Anyone feel the earthquake?
Even thought people in CA felt it, who heard about it?
I live in CA (sadly) And i felt two of them! one back in 1994, I think
it was on ML King Day. Not sure, but i do know
it was big! And the power was off for two weeks. Then last
night. What the hell? Some say that in the year 2000, Cali
1. Become an Island
2. Will sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Even thought i really don't think this will happen, You
can't help but to think huh? With all these quakes, what will become
of CA? I understand there was another quake
in between 1994-1998. I am sure we have all seen the
specials on TV. where phyics say California will be torn
by a earthquake. What does everyone else think?
1. Yes, I think California will sink
2. Cali will become a Island
3. California is staying right where it is.