this ALL (this means YOU)
Date: 8/29/99
From: HunterD_Raven
a am posting the origional URL for this as a response to another post
but i want everyone to read it. (added some more points as well
Date: 8/4/99
From: HunterD_Raven
I am doing this partially since Exec asked why i didn't like 4. And
a good way to get out these feelings about both so i can copy the url
and just add it to the new S5 haters insted of talking while i am still
Why i didn't like season 4/ A lot of things, 1st i still say Jerrys
acting was bad..i will get back to this later. Now..for 3 years one
of the main attractions to the show was that they where from "Our"
earth. Even the time they landed back with the OJ trial and all i loved
it. Then PECK comes up with the braindead idea "Hey the MAggs,..who
are now Nazis and have origions that toatally contradict the Invasion
ep, are really from Quinns home, and Quinn is not from our earth..and
our earth was invaded" I am sorry but that idea sounds like a cheap
wannabe bull. Wade was a very minor thing to me. As said before i don't
stay for any 1 actor. I like the show,not particular actors. Then they
fight Maggs on every few eps. The way it was done they may as well have
stayed on 1 earth. go here, find the weapon,go there find the camp and
the girl, they could have travelled 1 world insted of sliding. It was
like any other sci-fi show..sliding was not a part of it really. On
what few eps they did slide into a different world it was usually running
from the guy who ran it.And Charlie..the reason i didn't post against
him in year 4 was because i did not want to piss off all his fans, same
with Jerry back then. I did not want to start any arguments back then.
THAT is why. Jerrys acting, it was JErry not Quinn being jaded. Ever
seen Revelations..come on most of the ep he was supposed to be HAPPY,
he came off as Ben Stein son. (Lack of emotion)and the final line where
Maggie says"hope you do find home someday" and he says "Yeah
me too" could have been done with optimism, or regretfulness. insted
it sounded like he was POd about something.
Now onto season 5
In my opinion it has alrady beat 4. The idea of Mergeing worlds..IMO
right out of As time...arghh pardom me didn't watch it for the 3rd time
and forget the name..the Dalin ep. That was what i thought had happened
to the last world. USM wasn't great but it was better than most season
4 eps. Atleast it had a somewhat origional idea. Applied Physics had
something very little of season 4 had..made you think,and the mental
harm. Psychological self hurt, it was good to me. I agree Great Work
sucked but it was a season 4 script..and iwas so afraid the invaders
where Maggs. New Gods For Old was genius..even though half of these
morons think it came from Treks Borgs (The idea of tech colonies is
far older than Trek) Also this was Borg it is technology
taking out the this it is a shared mind but an understanding,
not some universal takeover..peace of mind. And the fact they didn't
say it was right are wrong was genius..NOTHING is as cut & clear
as people act..a grey area was genius. Press 1 i actually did not love
or like as much, but it was good. And Current Affair was great parody
and humor, something totally missing in season 4.To me the spirit of
the 1st 2 seasons has been recaptured. These eps are not as interchangeable
as last year. And definately not as forgettable. (Memorable ones last
year where mostly memorable cause they where so bad)
Maybe i am just a guy who prefers to see the good as to the bad. but
to me Floyd has already surpassed Jerrys acting last year. Diana is
already more loveable in just the 2nd ep thanColin was all year.
And the writing has already far surpassed Season 4.
Maybe i just am optimistic..which is odd a gothic optimist...but that
sums up my feelings on both seasons.
one last thing about those who just love to say the show has no Jerry.
they are like those in the fairytale of the emporer with no clothes.
it is always the perogotive of children and half-wits to point out that
the emporer has no clothes...but the half-wit remains a half-wit and
the emporer remains the emporer.(Neil Gaimen quote...he is one of my
favorite writers...
Just /dreaming is a site devoted to him..this a scbased on his graphic
novel..the sandman...where i took my chat name Morpheus from)

agree w/you Hunter, yet again!
Date: 8/29/99
From: MissingSlider
And, this is even with me not catching every episode of Season 4! The
ones I have catched though, parts of "Genesis" & Revelations"
& all of "The Alternativeville Horror" & "Slide
By Wire" -- JOC's heart didn't seem to be in "Sliders"
anymore (at least on the acting side) -- he comes across as stiff, like
he could have mailed in his performances and we wouldn't have noticed
(I know in much of Season 3, except for a few eps. such as "Slide
Like An Egyptian", "Dead Man Sliding", "The Guardian",
"Double Cross", "Rules Of the Game" & "Murder
Most Foul" -- Jerry had came across in the others of Season 3 like
he was "full of himself" {I still hate both Peckinpah and
Jerry for not having Quinn express more emotion when the Professor died
than Quinn did -- and isn't it interesting that in the first two episodes
["The Unstuck Man" & "Applied Physics"] of Season
5 Robert Floyd's Mallory mentions and appreciates the Professor more
than Jerry O'Connell's Quinn did at all in the last half of Season 3
and all of Season 4 -- and Floyd didn't ever get to work with Rhys-Davies
-- I wonder if Rhys-Davies' has watched Season 3 [after he left] to
Season 5 and took notice of that?} and I know this was because Jerry
was coming off the fact that he had just filmed (and I have a feeling
he knew then that it was going to be success) "Jerry McGuire"
(I think after that Jerry felt he really didn't need "Sliders"
-- and before I get flamed, I understand that he was one of the main
people who beat the drum for Sci-Fi to pick up "Sliders",
but you have to remember he demanded at that time to have more power
-- direct more and even try then to be a producer {he backed down then,
but the writing on the wall was already there of what he would do in
and to Season 5}). And, in some respects his "stuck up acting"
in a lot of Season 3 {except for those 6 episodes I mentioned above}
and stiff acting/could have been mailed in acting of Season 4, Jerry
had just about said his, "adios" to us "Sliders"
fans! Now, this is not to say that I'm a huge fan of Robert Floyd, but
I do think so far this Season 5, Floyd is acting better in the unit
of Wuhrer, Derricks, himself & Locke than Jerry did in most of Season
3 with both the team of Rhys-Davies, himself, Lloyd & Derricks and
the other team of Season 3 of himself, Lloyd, Derricks & Wuhrer{at
that time though you could tell that Wuhrer had not taken so many acting
lessons herself and/or Lloyd seemed to be not having her heart into
the show by that time, so that wasn't totally Jerry's fault, but certainly
Jerry didn't help any} or Season 4's team of himself, Wuhrer, Derricks
& his brother Charlie! Now, Charlie is a whole different matter,
I wish that his character had never been invented or they had gone a
different route with his character (I am still totally confused, from
reading Space Time's site of EarthPrime some of the odd things about
the backstory of both Quinn & Colin changing so much -- just between
episodes in Season 4 -- I can't wait until I get the videotapes of Season
4 so I can discuss this better -- but I think Space Time's EarthPrime
site gives me a pretty good handle about what happened!) -- if you ask
me it would have made more sense to have the original story idea that
Peckinpah killed of Colin ending up being a Kromagg spy and having the
backstory told to Quinn in "Genesis" be totally bogus and
that neither Remmy, Wade, Quinn or Maggie never made it to the true
EarthPrime {from Season 1's "The Pilot"} in the episode "Genesis"
-- it would have made things much more believable, it would have made
life with a Season 5 much easier and if some how we get a future Season
6 it would make bringing back any character (except for maybe Colin),
Wade, Arturo & Quinn much more easier to explain how!
And, one more thing about why I don't like what I have seen or read
so far about Season 4 over Season 5 (like Hunter has written) I agree
with Hunter about the more originality of episodes this season over
the majority of Season 4 episodes (and besides the ones she has mentioned,
"The Return Of Maggie Beckett", "Java Jive" &
even "Easy Slider {although, the character of Mallory's reaction
& Sam being a bigamist I could do without}) and they have been much
better done and within the realm of the original Tracy Torme concept
of the "Sliders" visiting alternate history earths (including
the least favorite of mine, "Easy Slider" & "The
Great Work") and I agree with Tembi Locke she is sooooo much better
than Charlie O'Connell was or Jerry O'Connell was in the majority of
Season 3 or all of Season 4! And of course Kari has improved tremendously
over the way she acted in Season 3! But, anyway here is what I wish
had been done differently, and this is just my opinion (maybe wish)
-- there is a lot of me that wishes that the first episode of Season
4 had had that the answer to the question many of us have from Season
3's finale of "This Slide Of Paradise" what did Quinn throw
into the vortex after Wade & Remmy jumped had been one of the other
three timers (either the original or Steve Jensen's that Rickman had
had) and Maggie & Quinn went randomly sliding with the Egyptian
timer, but with a price that Wade & Remmy would only find out about
in the opening of Season 4 -- and that is that Maggie became "unstuck"
(it would have been more interesting to see a Season 4 premiere of "The
Unstuck Woman" than either a "Genesis" or "The Unstuck
Man") and Quinn got stuck in Mallory's body (although, perhaps
at that time making the body look more like Quinn's) and having Wade
& Remmy needing to get help (and not on the true Earth Prime) from
Dr. Geiger's (again the one responsible for the Combine that unstuck
Maggie and stuck Quinn and Mallory together) assistant, Diana Davis!
I myself would have loved to see Sabrina Lloyd as Wade, Derricks continuing
as Remmy, probably Jerry O'Connell as Quinn-Mallory & Tembi Locke
as Diana Davis continuing to slide on into a Season 4 (and who knows
how much farther) trying to accomplish two things, unstick Maggie and
stop Dr. Geiger's experiments and without all the real Season 4's crap
of the Kromaggs (maybe have a one, two, maybe three story episode arc
in a Season 4 -- maybe Season 5 of Colin, a Kromagg spy, trying to convince
Quinn-Mallory that he is Quinn's true brother -- but Quinn-Mallory not
buying it!) And, we might have had to have episodes such as "Slide
By Wire", "The Return Of Maggie Beckett (maybe it would have
been the "The Return of Diana Davis or Wade Welles" instead),
"A Current Affair", "Please Press One" and so on
-- focus more on Wade or Diana than Maggie! But, oh! well we'll never
know how a Season 4, not Peckinized so badly might have been --now will
