Woo Hoo!! 5th Anniversary Post Party!!!!
Date: 03/22/00
From: Blinker
Blinker: Do YOU know what today is? Silverguy: duh yeah! its the aring of revelashuns. the last grate slyders epesode! Blinker: NO, you ridiculously regurgitating "re-tart," it's the fifth anniversary of the airing of the Pilot! The masterful debut that forever hooked so many of us! Silverguy: is thatt the won ware quinn makes a 6 ft wormhole??? Blinker: <slaps Silverguy upside the head> <Meanwhile, in the corner of the room, Chaser9 stands at a switch labeled "Party Mode."> Chaser9: Should I? QBall79: Go for it, buddy. <Chase flips the switch into the "On" position. The BBoard is immediately subsumed by a thumping, flashing disco atmosphere.> SL4ever: <gasping, as he sees a buffet table rising from a concealed slot in the floor> MMMM MMMMMM!!!!! :-P!!!!!! BUTTERED SHRIMP!!!!!! :-P!!!!!! TemporalFlux: <putting on his hip '70s shades, thus CONCLUSIVELY proving that he's really 65 years old> Ooooooh yeah, baby! Let's get down and SHAKE IT! Isaac the bartender, apparently practicing his lines: "Outta sight!" ... "Outta sight!" ... "Outta... dammit, where'd I put my cue cards..." Mmmmmmmm. Don't forget, alternate handles and bizarre hijinks are heartily encouraged. Now, let's see about breaking that 6,000-reply record!!!!!!! - Blinker 7:-P http://welcome.to/gate_haven

Bout friggin' time
Date: 03/22/00
From: Ed_The_Sock
Da sock walks up to da bar and gets a beer from Issac. Issac remembers da sock from da last party and Issac wants da sock to go away. "Tough Issac, da sock's gonna party like it's 1999! Betta yet, let's party like it's 1985! Where's da friggin' DJ da sock wants to hear some Of da stuff offa Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo! Whatsamatter ya mooks never heard da classics before? Well screw ya! Da sock's gonna breakdance whetha ya like it or not! And one udda thing, get in da sock's way and ya gona get da stogie!" Ed_The_Sock http://www.edthesock.com

Get down wit your bad self
Date: 03/22/00
From: FogBoy
<FogBoy enters amidst a John Woo-esque atmosphere of fluttering doves, dark shades, and a perfectly flowing trenchcoat... in slow motion, natch> <The rest of the gang barely notices before going back to their respective positions> FogBoy <flinging shades aside> Crappity-crap-crap. Gotta get a new agent. <FogBoy heads over to the bar, tripping over a breakdancing Ed The Sock on his way>

Yeah baby!
Date: 03/22/00
From: AquaVortex
What better way to celebrate the airing of the pilot than a party.
<grabs Silverguy and bitch slaps him silly> Let the party begin!!!!

Party rocks on
Date: 03/22/00
From: Hyperspace
Hyperspace comes in and ducks behind curtain. he peeks out and then runs behind the buffet table. Blinker is standing by the table and looks over the table at Hyper. Blinker: a excuse me,... Hyper? Hyperspace peeks up from behind the table. Hyperspace: yea? Blinker: What are you doing? Hyperspace: Can't you tell, I'm lurking. ... It's what I do. Blinker looks away. Blinker:(to himself) Mental note, no more drinks for hyper. At that moment A familiar face comes through the door. It's Jerry O'Connell. Jerry: Hey Guys, You can't have a sliders party without IT'S BIGGEST STAR!! The room goes quiet. Hunter looks up from what he is doing and turns his gaze to Jerry. Jerrys smile begins to change to a nervous look. Hunter:(evil look) hahaha! Jerry, I am just so glad to see you. Jerry's look turns to terror as he brakes and runs out the door with Hunter in hot prosuit. A few moments later Hunter returns tearing up a small Card. TF: What's that? Hunter: Jerry's screen actor's guild card. He won't abuse the acting gods again. JlBanker come up to the buffet. Hyperspace jumps up, scaring the shit out of JlBanker.
Hyperspace: Hey Jl JlBanker: I'm not JLBanker...I'm now Silverguy. Hyperspace: Ow sorry, Silverguy. JlBanker :I'm not silverguy anymore, now I'm McHenry. Hypespace :(confused) Oook. Informant comes up eating some shrimp. He looks at Jl and then back to Hyper and shruges. Informant: Don't look at me. --------------------- Got carried away LOL Hyperspace

Shake Shake Shake
Date: 03/22/00
From: Informant
Shake Shake Shake! Shake your booty. Shake your booty. I mean... Turn off the lights, and I'll glow.
Wait, no... Um... What is today's party music? I'll just beover there. Sitting on the side watching the party. I have no sense for this stuff :-)

AquaV, I'm shocked and offended!
Date: 03/22/00
From: SiIverguy
We've never had problems before! Oh wait, that was my nasty parallel Earth double you bitchslapped and not me. Carry on! ;-) THE SILVERGUY

Libertarians Rule!!!!!!
Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Post Parties are better than Parties and Pre-Parties, because their is a better chance for FREE BEER!!!!!!!!!!!

x16: Can we post more than once?
Date: 03/22/00
From: Real_Slider
We'd get to 6,000 faster!!!! Real_Slider

Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Hormel makes SPAM!!!!!!

Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Hormel makes SPAM!!!!!!!

Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Hormel makes SPAM!!!!

Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Hormel makes SPAM!!!!!

Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Hormel makes SPAM!!!!!

SC is here and in his party clothes!!!
Date: 03/22/00
From: SlidersCentral
Guys, Sliders 5 year anniversary, what can I say but... WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! By the way, my page will be updated soon, I promise. Sincerely, SlidersCentral (Garrett Weaver) http://go.to/SlidersCentral

Just checking in
Date: 03/22/00
From: Slider_Sarah
Cos I have to be out in like 5 minutes!!! EEEEEK!!!! <mad panic> Gotta go!

BAD RealSlider! BAD! BAD!
Date: 03/22/00
From: DianaDavis
Ahhhhhhh, never mind that. Let's get down and BOOGIE!! :-P ~DD

Saw this over at Universal and
Date: 03/22/00
From: KareFree
thought I'd drop by for a visit. Sorry to see that some repetition has already aired. Hope it doesn't spoil anyones good time and "Happy Anniversary" to all! KareFree

Just checking in too.
Date: 03/22/00
From: SouthernSlider
Hope this goes on way into the night. I have to leave for a party of my own in an hour. I'll get back to you guys and hope to see that some veterans have showed up. Party like it was 1968! Oops, you guys, don't have a clue, do you? SS

Hello All!
Date: 03/22/00
From: Ann_Fredericks
<Ann makes a bold sweeping entrance carefully avoiding the break dancer and empty bottles... seeing Hyperspace bouncing back up for the fifth or sixth time, she gracefully glides to his side in order to greet a fellow lurker, then quietly approaches Issac who gives her a wineglass of pineapple juice before she turns to mingle with the growing crowd> HI!How is everybody doing on this fine evening? Can't stay long... I seem to be unstuck... but I wanted to be sure and put in an appearance for this joyous occasion... I'll be around for a while, but I never can tell when collegeNet is going to get icky on me... I'll try not to drop my glass when I destablize... Until then - let's party!!! <Ann grabs the nearest guy and pulls him onto the dance floor> Ann:)

"Yo! Isaac!"
Date: 03/22/00
From: Blinker
"What've ya got on tap there, eh?" Isaac looks over his stock. "Monkey Brain Juice... Monkey Brain Liqueur... Monkey Brain Fluid... Monkey Br--" "What was that??" interrupts a scruffy, English-accented nutzoid further down the bar. Isaac looks ill-at-ease. "Uhh... you mean our supply of Monkey Brain Fluid?" The unnerving fellow bares fangs. "Ohhhhhh, no good I'm afraid. This week I'm after brain *tissue*... so sorry... mwahahahahahaha." He skulks his way to the exit, leaving a throng of google-eyed BBoarders checking their necks for recent puncture wounds. - Blinker 7:-P http://welcome.to/gate_haven

AfL walks in and sees Jerry...
Date: 03/22/00
From: Afl
...in a tattered leisure suit chasing Hunter just to tell him. JOC: AH HA HAA! That wasn't my actor's guild card...that was my library card. [Hunter doesn't look amused. He glares at Jerry as JOC walks up to AfL] JOC: Hey! Wanna dance? [He's attempting to do the John Travolta] AfL: Do I dare? I've seen you dance. [AfL *grin*] Look out! [Hunter lunges for Jerry but just misses him as he runs past AfL out the door. Hunter is in close persuit.] Hunter: Come back here! I'm not done with you yet! AfL: Oh brother. [AfL covers her eyes and shakes head.] Here we go! [YMCA music blairs from the speakers and the disco floor lights up. The silver disco ball is making reflections around the nightclub. AfL runs out and joins everyone else.] AfL singing and dancing the YMCA: YYYYY-M-C-A [Jerry comes running across the dance floor. To join in with the dancing] AfL: Where's Hunter? JOC: Oh, he's indisposed at the moment. [Then Hunter comes back into the room with a bucket on his food and is carrying a janitor's mop. Everyone starts laughing.] AfL: Jerry? What did you do? JOC: I trapped him in the janitor's closet. [grinning] AfL: My advise...run! Hunter: You thought you got rid of me, didn't you? [JOC runs out of the room again with Hunter trying to run after him with the bucket on his foot and mop in hand.] Hunter: Come back here! [Everyone shrugs shoulders and starts doing the Electric Slide, how appropriate.] *grin* AfL :)

Maps are indeed irrelevant.
Date: 03/22/00
From: DoctorWhy
TIP: They will be assimilated. :)

AnOther gate opens...
Date: 03/22/00
From: Callie21V
Twenty-One, Callie, Quinn, Chantha, Bennish and Timer clatter to the marble dance floor. The partygoers, used to seeing various odd combinations of travelers and wormholes, barely bat a collective eyelid. Twenty-One's mind is on practicalities. "When's our window out of this layer?" he rasps. Bennish checks Timer's digital readout. "Two days, four hours, and fifty-three minutes." Upon surveying the festive decor he adds, "Gnarly." >>> C/21

Date: 03/22/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
Doctor_Quinn actually showed up the somewhat on time for a party! Amazing! The good doctor walks inside,in the mood to hear some music. However, if she gets a hold of the Village People's CD just played, she will indeed rip it apart. Instead, however, she's decided to request "Electric SLLLIIIDDDEE", in the spirit of the anniversary. So, the Medicine Woman decides to sit down for awhile, but first she orders some juice. "Hey," she mumbles to herself, "why not?"

Ack!! Not the SOFT DRINK CANS!!!
Date: 03/22/00
From: DianaDavis
[Diana Davis and the Supremes slap at the air, deflecting countless empty drink containers.] "All right!! ALL RIGHT!!!! We'll play music made since 1980!!! Happy now????" [A cheer goes up. The band launches into the ubiquitous "All Star" by Smash Mouth.] "Hey now, you're a JOC star, Get your spacesuit, go play..." [Callie leans back and sighs in ecstasy.] "Ahhhhhhhh, Muzak... it's just like walking through a mall. 'Cept, uh, without the 'walking' part. "...All that matters is cash, Even if you ha-ave, to act in tra-ash..." ~DD

surprise, surprise, surprise.
Date: 03/22/00
From: slider409
(Slides in the doorway, and gives Silverguy a running tackle to the floor) (Stands up and begins to tapdance on his head, but notices Diana Davis over in the corner and realizes there are much better things to do at the party, and starts off in that direction) (Halfway there, gets sidetracked by the bar and takes a seat ordering a Heineken)

This Heineken's for you, bud!
Date: 03/22/00
From: IsaacTheBartender
Isaac slides the frosty beerstein down to '409. In response, the band launches into a new beat. "I said move over once, move over twice... Come on baby just pour me some ice... I said I'm posting as the One After 409!" -Isaac

"WHEEEEEE..." <twirls Ann> "...EEEEEEE!"
Date: 03/22/00
From: Blinker
Oooooh, that is some GOOD twirling!!! <hums "Electric Slide"> I'm gonna get me some harmless, thoroughly non-alcoholic apple juice now. "'EY! ISAAC!" - Blinker 7:-P http://welcome.to/gate_haven

"hey Isaac..."
Date: 03/22/00
From: slider409
(Looks to Isaac the Bartender in surprise, "You've got monkey brain juice, why didn't you say so?) (Finishes off heineken and signals for a mouth watering glass of MBJ, and slips a George Washington coin onto the bar) (In protest, my feet begin moving to the beat the band was playing... but fight them, because I can't dance)

Popping in....
Date: 03/22/00
From: dellyone
Dellyone and Alex popped in to see what's going on. Hunter finally got the metal bucket off his foot and put it over JOC's head. Hunter held the bucket over his head and rang it several times. He lifted it and a dazed JOC staggered away, hearing that annoying riiiiinnnnnggggiiinnngggg in his ears. dellyone and Alex laughed at the sight. An annoyed Spike was heading in their direction. "Hi..." He bared his fangs at them. "What do you need?" asked dellyone as she stopped him. He pointed back to the bar. "They don't have brain tissue. I'm going." He started to leave, but Alex stopped him. A flash of light appeared over dellyone's hand. As it faded away, a brain floating in a clear container appeared in her hand. "That isn't Wade's brain is it?" asked a concerned Alex. Spike grabbed it out of her hands and ran off. She was a little perturbed. "He didn't even thank me. Nope. I have no idea who's it was." Alex grinned. "Okay then. Let's get something to drink," said Alex as he escorted her over. They went over to the corner of the bar and took to seats next to the wall. "Bartender, two monkey brain juices." Isaac quickly poured two glasses and placed them in front of them. "So you two from around here?" asked Isaac as he saw the influx of more people. "Nah, we were just dropping by. We were camping earlier, but it got boring so we left. We couldn't pull any pranks and that kills all the fun," dellyone replied as the music started blasting 'Remmy's Slide'. Alex nodded in agreement as he took a sip. He placed the drink onto of the napkin. "Yep, but the rest of our group are still there. They've got a surprise coming to them later." Alex and dellyone flashed an evil grin. "So how long are you two staying?" asked Isaac as he wiped some spilled liquid on the bar. "A dance then we're going back," answered dellyone after she sipped the last of her drink. Alex had already finished. "Thanks Isacc. You have some fun also." "Sure the both of you also." He smiled and went to his next thirsty customer. Alex and dellyone headed to the dance floor. "So what do you want to dance to?" he asked. She thought for a few moments. "Celine Dion's 'Your Heart will go on.'" He smiled and snapped his fingers. The music started while everyone, except the band, was frozen in time. "Good idea. I know they would have gone after us for that." They danced to their hearts' content. When the song was over, she snapped her fingers and they disappered in a flash of light. Time resumed, but everyone was confused as to why the band was still playing the song. No one had requested it and anyone who did would have been immediately thrown out. The band began another one.

oh my...
Date: 03/22/00
From: AquaVortex
<AV chills at the bar. After finding that the beverage menu is a bit...er...bizarre, he reaches into his coat pocket and takes out a bottle of Gin and Juice>
"Man, where did Blinker find these drinks? Eh, probably a glitch in the delivery form." AV said, sipping the concealed bottle. "Hey AV!" Blinker said, startling the cladly dressed gentleman. AV hid the bottle he was drinking and greeted his friend. "OH, hi Blinker. Nice party you have here." "Thanx. Enjoying the bar I see..." "OH...yeah. Just resting my legs for a dance, you know." "Have you tried the drinks, yet?" "Ah, no. I'm allergic to monkey brains." "That's funny, Because I saw you drinking something on my way over here." "Oh no. I was just....taking some deep breaths, you know, getting some good air." "What exactly are you hidi..." Suddenly, the song "Putting on the Ritz" by Taco fills the air. "Yeah! This is my favorite song! Gotta get to the dance floor. See ya, Blink!" AquaVortex then races himself to the dance floor. He sighed in relief that Blinker didn't find out about the bottle. Now, all he needs to worry about is to find someone to dance with.... AV

oh wow!
Date: 03/22/00
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo saddles up to the bar beside Doc Quinn. "On Time too! Oh wow! Now you have to do this everytime!" Doc Quinn giggles with Yeontoo and indicates to Isaac to set out another monkey brain juice. Yeontoo's eyes widen, sputtering, "I thought you'd ... never mind." She looks at Doc's glass on the bar. Doc smiled, "Had to try it hun" Slider 409 ordered his third monkey brain juice straight in a row. He turned, waving Hyper and Blinker over, "Guys, let me thank the powers that be that we had Sliders, and buy you guys a drink" "Hey!" a chorus of voices rose up, "They aren't the powers that be!" Chaser9 looked amused, "'Sides that hotshot, it's a free bar" Hyper had the good grace to blush. "Hey, anyone else gonna come from the USA board?" KareFree asked. "I dunno. I'm pretty sure that dellyone, Echos, HunterD, Sabre_Edge, and Brand_S will drop by." Yeontoo tapped the bar for another monkey brain juice. "Hey! They are dominion people too!" Slider409 looked perplexed. "Of Course! Thats why I'm pretty sure they will drop by." Yeontoo tacked on very slowly, pronounciating each syllable. Hyperspace giggled as Slider409 scratched his head. Muttering, "K, but they were dominion people first...." "Hey guys! Need a bigger dance floor!" Slider Sarah rushed in and rushed out.

Outta Sight!
Date: 03/22/00
From: IsaacTheBartender
Isaac flips a can of Monkey Brain Juice over to Slider409. 409 cracks it open and chugs like a man on fire. -Isaac http://www.isaacthebartender.com "So? Who's gonna buy a beer from Isaac?"

(JOC runs thru room)
Date: 03/22/00
From: DoctorWhy
Seconds later, an infuriated librarian follows, kicking up dust as she tears after in hot pursuit. "This 'll teach *YOU* to take out books on a shredded card!" she hollers.

Ah well...
Date: 03/22/00
From: Mychand
I didn't discover Sliders until season four....but I guess this is worth celebrating! It WAS the start of something good! Mychand :o)

Woo Hoo!
Date: 03/22/00
From: Sliderchicks
Are we ready to party? http://www.geocities.com/Sliderchicks/

We are!
Date: 03/22/00
From: v6
How many Season Sixes does that make now? :-) v6

one for the road (n/t)
Date: 03/22/00
From: sleepingtiger
I told you there was nothing here.

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POISON is deadly
Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Cyanide smells like bitter almonds!!!!!!

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SE walks in, never missing a party.
Date: 03/22/00
From: Sabre_Edge
Sabre_Edge walks up to the bar and orders a monkey brain juice, glad that this party, unlike the last, serves the beverage. He downs his juice and makes his way to the dance floor, giving retro TF plenty of room to disco in. LOL. (more later)

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Get Down With Our Bad Selves!
Date: 03/22/00
From: CoolSlider
Wooo! I remember watching the Pilot for the first time. I was a wee lad. I sat there watching the show, with my popcorn and my remote flipping back and forth between Sliders and NBC's crazy Wednesday night lineup that was quite the bore and a half. Now, 5 years later, I never regret an episode...well, maybe "Slither" and "Sole Survivors" Perhaps "The Chasm"...oh hell the enitre fourth season was terrible but who cares? It got better. Especially with that fabulous "Revelations" ender. I loved the way they tied everything up there. They revealed so much. Anyhoo, back to the dance floor. CoolSlider: C'Mon Exec bust a move! Exec: *RIP* CoolSlider: Aw dude, I said bust a move, not bust a seam. Somebody sew him up... TemporalFlux (with evil grin) I'll be *more* than glad to do it. Muwahahahahaha! See ya at the Beach! CoolSlider bryce@kelcom.igs.net

and after drinking his 12th can of
Date: 03/22/00
From: cc_deville
monkey brains, cc_deville falls head first into the bowl of pretzels on the bar! Blinker stands, raises his can, and shouts "THANK YOU GOD!,NO MORE MARILYN MONROE HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENDITIONS!" Suddenly, from behind the bar, Jerry jumps onto the bar wearing nothing but his very own SPACESUIT!, and shouts " YEAH, The 15 year old chick DIG THE SPACESUIT!" cc_deville lifts his head, looks up at what Jerry's wearing, and BARFS on his spaceboots!

The Sims
Date: 03/22/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:The Sims, SimCity, SimCity 2000, and SimCity 3000 are made by Maxis Bonus TIP:Because!!!!!!!!

Happy anniversary!
Date: 03/22/00
From: Bludgeon
I want chicks and I want Slither... Sliders Sliders, please deliver. From Everyone's Favourite Evil Decepticon Leader Bludgeon

Date: 03/22/00
From: Mallory95
I may not have watched the show from the beginning, but it's still a great day, nonetheless! Mallory95 - Keeper of the "Dust" World timer, the season 3 vortex, Logan's lab, and the science of sliding.

*Charmed Dancing The Macrena*
Date: 03/22/00
From: CharmedClass2005
Hey,it's the only dance I can do!*shruggs* Happy aniversary, Sliders! 5 Years,can you believe it?I was just nine!

Quinn confronts his double...
Date: 03/22/00
From: Callie21V
...Jerry O'Connell. The less egotistical of the two is the first to comment: "It's like looking into a slightly smudged, living shaving mirror." "Mm, that would explain the rampant stubble," notes Timer. Bennish nods to the beat of an imaginary heavy metal drummer. "Guess this is what they mean by 'getting down with our bad selves'?" Chantha picks up a cheese ball from the buffet, then squeezes until it dribbles through her fingers to the cold, cold floor below. >>> C/21

Date: 03/22/00
From: Vigeant
Vigeant walked into the party, everything *seemed* to be in order, except ONE thing... Vigeant pushed a button conviently placed on the table and then... A gigantic Vigeant show stage popped up, with an audience screaming praises. Vigeant posted on the wall...
WANTED: PEOPLE TO BE INTERVIEWED Just say so, and you will be interviewed on the world famous Vigshow. Vigeant then walked over and got some cake...

Vigeant then...
Date: 03/22/00
From: Vigeant
Vigeant then saw a ship landing.. "Cool!" Vigeant saw his favorite buddies from the alternate TWIW walk out. "Cool! Crow T. Echos, and Joeyjojo! Guys, what are you doing here?" Crow stood up "Well, the food was getting low so we opened that pack of Hamdingers, and then... well it turned out to be an escape pod!" "Cool!" "Anyway, we are here to make sure that no one steals the projection TV, Blinker hired us." "Oooh, you mean THAT projection TV?" Everyone looked over to the left and a huge projection TV sat with everyone watching the pilot. "Wow." Vigeant Http://insane.50megs.com

"Do me! DO ME!!!"
Date: 03/22/00
From: Callie21V
Quinn grunts. "Nice Kari impression." Vigeant looks up in irritation. "Callie, wipe the rabid foam from your chin and start again!" "Sigh... *please*, *PLEASE* interview me Mr. Vigant... um, Big Pants... um, Piss Ants..." >>> C/21

Date: 03/22/00
From: Slider_Quinn21
Here we go! (Nothing creative to say!) Quinn

Date: 03/22/00
From: Chaser9
Chaser9 walks to the bar and orders a beer. He pops the top from it and begins to drink. Chase sees all the happy smiling people around him . . . but there is one problem. None of them realize he isn't really Chaser9. So few of them actually remember that he is Andrew Summers, an almost identical duplicate or double of Chaser9. Andrew was stranded here during the Christmas Party when Chase tricked Andrew's group of sliders into thinking he was Andrew. Now Andrew plays the role fo Chase as best he can, but his thoughts wander. "Another party . . . this is my chance." --Chaser9

Interview.... Callie!
Date: 03/22/00
From: Vigeant
Vigeant leaned over to Callie and said "Okay, I will interview you, but ummm.. well the Vigshow lights and stuff aren't fully tested so.. well expect the worst!" Vigeant sat in back of his desk in his cushy chair and pushed the 'Lights' button. All of a sudden a TV at the party flickered off and Revelations turned on. "AUGH! TURN IT OFF!" Joeyjojo took out his gun and shot the TV several times. "Ummm.." Vig was kinda nervous, "NOW FOR THE VIGEANT SHOW!!! WITH special GUEST..... CALLIE!"
Spotlights swirled around the VigShow set and Callie walked out. "Hi, Callie!" She waved back. "Ummm.. you can sit." "I would but this dumb suit thingie your waredrobe people make me wear it is impossible to sit!!!!" "Oooh.. Well now for your interview.... 1.You are sitting in a dark room with a dead fish, a shovel, and a frog, how do you get out of the dark room? 2.If First Wave is an awful show, what is worse? 3.What is my favorite color 4.Sliders is: a.A type of soft, pillowy toilet paper. b.Where mommies and daddies meet. c.Where I went for vacation d.A TV show e.<This left blank> f.A place g.Why is there more choices? h.Rutabega i.42 j.Life, the Universe, and everything k.This would be a flame but I decided no l.Where I get my grocires (SP) m.A computer game (oh please, oh please) n.The place where Blinker, dances in drag for nickles. o.Banana p.I don't know q.Why?!?! r.Because s.If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. t.I know, but I don't wanna say. u.My cable provider 5.Why did the previous question have SO many choices? 6.If you were a shoe, what would you do? 7.I don't know, you figure it out! 8.If you say something it is... A.True B.False C.Incorrect D.Wrong 9.Why does this interview go on and on and on? 10.Did you know this is the longest interview I ever did? 11.If you have a banana, and I attack you with a shoe, what do you do? 12.The ultimate sliders humor site is... (Excluding Donner's site, and your site) Okay DONE!" Vigeant Http://insane.50megs.com

"Goodnight Elisabeth" begins to play
Date: 03/22/00
From: sleepingtiger
As sleepingtiger dashes back into the party. ::So many people so little time and I need to dance.:: She thinks for a moment before catching sight of Chaser9; grabbing his hand she drags him and his beer onto the dance floor. "Uh. I don't dance." Andrew wonders who this forceful woman is. "Whatever Drew. Let's dance already. I even asked for your fave Counting Crows song." sleepingtiger stands in the middle of the dance floor pleading. "What did you call me?" Too shocked to move he let himself be pulled into the slow rhythm of the dance. sleepingtiger fights giggles as she tries to explain this one to him, "Look Drew, you may look like him and all, but you are totally not Chaser. I was a total wallflower at the party you arrived for. I knew as soon as I saw Autumn that Chase was gonna bail for greener pastures." "You did?" Drew spun sleepingtiger around. "Yup." The music continued.

Date: 03/22/00
From: Callie21V
1.You are sitting in a dark room with a dead fish, a shovel, and a frog, how do you get out of the dark room? >>> You use the frog to bribe the guard, and then scoop up the drone with the dead fish... oh darn, it's been a while since I played this game... 2.If First Wave is an awful show, what is worse? >>> Dancing in drag for nickels! 3.What is my favorite color >>> The same as your *least* favourite. Paradoxical, huh? 4.Sliders is: a.A type of soft, pillowy toilet paper. b.Where mommies and daddies meet. c.Where I went for vacation d.A TV show e.<This left blank> f.A place g.Why is there more choices? h.Rutabega i.42 j.Life, the Universe, and everything k.This would be a flame but I decided no l.Where I get my groceries m.A computer game (oh please, oh please) n.The place where Blinker, dances in drag for nickles. o.Banana p.I don't know q.Why?!?! r.Because s.If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. t.I know, but I don't wanna say. u.My cable provider >>> A, of course! Well, at least Season Three was... 5.Why did the previous question have SO many choices? >>> I dunno, but I'm almost CERTAIN Vigeant had something to do with it! 6.If you were a shoe, what would you do? >>> It depends. Was I made for walkin'? 7.I don't know, you figure it out! >>> But I'm blonde, silly! Tee hee! 8.If you say something it is... A.True B.False C.Incorrect D.Wrong >>> A and C! 9.Why does this interview go on and on and on? >>> Blame Peck! PECK MUST DIE!!! 10.Did you know this is the longest interview I ever did? >>> Dude! Sick! 11.If you have a banana, and I attack you with a shoe, what do you do? >>> Make the most of my last moments by devouring the banana! 12.The ultimate sliders humor site is... (Excluding Donner's site, and your site) >>> The Dimenuity of Continuation! [http://www.angelfire.com/sd/homeworld] BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice talkin' to ya, Vig Man! Cap ya later! :-D >>> C/21

The lights dim, and the party stops
Date: 03/22/00
From: Wade_lookalike
then a light shines down on one person, just one, as she slowly, seductively, walks to the center of the dance floor. Blinker, BrandS, Hakavonn, QBall79, every male, and some questionable ones, even Exec rises from the dead, all swing toward her direction, their jaws dragging on the floor as they marvel at who she is. As she reaches the center of the floor, she raises her hands, the dancefloor lights up in the most brilliant vortex colors, and shouts,"Let the party continue!". The room is filled with the sounds of Derrick Cleavant singing "the Remmy Slide" as all begin to party at a level higher than ever seen before! BrandS looks at QBall and says, "well that has to be Wade_lookalike!" QBall responds, "Yeah, doing her Kari impersonation!" Happy B'day Sliders 5 great seasons, and a wish for just one more thrill!

Callie21V and Blinker love each other!
Date: 03/22/00
From: _Arturo_
Who wouldn't love themself? SC

<puts arm around Blink>
Date: 03/22/00
From: Callie21V
"We weren't gonna announce the wedding 'til later, but... guess you've played our hand..." :-P "_Arturo_ and SlidersCe... no dude, that's just SICK!" >>> C/21

<drops glass>
Date: 03/22/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
The good DocQuinn's head is suddenly throbbing, she drops her monkey brain juice. Unfortunately, it spills all over Yeontoo. "Hey! Watch it!" Yeontoo shouts, standing up and brushing herself off. The Medicine's Woman looks up and sees at least 7 Yeontoos yelling at her. Something tells her that's not good. "When did your doubles get here?" she asks, her voice is slurring. "Uh-oh." Doctor_Quinn turns to Issac. "Issac! I need water! Now! I feel dizzy all of the sudden!" The bartender looks at her strangely, to stress her request, the good doctor slams her fist on the table. "NOW! Oww! That hurt!" Issac does as he's told, but by the time he's completed, the doctor is gone. Inspired by Charmed, she's decided to start dancing. Right after she gets someone to play the Goo Goo Dolls "Slide". (hehe. I think that's what it's called).

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
...woo hoo huray!!! "Right On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

On Right
Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
... WOO HOO -"Right On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
...woo hoo "Right On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

LOL Doc Quinn!
Date: 03/22/00
From: DianaDavis
The glass-dropping WAS an homage to the end of the Pilot, right? :-D ~DD

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
..woo hoo "Right On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
...woo hoo "Right On Right On!!!"

Date: 03/22/00
From: Informant
Party! Yay! Whoa, I think I've had too many cyber drinks.

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
Woo hoo I am #100 "RIght On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
I am just trying to get us closer to our goal.... over 6,000 "Right On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
..doh I was 101 "Right On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

Date: 03/22/00
From: Maximilli0n
WEll, that will get us a little closer to the goal... "Right On Right On!!!" -Maximilli0n

The Way It Wuz: Caffeinated Edition!
Date: 03/22/00
From: Blinker
"We join our theme song already in progress." ...with a bunch of his Sliders friends: MORON, ROLL CALL! Ex-Lax -- "It was Bagel!" VD -- "I was hacked!" RealmKeeper -- "Kromaggs, yep!" Pauuuuuuuuuuuul -- "I dunno!" You're wondering how he sleeps at night, What with all those flame attacks -- (lalalala) Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a post, I should really just relax -- " For The Way It Wuz, Caffeine Edition, @ Party 2000... ===== <Blinker sits at the controls of the Satellite of TWIW, lost in reverie.> BLINKER (drooling): Mmmmmmmmmm... using post sheets to create a Sabrina Lloyd made out of origaaaaaaaami... <Abruptly, the peaceful calm is shattered by POST SIGN.> BLINK: Ahhh, 7:-# it. All right Synth, start the feed from Earth... <In response, the satellite computer spews out a veritable mountain of postings... and doesn't stop.> BLINK: Gaakh! <heaves post sheets off face> What the?!! SYNTHIA: Hmm. It would appear there is a higher volume of posts than usual this week. BLINK (looking over posts): Waaaaait a minute... these are all from SpaceTime! "TempralFlux is meeeeeeen..." <a fresh load catches him in the face> SYNTH: Well, you DO know what happens if you can't riff enough posts in the allotted time. BLINK: No more post riffing for 29 years?? SYNTH: Uh, no, the Satellite blows up. <Blinker... blinks.> BLINK: I'll be needing a whole lotta coffee... extra piping-hot! <Upon receipt of said beverage, he frantically begins tearing through pages upon pages at record speed, glancing only at the post titles> Hey retart Jbanker my name is Steve G. >>> But address posts "Dear Moron" when talking to me! Silverguy tell them were not the same.. >>> We just happen to share the word "Jerk" as a name! Hey RandomJ, Slyder, Vance, DocQ and... >>> With this many folks, they could start a rock band! ok if u guys think ur flamers wait until >>> You get your woefully high electric bill! Slyder if they think were one person.... >>> We oughta team up and perform some REAL cursin'! My Chasm Spasm! >>> Um... <desperately tries to avoid first rhyme that comes to mind> ...something about ectoplasm! Something funny i found >>> Over there on the ground! >>> Looks like a balloon, >>> but why isn't it round? There is mooks everywhere! >>> By land, sea and air! I know I'll get blasted for this but.... >>> I DON'T believe McCain's a nut! do you know? What happened Fri. night . >>> YOU were still alive then, right? Two words: Chasm sucked. >>> The acting blew, and the script was ffff... should've been chucked. I am Silverguy >>> You feel you had to tell us. WHY? Into the Creative Chasm >>> <desperately... tries... to withhold self...> Reality Check, part 2 >>> Can we all say, "past overdue"? Did anyone else notice....... >>> The recent lack of posts from Modus? I am CopyCat >>> We may never forgive you for that. Not one, not two, but... >>> Red butt, blue butt! SYNTH: Umm... just so you know, in the time it took you to rhyme those... two or three new pages of posts have gone up. BLINK: <stares forward for an instant, then pitches face-first into pile of posts> SYNTH: Um, I don't think you want to rest your head there... that's an origami Kari Wuhrer. BLINK: mmmmf SYNTH: That's a very special *part* of an origami Kari Wuhrer. <There is a moment of silence.> BLINK: I'll be needing a whole lotta *more* coffee... MEGA piping-hot. Pour it on my face when it's ready, please... ===== - Blinker 7:-O http://welcome.to/gate_haven

Date: 03/22/00
From: slider409
Yesssss, the way it wuz! (wakes up and signals for his 13th MBJ, or was it only 7? Only time will tell. Continues scratching head while looking around wondering how long I had been out) ("Round of MBJ's for everyone Isaac my good man," managed to mumble from my mouth. We've got some celebrating to do... shoving drinks down to the ends of the bar: "for Donner, for Blinker, for Yeontoo, for Chaser, for CC and me," came out before I went back to sleep)

hey who wants to come slyding with me!!!
Date: 03/22/00
From: SiIverguy
ok ok itz tru. i dint relly make a 6 ft wurmhole. just a 4 ft wurmhole. but styll!!! thats coole rite? THE SILVERGUY

<powers up wrist brace...>
Date: 03/22/00
From: Blinker
...and slices Silverguy's worthless head off! There is rejoicement in the land. DD releases a commemorative ballad: "It's my party and I'll Kai if I want to, Kai if I want to, KAI if I want to... You would Kai too if it happened to you!" - Blinker 7:-P http://welcome.to/gate_haven

Vortex62 is pulled into the party :)
Date: 03/23/00
From: Sabre_Edge
SE reaches through the door and yanks Vortex62 by the collar, dragging in the boards most helpful posters. (SI campaigning) Tex: Oh, man, not a party. You know I'm not into these things. SE: Dude come on, its an anniversary. Plus its one year for your site, WWW.EARTH62.COM (hehehe) Tex: ok, maybe for a few drinks. Tex heads for the door, but Yeontoo grabs him. Y: nuh-uh, you are dancing man.

Tex! Dance with Me!
Date: 03/23/00
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo kissed SE on the cheek for yanking in one of her favorite posters, ...and a nominee at that! Vortex62 (Tex) is standing there sputtering. SE hands him a glass of monkey brain juice which Tex downs in one swallow! Yeontoo grabs Tex by the arm and pulls him to the dance floor. "Love your pink shirt Tex, very, ...sassy!"
Tex just smiles, glancing around nervously, then dances the jitterbug with Y. Yeontoo looks around her while they dance. The ladies are lining up.

Everyone turned and looked at Vigeant...
Date: 03/23/00
From: Vigeant
who was busy at work on something, it looked like a gigantic rocket. Joeyjojo walked up to him "Hey, ummmmm.. whatcha doing?" "Oh, I am building a gigantic firework for the fireworks show." "There is a fireworks show?" "Well,now that I am here." The Signup paper for interviews continued to sit there, waiting for someone to sign up. Vigeant Http://insane.50megs.com

^^^^^Computer Says "7"
Date: 03/23/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Computer's speak in Binary!!!!!!!

pip pip!!!!
Date: 03/23/00
From: Cheerio
pip pip

Definitely, Diana Davis!
Date: 03/23/00
From: Doctor_Quinn
Da doc is getting into this anniversary thing!!!! ************************************************************ After dancing several rounds of the marcarena, the good DocQuinn is getting tired of the monotomous movements. "Hey Charmed, you know any other dances?" "Nope." "How about the one from 'Bad Touch'?" (hey! it's in my head!)she asks. "Nope." "Oh well." The Medicine Woman sighs. "I tried."

"Angels of the Silences" plays
Date: 03/24/00
From: sleepingtiger
as sleepingtiger drags Blinker out onto the dance while 'Chaser9' goes back to nursing a beer. sleepingtiger grooves to the music "Thaks for this Blinker!" "Sure. Why are we dancing now tho'?" the tuft seems to wave to the beat on it's own. "So that I don't make a totally obnoxious post on the main board." "You wouldn't make an obnoxious post," Blinker starts to wonder as he speaks. "With some of the idiocy I've seen the past couple of weeks? I'm almost at my boiling point. You think the dj has any Metallica? Whiskey in Jar would rock right about now."

Whiskey in the Jar Rules!!!!!!
Date: 03/24/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Whiskey in the Jar is a traditional Irish song written a long time ago, but released by Thin Lizzy in 1972!!!! Bonus TIP:"I first produced my pistol, then produced my rapier, and said Stand and Deliver . . . But me I like sleeping, espicially in my Molly's chamber, but here I am in prison, here I am the ball and chain Yeah . . ."

Metallica rocks the room
Date: 03/24/00
From: sleepingtiger
as sleepingtiger, Blinker and even the folks in the forest at the USA board stare at Irreleven't rendition of "Whisky." "Doesn't he know the whiskey is supposed to stay in the jar?" a voice whispers (a little loudly).

Date: 03/24/00
From: MissInformant
Metallica stars in Mission Impossible 2 MI

MI is misinformed about MI2
Date: 03/24/00
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:MissInformant is wrong, but Metallica does have a new song on the Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack coming out in May I think!!!!!! Bonus TIP:Just posting some RELEVANT information for any Metallica fans out their, like sleepingtiger!!!!!!

Date: 03/24/00
From: Cheerio
pip pip

Dang! .... <kicks rock>
Date: 03/24/00
From: MTwain
I missed it! Looks like it was fun thou!! ..... MT - Metallica sleepingtiger?! Tee hee :-) <Twainy puts down the Java school book and picks up the stack of CDs> What did you think of S&M?
sleepingtiger - Love all Metallica <prys Limp Bizkit CD from Korn> Wanna hear Freak on a Leash? MT - Sure ... I need a study break, how about L.B. - Break too? sleepingtiger - K! <scrapes the gum off of Significant Other CD and fires up the CD player> MT - <tosses a Godsmack CD at st> Here, this one too. sleepingtiger - Ya think anyone will notice the change from Ed's booogaloo to um ... rock? MT - Heck, the party's over ... nearly everyone's gone home. Freak on a Leash starts and MT picks the Java book back up to continue reading as st works on a poem-in-progress.
Thanx Blinker .... MT :-)

The rock continues to rule the room
Date: 03/26/00
From: sleepingtiger
st looks over at MT who is now drooling over her Java book. "Time for a break girl. We've been doing this for over 24." MT: huh. st waves a cup of ice cold Tab in front of MT who grabs the Tab and sucks it down. MT: More? st: Sure. Here. MT: Where is everybody? st: I dunno. I was writing new stuff. <hands MT a palm pilot> check me out at www.geocities.com/sliderchicks/tigs.html MT: Are you adverstising? st: No! No one is going to look here. Time to get back to work. "Pretty Fly For a White Guy" drifts across the two worker bees.

Date: 03/26/00
From: MTwain
MT - My st you are quite the poster :-) st - Well the board needs life!! MT - You are correct! And no one will look here, so good post idea! st - I thought so :-) MT - I AM drinking a TAB!! <looks down at empty glass of ice> ... Well I was. BRB .. need a refill :-) st - I'll get it. <reaches over the bar and grabs a TAB out of the cooler and tosses it across to MT who is sitting on the couch under a pile of school books> MT - <raises hand over head to catch TAB> Thanks! st - Hey it's thundering out .... MT - Yeah I know I gotta get off line now .... I'll be back :-) HUGGs <grabs CD player remote and turns Godsmack back on ... at level 10> MT :-)

Yaaaaawwwwwnn. That's catching.
Date: 03/26/00
From: sleepingtiger
st grabs her own tab and a stack of grading. "It's late but I better get to work. I wonder if anyone else will come join us?" MT snores softly in a pile of pillows and textbooks. "How sweet." Thinking its a good idea st snuggles up in her own pile of pillows and a blanket, but not before putting up a 'Have a Kickin' Week' sign.

Where does time go?
Date: 04/03/00
From: MTwain
I could swear I was just in here posting yesterday .... MT - The weekend's gone, not enough studying done .... what the heck .... let's relax and listen to some nice quiet music. ST - <looks up over her pile of papers and glasses> Godsmack or Korn? MT - <Yawn and a smile> Korn <kicks her feet up on her growing pile of school books and grabs a pillow for her head> Laughs all around Miss everyone! MT

Man oh man where did time go?
Date: 04/09/00
From: sleepingtiger
tigs looked over at a sleeping MT....rough week eh?

Date: 06/02/00
From: EustiSlider

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/18950
Nominated by Blinker