poll on BuffyBoy!!!!
Date: 9/22/99
From: Fish_Bone
Who hates him?
Who thinks he is ok?
Who wants him to go away?
Who wants him to stay?
I say give him a chance. But thats my opinion.

Date: 9/22/99
From: Brand_S
I'm not going to pretend I don't like Buffyboy just because it's been
established that TemporalFlux and SpaceTime dislike him. I may be extremely
obsequious, but I'm no sheep.
Buffyboy's an okay person. I like him. I've seen him do some stupid
stupid shit, but we all make mistakes. The guy means well, which is

with condition
Date: 9/23/99
From: jlbanker
I say buffyboy should stay but get rid of the profanity
(for those of us under 14 that's bad words).

he's ok... a lot better than...
Date: 9/23/99
From: slider409
all the other Pricks on the board, who's names I wont
mention here. later

opinion of BuffyBoy
Date: 9/23/99
From: SpaceTime
What do I think of BuffyBoy? He's irritating, and he's
a hypocrite. All he wants is to post however he likes, yet when someone
razzes him for whatever reason, his thin skin kicks in and we have to
deal with his anger and frustration. He's left several times only to
return within hours. As far as I know, he contributes nothing to the
Overall, I'd rate him just above "Easy Slider."
Do I want him to go? Nah... he posts more than almost anyone else, and
considering the kid is in eighth grade he manages to find plenty of
time during the day to log on. But I don't think anyone should scram.
That's pointless.

think he's a good guy...
Date: 9/23/99
From: KllyWlls
...If you don't try to bug him or get on his bad side.
He doesn't fly off the handle for no reason, but he does get mad. The
difference between him and others is that when he's mad he'll tell you
and he won't be shy about it. I don't think that's a bad thing. -KW

Boy is a VERY intelligent young
Date: 9/23/99
From: KareFree
man who, with a little more life experience, will become
a wonderful addition to the grown-ups among us. He is young and has
many opinions that may change as the years go by. Do any of us believe
exactly the same way you did at 13? He seems like a good guy and deserves
a little slack from some of the posters.

Is Okay
Date: 9/23/99
From: CharmedClass2005
but only when he doesn't get profane.Then,he writes stupendous

Date: 9/23/99
From: buffyboy
I feel loved:) Thanks, guys (and girls:)
And to SpaceTime:I already apologized to you, and was (still am) being
nice to you. In the recent past you have been pretty friendly with me.
I thought we could be friends, or at least aquaintances. I guess not.
Oh well:(
CharmedClass:I'll try not to get so...angry:)

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/12485
Nominated by Fish_Bone