"Why don't you just get a life and leave me the hell alone ?
Ponder that for a while, mrbrown_1602 (or should I say EPT... the very
mention of EPT in the message gives yourself away.)"
Boy, that's the stupidest bit of circular logic I've ever heard.
Do you also believe that since the sun is in the sky every time you
wake up,that it is there only because you wake up, and that if you didn't
wake up, the sun wouldn't be in the sky? After reading your last post,
I would think you do believe that.
Sorry, but you're seeing boogeymen where there's nthing but empty space.
You're cracking.
And they said I was paranoid, delusional, and a troll back in the day.
Guess they hadn't seen mrbrown1602.
Oh, how the "mighty" have fallen.