My friends are prejudice....
My friends make fun of me all the time because of who I am.
They laugh at me and make fun of the way I talk.
Sometimes I cry at night and think, am I the only one?
They won't let me touch their stuff, because i am not the same as them.
I tried to date my friend's sister, but he won't let me because i am....a....(I
am sorry, the name he calls me is to offensive)
They are just stereotypes!!!
But they are my friends, and I am proud of who I am!
I am a Sliders Fan!!!
"My friends make fun of me all the time because of who I am"
Yeah, so what if i am a Sliders fan?
"They laugh at me and make fun of the way I talk"
So what if I call them Blistering Idiots?
So what if i talk Sliders?
"Sometimes I cry at night and think, am I the only one?"
Huh? Did I say that?
"They won't let me touch their stuff, because i am not the same
as them"
So what if i don't watch Buffy?
"I tried to date my friend's sister, but he won't let me because
i am....a....Buffy Bashing, Quantum Leap loving,
Sliders Fan"
I think Buffy sucks, so what?
This is me obviously making fun of not only Post about Prejudice, but
Discrimination all together.
Hey, in this crazy world we need a laugh!
Seriously though, my friends do rag on me once in awhile about watching
Sliders! LOL! Anyone else like me?
Fish Bone