Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate this thing
called The_Dominion Sliders Board... and to a lesser extent, the Studios
USA board and the #chandler chat room. Today, I, Brand_S, veteran poster,
bassist, college-chick magnet, apathetic ignorer of flame wars, and
vehement hater of this very board, (Ironic, isn't it?) brings you the
first part of a ten part series and gives another "What if?"
to add to the series' long list.
What if David Peckinpah competed with Tracy Tormé by executive
producing his own Sliders TV movie, and what if he brought a hundred
fans to the private screening?
I hope you enjoy what comes next. This story is, in fact, the sequel
to another story that has yet to be made.
I'll warn you now. Due to the obscene and poorly-articulated nature
of some of the fans here, I'll be swearing, I'll be dehumanizing people
I don't like, and this story will be a cross between a large, taut web
of continuities and a Byzantine mess that resembles a story at a passing
glance. Read at your own risk, and don't say I didn't fucking warn you!
I know this story may accidentally hit a nerve or two. Bear in mind
that people I dislike will invariably be killed in this story, but people
I like will get axed too. The reason for this is because, well, I'm
being realistic. But people will be attacking each other in this story
and, for the most part, it's to give my interpretation of some of the
inane flame wars on this board.
The following people are the ones I intend to be offended by their portrayal
here. Try to ignore the fact that only one out of these people is an
L-Person (a term which will be explained later, if you haven't already
figured it out).
· Brier_Rose
· DonProc
· Enigma
· gpc
· IMissQuinn
· JBrun94039
· Magnaflux
· MrQBall
· QBall3
· sabermaster
· sliderfanone
· SonGokou2000 (whose promotion is not recognized in this story;
the idiot deserves a promotion like Peck deserves a Medal of Honor)
· wade1013
· All Bungee Posters/Roody Poos/BaTHS
Try not to take it personally if you have not been included in this
story. There are so many people on this board that eventually something
had to give! Now, on with the show...
The Making of Riders
[ The scene starts in deep space. A message scrolls up slowly...
The Dominion War
Episode I
The Making of Riders
About a year down the line from now, in a city far, far away...
It is (as always) a period of civil war on the Dominion Board. Rebel
posters in support of Sliders, striking from their own computers, have
won their first victory against the evil trolls.
During the battle, Rebel posters managed to steal secret plans to a
movie about Sliders, a made-for-TV movie with enough power to piss off
an entire fan base.
Pursued by stupid, stupid trolls and angry, loyal Sliders fans, incompetent
producer David Peckinpah parties inside a restaurant, custodian of a
movie that can screw over his people and revoke freedom of intelligence
from the Sliders board.
We now go back down to Earth. It is a dark and stormy night. As we
speak, David "Peck" Peckinpah, Keith "Lunchboy"
Damron, and the cast of Sliders' last two seasons are sitting around
a large round table inside S the Great's Bar of Hollywood, California.
They're celebrating the end of production for a Sliders TV movie that
ties up all the series' loose ends (poorly done in the traditional Peck
We see the back of Peck's neck, where a small scar in the center is
bandaged up. ]
Peck: Well, it's been a great few months, but now, production of our
movie is all wrapped up! I hear that Tracy Tormé lady is doing
a Sliders movie too. Hopefully I'll get to see some of you in it...
not that I ever liked that frigid old cow. She never had an original
bone in her body!
Rob: Yeah, Pecker, it's been great!
Cleavant: Here here!
[ Kari stands up. ]
Kari: Well, I hate to ruin a good time...
[ Jerry and Cleavant both have a brief mental image of John Rhys-Davies
and Sabrina Lloyd. ]
Kari: ... but I better be going. See you later!
Rob: Yeah, I gotta be going too.
Tembi: Yeah, me too.
Jerry: I didn't even want to be here in the first place.
Charlie: Let's go.
[ Rob, Tembi, and the Brothers O'Connell get up and leave. Minutes
later, Cleavant suddenly feels extreme discomfort at being left alone
with Peck and Lunchboy. He suddenly, silently gets up and runs out of
the restaurant.
Lunchboy breaks the silence. ]
Lunchboy: So, Pecker, where do we go from here? What's next for the
Sliders TV movie?
Peck: Well, I was thinking of doing a private screening.
Lunchboy: For a TV MOVIE?!
Peck: Well, it's good publicity. Jerry will love me for it because I
gave him that executive producer credit! Besides, I have a plan. Have
you ever been to the Sliders board?
Lunchboy: Once. There was this Brand_S guy I thought was awesome, but
everybody was flaming him. I figured it wasn't the atmosphere for me.
Peck: That doesn't surprise me. The people there all hate each other.
I figure I could use this to my advantage. [eyes have a strange happy
glow] If I bring all those Sliders fans to this private screening, they'll
all kill each other, and there'll be no Sliders fans left to worship
this old dead show!
Lunchboy: Why would you want the Sliders fans to die?
Peck: I have two new shows coming up. One is a reality-based show called
"The Dominion War" in which we trap 100 people between two
hotels and watch the "Lord of the Flies" action ensue! The
other is a show called "Riders" which is a... tribute to Sliders.
Now, fans of Sliders might think I'm ripping off their show, especially
since the show's original name was supposed to be "Slidders."
If I'm accused of ripping off other shows, it could ruin my career!
I've decided the only solution is to... [gets an evil look on his face]
kill every Sliders fan on the planet! [starts laughing maniacally]
Lunchboy: Oh, all right. But how are you going to go about that?
Peck: Look how much they hate each other! If we do a private screening,
these Sliders fans will see each other in person and get so pissed at
one another that they'll kill each other off!
Lunchboy: How can we be sure they'll all show up?
Peck: I'll tell them that if they show up they get to meet the stars
of Sliders. They'll stay in the Dominion and Chandler hotels, which
are right across the street from each other. They'll also be eligible
to win these!
[ Peck puts two briefcases on the table. He opens one, revealing huge
wads of cash lined up inside. He opens the other, but we don't see the
contents. We simply see the green glow from behind and the look of awe
on Lunchboy's face. ]
Peck: Lunchboy, I need you to e-mail 100 regulars of the Dominion Board,
including this Brand_S fellow you mentioned. We'll bring them all to
Hollywood and watch them slaughter each other. [Peck laughs his morbid
laugh] Hee hee hyork hyork hyork!
Lunchboy: [laughing] Mwa ha ha ha ha! ... Um, hey, can we discuss this
over lunch?
[ Two days later, we go to Brand_S' house. Brand_S renews his addiction
by checking out the Dominion Board. "Enriched" by the knowledge
of other Sliders fans, he goes to the bathroom and proceeds to ralph
like a bulimic the way he always does after being nauseated by the ignorami
who grow like fungus on the Board. He goes back to his computer and
checks his e-mail. ]
Brand_S: What? Keith Damron? What's Lunchboy want with me?
[ Brand_S reads the message:
Dear (insert name here):
You are cordially invited to fabulous Hollywood, California for a private
screening of the Sliders television movie spectacular! All your friends
from are going,
so you better get your ass in gear too!
You'll be staying at either the Chandler or Dominion Hotels, which are
right across the street from each other! You get to meet the cast of
your two favorite seasons, Season 4 and Season 5, then you eat lunch
with me, Keith Damron! You'll be entered in a drawing to win two very
special prizes! We hope to see you there!
Keith "Lunchboy" Damron
««« ]
Brand_S: Cool. I've been wondering what Yeontoo looks like.
[ In a library far, far away, the Executive is reading the same message
in his e-mail In-Box. He laughs hysterically in response, and pulls
out a switchblade. ]
Executive: Flux, the final battle is most definately at hand! Mwa ha
[ Exec puts the switchblade in his mouth but has to sneeze and succeeds
only in cutting the corners of his mouth. He grabs the blade again and
runs enthusiastically from the library.]
Executive: Ha ha ha!
[ Meanwhile, in the South, Yeontoo, that lovable Southern belle, checks
her own e-mail. She's been waiting for a message from Brand_S, whom
she hasn't heard from since one of her kids spammed his e-mail account.
Instead, she gets the Lunchboy e-mail too. ]
Yeontoo: Jeppers! I do declare, this'll certainly be excitin'! I surely
have been wondrin' what S looks like!
[ On a computer not so far away from Yeontoo's house, TemporalFlux
is checking his e-mail as well. He sees the Lunchboy e-mail in his In-Box.
Just thinking about all the other people who probably got this mail
gives him a headache. But he still debates going anyway. ]
TemporalFlux: This will be the *perfect* chance to correct all of the
things that have ruined Sliders over the years. Furthermore, all the
people who have told me how *wrong* I am are in *alot* of trouble!
[ In Canada, Ed_The_Sock is checking his e-mail and is surprised by
what he sees. ]
Ed_The_Sock: So, dere's gonna be a Sliders meetin' comin' up! Da sock's
gonna be burnin' some mooks wit da stogie tomorrow! Dat's for damn sure!
Buncha friggin' MOOKS...
[ In some undisclosed location (probably a middle school computer lab),
sliderfanone checks his e-mail as well. Although it takes long periods
of contemplation and comprehension, he eventually realizes that one
of the people behind Sliders is getting him to go to California, and
that Brand_S will probably be there. ]
sliderfanone: finally a chance for revenge against BRAND_S AKA 1 IQ!!!!!
hes a little boy who [if sliderfanone were a smarter person, there would
be an ellipsis here]
[ That day, 100 people went to 100 airports, boarded 100 planes, (except
in the case of KllyWlls and a few other LA residents) and headed for
Hollywood. ]
NEXT: 1st Blood From a 2nd Rate PoS
One of these six posters WILL DIE! Who will this unlucky person be?
(Hint, hint, hint: Who do you THINK it'll be?!) Also, witness the first
meeting between HunterD_Raven and Jerry O'Connell! Let's not forget
"When Exec meets Flux!" Find out who Ed's first stogie-victim
will be! And throughout all this, Yeontoo maintains an aura of perfect
niceness! Finally, Brand_S becomes a god, but can sliderfanone stop
him? (That'll be the day.) Find out soon, baby!