Date: 2/6/2000
From: FogBoy

Hello all. I'm largely new here, short of lurking around (sorry... I know you're just flowing with the newbies now), but, with Sci-Fi ending its run of SLIDERS and the show left hanging, I've begun work on my own sixth season to follow up the series.

Now, obviously we all know I'm not the first to try this, since Phoenix Virtual Television has one already running, but it's in a very different style than what I'm attempting.

Information on my upcoming "Unofficial Sixth Season" (which I call TUS6, as opposed to the Phoenix Virtual Season 6 = PTS6), such as what makes it different from the one available through Phoenix and when the first episode will go up (well, vaguely), is all available at:

Hopefully, you guys won't hate me for trying something a little different, and maybe a few of you will even enjoy the stories and my writing style.

As it currently stands, I have links to the other Season 6 already on my site, and I hope to convince the writers of that one to do the same for me -- not that they have any e-mail addresses on their site. Do anyone of those writers hang out here?

Thanks for your time, all. I hope you guys will give me a chance.

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