Wade stood at the window, trembling inside. She knew why he had
come. Her mind was an open book where he was concerned, and he
had read every thought. She turned to face him.
“You don’t have to say anything. I know why you’re here.”
she said quietly. He took hold of her arms, then slid his hands slowly
to hers. She closed her eyes at his touch.
“Wade, you have to face this. You know now you are not ready
to return to your friends. You may never be ready.”
A tear slipped out from under her lid and made its way down her cheek.
His words hurt so much, only because they were true. She had tried
so hard to blend in here; she wanted things to be like they were before,
and she thought she was on her way to fulfilling that dream -- until
Quinn. Thinking of being with him again after everything that
had happened made her blood freeze in her veins.
When they all wondered into the Sassy Brass a couple of nights ago,
her heart wrenched, but she thought she could handle dealing with their
doubles. She wanted to prove to him she would be all right.
But when Remmy had told her who he really was, turmoil bubbled up and
never gave her a second’s peace. Hearing that her real sister
was among the group was the last straw. She wasn’t ready for any
of this. She opened her eyes to stare into his.
“You’re right, Kryoptus. Now is not the time. I thought
I could handle it, but I can’t.” She buried her face in his chest
and wept openly.
“It can’t be true!” Remmy said in disbelief. “Why would
he be here with our Wade?”
“I don’t know, but that’s what I intend to find out. I kept
hoping that she wasn’t really ours, but after hearing her reaction to
Kelly’s presence, I have the feeling she is,” Quinn said.
“Who is Kryoptus?” Kelly asked.
“He is a Humagg that we met up with on another world,” Colin
Remmy muttered under his breath. “A dirty, bastard Kromaggot.”
“I don’t understand. What’s a Humagg?”
“Half-human, half-Kromagg.” Colin explained. “Kryoptus
was . . .”
“All Kromagg, if you ask me.” Remmy interrupted. “He killed
the Humagg woman that loved him, and had no remorse about it.”
“So what do you think he’s doing here with Wade?” Every answer
they gave her just prompted Kelly to ask another question.
“Whatever it is, it’s no good,” Maggie chimed in. “My
guess is that it has something to do with you, Quinn. I say, we
get Conie, and get the hell out of here while we still can.”
“I’m not leaving Wade with that bastard,” Remmy growled.
“You can bet your life on that. I left her in the hands of those
animals once before; I’m not about to do again. If you’re with
me, fine; if not, I’ll do it on my own.” He turned and headed
toward the door.
“Remmy, where do you think you’re going?” Quinn yelled.
“Where the hell do you think?” He jerked the door open, exited,
and slammed it behind him before the others could even think to stop
“Quinn. I do not think we should let him go alone,” Colin
said. “In fact, I do not think we should let him go at all.
We do not know all the facts. It could be dangerous.”
“You’re right, Colin. You stay with the girls; I’ll be right
Maggie released a heavy sigh as Quinn marched out of the room.
She grabbed Kelly’s arm and headed for the bedroom.
“Come on, Kelly. Let’s get dressed. Something tells me
we aren’t going to get anymore sleep tonight.”
Kelly followed reluctantly, and turned to speak to Colin. “We
will go and get my sister, won’t we? Won’t we, Colin?”
He heard the fear in her voice, saw it in her eyes, and felt it in
his heart. The answer to her question? Of course, they would try.
But if that were the real Wade Welles, and she was in the company of
a Kromagg half-breed, would any of them come out of this unscathed?
“Remmy! Remmy, hold up!” Quinn yelled as he caught up
with his friend at the front door of the Dominion.
“Don’t try and stop me, Q-ball. I would hate to have to flatten
you, but I would, you know,” Remmy said as he kept walking.
“I’m not making the same mistake twice.”
“No, Remmy, I understand. I don’t want to make a another
mistake either. I know we have to get her away from that guy,
but we can’t just go over there and storm the place. We have to
have more details about their situation. We have to have a plan.”
“Their situation? Are you out of your mind, man? What
the hell are you saying? Are you implying that Wade wants to be with
that bastard?” Remmy was livid at Quinn’s words. “Why I
ought to deck you right here and now!”
“No, Remmy. Please.” Quinn was practically running to
keep up with his friend. “Will you just stop walking for five minutes
and listen to me?”
They stood right in the middle of the deserted sidewalk at three in
the morning, with Quinn finally persuading Remmy to see to reason.
He convinced him to return to their room, so they could map out an organized
Remmy was very uneasy about leaving Wade with Kryoptus for one more
second, but Quinn sold him on the idea that she would be all right.
He didn’t mention the main reason for wanting to have a strategy.
No need to worry Remmy with the idea that there might be more Kromaggs
in the area than just Kryoptus.
They retraced their steps and headed for their room in the Dominion.
Quinn’s brain raced with thoughts on how to take care of the situation.
Surely, the five of them could come up with a viable solution.
But no matter what, he would do something. He wasn’t going to
leave Wade with the Kromaggs again. He had a second chance.
He wasn’t about to blow it this time.