Review of the new ANGEL series (OT)
Date: 10/06/1999
From: Executive
I don't like the private eye aspect of this series, because there have been too many (even non-supernaturally oriented) that have already ventured into that genre in the past. It also doesn't make sense that Cordelia would join forces with Angel and his new partner Doyle, a half-breed demon. Cordelia is both weird and sexy enough to live in L.A., but what worked as a supporting character in Sunnydale is totally out of place in the spinoff as one of the leads. It's understandable that her bitchy attitude would keep her from getting work as an actress, but why would she of all people encourage Angel to start a private detective business? She is really there as comic relief, and for that reason Cordelia will work in the show.
I still enjoyed Angel for its dark tone and interesting characters. The adult vampires in Los Angeles were certainly more formidable that the usual group of losers and misfits that turn up in Sunnydale (with the exception of the long-gone Mr. Trick from last year). The power hungry
businessman/vampire that Angel pushed out of the window into the sunlight and to his burning death would have made an excellent recurring character. From an action standpoint, it was a masterfully done death scene, and it looked to me like they used a stunt double!
The other superb killings were at the start of the show, when Angel pulled two knives from out of his coat arms to stake his vampire opponents. That's something that even James West (as played by Robert Conrad) would be proud of! Buffy never tried anything like this, because it just isn't as fashionable these days for women to wear long coats. With her sleeveless shirts, where would the girl hide her weapons?
I didn't care for Tina, the young women who Angel was instructed to help in the first episode. The actress playing her seemed as if she was reading off of cue cards and just wasn't convincing in expressing any real emotion.
Two things that didn't make sense:
1. Doyle -- This might be explained in later episodes, but exactly who sent him to help Angel? And why is it that upon their first meeting, when he morphed his face pins came out of it? I get the parody of Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies, but that doesn't account for the obvious fact that he is a different kind of demon then the ones we've seen in Buffy episodes.
2. How did Angel manage to avoid getting burned by the sunlight when leaving the office building in the end? The only theory I can think of regarding his entering the building would be if he hid in there from just before daybreak until the place opened in the morning. But then after killing that businessman vamp, how would he avoid the sun when he leaves?
A drunken Angel refers to Buffy as a "hottie" in the opening, and much later in the final scene he uses the term again when he asks Doyle if he thinks Cordelia is a hottie. I think they both are, but the point is that the writers should have more respect for women. "Babe" or "chick" would
have been much more appropriate! This also creates the impression that Angel may be trying to hook Doyle up with Cordy. That's not a bad idea, providing she doesn't discriminate against the undead in her relationships. ;-)
It's a shame that Angel will lose his soul (again) if he has sex with anyone, but if the ratings for this series are average -- but just good enough for the WB to still renew it for another year, it would make an excellent season finale next May if Angel fell to temptation and slept with Cordelia. Then he could bite her neck and she would become a vampire, and the two of them could leave town and travel all over the country terrorizing whomever they wanted each week! It would then be up to Doyle to stop them in a nationwide chase. Why not? We've only had about 3 dozen series that ventured into THE FUGITIVE territory! Actually, I'm just kidding. The network would probably just cancel it...

few notions
Date: 10/06/1999
From: HunterD_Raven
Also, i still find it hard to think of a 200+ year old calling women "hotty" weren't they supposed to have more respect for women back then?
I agree about Tina, she seemed like she took acting lessons with Keanu Reeves and Charlie OC.
As for the face, well every time we see a demon on buffy they look different.(Judge/Mayor/Computer Demon/many more)
Although i wonder what the Higher Power is, could this be the return of The First...having Angel kill the competition for it?
As for avoiding the sun...i guess he could do like when he brought buffy the demons heart in Earshot and cover up with his coat until he reaches a manhole for the sewers.
I wonder if i am gonna get flashbacks of the Mayor with this new law Firm?
A firm that specializes in Vamps....well i guess it's like the old joke
"Why don't vampires bite lawers?"
"Proffesional Courtesy"

I don't like Buffy but I like this
Date: 10/06/1999
Sorry Buffy people but I could never get into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It always seemed to hokey for what it was supposed to be. But I do like Angel so far. The dark troubled superheroesque thing I think is cool. Though I hope he isn't battling vampires all the time. I hope it's something like every 3rd ep. I would be too much like Buffy if they did that. They don't need another Buffy series.

Date: 10/06/1999
From: buffyboy
1.Angel doesn't lose his soul if he bangs someone, he loses it if he experiences TRUE happiness.
2.Doyle is half human, half Demon, like Whistler.
3.I was wondering bout how he got ina nd out of the building too.
4.I think that babe and chick are so...80's.

How are ya?
Date: 10/06/1999
From: Executive
1.Angel doesn't lose his soul if he bangs someone, he loses it if he experiences TRUE happiness.
* Actually he will, because to a demon, love and lust are one in the same. Plus because he still has his soul, Angel wouldn't even consider sleeping with a woman unless he really loved her. Just ask Buffy.
2.Doyle is half human, half Demon, like Whistler.
* Yes, well aware of that!
3.I was wondering bout how he got in and out of the building too.
4.I think that babe and chick are so...80's.
* Babe maybe, but chick goes back to the 50s. Both are still widely used today along with about 2 dozen other terms!

in and out
Date: 10/06/1999
From: jlbanker
It looks like he goes in and out from underground. He has that trap door. How he got into that other building during the day is what I want to know.

Date: 10/06/1999
From: Informant
Cordy is there because she needs money. She isn't getting acting jobs because there are quite a bit of people in Hollywood looking for acting jobs. Cordy likes having an old friend, and needs the cash.
Doyle is part demon, so I don't see any problem with his face. I didn't see needles, only blue dot things, but either way, that doesn't make him any different than any other demon we've seen.
I figure that, since the building was made for vampires to work in, there's probably sewer access or something. Take an elevator down to the covered garage, and find a sewer. No biggy.
David B. says Angel wouldn't lose his sould from doing it with just anyone. Buffy was his soulmate, so it was different. But, I really hope they don't make him a slut. The "romantic" vampire thing is way too over done.
I didn't like it as much as Buffy, but that's not surprising, since Buffy is the show to which all others should be held up to. But Angel is already one of the best on tv. It can only get better. If not, at least send them back to Sunnydale.

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