SciFi Wire Wrecks Sliders Article(New)

Date: 01/31/2000
From: hakavonn

There's a new article on the SciFi wire about the final episode of SLIDERS. (You have to dig for it a little, since the menu under the featured articles doesn't show it. You have to go to one of the lower articles, like the one about the new "apes" TV series, before the Sliders article shows up in the menu.)

They blew it.

In mentioning that this Friday will be the last new episode and the series finale, it says that the episode "brings back original cast member Cleavant Derricks".

Hmmm....I guess he must have quit AFTER "Eye of the Storm"....I must've missed that...

Par for the course, eh hakavonn?

Date: 01/31/2000
From: ElectricPeterTork

I mean, first they wreck the show, then they wreck an article about the final episode...

Did we really expect anything more than ineptitude from the "brains" behind the Sci-Fi channel? Remember, these are the same people who think Lexx, First Wave, and Farscape are all shining examples of quality science fiction...

Still better than the sliders site...

Date: 01/31/2000
From: Informant

Look at the main Sliders site. It describes the Seer as being the episode where we find out how the original Sliders all came together!

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