, no Conner… oh whatever his name is. But all the time it's these Sliders show fans. Well I can see why. Hey can you introduce me to that cute guy over there?>> Jade says with a smile pointing at Issac. <<Jerry O'Connell, Jade>> Jessica corrects Jade. <<I am fine also Jessica. Why the concern? You know I would be fine either way the outcome.>> Sisst replies to inquiry. Jade laughs at their little friend, and has noticed the odd stares of the party guest. << Why don't we mingle a bit?>> Jessica notices Darkwing emerge with DT. <<First lets see if they need any help with this guys.>> Jessica, Jade and Sisst walk over to the table of TempoalFlux, Blinker, Chaser9, and Stax_, as Temporal stares down DT. When he breaks from Darkwings grasp and runs to the door. Jessica grabs her tracker to track his vortex and block his return. "Don't worry guys the only way he can now return is with a different timer." Jessica informs her friends. She then introduces her companions Jade and Sisst to the guys. The five of them stare at her friend from another realm. <<We should have used the 3D imager Jade. Oh well.>> Jessica tells Jade. Then she turns to the guys, "Don't worry guys he's an extra from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He'll change later. He still has to go back and film some more scenes." The guys nod their heads in understanding. Then she proceeds to take Jade and Sisst around and introduces them to everyone else. Lastly they stop at the bar and Jessica introduces Jade to Issac. Jade immediately sits down to flirt. Sisst has found a fascination specimen to study, and walks over to The Sock. Jade turns back to Jessica a sec. <<Oh I almost forgot. Max needs you at home to help wrap Santa gifts for Quinn James.>> <<OK I'll head home for awhile. Can you and Sisst help keep and eye on things around here?>> Jessica asks. Jade nods her head and turns back to flirt. Jessica heads over to the guys. "I have to leave for a bit. I leave things in your capable hands. I'm sure with Darkwing and SL4ever's help there won't be anymore trouble. Merry Christmas!" She opens a portal to home and jumps in.

Klly? Aren't those the prize pies?
Date: 12/25/99
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo walks in, and surveys party in progress. She looks in askance at Sliding Captain Bridger. *That was sweet of him to play santa, wonder if he'll be back in 8 days?* Ordering a lemonade at the bar, Yeontoo looks over at the dartboard JorgeCis brought in. Turning to Isaac, she mumbles something about staying away from that dancing sock, and the weird looking Peck guy. Yeontoo taps Sabre-Edge on his shoulder, "Dance with me?" SE happily complies. <<<btw SE, eggnog is nasty>>> During their dance, QBall79 hollered, "Limbo!..." and they quickly joined the long line to see how low could they go. Whispers speed thru the crowd, JessieMallory stopped a terrorist attack! Would TemporalFlux reward her under a mistletoe?

The Fun's In Here . . .
Date: 12/25/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 leaves the table that he, Blink, TF and Stax_ were sitting at. He walks back to the bar and is immmediately notices Ed_The_Sock is hitting on Autumn Mallory. Autumn has taken all she can and backhands sockboy. Ed goes flying and lands in the middle of the veggie dip on the food table. "Nice shot, Autumn." "Thanks, Chase. Wanna dance?" Like Chaser is actually going to turn down a dance from the incredibly cute Autumn Mallory . . ."Ok" As Chaser and Autumn dance on the dance floor, Andrew turns to Jayson Garrick and speaks,"She never looks at me like that and I'm almost the splitting image of him." "Easy buddy. You know as well as I do nothing coud ever happen . . .we're fanfic characters. Besides, when this bash is over we have to go back to our repective worlds." Andrew spoke, "Yeah . . . guess you're right. Which makes me wonder . . . when is he going to write the Earth 374 finale! It's been months!" Jayson pats his friend on the back and speaks, "All in good time my friend. Issac, would you be so kind as to get my friend here a beer." "Outta sight!" Issac replies Meanwhile, Blink and TF are engaged in a game of pool when suddenly from out of nowhere . . .HE appears! "It can't be . . .YOU?" Blink said. TF responded, "What are YOU doing here?" A boisterious voice is heard, "You blistering idiots, this is a sliders party. Is it not? And I was a cast member of the show until Mr. Peckinpuss forced my resignation." "Well welcome JRD! We're glad to have you here. Bars over there, Issac will fix you up real goo,"Blinker said. "Thank you my good man, but I believe I shall begin by pummeling you severely in a game of pool. Mr.Flux if you would be so kind as to hand me your pool stick." TF cracks a smile and hands JRD his pool stick. "Blink's in trouble now," he thinks.

The house band has arrived!
Date: 12/25/99
From: DianaDavis
Over the next half-hour, Diana Davis and the Supremes cover ten of their greatest hits, including "Can't Force the Slide": ...I feel my strength, Yeah it's almost gone But these precious words, Keep me hangin' on I remember, Remmy said: Can't force the slide Nooo, you just have to wait He said, juuust give it time No matter hooow, long it takes You can't force the slide Nooo, can't access the gate But when your timer hits, zero You'll know it's set to activate... The worm, ho-ole Trip ain't ea-easy. My first sli-ide Left me more than a trifle queasy But how many heart attacks Must I endu-ure, Perhaps I should leave no-ow I'm just not su-ure, I've got to slide, Oh yeah to save my mind, But Remmy's words Sustain me through this bind, I remember once he said: Can't force the slide Nooo, you just have to wait He said, juuust give it time No matter hooow, long it takes... ~ Diana Davis

I missed it!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
God! Some times I really hate family gatherings! It made me miss my first interactive party! Well, there's a few other replies on the 25. Please say someone else is still partying?! Puhhh-llleeeeeaaaasssseee!!!! If this keeper thing is still goin', am I allowed to bring a JOC CD? Yes, I know I took that from the StoryGame board. I'm not in a creative mood here. The good doctor

Date: 12/25/99
From: _Arturo_
Hey guys, While my alter ego SlidersCentral has been around, I have been in the dark just waiting to show my face again. Well...Arturo is large, in charge, and ready to get us a season 6!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Arturo(Garrett Weaver) http://go.to/SlidersCentral

Date: 12/25/99
From: SL4ever
I just found the choccie table!!! :-P Hey, anyone wanna dance???? Good! I like watching people dance!!! LOL. Okay, okay, yes, I'll dance. :-D

A Portal Opens ...
Date: 12/25/99
From: JessieMallory
and Jessica, Jade and Max slide in. "Glad to see the party is still going! Hi Yeontoo glad to see you could make it. Is Sabre_Edge a good dancer? I want a turn with him later. As well the rest of these handsome gentlemen just standing around. I saw that Mistletoe Y, but I usually don't like to stand in one place for long." Jessica says across the dance floor. Jade goes right to the bar to resume flirting with Issac. "So when do you get a break, babe?" Max wonders over to talk to his actor double. Thinking to himself he doesn't do me justice. Jessica walks over to Andrew and says, "How about a cross over sometime sweetie? But for now how about a turn or two around the floor?" Andrew holds out his hand and dances Jessica out on to the floor.

Truth ................
Date: 12/25/99
From: DoctorWhy
....or DARE. Who's got the guts to play????? :-P Nice limboing there Ed!

Date: 12/25/99
From: DianaDavis
As the party kicks into high gear, DD & the Supremes swing into another long set of classics... "I started my slide, From a high-tech, ultra-modern research lab A PaDL was, all I could grab Before I left... Now I'm on a rock out in space Battling Maggs with dirt on my face My dignity is gone with no trace I never dreamed of being so abased... Fourth Slider, (Fourth Slider) Take a look at me Fourth Slider, (Fourth Slider) Never meant to be... Fourth Slider, (Fourth Slider) Different from the rest Fourth Slider, (Fourth Slider) Always the fourth best... I finished school, the top student in my class I never lost my cool, I never knew the way it felt, to live in doubt To be without the simple things So afraid my friends would see the flaws in me... You think my character's fine I'm tellin' you, I need some more lines Compared to Kari, my role is dyin' Too bad my arc was Pecker-outlined..." Out of the corner of her eye, Diana spots Slider120 (aka Dorky) and launches into a new tune. "Stop! In the naaame of Peck, Be-fore you wriiite, more dreck..." ~DD

Date: 12/25/99
From: Jeff_2
NEVER announce you're back just for Christmas! ==========> END

Hey SL4!
Date: 12/25/99
From: bahumbug
Where ya been? I have something you left behind at the Thanksgiving party!! LOL!=P T.Grinch!

Date: 12/25/99
From: Fox_Executive
Fox_Executive walks in and looks at the Sliders party that's going on. "What the hell were we thinking?" he asks himself. "Why did we cancel such a great show? Why did we ruin it? And what in thw world possessed us to hire a man like David Peckinpah???" Fox_Executive walks over to the dartboard. "Hey JorgeCis, can I play next?"

The Sock is looking for love
Date: 12/25/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
Ed_The_Sock has just returned from the bathroom cleaning off all the veggie dip that was on him. He notices the Chaser9 lookalike dancing with an attractive woman. "Hey kid, part the waters and let the sock show you how it's done." "I don't think so. Me and the lady here are trying to dance" "Lissen kid. I'm the sock. Now get the h-e-double crooked letter outta my way. The lady wants the sock." "Look, whoever you are. She's not interested. So get lost." "OK kid . . . have it your way." Ed_The_Sock takes his cigar and burns the Chaser9 lookalike with it. "Told ya kid, don't mess with the sock!" "Why you!" Jessica steps between them and speaks. "It's okay I'll dance with . . . the sock." A dejected Chaser9 lookalike returns to the bar and grabs a beer. While Ed_The_Sock does a little dance. He finishes his dance to find that Jessica has left him and wandered over to Blinker. "Fine then babe! You had your chance. The sock is the man. He can have any woman in this joint And btw, who's gonna buy the sock a beer?" Ed_The_Sock "So? Who's gonna buy the sock a beer?"

Only have a sec...
Date: 12/25/99
From: Informant
So hi! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quintarr joins the party!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Quintarr
Quintarr walks in and scans the room, looking for a familiar face. She doesn't know exactly what to do or say. She spots her cousin, Klly, and walks quickly to her, trying not to look too conspicuous. "Klly! Hey, great party!" she says hoping Klly will introduce her to some more like her, X-Philes and Sliders lovers, help her fit in a little. "Yea! It's CrAAAAAAAAAAzy!!!! Have a drink!" Klly hands her an EggNog. "MONKEY!!! that's some terrific Nog!!" "Isn't it? I think you'll like it here!" Klly yelled over the music. "I do too!!" Quintarr replied...

I'll take that Ba!!!
Date: 12/25/99
From: SL4ever
<hides it quickly!!!> Now that we have that settled, lets either dance or slam or do both at the same time! Woo Hoo!!! <bribes DJ to play Chicago's Greatest Hits CD> Hey! I just got it today and wanna hear it!!! :-P

C_C enters....
Date: 12/25/99
From: Candy_Cane
And looks around. Hey great party! Grabs a drink and goes to the dance floor looking for a partner.

There is a party...
Date: 12/25/99
From: Sheridan220
and I wasen't told, well we'll have to do better than that. Post more later on.

Ge, Om E Try!
Date: 12/25/99
From: ColleenMallory
"Um, Nole?" "Huh?" he stares up blankly at Yeontoo. "You wanna cookie?" "You know, I'm starting to think your refusal to join in the festivities is, well, doing less than wonders for your mental health." "You wanna cookie?" "Oh my... um, say, what manner of tree is that you're leaning against?" "You wanna cookie? It's palm." "Uhmm... that's not a palm tree, Nole. That's Colleen Mallory, from Earth 69." "Uh-huh. You wanna cookie?" If Colleen could have said something... well, she would have. -------------------- Colleen | http://www.earthprime.com/blinker/69/69.html

Hey, everyone!!!!!
Date: 12/25/99
From: CaptMaggie
Hey guys! Maggie is here!

<twirls CC!!!!!>
Date: 12/25/99
From: SL4ever
Woo Hoo!! Remember to kick your little feet on the way up and giggle on the way down!!!! :-P

Guess who!!!!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Miss_Claus
I'm here! Guess who! :-) Merry Xmas, all! Hows the party going??? Any eggnog???

Party at the old Bboard tonight!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 and Autumn Mallory walked up to the bar. Andrew was sitting next to Jayson and Wade and glaring at the sock guy. Chaser spoke, "Andrew you okay?" Andrew replied, "Yeah, I didn't get burned too bad. Besides, the beer is numbing the pain." Autumn gave Andrew an evil glance, almost to say, "That sounded really good." "Chase, how about another dance?" Autumn asked. Chaser9 could scarcely believe his luck. "Okay," he replied. Autumn turned to DJ Scribble and speaks, "Can you play something slow?" Scribble nodded and threw on the new Savage Garden song. Meanwhile, JRD is pummelling TF in a game of pool. "I swear Mr.Flux, I assumed you would be more of a challenge than Mr. Blinker was." TF turned to JRD and spoke, "Big talk 'Professor'. Observe. 5 ball side pocket." TF makes his shot and the ball goes in. He then proceeds to successfully execute several other shots. "You were saying?" JRD looks to the table, then to TF and then back to the table. "Good Heavens!" Blinker and Cleavant are watching as DianaDavis and The Supremes get ready for their next set. "You know what we're missing," Cleavant says. He looks to Blinker and they both respond in unison, "Karaoke." Blinker speaks, "I'll go get the machine!" Chaser and Autumn danced close on the dance floor. He spoke, "You know, you're incredible." She replied, "Someone did a wonderful job when they created me." Chaser tried not to blush. "Well, I'd like to think I do a great job on all my characters. Jayson, Nimbus and well, it's pretty common knowledge that Andrew has a big chunk of me in him." Autumn drew closer to Chaser and spoke, "In my opinion, he doesn't have quite enough of you in him." Autumn kissed Chase and he gave in. Unfortunately he didn't realize Andrew was watching them and the shock of seeing this had caused him to drop his beer. Jayson looked to Andrew and spoke, "Man, you dropped your beer. That's alcohol abuse!" Andrew could barely form the words, "l-l-look." Jayson turned his eyes to see Autumn kissing Chaser . . or vice versa. He could only say one thing, "Oh boy." --Chaser9

She sits at the bar...
Date: 12/25/99
From: Miss_Claus
Miss_Claus takes a look around, eyeing everyone as she drinks her eggnog... she gives Chase and Autumn who are smoching away in the corner a funny look, and eyes the ceiling for mistletoe... she waves at people she knows, realizing they probably have no idea who she it. At least, she *hopes* they don't know who she is.... she sips her eggnog.

Date: 12/25/99
From: Mychand
Just dropping by to say hello! My

Well? It's true!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Ignorant_
jlbanker IS Slider8_! Also, don't forget to download the Save Sliders By Bringing Back Jerry petition at: http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~joshuab/savesliders.jpg It's up to YOU!

I wont forget SL!!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Candy_Cane
Kicks feet one the way up and giggles on the way down. You
know how I like it, hun.

Boogie Down Blinker!!
Date: 12/25/99
From: JessieMallory
After a few dances they need a drink and a breather. Jessica and Blinker wonder over to the bar for a drink. "Hey whats all the commotion over at the pool tables?" Jessica asks. Stax_ informs them of the competition going on between Flux and JRD. They go over to watch just in time to see Tf finish off the game. JRD walks to the bar muttering to himself. Max quickly steps up to challenge the Flux. "You may have been able to beat that fake of myself, but young man I am the real Maximilliam Arturo and you are in for the game of your life." Jessica laughs at her friends boasting about his skills. She sits on one of the stools next to the table, and surveys the rest of the room. There is quite a crowd gather in the hall. Yeontoo is dancing with Jorge. Sabre_Edge has just asked Captain Maggie to dance. Chaser is still dance with Autumn (Well they were dancing), SL4ever is twirling the ladies as usual, Blinker and Cleavant are setting up the Karaoke machine in the corner as several others gather to sing and to listen. Jessica finishes her drink and goes to Issac for another. She finds Andrew there crying in his beer as Issac cleans up the floor. "Hey there cutie want to finish that dance now?" She asks Andrew. He smiles weakly at Jessica, and shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah I guess." So they return to the floor with Jessica keeping an eye out for that sock thing, person, whatever.

Thoughts whilst Twirling CC again! :-P
Date: 12/25/99
From: SL4ever
"Keeping an eye out for that sock thing" LOL!!!! Oooooo, pool competition! <cheap balls joke deleted> (honestly! I really had one there!! ;-) My money's on TF. Eggnog? :-P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So who's "virtually drunk" yet?

Boogie, boogie!
Date: 12/25/99
From: CaptMaggie
CaptMaggie boogies with Edge to the jazzy Xmas music. "This is alot of fun, eh???" She sayd to no one in paticular. Sarah grins from across the room. "You bet!" "Too bad I showed up so late! I wish I would have gotten here earlier... I feel like I missed the party!!!!" She watched Jessie and Andrew boogie across the room. "This is fun... hey, are Autumn and Chase still making out???" She grins and takes a break for a drink.

SL !!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Candy_Cane
Please make sure you dont drop me while you are watching out for the Sock!!

Getting drunk it... *hiCk... HiCk...*...
Date: 12/25/99
From: CaptMaggie
bad... *HiCk... hIcK...* *Maggie falls to the floor.*

Gotta... *HiCk...* go... *hIck...*
Date: 12/25/99
From: CaptMaggie
It's been nice, but I'm getting kicked out of the party by my wonderous parents... *HiCk...* Good anyway... I need a designated driver... *finds a safe ride home after calling a taxi.* Merry Xmas to all, and to all a good night!!!! *HiCk!*

<clinks glass> Your attention please!!
Date: 12/25/99
From: Blinker
Due to popular demand, the party has been extended! That's right... bookmark this post, cause we're gonna be ROCKIN' THE BOARD INTO THE NEW MILLENNIUM!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!! <steps down from podium> Yo, Scribster! I'll take one upbeat, butt-kicking rocker to go!!! - Blinker 7:-D http://welcome.to/gate_haven

WooHoo!! Party til the end of time!
Date: 12/25/99
From: JessieMallory
"I'll mark these coordinates in my tracker so we can just slide in whenever we want. Right Jade ...right Jade." "Huh, Right Jess. Only if they keep this very handsome bartender here to serve the drinks." Jade turns back to Issac, and bats her eyes at him. Jessica groans and rolls her eyes. "I've got to take her out more often. OK with you Max ... Oh Max." Max does not answer. He and Tf are locked in a heated battle. "I'll take that as a yes Max. OK, So who do I dance with now? Poor Andrew went back to cry in his beer."

JohnMU1's Reply
Date: 12/25/99
From: JohnMU1

Walks in and ...
Date: 12/25/99
From: Kromaggot
pukes on everyone due to the last party I just attended. Kromaggot of the North!!

<tosses Kromaggot a mop>
Date: 12/26/99
From: SL4ever
Get busy, junior! You spill it you swill it!!! <twirls self into air!!!> <----Don't try this at home folks!!!!! :-D

Date: 12/26/99
From: Cheerio
Pip Pip!

total insano monkey
Date: 12/26/99
From: Quintarr
Quintarr looked at Klly. What a total insano. wand'ring about, lacking vowles, looking for her missplaced gifts. Yep, thought she, her cuz' was definately a monkey, a big one.

Party Continueing Thru 2000?
Date: 12/26/99
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo dances a set with JorgeCis, who happened to be quite good. Passing JessieMallory on her way to get another Lemonade, she pauses, "You gotta dance with Sabre-Edge, he's very good, I've danced with him at another party. Jorge was good too, don't forget to get a dance with him". After finishing her lemonade, Yeontoo then danced with 12monkey, Blinker, Qblall79 and jlbanker in a succession of dances. *Whew!* *This room is full. How am I gonna dance with them all? And they look so nice tonight too.* she thinks.

Oh, Cheerio ...........
Date: 12/26/99
From: DoctorWhy
I do believe that's *my* glass of Quintarr's Sour Filk of Monkeyness. Care to Roshambo for it ???

I love a good party
Date: 12/26/99
From: Tracy_Torme
"Mind if I join the fun?" The partygoers are shocked and amazed to see the creator of Sliders Tacy Torme`. "Tracy!" QBall79 screamed, "Glad you could make it. "Wouldn't have missed it for the world. I see John's here." "Along with Cleavant and a few doubles," QBall said. "Well then, let's get this party started!" TT

"Wow!" <shakes sweat from tuft>
Date: 12/26/99
From: Blinker
"You ladies sure know how to make a guy twirl! Hey, thanks for the vacation, Quintarr!" Blinker sits back to observe the pool game, and is forced to admit that Tf knows his cues better than Lawrence Olivier. - Blinker 7:-D http://welcome.to/gate_haven

The Sock Wants To Sing!
Date: 12/26/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
"OK, the sock has had it! I'm gonna show you kids how it's done!" Ed_the_Sock walks up to the Karaoke machine and sees Cleavant. "Outta my way Tito. The sock's gonna belt out a few." Cleavant gives Ed an evil glance. "Problem Tito? Didn't think so, jsut aske that kid I burned earlier. You don't want none of my stogie." Ed grabs the mic and tells Cleavant what to play. YOU . . . YOU GOT WHAT I NEEEEEEEEEED! BUT YOU SAY HE'S JUST A FRIEND! OH BABY! YOOOOOOOOOOUUU GOT WHAT I NEEEEEED! The overwhelming boos coming from the crowd are almost deafening, but Ed doesn't care. He breaks into another verse of the chorus. YOU . . . YOU GOT WHAT I NEEEEEEEEEED! BUT YOU SAY HE'S JUST A FRIEND! OH BABY! YOOOOOOOOOOUUU GOT WHAT I NEEEEEED! Ed_The_Sock drops the mic and looks around the room. "So, who wants to ride the sock love train?" Ed_The_Sock http://www.edthesock.com "So? Who's gonna buy the sock a beer?"

Date: 12/26/99
From: SL4ever
That was MY 3D Dorrito bowl!! Get your own 3D Dorritos!!!! Grrrrr. <sheepish look> Oppps. Didn't mean to shout. Wait a minute! A sock sighting??? Eeeek!

Hahahahaha! I'm back!
Date: 12/26/99
From: _DeepThroat_
A vortex opens up, and I pop out. Following behind me is every enemy that the Sliders have ever had. Kromaggs, Evil Arturo, Logan, Rickman, etc. We break through the front doors. "No one messes with Deep Throat!" We begin shooting. Rickman shoots SL4ever's arm. Kolitar hits Blinker in the chest. Logan tries to kill the DJ. Evil Arturo tries to find something that he can steal the credit for. All of a sudden, Kolitar is shot, and Evil Arturo runs away in panic. Rickman is also shot and killed. "No! Damn you all!". Me and Logan run out of the building and open our vortex, which is tracker blocked. "I will return..."

Holy crap!
Date: 12/26/99
From: DJ_Scribble
"Man, what the hell was that! I almost got shot!"

3D Doritos!
Date: 12/26/99
From: BizarroPeckinpah
The imperfect duplicate of David Peckinpah stalks close to SL4ever and strikes! "As the imperfect duplicate of Daid Peckinpah, I demand you release those three-dimensional doritos into my possession! Their strange embossed triangular shape causes stirrings in me that I never thought I would experiance again!" bp wrestles SL4ever to the ground and tries to take the bowl of doritos away. "I say thee NAY! Relinquish those tasty treats!" bp exclaimed. "Dude, get your own bowl. I'm not sharing with an imperfect duplicate of Peck." bp

That was some good shootin
Date: 12/26/99
From: Slider8_
I put my pistol back in my pocket and go to see if everyone is ok. "Good job shooting, Chaser9!" He looks at me. "You did pretty good yourself." Luckily, Blinker was wearing a bulletproof vest, so he alright. Unfortunatly, SL4ever's arm is hurt bad.

Darn party crashers.
Date: 12/26/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 takes a look at SL4ever's arm. "Andrew!" Andrew looks up from the bar and replies, "What Chase?" "Did you bring any Traveller tech with you?" Andrew replies, "Yeah, standard Traveller emergency kit." "Give me the medilizer." Andrew pulls a strange device out of his pocket and hands it to Chase. Chaser puts it on SL's arm and suddenly the wound heals. "My arms okay!" "Yeah, knew this thing would come in handy someday. . . glad I thought it up." Chaser said. "That was wonderful Chase," Autumn said as she hugged Chaser. Andrew looked on in disgust . . .It was his medilizer that did the job. "Let's party people! DJ How about some Back That @$$ Up!" --Chaser9

Alright then!
Date: 12/26/99
From: DJ_Scribble
"Ok, Chaser, here ya go!" GIRL YOU LOOK GOOD, WHEN YOU BACK THAT ASS UP...

I have arrived
Date: 12/26/99
From: Leo_Sayer
The door to the party swings open and Leo Sayer enters. "Hi Everyone!" "Who is that," Sarah asks. Chaser, Blinker and Cleavant speak in unison, "LEO SAYER!!!!" "Yeah, Chaser invited me, thought I'd come by and do a few sets. I'm a BIG fan of the show." "KEWL!" Chaser screamed. "Leo . .pleassssssssssssssseee. Will you sing 'You Make Me Feel Like Dancing'?" "For my number one fan, Chaser, anything." Leo jumps up on the stage and the music begins. "You got a cute way of talking. You got the better of me. Just snap your fingers and I'm walking, like a dog hanging on a leash. I'm in a spin you know, shaking on a string you know. YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE DANCING, I WANNA DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE DANCING . .. I FEEL LIKE DANCING . .WOOO . . .DANCING . .WOO . .DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY" Leo continues with his song and the sldierfans are really into it. More Leo to come. LEO

Woohoo! 100th reply!<end.
Date: 12/26/99
From: Slider8_

Great party
Date: 12/26/99
From: Tracy_Torme
"This is really a great party," Tracy said. "Don't I know it," QBall replied. "I swear, that Arturo double is getting his butt kicked by TemporalFlux over there and they've been at it since before I got here!" "Yeah, don't mess with TF. He'll get you. He's kind of like our own local sliders guru." "So I've noticed. Think I'm gonna challenge him to a game. Want to root for me?" "Okay, Tracy. You'll need all the luck you can get." QBAll cracked a smile. This would be fun. TF and Tracy Torme` battling at pool. He could only wonder the conversation that would arise out fo this confrontation. TT

Date: 12/26/99
From: Callie21V
"That was TOO close." Hand through hair. "I need a drink..." A wide-eyed Callie sips her white zinfandel, while surveying the dance floor. Smiling sweetly to attract potential co-twirlers: "Anyone care to take a spin around the dance hall?" Beat. Beat. Sweet smile evaporates. "I'm over HEEEEEEEEERE!!!!!" >>> C/21

Date: 12/26/99
From: JessieMallory
I slide home for the moment to check on my son , and all H**l breaks loose. "Chaser, Hon, I think you and I are going to have to talk about our (sliding) devices. Max I thought you were going to kick Tf's butt. Don't let that other realmer win. Tracy nice seeing you again (oops, I forgot I haven't posted that story yet). Yeontoo slow down dear you have to pace yourself, and yes I plan on dancing with as many of these guys as possible before the end of the year. Good shotting Chaser and Slider8. Sorry we don't care guns, we have these little thingies. Yes I feel like dancing. Now whos next, hey Sabre_Edge wanna dance Hon?"

ATTENTION! <striking two spoons together
Date: 12/26/99
From: Chaser9
"I have an annoucement to make everyone!" Chaser9 took center stage and grabbed the mic. "Blinker would you come up here?" Blinker looks around in confusion and then makes his way to the stage. "Cleavant, if you would be so kind . ." Cleavant walks backstage and returns with a giant trophy. Chaser begins to speak, "We here at the Dominion Sliders Bboard would like to award Blinker this here trophy. Which states that he has been nominated and awarded by his peers the Man Of The Year Award!" Much clapping from the audience. "The stage is yours Blink." "Dude, buddy, pal, I couldn't possibly have done it without your twenty-three handles, invaluable support, and idea to make this thing the longest board bash since everyone had a go at Exec in my farewell thread!" "I'm gonna cry, Blink," Chaser replied. "Hey! Lissen' here. Pipe down kid or I'm gonna burn ya wit' my stogie!" Ed_The_Sock interjected. "Now Ed, this is Blinker's moment." "Shut up Chaser or I'll burn you too!" "Does anyone know why this sock guy is even here?" Chaser asked. "It's a party, kid. And there's babes. Nuff said." While no one was looking, Cleavant threw a bag over Ed and carried him back to the back. "He won't bother us for awhile." Cleavant cracked a sly grin. "Anyway guys and gals . . Let's Party!" Chaser returned to the dance floor with Autumn and commenced getting down. --Chaser9

You have reached the party line!
Date: 12/26/99
From: DianaDavis
[That's right!! Diana Davis and the Supremes are now taking REQUESTS! We will riff any oldie of your choice into instant Sliders comedy material!!!] "...and the desperate people prayed, That the timer Quinn had made Would once more affirm its priceless worth, And form a doorway to just one more Earth, For the words of a prophet were Burning on the ground in fuel, 'KROMAGGS RULE' These are, the sooouuuunds... Of Sliding." The band pauses briefly to soak in some applause... then it's on to their next set. "One week, giant scarabs, The next, aaaaa giant mall... Aaand the ones that, David Peck writes, Don't mean anything at all... Go ask Tormé. ...Pick up the phone, and call. And if you go, chasing writers, Who've long since, left the show... Tell 'em that Sci-Fi, sent you calling, To find out, what they know... 'Bout the Pecker. ...And how low he can, go..."

*Yawn* Woo, I'm awake, What'd I miss?
Date: 12/26/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
The good doctor is over in the corner, dozing. She apparently cried herself to sleep about missing her first ever post party. The loud noise hasn't bothered her until now. She opens her eyes to see the room full of other people dancing, drinking, attacking, exc. Her jaw drops open "IT'S STILL GOING ON???!!!! Yes!" She cries, delighted, but her yelling is muffled by all the music and such around her. To attract some attention, she stands on up and starts waving her arms wildly.

Stop IT!!
Date: 12/26/99
From: D_Peckinpah
::plastered on cheap hooch:: Stop making fun uv me!!!! I reely want to bee yor frind, but I can't du that wivout yor help!! Yu just gotta let me play wiv yu guys!! I wanna party tu. I'll sing for yu! ::starts to sing the theme song from Sliders, but for some reason, can't remember the lyrics:: DU DU DU!!! DU DU DU!! DUM DUM DUM DU DA DU! ::someone from across the room throws a beer bottle at Peckinpah:: OUCH!! .......WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! ::Blinker and Chaser9 walk up to him dressed in black suits:: "I'm sorry, sir. We're going to have to ask you to leave." ::Peckinpah gets up:: HEY!! Aren't yu my parole officer? ::three seconds later, we see Peckinpah flying through another window:: I HAAAATE YU GUYS!!! Luv, David Peckinpah

Date: 12/26/99
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo walked over to Isaac, the bartender and put her glass of lemonade on the bar. "I'd like to exchange this please sur." Isaac looked at the glass, "I'd be happy to, what would you like?" "Monkey Brain Juice." Seeing his face register shock, Yeontoo rushed on, "It's a delicacy I've acquired at other parties, I promise it's really served!" "Well, um, I'll have to check the back," Isaac stammered, then got Mrs. Claus to fill in for him for a moment while he went and did just that. After several minutes, Isaac came out with a purple bottle. "Ma'am, you're in luck! Blinker, your host, knew about the taste buds of some of the guests here. How would you like that served?" "Over ice, please." Yeontoo took her glass with her over to Blinker. She kissed him on the cheek, for being so thoughtful, and walked away. "Jorge! You simply must try this..."

Over at the bar...
Date: 12/26/99
From: JorgeCis
JorgeCis looks at the drink Yeontoo is handing him. "It looks...uh, interesting," he says, "What is it?" Yeontoo smiles. "Just try it." JorgeCis shrugs his shoulders and tries some of it. "It tastes a bit weird, but I guess it's okay. What exactly is in this stuff?" "It's monkey brain juice," answers Yeontoo. A look of horror passes over JorgeCis's face. The bartender hands him a glass of water that is quickly drank. David Peckinpah returns and takes the glass of monkey brain juice. "Let me get this straight. Did I just hear that this is monkey brain juice?" he asks. Yeontoo nods. "At last!" says Peckinpah. "I finally know how to bring back Colonel Rickman! Now all I need is a movie to rip off..."

Health Hazard
Date: 12/26/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
The "Medicine Woman", as a few people are calling her now, continues to wave her arms about. No one seems to notice. Frustrated, she sits down on the cold floor and watches the other posters. As she is sulking, she observes Yeontoo asking for her drink. As soon as the words "Monkey Brain Juice" come out of her mouth, the doctor makes a sour face and debates silently whether or not she should help. Finally, she stands up and approaches Yeontoo. "That, I'm sure is not good for your stomache. I think it could be toxic."

Playin' Pool
Date: 12/26/99
From: TemporalFlux
Tf quickly realizes that while playing pool with Tracy Torme'...there are certain things you don't mention due to the memories it brings up. English...Q-Ball... Tf then tried to console Torme' upon realizing how upset he was getting. Tf said, "It's not worth crying, man..." Upon the words coming out his mouth, Tf heard a "D'oh!" in his mind just as he saw Torme's scowl...so Tf tried to make it better by saying, "Don't worry...if anyone can bring it back to the way it should be, *you* can! You have the cunning of a Fox..." Torme' then punches Tf. Tf realizes it's his fault and tries one last time to make up for it as Torme' walks away. "No hard feelings! It was just a little peck anyway!" The party hears Torme' scream as he goes to the other room. Tf temporalflux@hotmail.com http://www.dimensionofcontinuity.com

party still on?
Date: 12/26/99
From: TinkerBell_12
I'm ready to dance and ready to part-e! Little late, but I like to make a grand entrance!

“Sorry, I had to leave,
Date: 12/27/99
From: MsFrosty
but MsFrosty had other parties to visit also. Jorge Hon don't be mad at me. How about we finish that dance now." MsFrosty sashays over to Jorge and takes his hand and leads him to the dance floor. Where they dance several dances together. Until Jorge notices Torme leaving the room with a scream and goes to find out what is going on. MsFrosty follows with mild curiosity. She asks Blinker what has happened to make Torme leave like that. Blinker tells her what TemporalFlux did to Torme. "Oh really, a regular bad boy Huh? MsFrosty likes bad boys." MsFrosty walks over to TemporalFlux. "Hi there, So you are TemporalFlux. I hear you are the resident pool shark. I also heard that you are always right in the middle of all the fights and controversy around here. Wow, a regular bad boy, care to dance?" MsFrosty takes TempoarlFlux' arm and leads him to the floor, where "Smooth" by Santana is playing. MsFrosty shows TemporalFlux a thing or two about being bad as she dances the salsa with him.

Is there a doctor in the house???!!!
Date: 12/27/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
Despite the good doctor's warning several people seemed to have been drinking the revulting, umm, can it even be classified as a drink? Or a bodily liquid of monkey's? Anyways, people must have had this stuff before, because a few people look like they have an imunity to the toxin. Doctor_Quinn can not make out who is screaming and having spasms, cuz some of the people at this party are not familar to her. She calls out "Is there a doctor in the house?!" Most who have heard her, just shout back "You're the doctor!" The Medicine woman sighs and says to herself "I knew I should of told the host not to order any illegal drinks." Bored and still frustrated, she leaves the unlucky souls who are poisoned on the floor. Maybe there's another doctor here. "I want some water." she tells the bartender. He hands her a glass. Suddenly the lights go off. She drops the glass and it shatters, like the scene in Pilot.

Date: 12/27/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
The lights go back on. Momentarily causing everyone to freeze and direct there attention to the glass on the floor. Then a louder noise interupts them. Sparks fly through the air and the trademark SLIDERS vortex makes it's entrance. The season4 cast falls on top of the sharp glass, with the exception of Quinn, who lands miraclulously next to the good doctor. Maggie begins to whine about the glass cutting her 'oh so precious' face. Remmy immediately tells her to shut her mouth and that he's sick and tired of her complaints. Colin walks away, deciding to remain neutral as a physical fight errupts between the former friends. He sits on the other side of Quinn. The two brothers start up a conversation with the good doctor. Remmy declares victory over Maggie, although he's a little ashamed of having really damaged Maggie. Maggie, as we all know, is not any ordinary girl. So, Remmy's guilt is quickly washed away as Maggie insists he buys the loser a drink. Remmy goes hysterical telling her she had too many on the last world and refuses to go through that again. Quinn rolls his eyes, and Colin just continues to stay out of it as he usually does. Maggie keeps telling Remmy to buy her a drink, and Remmy keeps saying no. Quinn asks the doc to dance and of course, she accepts.(Sorry, I just had to*) Is this party still on? Or what?

joins the Party
Date: 12/27/99
From: fantess
Walking up to the bar she orders her favorite, "Monkey juice please." The bartender hands her the drink and goes on tho the next customer. Looking at Yeontoo she says "Look at all the people, a person could get lost in here." "A few have." Yeontoo giggle out, just before she and JorgeCis go to dance.

"Just when I thought things were good."
Date: 12/27/99
From: Chaser9
"Great," Chaser said. Autumn replied, "What is it?" "See that Quinn over there?" "The one dancing with Doctor_Quinn?" "Yeah that one." "What about him?" Autumn asked. "That's S4 Quinn . . .I hate him." "Hate is a very strong word, Chase. I mean he is a double of my brother." "Autumn, please don't hold against me what I'm about to do." "Chase? What are you planning?" "Jayson will understand. Won't you?" Jayson Garrick turned to Chase and spoke, "If he's anything like my Quinn . .I know exactly what you're going to do." Autumn was puzzled, "What do you mean?" "Simply put Autumn, he's a prick. He left Wade to rot in a Kromagg breeder camp, shows no emotion and is probably knockin' boots with Maggie every chance he gets." "Woah . . .that's bad. What are you going to do?" she asked. "Watch." Chaser9 walked onto the dance floor. He walked up to S4 Quinn and Doctor_Quinn. "Mind if I interrupt?" "Sure Chase, let's dance," Doctor_Quinn said. "No can do, Doc, I'm sort of taken. But I do need to talk to Quinn here." S4 Quinn turned to Chaser and spoke,"What do you need Chase?" "Nothing really Quinn, just wanted to do this." Chaser punched Quinn dead-on in the face and he fell to the ground. "That was for leaving Wade in the Breeder Camp!" Quinn tried to get back up but Chaser knocked him back down, "That's for believeing the "I'm from Kromagg Prime Bull$%^&!'." Chaser hit Quinn again. "Oh and that . .. well that's just because I think you're a prick." Doctor_Quinn spoke, "Chaser!" "Sorry Doc, I really am, but he deserved it." "Quinn!" "Q-Ball" Colin, Remmy and Maggie came running to Quinn. "Well well well, if it isn't the crappiest cast in Sliders history," "The crackwhore, the wooden log . .and well, I still like you Remmy." "You hurt my brother." Colin said. "Yeah and if you get in my way, all the cans of Colin Mallory's Can of Whoop-Ass won't save you from my wrath. Here's my advice. Pick up your brother. Log this worlds coordintes. Open your little wormhole and leave . . .oh but Remmy can stay, come back for him in about 6 days." "Why you!" Maggie screamed. Maggie felt a tap on her shoulders. She turned around to see Autumn Mallory. "And you are?" "Name's Autumn Mallory." Autumn grabbed Maggie by the hair and slammed her had into a table. Maggie passed out. "WOW! I am in love!" Chaser screamed. "Not only is she smart and beautiful, she kicked the crap out of Maggie!" Chase turned to Colin and spoke, "Look man, it's your call. But I'd advise against staying, you don't have many friends here, we're mostly S1 &S2 fans . . .you know the Pre-Peck era. Oh yeah . .Have a nice day!" Chase and Autumn passed by Blinker who had been watching the events while laughing his proverbial @$$ off. "Nice job Chase, Autumn." "Thanks Blink. About ready for some karaoke?" "Maybe later Chase." Andrew Summers sat at the bar nursing a beer. He turned to Jayson Garrick and spoke," You know, if I'd done that, she'd hate me for it. . .with him she joins in." "Cut it out Andrew, you're letting this get to you too much." "Whatever." Jayson looked to Chaser on the dance floor then back to Andrew. "Scary." "What?" Andrew asked. "You know, if you weren't wearing your glasses and had Chase's outfit on, I'd swear I wouldn't be able to tell you two apart." "Well duh, Jayson. I'm him. Of course I look like him!" "I'm just saying, Andrew. No need to get huffy." "Sorry man, think I'll finish my beer over at that table over there. Later" Andrew walked to a table in the corner and sat down. He began nursing his beer and couldn't help wondering to himself, "What do I do now?" --Chaser9

Hey lookit the party!
Date: 12/27/99
From: Robin14334
Robin walks into the bboard cave and stops short as she sees all the people partying. "How come nobody told me there was a party?" She wastes no time getting into the party swing. She gets herself a margarita (no monkey-drinks for me, please!) and makes the rounds, saying hi to everybody. She scans the crowd for SL4ever, looking for a twirl, and notices Chaser sitting by himself at a table. No, there's Chaser dancing with... is that Katie Holmes? Hmm... must be fanfic characters. Robin moseys over and sits down next to the Chaser-lookalike and gives him a smile. "Hey sugar, why the long face?" She knows that all this dude needs is a few genuine Robin-patented happy sprinkles to turn that frown upside-down. :-) Party on everybody! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Holy Month of Ramadan, Happy New Year... I think I've covered everything for this holiday season. :-) ~Robin

I guess it's really over...
Date: 12/27/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
At this point, the Medicine Woman wakes up from her dream. Someone must have slipped her a sleeping pill. (Ricky Martin plays in the background:P) She is understandingly disapointed when she sees there are no SLIDERS around, not to mention anyone at all. "I guess it's really over this time. That's a shame, it was a good party." She shruggs and says to no one in particular, "You'll have to have another one soon, Blinker." The good doctor leaves the deserted hall, which is decorated the remains of the party.

I guess it's not really over...
Date: 12/27/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
Or not. I guess it's not over, not to worry, that was yet another dream of the doc. She wakes up again. And walks around. Maybe there's someone to mingle with. Is there anyone alive out there?

Ok, forget the dream crap
Date: 12/27/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
Sorry, I didn't realize Chaser9 had used it to his...pleasure. The good and non-violent doctor here is a little taken back at the sudden actions performed just now. Not to mention a bit annoyed. I'll forgive and forget, but I want to dance again. And I'm warning everyone not to drink that monkey brain juice stuff. I really don't think it's a good idea.

It's Jerry-oke!!!! Yeah, baby!!!!
Date: 12/27/99
From: The_Lounge_Banshee
JOC enters the party, ready to get his groove on. He sees "The Karaoke Corner" and his eyes widen. JOC: It's SHOWTIME, baby!!! JOC runs up to the stage and rips the mic out of SL4ever's hand. JOC: Hit it, fellas! I've got teeeears in my fro 'cuz my world is upside down over youuuuuuuuu...... The_Lounge_Banshee

The Sock wants a Doc
Date: 12/27/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
Ed_The_Sock has finally made his way out of the bag Cleavant put him in and has made his way back to the party. Ed sees Cleavant and speaks, "I'll get ya fer that Tito! Watch yer back." Ed wanders to the dance floor and sees Doctor_Quinn. "Hey babe. Howzabout the sock shows ya a good time?" The Doctor looks at Ed strangley and speaks, "No thanks." "Wassamatter babe? The sock too much man fer ya?" "I'm . . .uhm . . .taken." The Doctor grabs Colin Mallory as he walks by. "Me and Colin. Isn't that right dear?" Colin looks dumbfounded and speaks, "Uh . . . yeah." "Oh, the sock sees. Lissen here kid, back off shez mine!" "I do believe the lady is with me." "Ya know I've jusabout had it wit you. I been in a bag in the back for a few hours and I'm slightly pissed kid, so get outta my way!" Ed goes to grab Doctor_Quinn, but Colin steps in his way. "That's it kid! The sock haz had it! Yer gettin' the stogie!" Ed takes his cigar and burns Colin with it. Colin screams as the flames envelope him. "Heh heh heh. Always heard you wuz wooden kid! Guess yer just firewood now!" Doctor_Quinn grabs a pitcher of water and throws it on Colin putting out the flames. "Let's go, Colin." Colin and The Doctor walk off. "Fine then babe! The sock don't need ya anyway!" Ed notices Ms Frosty. "Ah ha, the sock sees soem fresh meat! Hold on babe, the sock's a comin'!" Ed_The_Sock http://www.edthesock.com "So? Who's gonna buy the sock a beer?"

What is that noise?
Date: 12/27/99
From: Leo_Sayer
Leo_Sayer hears the horrid sounds emanating from the karaoke machine and speaks,"What is that noise?" Cleavant replies, "It's Jerry O'Connell. He's butchering yet another song." "The Sayer is not amused." Leo's eyes suddenly ligth up a bright yellow as he descends from the stage and drop kicks JOC into unconsciousness. The crowd goes wild and a chant of "We Love You Leo" begins. "Thank you all. Now this one goes out to my number one fan, it's one of my hits from back in the good old days." Leo goes into another set and laughs to hmself about drop kicking JOC. Leo_Sayer

Date: 12/27/99
From: Cheerio
pip pip!

and more...
Date: 12/27/99
From: Yeontoo
As Yeontoo and JorgeCis were dancing, they spy the good doctor laying across a chair, snoring and muttering something, and jerking. Following Jorge, Yeontoo goes to Dr.Quinn, and shakes her. "Wake UP! Wake UP! You're having a nightmare! You don't have any socks on! Wake Up! No one has left!" As the Doctor awoke, Yeontoo gave her a drink to help her. Several minutes pass as the Doc shakes off the dream. "What was that drink? It was good!" JorgeCis breaks out in laughter as Yeontoo hastily explains, "A non-toxic, non-alcoholic happy juice". At the blank look, Yeontoo lowered her voice a bit more, "Monkey Brain Juice". The doctor jumps up wildly. Yeontoo beats a hasty retreat as Jorge smoothly asks the doctor to dance with him. Unable to find Y (hey,I'm ducking behind somebody's table), she takes his arm. QBall79 looks over at Yeontoo and laughs. "How long you gonna hide Y?" "Until. And would you get me another glass of Monkey Brain Juice? I think I'll sit here a minute." QBall laughs as he gets the drink. "You could try some yourself. It's quite good." Fantess indicates the drink to Q.

Jersey enters the room
Date: 12/28/99
From: jersey_slider
Walks up to Y to see what's been going on. "Yo, QB, grab me some of that juice." Jersey notices Jorge dancing with the doctor. Something pops into her mind, as she grins devilishly....

<covering her ears>
Date: 12/28/99
From: KllyWlls
Blinker walked over to Klly. "Umm Klly," he said, "You can uncover your ears now. Jerry is not singing anymore." "WHAT?" she screamed, her ears still covered. He grabbed her hands and pulled them off her ears. "NOOOOO!! THE HORROR!! Oh wait..nevermind..he's gone." Blinker rolled his eyes. Quintarr laughed.

Leo belts out yet another song.
Date: 12/28/99
From: MsFrosty
MsFrosty is still dancing with a blushing, opened mouth TemporalFlux. When Yeontoo taps her on the shoulder and whispers something in her. "What he's that one." She looks at TemporalFlux. "Your the one that helps out everyone if he can, and does a lot for the Sliders community. You're no bad boy, you're a boy scout. One of those goody goodies. MsFrosty only likes bad boys." She turns and walks away from TemporalFlux. Leaving him standing there on the dance floor still blushing and with his mouth hanging open. "Close your mouth TemporalFlux. That scantly clad MsFrosty is not for you." Yeontoo leads a dazed TemporalFlux off the floor and back to the pool table. "I believe you are better off here. Beating the pants off everyone at this party." TemporalFlux shakes his head as he watches MsFrosty walk over and pull SpaceTime on to the floor. "So I heard you are the one who starts some of the fights around the bboard, and someone has told me you are a regular bad boy. I like bad boys." They start dancing around the floor. The Sock waltzes up to SpaceTime and MsFrosty, and tries to cut in. He threatens SpaceTime with his cigar. SpaceTime just laughs and kicks The Sock across the room. "Sorry jerk but you ain't cutting in on me. This chicks mine." Spacetime grabs MsFrosty and whirles her around the floor. "Yeah, finally a real man!!" MsFrosty throws her head back and laughs as she dances with SpaceTime.

*Dances around*
Date: 12/28/99
From: CaptMaggie
This still going on??? *grabs a drink from the side of the bar and dences into the dance floor.* Cut loose, guys! LOL

party still going on?!
Date: 12/28/99
From: slider409
<slider409 walks back into the room still in his Santa Claus suit that he put on last week. Takes a look around and crashes down on the floor>

In the other room...
Date: 12/28/99
From: Fox_Executive
As Fox_Executive finishes off another beer, he notices that Tracy Torme stormed off to the other room. He quickly follows. "Tracy, what's the matter?" "Leave me alone," said Tracy Torme. "This is just too much for me." He sits down on the couch. Fox_Executive sits next to him. "Yeah, I know. Things have been really bad for the both of us. Ever since me and my boys over at FOX screwed things up with your show, nothing has ever been the same. I mean, since 'Sliders' left, all of our shows at that Friday 8 P.M. slot has been killed!" "Tell me about it," said Tracy. "I blame one man for this," says Fox_Executive. "David Peckinpah. Why did we hire that guy?" "Yeah," said Tracy, "Why DID you hire that guy?" "We're just a bunch of idiots, is why. We just don't know what's good if it fell on our laps. Look at all the great ones we've cancelled. 'Sliders', 'Alien Nation', 'Herman's Head'... the list goes on and on. Man, not only did we CANCEL your show, but we screwed it up, too! We're so stupid!" Tracy downs some wine. "Hey, I know what can make us feel better," says Fox_Executive with a smile. "Come follow me." The two men head off to the dartboard and see the picture of David Peckinpah. Fox_Executive looks at Tracy. "Wanna play a game?" Tracy sneers and pulls out a shotgun. "I'd love to..."

I'm back!
Date: 12/28/99
From: bahumbug
NO NO NO!!!! Who let Jerry sing???? T.Grinch

Taking her drink
Date: 12/28/99
From: fantess
Fantess heads for the hot tub. The temp. is just right, but it neads something. She adds bubble bath to the watter and then slips in. Now this is the life. Relaxing, enjoying a good drink, and a perfect view of everything.

The sock is pissed!
Date: 12/28/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
Ed_The_Sock has just returned from a trip to the front page of the board and Ed is not happy. "OK, after that piece a trash SpaceTime kicked me across the room I though it might be a good idea to go check out the board. And what does the sock find? Some no good kid givin the sock a hard time! The sock ain't amused!" The crowd hears laughter coming from a corner of the party. "You're mine sock." The crowd turns to see relrelrelaboo. "So, ya ain't chicken after all is ya kid?" "Less talk . . . more fight." "I gotta warn ya, I have no arms and legs, but I have a foot and I'm gonna shove it up your . . ." relrelrelaboo punches Ed before he can finish his statement. "Aw right that tears it!" Ed_The_Sock is insane with rage. He overpowers relrelrelaboo and begins burning relrelrelaboo repeatedly with his cigar. "Tell me I'm gonna get cancer! I'm a friggin' sock! Socks don't get cancer ya friggin' moron!" Ed continues burning relrelrelaboo and relrelrelaboo screams in horrible pain. "Take that spamboy! The sock never did like spam. Always thought it was too salty!" relrelrelaboo passes out from the pain. "Aw did the poor wittle baby pass out? Serves ya right kid!. Never mess with the sock. Issac! Howzabout a beer for the sock! And Tito howzabout singing something from your J5 dayz!" Ed looks at the passed out form of relrelrelaboo and speaks, "It's good ta be the sock!" Ed_The_Sock http://www.edthesock.com "So? Who's gonna buy the sock a beer?"

Date: 12/28/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
The good doctor is shaking and really angry at Chaser9. Plus, the doc is traumatized for life. Seeing what happened with the evil sock, who can blame her? When I said I wnated to dance, I did NOT mean with him, it, whatever! Due to the circumstances, with Quinn in critical condition and Colin burned, she is going to try and find a nice, quiet, and protected place. She is wondering a few things, however. For one, I know Chaser9 had to improvise and make me say something, but Chase, seriously, I really doubt I would ask you to dance if Quinn was there! Is there any way to restrain the sock? Or, better yet, MsFrosty, you can deal with him. The doc walks over to the bar, once again. This time, she asks politely for some Pepsi. The Medicine Woman diagnosis for herself is as follows: Potentially fatal emotional scarring

It's all about the love
Date: 12/28/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 walks to Doctor_Quinn and speaks, "I won't apologize for my actions. He had it coming. Now excuse me, my date is waiting." Chaser returns to the bar and finds Autumn. "I swear, some people just don't get it." "Time for your plan yet, Chase?" "Not yet, Autumn, still too early on for it. Soon. And trust me, the gang will love it." Meanwhile, Robin's attempts to brighten Andrew's evening have failed miserably. Forcing her to consume all of her happy sprinkles just to get back in a party mood. Jayson and Wade approached the table. "Mind if we join you?" Andrew spoke,"Go ahead." Wade replied, "Cheer up Andrew." "Can't" Jayson spoke, "Andrew, come on man, it's a party. Live a little!" On the other side of the party . . . "I'll get him . . . No one makes a fool of Quinn Mallory! No one!" --Chaser9

Eek! So much to catch up!
Date: 12/28/99
From: Slider_Sarah
You *have* to have a post party while I'm away don't you!!! That's not fair y'know!!!! I have to catch up on far to much as it is! Anyone care to update me on what's been happenning here? Sarah.

& Stuslide walked in...
Date: 12/28/99
From: stuslide
...saw all the shiny, happy partying people and thought... "What have I slid into now?" Then he decided to not think much and head for the punch people where he bumps into someone who looks suspiciously like Wade Welles. Stuslide Keeper of Wade's Diary, her necklace, & Egyptian Timer SLIDERS: ALTERNATE SPIN www.angelfire.com/ky/sliderspinoff "Just think of the possibilities."

Waking up from his slumber
Date: 12/28/99
From: The_Lounge_Banshee
The Lounge Banshee was sleeping peacefully on the floor beside the stage when he was abrubtly awakened by the horrendous screechings of one Leo Sayer. He wasn't about to allow this charlatan to steal his spotlight! So he got up and punched Leo in the face, right in the middle of a song. Taking the microphone away, he cued the soundman in the back, who happened to be... Charlie O'Connell? Then the real screeching began... with an homage to R.E.M. "EEEVRYYYYBODY-HURRRRRTS......SOME......TIME......." SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!!!! The_Lounge_Banshee

I am not amused
Date: 12/28/99
From: Leo_Sayer
Leo_Sayer immediately rises following JOC's punch. Upon hearing the horrid screeching noises emanating from JOC's mouth, he grabs the mic away and kicks him in the family jewels. "Time to sing soprano!" JOC falls to the floor in pain. The Sayer then turns his attention to COC. "And for you . . . a punch in the face." The Sayer punches COC in the face and he runs away screaming like a scared little girl. By this point, JOC has risen from the ground and is attemtping to do his own version of "Soul Man". The Sayer will have none of this! "Excuse me Mr. O'Connell, but isn't it true that you said you'd stay on sliders forever?" JOC replies in a timid young girl voice, "Yeah, but PECK wouldn't let me be Exec. Producer. . . .so I cried like a little girl and quit the show." "You hear that slidersfans? He admits he lied to you. What are you going to do about it?" The Sayer, who is also a master ventriloquist, throws his voice to make it appear as if it's coming from the crowd. "I say we hang him!" The crowd agrees. JOC attempts to throw his voice. "I say we let him go." The crowd speaks in unison, "NO!" "Okay guys, he's all yours." The crowd begins to rush JOC. He runs for the back door. COC is hiding by it. "This way bro." JOC and COC head out the back door as JOC screams, "SUCKERS! I'll be back! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Let's hope not, "The Sayer replies. Leo_Sayer

have no fear, the princess is here!
Date: 12/28/99
From: GhettoPrincess
im here to save a few people, but specifically a certain doctor. it seems shes had a few problems with a sock, and is in need of my expert advice. here it is... your too far gone for help. try a professional. look, i only run the center, i haven't been trained as a counselor. Also, i have heard so much about this new cocktaiul called monkey brain juice. well guess what, the princess has her own special recipe, straight from the palace. its called Bessie Tingle. please dont ask, just drink. it is rich in calcium and brain rotting additives. enjoy. MORE TINGLE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Mmmmm... brain rotting!
Date: 12/28/99
From: Callie21V
Bring it ON! >>> C/21

PIP pip!
Date: 12/29/99
From: Cheerio
pip pip!

Date: 12/29/99
From: slider409
<wakes up from his mini-coma> "This is one hell of a party," <then grabs another beer and continues to catch up on the drinks missed while passed out>

I getta...
Date: 12/29/99
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo tapped Spacetime on the shoulder. "When MsFrosty is done with you, hee hee, if she's ever done, I'd like a dance too." MsFrosty gave a throaty laugh as a laughing Yeontoo walked away. Going to the bar, Yeontoo overheard talk of a new drink, a Bessie Tingle concoction. "Monkey Brain Juice is an all natural drink, straight from a monkey's brain!", Yeontoo laughed as she gets three glasses. "Happy Birthday Fantess" Yeontoo handed one glass to her. "SE didn't stick around, did he?" Fantess inquired. As Y shook her head no, Fantess continued, "he gives excellent birthday kisses". "You already got one!" Yeontoo laughed. "I know!" Fantess joined in. Seeing slider409, passed out and still in a santa suit, Yeontoo walked over and replaced his beer with a glass of mb juice. *Oughta fix him up in no time* Looking around, she saw two guys shooting a gun at a dartboard picture. By the stage, she saw two other guys physically fighting; no wait, it's a lynch mob after Quinn! Yeontoo stood there for a minute laughing at such a sight! Coming up to the pooltable again, Y asked, "QBall79, dance with me?" Yeontoo placed the last drink in front of TF as they walk to the dance floor. "Don't drink it all in one gulp" she said to an incredulous TF.

The doctor is ok
Date: 12/29/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
The Medicine Woman has emerged from her protective corner, fully recovered. She's reached a decision. Anyone who refers to himself as an article of clothing is not worth going hysterical over. She walks out and sees that poor Quinn and Colin have been mistaken for the actors that played them. (There's a difference;) She goes after them. Dodging everyone in her path. When she finds them, she takes each of their arms. The two brothers help her climb on to a nearby table. "Yo!" she shouts "Everyone, if you want to kill Jerry," <she holds back her tears>" Go ahead, if you must. Lay of Colin and Quinn. Please?" The doc makes a sad, puppy dog face, Everyone shrugs, with the exception of a few, and continue partying. She stepps down from the table and leads Colin over to an empty table in the back of the room. Though, she's gotten over the sock thing, she's appointed him her official bodyguard. Never can be too careful. The doc draggs Quinn with her, because she can tell he's angry, she likes him, and frankly, no longer trusts Chaser9. Meanwhile... Maggie is still acting like the idiot she's spo used to being. She still wants her drinks. Remmy's getting tired of arguing with her. He spots his friends at their table and goes over there. Maggie starts screaming at the top of her lungs and sprints after Remmy. When Rembrant reaches the table and sees her behind him, he utters several words. The Medicine Woman smiles devilishly. She pulls out her handy truth collars, which she just happens to be the keeper of, and nearly strangles Maggie while putting it on. Remmy snickers, remembering his experience with them. Suddenly he has an idea. "So, Maggie, what's *your* favorite show?" he asks. Maggie bites a nail nervously."Ummm, don't have one? ****BZZZZ***** Maggie grabs her own throat. The doc laughs, but manages to try something else."Could it be...First Wave?" Maggie's eyes grow wide, "No!" she insists. *****BZZZZ**** "I HATE THAT SHOW!" ****BZZZZZ**** Cruel, but funny. It's nice to imagine the one who tried to replace Wade make a fool out of herself.

Pool table
Date: 12/29/99
From: fantess
With QBall79 dancing wih Yeontoo, Fantess challenges TF to a game. He breaks and leaves a great table. "You better look out I have a great bank shot." She warns. "We will have to see about that." He replies. TF sinks the six ball, "Well I've got low balls." His face turns red the second it escapes his lips, and Fantess starts to laugh so hard she will never beable to shoot. "Lets just call them solids, shall we?"She says still laughing.

Magiie's breakdown
Date: 12/29/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
Maggie is still denying her addiction to First Wave. All those lies result in electric shocks. And her hair is literally standing up. The good and merciful doctor shows pity on her and takes off the collar. Leaving the rest of the SLIDERS fans to deal with her.

Date: 12/29/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
Yes, I usually can spell, no I do not care if I spell her name wrong, yet I'm a perfectionist. No where was I? Doctor_Quinn suddenly feels bad about leaving Maggie (hah! I got it right) out in the open without her usual weapons. T

As we go on
Date: 12/29/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
It seems the party is dying. Time is dwindling along aimlessly and this great festivity looks as if it is really coming to an end. <sniffs> The good doctor comes to the conclusion that the party is either having a very slow day or else everyone is loosing interest in it. She pats the still damp Colin (from the pitcher of water that was thrown on him by yours truly) and singnals it's time to go. Quinn takes her by the arm and leads her out to the floor for one last goodbye dance. This time, she's not letting anyone try and knock him out. It's just not right. Rembrant reluctantly hits Maggie over the head for the last time this night. She's too drunk to notice. Although before she was wrong about everything being over before, the Medicine Woman is confident this time finally lets go of Quinn as the song comes to an end. The princess is throwing confetti up in the air. Maggie conveinantly is blinded as it falls into her eyes and damages her cornea. Now she can't admire herself in the mirror anymore. Quinn doesn't want to leave, despite the fact he was terrorized through the extent of the party. The timer is counting down from 2 minutes. He invites doc to come with him, she eagerly accepts, then thinks it over and motions for the princess to come over. "Yo, Q-Ball!" princess VEGETA calls out, "Umm, sorry, the doc, not you, Quinn." "That's my line, girl." Remmy states. "Oh well, have some monkey brain juice." she offers, handing him a glass. Rembrant looks at it and passes it to Maggie, who gulps it down. "Wanna slide?" The doc asks. "Again?!" she cries, "Think of some new fantasies! That's the second time you wrote something like this!" "You wrote the other half last time." The good and all knowing doctor reminds her friend. "Ten seconds." Colin warns them. "Well?!" Doctor_Quinn says, impatient. "On one condition," the princess bargains "We leave Maggie here." "Fine with me." All 4 say together. "Let's go!" The portal opens again and the old and newest members of the group jump in. It closes, with Maggie ordering another round of the popular monkey brain juice. Someone page me if the party is still on.

tf1 takes a swim in the poole tabl
Date: 12/29/99
From: TemporalFlux1
hello evryone. a good party. but i crahsed it so now we haf to reboot. tempralflux1 pores some bran rotting tingle on his cerele. an all the brain flakes are rotted. hey doctor quinn, r u relly princpal semore from the simsons? ha ha thats coole. tf1 over and out.

There gone everyone, we can come out now
Date: 12/29/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 laughs aloud as the vortex closes. "YES!" The loser S4 cast is gone! But blast it if they didn't leave us with the crackwhore!" The denziens of the party begin to return to the floor. Chaser9's plan was executed to perfection. "DJ! Crank up some tunes! Issac! Drinks for all . . .and no monkey brain juice . .please. Burn that stuff. It's having a very adverse effect on the party." At that exact instant, a swirling blue vortex opens and deposits, Quinn, Colin, Rembrandt and Doctor_Quinn. "What the . . . we're back at the party, "Doctor_Quinn said. "There msut be some kind of 'sliding shield' that prevents people from sliding out until the party is really over . . . or something," Quinn said. "Well, let's just try to enjoy ourselves then. But we're staying away from Chaser9. I have a bad feeling about him for some reason." Chaser9 looks to Autumn Mallory and speaks, "What happened? I told Blink to shut off the sliding shield so they COULD slide out." Autumn replies, "Maybe he forgot." Blinker approaches Chaser9 and speaks, "I shut the shield down . . . how did they get back in?" "I don't know Blink, I don't know . . ." Meanwhile on the far side of the party, Andrew Summers smiles for the first time since this party began. "Your past is about to catch up with you Chase . . ." --Chaser9

Hey Chaser Babe!
Date: 12/29/99
From: Mychand
Ah..party is still going I see.... I find it much easier to get here through Gate Haven....thanks Blinker! Anyone want to dance? The New Year is almost here! My

Did I hear right...
Date: 12/29/99
From: Blinker
...or do my eyes deceive me??? Ahhh! They don't! The lovely and talented Mychand just extended an open invitation to dance!!! Over here sweetie!!! The Blink awaits!!!! - Blinker 7:-D http://welcome.to/gate_haven

Date: 12/29/99
From: Mychand
I'm coming Blinker baby....what shall we dance to? I'm a good dancer.......:o) Mychand extends her hand..............

Date: 12/29/99
From: GhettoPrincess
It seems there is a doctor in the house that thinks the Princess hesn't made her presence known yet, so here i go.... The princess suddenly storms through a door, carrying an assortment of colored pencils in her hand. She is quite mad, because she just got back from her field trip to another dimension, and found that she was the only one to fall from her portal. that's when she sees her dear friend, the medicine woman, dancing with Quinn, again. she should have expected it. btu right now she could care less. before her trip she'd seen the madness that the holiday season had created and brought weapons... namely, her colored pencils. but despite the fact that she's brought an entire 64 pack of them with her, the Princess doesn't feel much safer, and, grabbing a bottle of Tingle runs out in search of more powerful ammunition...

i must know...
Date: 12/29/99
From: GhettoPrincess
The princess simply must know.... is monkey brain juice addicting? if it is, tell me so i can try some...

Feeling much better now
Date: 12/30/99
From: slider409
for some reason. (After finishing off the mystery drink, brushing off my Santa suit and pulling myself together, I casually walk over to Yeontoo and ask her if I could have this dance?)

and on....
Date: 12/30/99
From: Yeontoo
"Of Course! Slider409!" Yeontoo took his hand. On the dancefloor, Y said, "Glad to see you're feeling better." Slider409 shook his head, "Wonder what was in that glass?" At that moment they heard Chaser9 bellowing about burning the monkey brain juice. Fantess screamed, ran over to the bar, and threw herself in front of the mbJuice. "Leave my Monkey Brain Juice ALONE! It's an all natural health drink with absolutely no side affects!" A feral gleam shone in her eye, and Chaser9 stepped back in alarm. <<<BTW. Fantess, loved your 'solid' remark>>> "OKAY! Okay... We'll leave that nasty stuff alone." Chaser then muttered, "For now." The Ghetto Princess was served a glass by Fantess. "You simply must try this!"Fantess said, but watched Chaser9 walk away. Slider409 was completely disgusted that anyone would ever deem to drink monkey brain juice. Yeontoo, hid her blush. *What he doesn't know won't kill him. Not really.* MsFrosty danced by with ST, and asked if the Monkey brain juice was any good. Yeontoo nodded, and they went to get them a glass.

<crawls out from under the buffet table>
Date: 12/30/99
From: SL4ever
Mmmmmmmmmmm. Finally found the cheese ball I dropped under there 4 days ago. Mmmmmmm. Cheese balls. <------Best Homer imitation. So who brought the chammpy for tomorrow night???? :-P

pip pip!
Date: 12/30/99
From: Cheerio
pip pip

The Sock has a plan
Date: 12/30/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
Ed_The_Sock is in a very foul mood. "Ya know, the sock is tired a' all this monkey brain juice crap! Issac! Light my stogie!" Issac light's Ed's stogie. Ed then proceeds to Issac's stash of monkey brain juice and sets it on fire with his stogie. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not our monkey brain juice!" "Sorry bout that kids, but that stuff'll rot your brains. And by the way, the sock is sick and damn tired of having to lissen to all these people whining about the sock. Shut your mouths or the sock's gonna burn ya wit the stogie. Understand? Good. Now Issac, give the sock a beer!" Ed_The_Sock http://www.edthesock.com "So? Who's gonna buy the sock a beer?"

Here you go
Date: 12/30/99
From: fantess
Fantess hands Ed a beer. While he is swilling she notices a small thread hanging. She starts to tung on it, and slowly it grows longer and longer, until a large pile of synthetic yarn is on the floor. Ed seams to have withered away. Running out to her car Fantess brings back some juice from her private stock. Sorry Ed but a womans gotta do what a womens gotta do. I'll knit you back into shape if you promise not to mess with my juice again. Ed promises and Fantess knits him back into shape as she promised. She then gives him a little kiss on the cheek and hands him a new beer.

The sock promises to be nice
Date: 12/30/99
From: Ed_The_Sock
Ed_The_Sock turns to fantess and speaks,"Can I buy ya some mokey brain juice?" "That would be wonderful Ed." "Issac, bring out the biggest gallon of monkey brain juice ya can find." Issac brings out a large jug of monkey brain juice.
"Let me pour it for ya babe." "That's awfully nice of you Ed," fantess replied. Ed goes to pour a glass of monkey brain juice for fantess, but instead dumps the jug on fantess. He then takes his stogie and lights her on fire (it seems monkey brain juice is highly flammable.) Ed tehn finds every remaning bit of monkey brain juice and dumps it on fantess as the flames grow higher . . . but at the same time are stragely contained in fantess's area. "Lissen' babe! Nobody tells the sock what to do! Ya hear me! Nobody! The sock is the sock! Ya mess wit the sock ya gonna get burned! And if ya ever touch my friggin' strings again, the sock'll take not only his stogie to ya, he'll take this hear rot hot friggin' poker and stick it where the sun don't shine! Do ya hear me!" Through fantess's screams a muffled, "I . .understand . ." is heard. "Issac, dump some water on the lil' troublemaker here." Issac puts out the flames and fantess falls to the ground. Ed looks around at the crowd and speaks, "Lissen' up and lissen' up good. The sock is here to stay. I ain't goin anywhere. So get used to me! And one more thing YA DON'T SCREW WIT THE SOCK OR YA GONNA GET BURNED!!!!!!!!!!! Now get the h-e-double crooked letter outta the sock's way. The sock wants a beer." Ed_The_Sock "http://www.edthesock.com" "So? Have ya little punks learned ya friggin' lesson?"

The flames grow
Date: 12/30/99
From: fantess
And as the flames grow higher Fantess just laughs at the fool who would be king. Giving him one more kiss, she turns and heads for the pool table still laughing. Life is good!! :)

Glides in on Sirta
Date: 12/30/99
From: Slider_Sarah
(my pet dragon from the JOC and storygame boards) I'm baaaaaaaaaaack people!!! Caught up with it all too!!! Shame I missed most of it, I wasn't near a puter :-( It looks like fun! anyone mind if I party with you guys until tomorrow evening? I like to party. And if anyone calls it the new millennium, I vote they get shot :-) <Sarah walks up to Tf> Hey Tf, I laughed at your misfortunes earlier and now I feel really guilty, so do you wanna dance? I'll understand if not. do you twirl like Sl4ever? If Tf doesn want, I dance with anyone. Except maybe the sock. Sarah.

new stockpiles
Date: 12/30/99
From: GhettoPrincess
No, not sockpiles, STOCKplies. piles and piles of stock, waiting to be bought or pawned. the princess wheels her shopping cart around and stops at an empty table. she sits and eats some leftover eggfooyung and drinks some Tingle. "ahhh, ecstasy at last." suddenly, the doctor approaches her."Princess, i must tell you. i don't think your 'tingle' looks very safe. what's in it anyway?" "Look, no matter what you say friend, the tingle is back. what's in it? Dunno, ask Rupert, my royal cook." A guy often defined as a 'hottie' steps out of the shadows behind the princess and announces: "It's made of sugar, spice, and everything nice. With my own special blend of tingle and cow...stuff..." "ah. i see now." of course, the doctor. Ed the Sock approaches the Doc. "Hi. would you like to buy something, Sock dude?" the princess asks. But she sees him trying to find his stogie, and decides not to stand around and wait. so instead, she saves herself by rummaging through her cart with great spped, until she finds a little orange lizard thing. it looks like it would taste good with gravy, but that's beside the point. "oh little charmander. flamethrow this demonic sock. a pillar of flames escapes the lizards throat and sets the flammable sock aflame. "ahhh, pyroes are fun!" the Princess exclaims.

pyroes are fun, yes?
Date: 12/30/99
From: GhettoPrincess
pyroes are fun, aren't they!? let's play with the pyroes s'more!

The Sock is unharmed!
Date: 12/30/99
From: MsFrosty
MsFrosty and SpaceTime are sitting at the bar when Ed the Sock burns the monkey juice, and then fantess first unravels and then reknitts Ed the Sock. Then Ed burns fantess, and fantess walks away laughing.Then Ghetto tries to sick the dragon on Ed. Ed just laughs. When MsFrosty's attention is drawn to the entrance. A pale but stunning woman enters. She is dressed in a black ankle length flowing dance. The woman stops just inside the entrance and does a quick survey of the room. After a complete scan her gaze returns to the bar. She smiles and starts to slow walk toward the bar. MsFrosty turns to SpaceTime and says. "SpaceTime, honey, why don't you ask Yeontoo there to dance? We can pick up where we left off later. I have some business to attend to." She throws her arms around SpaceTime and gives him a lingering kiss. Then she starts across the room to met the woman. "Nikki, sweetie, I didn't think you would ever get here." MsFrosty gives her friend a brief hug. "Sorry, I had some things to take care of before I could come. I got here as soon as I could. So where is this unusual creature you told me about?" MsFrosty points to the bar. "Hmmm, lead on hon introduce me." The ladies walk over to the bar together. "Excuse us fantess." MsFrosty says motioning her to leave. "Ed the Sock, I would like you to met a friend of mine." Ed turns around, sizes up Nikki, and smiles almost dropping his cigar. "This is Nicole Vldamir." MsFrosty then turns to her friend. "Nikki, this is Ed the Sock. He's all yours honey." MsFrosty pats her on the shoulder and leaves her friend with Ed. She walks to the pool table in search of a dance partner, since SpaceTime just starting dancing with Yeontoo. She finds TemporalFlux has just finished a game. She grabs his hand and pulls him to the dance floor. "I've been dying to dance with you again. You may be a boy scout, but you are just simply too irresistibly charming." TemporalFlux blushes and takes her in his arms. They dance around the floor and MsFrosty throws her head back and laughs.

“Bartender ...
Date: 12/30/99
From: NikkiVldamir
a beer for Mr. Sock here." Nikki waves to Issac then turns back to Ed the Sock. "So, Mr. Sock, Can I call you Ed?' "That's my name sweet heart and don't you @#$&*% forget it." Ed says puffing away at his cigar. "Well Ed you can call me Nikki." Issac brings another beer for Ed. "Bring one for my friend Nikki, too." Nikki shakes her head no at the offer. "No, thank you, I drank before I came." She says laughing a little. "You are definitely an unusual creature Ed, and when MsFrosty told me about you I knew I had to met you." Ed laughs, puffs, and downs his beer. "You like unusual guys Sweet heart." "Yes, Ed I enjoy strange and unusually people. I've met quite a few in my travels, but honey I've never met someone quite like you. How about you join me on the dance floor." Nikki purrs at Ed. Ed almost drops his cigar. Then he hops up, and takes Nikki to the floor. "Wooohooo, The Socks got a partner. Everyone get out of the way, or I'll burn yea. AND don't even think of cutting in on us, she's all mine." "Don't worry sock, I'm not planning on dancing with anyone else." Nikki purrs and laughs. "It's safe that way form them." MsFrosty laughs when she hears her friend's evil throaty laughter. And if thinks you guys only knew. Bwhahawhahabwhahawhaha!!!!!

Back, and ready to address some issues!
Date: 12/30/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
Ok, The Medicine Woman has returned and is outraged! Not only was she called back from her short-lived inter-dimensional journey, but, she's being mistaken for characters on an entertaining, yet annoying TV show. And then, there's the Princess's colred pencils and traveling shop to take care of. First things first, the good doctor goes up to MsFrosty and TemporaryFlux. Turning to MsFrosty she says: "I dunno what you're planning to do with Ed over there, but thanks. I appreciate it." Then she looks at TemporaryFlux, "All right, lisen up! I can NOT be Principal Semore for several reasons. One, HE'S A CARTOON! Two, he's a guy! Three, I'm a therapist, not a principal!!!" TF is dumbstruck. The Doc snaps her fingers, and her new bodyguard (Colin) comes running to her side. He stares at TF, long and hard and then leads the Medicne Woman back to their seat. No sooner had she sat down in between Colin and Quinn, than Ed_the_sock had started dancing with Nicole. She raises her eyebrows and then goes to join her friend, the princess, in selling an vast assortment of mainly useless stuff. "So, Rupert's the cook?" she asks the new salesperson. "Uh, yea, I had to let him. He got into a fight with Alonzo." she answered, a bit embarrassed. "Oh, special request from out always pretty in pink friend, are there any Swedish Fish?" she carries out her obligated question. "Dunno. I need to make some money! I have an idea! Maggie, get over here!" Maggie comes when called, in the process bumping into many dancing couples. "Good girl, doc, give me thos colored pencils." The good doctor obeys, beginning to understand. 'How would you lieke a make over, Maggie? Of course you do!" The princess insists, grabbing purple, blue, black and red pencils from the box. She immediately starting drawing on her, more than occasionally "accidently" stabbing her with them. In the end, the former SLIDER was decorated to the extreme for Christmas colors. "They're handy, dandy,and make a great weapon! And for the price of only $100 for 1! What a deal!" The princess says, adverising her new business. No one seems interested, so she resorts to making fun of the sock. Very quietly, for as much as she finds him annnoying, she soesn't like to be burned. Just in case, though, she's got a container of bleach, so the sock can come back to his natural color. It's not much of a plan, but, hey, she's always got her friend's bodyguard!

<strolls back in>
Date: 12/31/99
From: bahumbug
<throws giant sack on floor> Did someone request fireworks????HMMMMMM...and there is plenty more where that came from(don't ask...no...really don't ask!)!Now, where did that bartender go??? T.Grinch

A portal opens ....
Date: 12/31/99
From: JessieMallory
and Jessica, Jade, and Max come through. "We're back! Did you guys miss us?" Jessica says as she stands up. Jade goes back to the bar, and sits. "So have you had your break yet, Issac?" Issac shakes his head no. "Good then I'm not leaving this time until you do." Max hears from JRD of the problems that Tracy Torme had with Tf and goes into the other room looking for Torme. He finds him and Fox_Exective crying in their beers. Max sits down and orders another round. Jessica smiles to herself at how well her family has fit in with her friends here on Terra12. Then she goes in search of Chaser. She finds him in the corner under the mistletoe in a lip lock with Autumn. She clears her throat as she approaches the pair. **Cough** "Excuse me a moment." Chaser looks up with a goofy smile on his face. "Yes, Jessie." "I wanted to apologize for leaving the full Slide security program running. It is now temporarily disabled until after the party. I also scanned in the HBF patterns of our friends in so they won't be blocked in the future. Sorry for the interruption Autumn." Jessica leaves Chaser and Autumn to resume their … um … r … activities. "Now who haven't I danced with." Jessica spies Sabre_Edge, Jorge, Qball79, Blinker and Tex sitting at a table together. She walks over and stands a moment unnoticed. "Sorry to interrupt the tech talk guys." She pauses a sec to back sure she has their attention. "I've danced with Sabre, Blinker and Jorge. Now which of you other charming gentlemen would like to dance?" Vortex62 stands first. "I thought you would never ask Jess." Jessica dances a couple of songs with Tex, and then moves on to Qball79. After which She looks around to see who else she hasn't danced with. "hhmmmm ...."

And the never ending party goes on
Date: 12/31/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
The doc gets bored of watching her friend try to sell...stuff and more stuff, without sucess. She figures that she won't make any money there, so she walks over to the still coloful Maggie. "Hey! Everyone! Punch Maggie in the face, only $2 a try! Come on, it's worth it, it's *Maggie* for God's sake!!!" she yells, no one is enthusiastic, so she try the idea herself. First, though she buys some kite string, and very expensive kite string might I add, from the princess. She takes a chair from the bar ties Maggie to it. She completely immobile, but just in case, she grabbs a glass of monkey brain juice. Maggie drinks it. Whatever's in there did something, cuz Maggie blacked out, quickly. The doc shruggs and is about to punch the SLIDER, but her conscience kicks in. "I've done enough Maggie bashing for one party." she says to herself. Then she goes over to Blinker and asks him if these parties usually last this long. She most likely won't be here to see it end, and she wants to leave on a happy note, travelling through the universe with Quinn might be nice.

Chaser's going to do what?
Date: 12/31/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser and Autumn wee till in the corner where Jessie had left them. Chase looked to Autumn and spoke, "This has been wonderful. I wish it didn't have to end." Autumn looked at Chase strangely. "Autumn, can I ask you something?" "Of course Chase." Chaser spoke, "You know, you don't have to go back . . . you could stay here . . . with me." Autumn was slightly taken aback. "Chase . . . how . . . I mean wouldn't it screw up the entire flow of Earth 374?" Chase smiled, "There's one story left . . . I'm a creative genius remember . . . it'd be simple to fix." Autumn spoke, "I don't know, can I think about it?" "Of course." Meanwhile Andrew has been eavesdropping on Chase and Autumn's conversation. "There is no way she's staying here with you Chase . .no way at all." Andrew approaches S4 Quinn and speaks, "Quinn, I have a proposition for you." Quinn turns to see Andrew, "You! I'll get you for what you did!" Andrew speaks, "I'm not Chaser9, I'm a double of sorts. My name is Andrew Summers and I believe we can be of help to each other." --Chaser9

last day 1999
Date: 12/31/99
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo absolutely loves dancing with SpaceTime (thank you MsFrosty). "You dance pretty good for a god. Not the God mind you, but a god." she quotes him. SpaceTime roars with the laughter. At that moment, Quinn walks by. "Oh Quinn!" Yeontoo calls, and she speaks to him for a minute. Laughing til he wipes tears from his eye, Spacetime calls over Colin, and tells him approximately the same thing. While dancing they watch this scene unfold: Quinn rushes to a surprised QBall79, and hands him a coke. "I just had to bring a coke to the my main man. I have to shake your hand. I know you have some incredible praise for my acting and directing skills." Quinn reaches for his hand. As those around the angry Qball79 laugh, he sputters, "who told you that?" Meanwhile, Colin rushes a monkey brain juice over to TemporalFlux, bowing and gushing, "Your favorite drink! My number one fan deserves his favorite drink. I'm so happy you love me that I had to bring you your drink. I do so love my fans. Can I shake your hand #1 Fan?". The rest of the room breaks out in laughter. Red-faced, TemporalFlux explodes, "What?!?!?" MsFrosty tries to control herself. "Who told you that?!?" TF demands. At the same time, both Quinn and Colin point to SpaceTime and Yeontoo dancing on the dancefloor (and trying to do so while laughing). Knowing Yeontoo would NEVER do anything so mean, Q and TF advance on ST...

"Twirling, TWIRLING towards freedom!"
Date: 12/31/99
From: Blinker
Mychand and Blinker fervently twirl the night away to K.C. and the Sunshine Band's "Shake Your Booty." (DJ Scribble had shrugged apologetically: "It's that or William Shatner's 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.'") His head spinning from a one-two punch of alcohol and frenetic dancing, Blink stumbles over to the table where Tf, Chaser and QBall are waiting. "I've got one piesh of adviesh for you guysh. Never trusht Shlider Sharah when she shaysh a Geneva ish non-alcoholic." "Nice," '79 approves. "But when'd you pick up a Sean Connery impersonation?" Blinker passes out cold. If the skit were being written by Keith Damron, he'd have gained psychic powers. - Blinker 7:-/ http://welcome.to/gate_haven

Okay..who's next?
Date: 12/31/99
From: Mychand
Well...darn, my dancing partner has just passed out...sigh..... Anyone else care to dance? TF? QBall79? You wouldn't leave a girl all alone on the dance floor would ya? Blinker....better get up soon...the New Year is almost here! My.....:o)

Just a reminder
Date: 12/31/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
The princess seems to be having a good time repeatedly hitting Maggie in the head. The Medicne Woman thinks this is a good time to ensure safety. She has some compassion after all. She tells her friend to give Maggie some time to recuperate, then walks over to the bar. "Bartender, make sure no one get's drunk tonight. I don't think I can monitor the drinking habits of everyone here. Plus, I have a problem concerning my computer, so there goes my ability to post. No Bessie Tingel for anyone! Get it?! ANYONE! That stuff is worse than the brain juice! Totally unhealthy! Causes brain damage!" Issac nodds and nervously packs away the Princess's drink. Already knowing the doc's unthinkable precautions. The princess runs over to the bar and pulls the good doctor's hair. "NOoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's absolutely safe! I swear! See, I drink it everyday, and look how I turned out!" The princess protests. Issac is now sure the doc is correct and quickly borrows the sock's stoggie to light the Tingel on fire. The princess screams in agony as her mysterious drink is engulfed by the flames. No more. Now, meanwwhile, Yeontoo is starting trouble with the brothers and some of their "fans". Remmy hasn't caught on yet, and feels left out. He goes to the doc looking for some comfort.
"Hey, doc." he says sadly," Can I have some brain juice? Please?" He begs. The doctor feels bad for him and allows him one drink. The last thing this party needs is another Maggie.

Poor Blinker
Date: 12/31/99
From: bahumbug
Hmmm...he Is tecnically the first to fall asleep right? Know what that means My? BAHAHAHAH! Oh wait...er...well ok compromise! We will have to put his boxers in the freezer! LOL! T.Grinch

And The Band Played On...
Date: 12/31/99
From: DianaDavis
"She loves you, yeah yeah yeah She loves you, yeah yeah yeah She loves you, yeah yeah yeah yeaahhhhh... You think you've lost your friend Well I saw her yesterda-ay, It's you she's thinking of And she told me what to sa-ay, She said she loves you -- And you know that can't be bad, (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Yeah she loves you, And you know you should be glad, She said you hurt her though She almost lost her mi-ind, But she knows Quinn won't give up Until his love he fi-inds, She said she loves you -- At least you know she's not dead, (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Yeah she loves you, Though she's now a floating head... OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH... She loves you, yeah yeah yeah She loves you, yeah yeah yeah And with a fate like that, You viewers should be gla-ad." ~ Diana Davis

Oh..Bah..you're right!
Date: 12/31/99
From: Mychand
Blinker shall awake with his boxers in the freezer! Anyone want to help? hehehe......... hmm......hey....look...his boxers have Sabrina Lloyd on them! Where did ya get those Blinker? My :o)

Date: 12/31/99
From: bahumbug
Cute Blinker, but don't let SL4ever see those!"Hey! Who forgot to retrieve their bra from the last party?It was hiding the ice cream!!!!"mmmmm mint chocolate chip! Yummy! T.Grinch!

c u in the next millenium
Date: 12/31/99
From: GhettoPrincess
"Oh dear me, what shall become of us?" the Princess considers. "I just hope my prophecies aren't right..." the poor doc won't be joining us for a while...such a shame after all the help she's offered us...oh well. now she can't bring harm to the tingle!!!! "No one seems to have thought of this, but let's do the Electric Slide!!!!!" Arturo decides. "Mr.Brown, may I have this dance?" "That was cold." A disappointed professor walks away, feeling rejected. But then he sees Quinn, picking at the Swedish fish awkwardly. The Prof doesn't think much of this at first,but then realizes...ah! an eligible bachelor. "Ahh, Mr. Mallory, join me won't you." But Quinn remembers what he learned in school... <just say 'no'> he thinks to himself. "NO!" and runs in the other direction.

It's almost here!
Date: 12/31/99
From: Chaser9
Chaser kicked Blinker a few timnes and screamed, "Get up BlinkY! We got some karaoke to do!" Blinker stirred abit and spoke, "Okay Chase whatever you say!" Chaser grabbed TF, QBall, Blink, Cleavant, Tracy Torme and S4 Remmy and they all walked to the stage. "Okay guys, let's do this right . .we have to make up for the horror of The_Lounge_Banshee . .and a 1 and a 2 and a 1, 2 ,3 . . ." Chaser, Blink, TF, Tracy and QBall broke into verse, "I've got tears in my 'fro 'cause I'm standing on my head over you." The crowd went wild, then Cleavant and Remmy broke in in a slightly more up tempo beat . . "I've got tears in my 'fro 'cause I'm standing on my head over you And I, I've got a long way to go Will this crying stop? I wish I knew." The whole group begant o sing along . .and strangely enough, they had almost perfect harmony "At first I thought our love was never-ending Together, you and I until eternity Now I realize I'm just pretending I'm only half the man that I used to be Yeow! I got tears in my 'fro 'cause my world is upside down over you Ya, I should comb 'em out, I know But that's the saddest thing I've ever had to do I've got tears in my 'fro 'cause I'm standing on my head over you yeah, yeay, yeay, yeah ooh, ooh, ooh." Chaser9 walked off stage as the crowd went wild, he suddenly felt himself being pulled backstage. He saw S4 Quinn right befeor the darkness consumed him. "Chase! There you are!" Autumn screamed. "Autumn, yeah, the gang couldn't get enough of me." Chaser said. "I've made up my mind." "About waht, "he replied. "I'll stay." Chaser's eyes widened, "You know, I was wrong about that Autumn. You should go. You don't belong here. Besides, however would I fix Earth 374 continuity." "But you said . ." Autumn tried to say. "Yeah and I was wrong. . .try to understand, it could never work." Autumn began to cry and ran away. Little did she realize she had not been talking to Chaser, but Andrew in disguise. "Ah, poor Autumn. But at least now sjhe'll return back to E374 with me . . .too bad Chase." --Chaser9

I'm still here
Date: 12/31/99
From: Doctor_Quinn
With some luck, the doc's computer may live! Hahahah, too bad princess, I know you wanted Rupert for yourself. The Medicine Woman noticies, that once again, her friend has messed up a perfectly good story. "Here I go again..." she says to herself. "Ok, yo, professor!" The large man escorts himself over towards her direction. "Ok, who's this?" She asks Arturo, pulling off his mask, revealing none other that Rupert himself. "Rupert?! How many times must I tell you? DO NOT LISTEN TO PRINCESS!!" The royal cook shrugs and takes off the rest of his costume, two overstuffed pillows fall out. Rupert casually steps out of the suit, and walks out on the dance floor in his khakies and t-shirt reading: Come one, come all to Alonzo's. Fun for the whole family!" He walks over to his boss, who starts to scold him. Rupert hangs his head. The good doctor rushes to his side, "There, there, come on. Have some monkey brain juice." He accepts and feels better after one drink. He goes to find Maggie and convince some person to dance with her. Poor Quinn is being portrayed as an evil and sinister person. He'd never do that to Chaser9! Maybe he's been replaced with a Kromagg... This is the last day of the century, and the doctor isn't about to waste it watching people bash Quinn. She finds him sitting with Colin at their table. He's very relieved to discover that Arturo really isn't around. He kisses the doc on the cheek. She blushes, and he realizes how stupid that was. He grabs her face and places his lips on hers in one very fast movement. The Medicine Woman is delighted and returns the affection. This goes on and on, until they stop and dance to a beautiful version of "She All I ever Had". (It wasn't intentional to mention Ricky twice, mind you) Performed by Remmy. Volin keeps a close watch on the sock, who seems to be doing nothing at all, which is probably for the best. I would keep this up forever, if it wasn't for the fact it bores most people and it will result from more commenting for the princess, who might I add, has not danced with Quinn at ALL! The Medicine Woman wants to SLIDE NOW! She's not sure what will happen with her computer and is worried about what will happen to Quinn and herself if she doesn't. Please, don't mess with my head anymore! I

Date: 12/31/99
From: Mychand
A mint chocolate chip bra? Don't tell SL4ever or he'll want it! LOL But brrrrrr....hmmmmm...who fell asleep first at that party anyway? I can't seem to remember..... My...home sick...again...but having her own little party. Anyone got something for a cold? Ick....what I bought is not working at ALL.

Date: 12/31/99
From: bradford700
1hr. 1min. until Y2K... Zion Hears the Watchmen Singing, and All Her Heart With Joy is Springing (Isiah ?:?) KJV And the Glory of the LORD Shall be Revealed, And All Flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it (Isiah 40:5) Surely He hath born our griefs, and carried our sorrows...the chastesiment of our peace was upon him (Isiah 53:4-6) (abrievated) The Grace of the LORD JESUS CHRIST be with all the saints (Rev. 22:21) 2000's not going to kill us, where's the antichrist????? From Infinite Slides, the best solution to the 2000/2001, end of the world solution Party Like Animals Two Years In A Row - Quinn Mallory "Zero Hour", (IS-15)

WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 01/01/00
From: Blinker
THE YEAR 100 IS UPON US!!!!!!!!!!! <scratches head> Waaaaait a minute... - Blinker 7:-X http://welcome.to/gate_haven

I don't remember MY!
Date: 01/01/00
From: bahumbug
And I REALLY don't remember how that whole conversation got started either <puts on most innocent look>! T.G.

Date: 01/01/00
From: bahumbug
BAHAHAHAHAHA! Only SciFi! LOL! TG(can I take off this green thing now?) Note: This reply was originally titled "1/1/100". Those wacky Sci-Fi admins snuck in and edited it at the same time they were belatedly Y2K-proofing the code.

ha ha Bah...
Date: 01/01/00
From: Mychand
I mentioned that when I was Dreamnofawhitexmas...SOMEBODY decided to use that at OUR party! LOL Hmmm...I take it that was YOU????? Yeah...who are you again? :o) My HAPPY YEAR 100! LOL

Happy NewYear!!
Date: 01/01/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
Hahahah, the doctor liveth! Her computer, by the grace of God, is still running! Sorry Princess, you know I couldn't let you have Quinn, I'd never forgive myself. The clock that has suddenly appeared in the party's main room has started to tick. The rythmic sounds are hypnotic. Quinn stares at the clock's face, and asks: "What is it, New Year's?" The doc laughs. "Yup, the turn of the century, some say it's the new millenium. Year 2000! There's even talk about this being the end of the world!" Quinn raises his eyebrows."In that case, I better do this." With that, he takes the Medicne Woman and twirls her over and over again. The clock's hands finally rest of the 12, and Quinn flips into kissing mode again. Same person. On the other side of the room, the Princess is doing nearly the same thing, only with...Rupert! The good doctor opens her eyes long enough to witness that and for a minute thinks about intruding. She's gonna get Issac, but only when she's done. Who saved the tingel? And let Ghettoprincess have more than her share? She's obviously out of it, but, heheheh, will the doc be able to torment her now.

Strange things are afoot . . .
Date: 01/01/00
From: Chaser9
As the party winds down, Autumn gathers Jayson and Wade and prepares to slide. Her heart has been broken by the man she thought was Chaser9. "Where is Andrew?" Autumn asked. "I don't know," Jayson replied. "This is odd," Wade said. "What?" Jayson replied. "There's something I have to do . .it'll just take a second." Wade walked up to Doctor_Quinn and S4 Quinn and spoke, "Hi Quinn." Quinn looked to Wade and spoke, "And you are?" Wade replied, "It's me . . . Wade." Quinn's face showed confusion. "Wade Welles." Quinn replied, "Wade who?" Wade turned to Doctor Quinn and spoke, "He's all yours, just try to stay away from the Kromaggs . . .cause I'm sure he'd rescue you." Wade returned to Autumn and Jayson. Blinker approached and spoke, "I've shut the slide-shield down, you're free to slide." Jayson raised the timer and spoke, "We've got about a minute. . . .where's Andrew?" "Hold up, I'm on my way," Andrew said. Andrew approached the others and spoke, "Didn't think I'd miss the slide did you?" "Hey where's Chase?" Wade asked. Autumn frowned and spoke, "It doesn't matter . . .let's just go." jayson raised the timer and fired. A greenish switling vortex opened. The four prepared to jump when suddenly, "WAIT! That's not really Andrew!" The four turned to see another Andrew approaching. "He's actually Chase. I was jumped by S4 Quinn. He thought I was Chase. Now Chase is trying to take my place and slide with you." "What do we do?" Jayson asked. "We take them both, sort it out when we get back to Earth 374." The Andrew standing with the group spoke, "Like hell we will!" He lept for the other Andrew and the two began fighting. "We're running out of time. Come on we have to go!" Jayson screamed. Jayson, Wade and Autumn jumped through the vortex. The Andrew that had approached the group raised up and punched out the other Andrew. "Paybacks are a #$%@! buddy." He then jumped into the vortex and it collapsed. The other Andrew arose from the ground and scream, "NOOOOOO!" Blinker approached him and spoke, " Chase, you okay buddy?" He replied, "I'm not Chaser . . .I'm Andrew . . . ." --Andrew Summers

Did I miss something?
Date: 01/01/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
Was Wade always here? I dunno. Ok, Quinn's still confused from that confrontation. The doc is just as puzzled at why Quinn didn't recognize Wade. She knew who that was, and she hadn't jumped from paralell dimensions with her! Suddenly, the Medince Woman remembers her earlier experience with the, eh, Professor. She rips off another mask and slapps Rupert across the face. "Rupert!" she scolds. "That was you! The whole time! Ahh! I'm dancing with you! Get off me!" She punches him in his stomache. Rupert whimpers. "Sorry," he gasps, between breaths. "Where's Quinn?!" Rupert looks at the floor, still clutching his stomache. "Tell me, NOW!" Rupert backs away, afraid of more pain. "Rupert!" "All right, all right." He submitts to the doc. "I thinmk he's tied up in the back...somewhere." "Did you do that to Chase?!" "Yea." "I'll deal with you and the Princess later, no doubt she had something to do with this." "And the lady wins a prize!" Shouts an all to familar voice. The royal wretch skips over to her angry friend. "Couldn't let you get away with burning my special drink!" "I'm not gonna say anything, just tell me where he is." "No can do, my dear friend. first I get to dance with him." A horrified look comes over the doc as the Princess states her intentions. She shakes it off, and get's a great idea. "Fine, let me see him first." The princess shruggs and gives permission for her to see him for 5 minutes. Rupert leads her to the back of the stage and opens a storage closet. Quinn's been tied up and blindfolded. "Quinn!" she pushes Rupert off of the stage and quickly begins to untie him. The ropes on the floor, and all other restraints removed, Quinn stands up and kisses the good doctor yet again.(I don't care) As much as she likes this, the oc knows what she has to do. She breaks away and whispers something in Quinn's ear. He smiles for a sec and then nods. "I'll go get Maggie." She says. The doc finds Maggie dancing with a chair. Yes, a chair, she's blind, remember? "Maggie, come with me." Maggie does as she's told, once again. The two walk back to the closet, where Quinn's waiting with Rupert's Quinn disguise. Maggie puts on the stilts, mask, and outfit. They tie Maggie up in the chair and leave her there. "Ok, doc, your times up!" The Princess storms onto the stage. the real Quinn and the doc are gone. She assumes it was too much for her friend to see her triumphant and able to dance with Quinn, so the princess forgets it. She decides to untie who she thinks is Quinn and takes Maggie out to the dance floor. A slow song comes on and the princess immediately starts dancing. Magie, for once, keeps her mouth shut. The doc and the real Quinn choose this moment to walk out infront of the presently happy princess. Her eyes grow wide as she realizes who she's dancing with. She throws Maggie to the ground. The room roars with laughter. My apologies to Chaser9, Rupert can be quite an idiot.

The sock says goodbye
Date: 01/01/00
From: Ed_The_Sock
"Well this is it kiddies . . .the sock has had all he can take . . .of this party the sock means. So get out of the socks way so he can go home and smoke sommore stogie's an drink a few more beers." Ed begins to tak his leave of the party. Stops, turns and speaks. "By the way, that Nikki chick was pretty hot, but she was alittle weird even for the sock . .but hey babe, if you wanna look the sock up, the sock is ready willin' and able. And one more thing for all you kiddies and friggin' mooks out dere. GET THE H-E-DOUBLE CROOKED LETTA OUTTA THE SOCK'S WAY OR I"LL BURN YA WIT' MY STOGIE!!!!!" Ed walks out the door, stops and sticks his head back in. "One more thing. See ya on da board! Dat's right, ya ain't gettin' rid of the sock that easy! Heh heh heh heh." Ed_The_Sock http://www.edthesock.com "So? What's the sock gonna do next?"

He's kiddin', right? RIGHT?!
Date: 01/02/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
The sock couldn't possibly be serious? The doctor is hoping this is all another dream. If Ed does post on the main board any sanity will be long forgotten on the bboard, not that it isn't already a madhouse, but things could get worse. The Medicine Woman is satisfied with her friend's punishment. Humiliation is the only cure for revenge. Now, on with the party... "How come Chaser9 can SLIDE outa here, but we can't?!" Remmy is growing angrier by the minute. He'snot enjoying this party. Sure, he gets to sing, but someone let Jerry sing, and he's afraid of going tone deaf. "Where's Issac? I want some brain juice!!!" complains Princess. Now that her own drink was destroyed, she's gone on to bigger and better addictions. "Issac has gone on to a better place." Blinker announces. "All right, who scared him away?!" demands the princess "Well, the sock, but he just moved over to the other side of the room." he explains. "Oh," she says, "Ok, chow." she goes over to the relocated bar and drinks her tasty beverage.

Doctor_Quinn . . . an explanation
Date: 01/02/00
From: Chaser9
Okay . . .here it goes. If you will remember, the reason the S4 cast slid back to the party is because there was a 'slideshield' in place preventing anyone from sliding out. First off, Jessie Mallory rewired the device to allow the S4 cast to slide after they returned and secondly, the device has been shut off, hence that is why Chaser, Jayson, Wade and Autumn were able to slide . .and thus strand me here. So, hope that clears up any confusion, you and your S4 cast are able to slide at any given time. --Andrew Summers

Jesus Christ
Date: 01/02/00
From: GhettoPrincess
Jesus Christ, Doc!!!!! Why r u punishing me!!!!! Rupert is not pleased! He's comin with his mob tomorrow, so you better watch out!!!!!! The Ghetto Princess O :)

Date: 01/02/00
From: GhettoPrincess
How *are* those darling forest paths doing. Repeat after me doc....<i am having a good time....> Also, "Pretty In Pink" doesn't yet know the magical password.... not yet...

pip PIP!
Date: 01/02/00
From: Cheerio

<looks around empty room>
Date: 01/02/00
From: bahumbug
and wonders...who was that "masked sock"...er...nevermind... T.G.

Oh, I understand!
Date: 01/03/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
It's a conspiracy! Of course, Chaser9/Andrew can SLIDE outa here, but when the doc tries to, he brings her back...tsk, tsk, tsk. Remmy don't buy the shield thing. Well, the doctor does, but, everyone knows how skeptical he can be.

Klly is trying hard to...
Date: 01/03/00
From: KllyWlls
ignore what insanity that has taken over the party. She ssat and chatted with her cousin, Quintarr. "Yes, I do believe that we will lose brain cells just standing here...Yes, we will become comatose if we drink anymore of this, " she said pointing to something someone had passed to her, "It tastes like monkey brain juice and pepsi mixed together....not good. I'm sure it has much more than that in it though." "GOOD...No...bad...yes.." Quintarr responded, having already had three cups of the mixture.

pip pip!
Date: 01/04/00
From: Cheerio
pip pip pipippppppppp

Date: 05/04/00
From: JessieMallory

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/15842
Nominated by Blinker