Colin stood in front of the wood-paneled door and took a deep breath.
He raised his fist to knock, then hesitated. Looking up, then
closing his eyes, he prayed once more that he would have the right words
to say, and that things would turn out right for everyone.
It had been the consensus that he would talk to Wade first.
Since she didn’t have any emotional interest invested in him, she might
not slam the door in his face. Maybe he could get her to talk about
what was going on. He knocked on the door.
It opened within seconds, and a petite brunette greeted him.
Colin flinched. He hadn’t been this close to the woman before, and although
he knew she and Kelly looked a lot alike, he wasn’t prepared for such
a resemblance. Except for the height, they could be twins.
He hoped this feeling wouldn’t affect his task at hand.
“Wade Welles?” he finally managed to say, but knowing it wasn’t
necessary to ask.
Wade’s breath caught in her throat. She knew who this man was,
and knew he wouldn’t be here if Remmy hadn’t told him who she really
was. Why him? Was he the only one Remmy told? If not,
then why didn’t Quinn show up?
For a split second she thought of slamming the door in his face, but
somehow she had the feeling that wouldn’t deter this man. He had
determination in his eyes -- just like Quinn. When she saw that
look, she knew there would be no stopping him. The only way to
find out the truth was to let this man in.
“Yes. And you’re Colin Mallory. Please, come in.”
Colin was a bit surprised at how easy that was. He had expected
her to resist, at least, a little. He swallowed hard. Maybe
Kryoptus was here, and maybe he wasn’t the only one. What if he
was walking into an ambush? He let his eyes roam around the room
as she closed the door behind him. No one else was to be seen.
“Please, have a seat.” She gestured to the sofa. “I know
why you’re here, so let’s not beat around the bush. Yes, I am
the real Wade Welles -- the one that originally slid with Quinn, Remmy,
and the professor. Did Remmy spill the beans to everyone, or just
Colin sat down, her straight-forwardness surprising him even more.
He decided to handle things the same way. “He told me first.
The man was so confused. He was elated at having found you, yet,
worried about your insistence that he not tell us. It was just
too much for him to keep that news from my brother -- and your sister.”
Wade felt a shiver go up her spine when he said ‘sister’.
“My sister -- she knows?”
“Yes. Quinn knew something was going on and confronted Remmy.
He had to tell. Maggie and Kelly were in the room. I have
to confess I do not understand your attitude. After all you have
been through, I would think you would be more than eager to be reunited
with your friends . . . and especially, your sister.”
Wade closed her eyes. She could feel the tears rising up from
the pit of her soul. Determination not to cry set in. In
seconds, the feeling left like a receding tide. The Kromaggs had
taught her well.
“Why did you come here, Colin? Why not Kelly . . . or Quinn?”
She asked the question to put him in the hot seat instead of her.
She wasn’t quite ready to talk yet.
“Considering your reaction to Remmy’s suggestion last night, we thought
it best if an . . . outsider, so to speak, talked to you first.
Remmy’s description of your attitude last night was very clear.
You did not want Quinn and Kelly to know your true identity. I
came to find out why, if I may be so bold, and to try to persuade you
to change your mind.”
She ignored his request for answers for the moment. All in due
time . . . maybe. Another question bubbled up. “And how did my
sister and Quinn take the news? Are they all right?”
“Of course, they were both shaken . . . and confused about your reactions.”
Colin hesitated. He didn’t want to mention Quinn’s observance
of her other visitor last night, at least not yet. It would be
better if she brought it up. But he had the distinct feeling she was
purposely being very tight-lipped. Every response he gave prompted
another question from her. She gave no answers to his questions
at all. Was this her decision, or his control?
“They want to see you, Wade, as you can well imagine. Will you
not reconsider your feelings on the matter?” he continued.
Wade rose and went to the window. Colin looked around, half-expecting
Kryoptus to appear. There was no one. He went to stand beside
her. Close proximity might do more good.
She felt the heat of his nearness, and closed her eyes. Visions
of Quinn materialized. They were so much alike . . . same height,
same build, same hair, and the same haunting crystal blue eyes.
She was being smothered. Why did he have to stand so close?
“Wade?” His voice floated softly to her ears. “Wade, please
talk to me. We can all work this out if we know what is going
on. You can trust me, Wade. I want what is best for everyone.
I am on your side, as well as theirs. Let me help. Tell
me your true thoughts.”
That voice -- it penetrated her wall of defense like a battering ram
going through marshmallows. She couldn’t just walk away from this
and leave them wondering. Her thoughts would be told to this man, and
then she would leave. Kryoptus could take her away under the cloak
of darkness. At least they could slide without wondering. It was
the least she could do for them.