wine and a ff poem.
Date: 06/01/2000
From: Tigs
Old Lessons
His blood was on my hands and agony filled my heart
Death courted him for far too long before claiming
Him and shattering all our foursome held dear
He stands now hale and hearty--whole
Life courses through his every breath
Softly the smile he shares breaks me down
I watch them as they realize finally
I am alive and ready to help them
Relearn all the lessons of my time
Wade, Margeret, and Rembrandt end up back on the Azure Gate Bridge World.
They soon discover it's no accident.
Thanks for the responses from the faithful few. They mean a great deal.

really love your poetry.
Date: 06/01/2000
From: Slider_Sarah

heppened there?
Date: 06/01/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
It was meant to carry on...
You know that, right?
Giga hugs Tigger.

lovin' it Tigs :)
Date: 06/01/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
Just haven't gotten to replying to all of them. I swear I do read them
tho!!! :)
Nice work

Going Tigs.
Date: 06/01/2000
From: Yeontoo
Dear Tigs,
I read em, even if I don't reply. I was told today that I don't speak
up enough, so I'll try to rectify that.
I do enjoy your writing :)

does she get this stuff?
Date: 06/01/2000
From: Doctor_Quinn
It's not fair, Tigs! You *must* have some sort of unnatural, heavenly
ability to convert these words into beautiful pieces of magic. Amazing!
Can't wait for the next one!
The good doctor

Date: 06/01/2000
From: dellyone
They found the professor. Sweet writing once again, Tigs.
SE, you swear? LOL. BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I see that you converted back to...
Date: 06/01/2000
From: Stoker_chick
...alcoholic beverages. Hmmm, I wonder if that's your secret?
J/K, obviously, but still, I can't wait until I finally finish up exams,
and at last have some time to read the rest of your fan fiction. I really
wonder how much better a quality writing could reach, assuming that
lack of writers block is that much different (which I can't imagine).
At least you're giving those who read these the opportunity to envision
in their minds what Sliders could have been in a perfect world.
Peace out.

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