Read (Everyone)
Date: 8/30/99
From: HunterD_Raven
Well since it seems like the flame days might be returning I wanted
to write this so please read. (It all relates to sliders in a way TRUST
This is my deal. When I was little I watched My Secret Identity, it
was one of my favorite shows. It's star Jerry O'Connell, I LOVED the
show. It's even part of the reason I started collecting comic books,
a collection which is now huge and pretty valuable. Well a few years
later, after that show (MSI) was canned I saw a commercial for a new
show called SLIDERS, and I started watching for 1 very simple reason
to see what Jerry was doing, to see what I THEN thought of as "Jerrys"
new show.
I watched it, the big 2 hour premiere of Sliders, and by the end it
had stopped being about Jerry, it wasn't "his" show, I'm not
sure where it happened, the 1st Slide, the first Double, maybe when
Wade died in it, but to me it stopped being about Jerry. It was about
the show, the ideas of new worlds where things went so differently.
Communists taking over, Worlds where the ice age is happening again,
it was amazing and since I had always loved sci-fi it was the best Sci-fi
show I had seen in ages. I have watched since DAY 1, and only missed
1 ep in all that time. I LOVE season 1-2 they where pure genius, frankly
better than most Trek to me. Season 3 it started going downhill (and
besides what some will tell you lots of the eps with Prof. sucked too)
in season 3 the seeds where planted It became "Theme and action"
over ideas. DRAGONS (Sword & Sorcery games) and Dinosaurs and Freddy
Kruger wannabes, I didn't like it but I still watched, hoping it would
get better. and there where a few (very few) good eps. It ended with
a cliffhanger and since I didn't have the net it was a while before
I found out that was IT, the series had been canned. Needless to say
I was PISSED. I wanted to know if they ever got home, HOW THE FUNK did
they slide "in the future" when the pre-established laws of
sliding said NO time travel (or a very small amount of time, like Guardian)
Then I heard SFC was picking it up, I was very happy....then I saw the
season 4 premiere, they changed EVERYTHING in season 4. They where no
longer from OUR WORLD like seasons 1-3 they where from a world the Maggs
took over (not to mention how different the maggs looked)And now QUINN
was from a different earth..and had a brother! Had I had the net at
this time and was on this BBoard good lord knows I would have been bitching.
NOW we go on, Jerrys acting went SEVERLY downhill, Kari was better than
him in most of the eps. The only DECENT acting in all of season 4 was
Clevant, and the scripts where almost as bad as season 3 (I was SO sick
of maggs) I found this BBoard sometime during "Rerun Hell"
of season 4 So I knew MONTHS before the season 5 premiere that Jerry
& Charlie were NOT gonna be there. I saw the Season 5 premiere and
liked it. WHY you ask, ill tell you why, Kari was doing good acting
,So was Robert (or atleast mediocre which is better than Jerrys work
last year) and Tembi was good to me. Then I come online, in the chat
and on the BBoard proclaiming Sliders death for the simple reason Jerry
abandoned the show. They didn't care that this premiere was better than
last years, they didn't listen when we said all the eps had been shot
so Jerry was not coming back this year. Over the next few weeks it got
even worse. ME and others got ran out of the chat simply because we
LIKED the season, and because we didn't think Jerrys acting last year
was that good. Me EPT(SOK666),INFORMANT TF Chaser9. Guys who had been
on this board and in the chat for anywhere from Months (me) to Years
(TF) where ran out of places we where used too. The flamers formed this
board into a WAR. Guys like me and EPT where told we WORKED for the
channel in order to think JOC was anything less than SPECTACULAR or
that this season was not the worst ever.
After a while they left, infact it was only a few days ago at max that
they left and some of the posters from before season 5 came back. SO
excuse us if we seem to be a little harsh but we just went through a
frigging WAR on the board and we don't want to relive it.
The deal is this Sliders rateing up until Java Jive where still good,
about as good as season 4.
and to me Jerry did not make the show, unless you can PROOVE that WRITING,
JRD,SABRINA,CLEVANT,Tracy Torme (the actual person who LITERALLY MADE
SLIDERS) had NOTHING to do with it don't say he MADE it that is a MAJOR
pet peeve of mine, SOK666 and several others.
I am quite sure I am still gonna argue with a few of the S5 bashers.
but I wanted everyone to know MY history of sliders fandom.

words were never spoken.
Date: 8/30/99
From: stuslide
I agree a lot with what you are saying about this whole war thing.
I wasn't here when it started twice (I was usually off for a week) and
I was shocked when I came back and there was one going on since before
I left (to focus on school for a week) I and a lot of people had finally
gotten the board back to talking about and debating things SLIDERS.
As for the Jerry thing, I believe that given time (two more seasons)
that Jerry (like Sabrina) would have made more appearances or we would
have seen more conflict between Mallory's minds. I didn't realize how
much of a fan of Wade's I was until she was gone and I said thru all
of Season 4 that she would be back. My friends just laughed at me and
said SLIDERS sucked...blah. blah. blah. Then (thanks to TF) I found
out that Sabrina would be back in some form or another this season and
I was happy as ass and I told my friends off and now they can't say
anything. THe point to this being if all the flamers and people dissing
SLIDERS because a specific star isn't on the show anymore and boycotting
would just think it thru and wait PATIENTLY then someday the character
(and/or actor) might have come back to the show.
I collect comics too so I know where you're coming from.
"Just think of the possibilities."

Hunter read this please...
Date: 8/30/99
From: buffyboy
I, like you and stuslide, collect comics. None of the mainstream, Spiderman
and Superman crap, but the good stuff from Dark Horse. Its sad really
how the only NEW comics I buy are from one publisher..shows how much
I dislike Marvel and DC ('cept for the occasional Bat-title. I also
colllect b&w anthropomorphics from the 80's.). Anyway...I wanna
start reading Sandman (Morpheus Sandman, not the other detective title..)
So...Where should I start? I mean, should I pay ofr single issues or
TPs? Just wonderin'...
I love Usagi Yojimbo, Hellboy, Aliens, Park Horse Presents, Terminator,
TMNT,Tick, Fathom, and Buffy in case yer wondering...I like more, but
those are really the only books i nuy on any regular basis.
Ps-The Sliders comics published by Acclaim weren't that bad, I guess.
I'd like to see more,possibly from Dark Horse as they acquired Xena
(Sliders and Xena are both from Universal). But that's just wishful
thinking...Never gonna happen.

reading Sandman with...
Date: 8/30/99
From: Saint_of_Killers_666
With the first Trade Paperback,Preludes and Nocturns.
I would also suggest you try out Preacher,Transmetropolitan,and Starman
(All from DC/Vertigo).
None of them are your standard books,and Starman is the only one that
is Superhero related.

always been an X-Fan...
Date: 8/30/99
From: s_the_great
for some reason or another. I know, I know, I'm a mainstream guy. But
I've been into X-Men, X-Force, and Gambit for a while, and I'm not stopping
just because they dumped Bishop, put in someone like Marrow, and have
no originals on the team.
And Hunter, you know how I feel about this whole S5-basher situation,
so feel I don't need to say anything.

agree on most..
Date: 8/31/99
From: SliderT
I agree with alot of what you said, however I liked season 3 &
4. I didn't like all the Magg storylines some would have been OK. I
am not a JOC fanatic but I do miss him on the show. I liked his bad
acting over robert floyds bad acting. I don't want to get into a flame
war, there are several episodes I have enjoyed this year. I just think
the new characters could have been developed a little more. My choice
between no Sliders and the current cast would be to continue with the
current cast. I have been a fan since day one and I can honestly say
season 5 is not my favorite season and I would take season 4 over it
any day. Just my opion, I don't want to start a flame war.

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