All Hail the Queen
She bowed and pranced enjoying the funny dance
He wiped off the make-up and tossed the wig with a jig
The fanatics laughed and cried at her antics
She was stunned to see her friend become
The queen they all danced and screamed for
He bowed and pranced enjoying the silly dance
He wiped off the make-up and tossed the wig grinning
For the fanatics were crazily spinning
While four more dressed to bore the normal
Jumped from the catwalk into a shimmering hole
The sliders land on a world where drag queens rule and Rembrandt Brown
is their "king." While they explore this cross dressing culture
Margeret tries to fit into the group and Quinn works on methods to block
the signal from his tracking device. Wade still tries to come to terms
with Arturo's death.
Wow. I got a response from SL4ever! And Twainy to boot. I hope ya'll
enjoy this descent (this time it's actually spelled correctly). Thanks
again for the support!