One or two typos, huh? Riiiiight.
> Well, it look's like the Sci-Fi Channel's
> latest attempt at getting some decent ratings
> (very unlikely) is to air episodes of tonight's
> 4 hour block of Showtime's "The Outer Limits"
> with former Star Trek actors.
1) "Looks" should not have an apostrophe, as it is not being
used in the possessive sense.
2) The phrase 'to air episodes of tonight's 4 hour block of Showtime's
"The Outer Limits" with former Star Trek actors' is illogically
constructed. A proper arrangement would be 'to air episodes of "The
Outer Limits" with former Star Trek actors during tonight's Four
> If you haven't already seen these episodes tune
> in to The Outer Limits tonight from 7 to 11 PM
> eastern (the same reruns air in the early morning
> hours as well).
3) There should be a comma after "episodes," as 'tune in
to The Outer Limits,' etc. is a separate clause.
4) "Eastern" should be capitalized.
> A weak story, it has absolutely nothing to
> do with Star Trek IV: The Voyager Home.
5) It was The VOYAGE Home, not VOYAGER.
> (4th and 5th season episodes have a different
> opening graphic montage from earlier seasons,
> although the theme song is the same)
Not a typo, but what was the point of bringing this up? It adds nothing
to the rest of your (already off-topic) comments, and feels like poorly
disguised filler (which is doubtlessly what it is.)
6) In any case, you forgot the period at the end of that sentence.
> A vastly overweight alien resembling Jabba the
> Hut is good for laughs in an otherwise typically
> serious story.
7) "Hutt" has two Ts. You, Greaseboy, are thinking of Pizza
Hut (your idea of a hot date.)
> Michelle Forbes as and FBI agent who
> pursues a murderer back in time.
8) Try "an," not "and." Get your Slither-lovin'
ass out of the unemployment line for a second and flash back to kindergarten-level
> Never a fan of Ensign Ro from her occasional
> guest appearances on "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
> I would have preferred Gillian Anderson in this role
> instead!
> Other episodes of Showtime's The Outer Limits
> to feature Star Trek actors include the first
> season remake of "I Robot" in which a robot is
> put on trial for murdering its creator.
9 & 10) Hellooooo! Comma check! Take a breath there, you're about
to pass out... not that that would have a negative effect on your conversational
> In the original Nimoy was a reporter covering
> the trail, and in the sequel he is one of the
> attorneys.
11) Whose trail was he trying to cover up, exactly? LOL.
> Ironically one of the all-time great
> episodes (2nd season) had one of theworst
> actors...
12) Spaces go between words, remember? Slow down; I think we here on
the SLIDERS board can wait another couple minutes to hear your review
of every single OUTER LIMITS with a Star Trek actor. Geez, most of these
aren't even on tonight (making your reviews doubly irrelevant to us.)
13) "All-time great episodes" doesn't really mean much. "All-time
greatest" would be a marked improvement.
> Rene Auberjonois -- too bad he just missed
> having the chance to work on that other
> episode with former BENSON co-star Gulliaume!!
14) It's GUILLAUME. Guess French was never your strong suit, unless
we're discussing your activities with toilet plungers.
> "Sarcofagus"
15) Already addressed.
> When Ted is injured the blood of his
> own slave alters his DNA, turning him
> into a Grell!!
16) Comma goes after "injured," separate clause, you know
the drill. Is punctuation taboo or something on your homeworld of Crapulon?
Side note:
> Hello?! That last part was a joke!
I believe you're confusing it with your love life, or possibly your
Well, that's over a dozen errors in a single post (even if a couple
are debatable as matters of style.) It's been real, but I've got people
with brains larger than emaciated Twinkies to talk to. Catch you around...
- Blinker 7:-D