i don't like Exec(read me)
Date: 8/9/99
From: HunterD_Raven
OK, since some have problems with the AEL i figured i'd say why, there
was the Absolutly thing, not that he voted, but that he flaunted. Those
are 2 very different things, but the straw that broke my back was when
Blinker informed me he was talking and dissing me on the First Wave
board. He made it out like i wrote whole articles of Anti-FW stuff and
he came and defended it.
He talked about me on a board i never go to, and had said i don't go
to many times. Atleast i am talking about him where he can have a chance
to defend himself.
That alone makes me more of a man than he is, merely by the fact i don't
talk about him behind his back, i say it to his face(in effect).
no one ahs to worry about me stabbing them in the back, if i do dislike
you i'll tell you face 2 face, not behind your back.
Have we all heard of that new show Harsh Realm, When that comes on say
i love it, and most of you dislike it. Every post i do i praise Harsh
Realm,and someone gets tired of it and says something Anti-HR, now as
where Exec goes and disses somewhere else,i would say it to their face.
HunterD(Who does't stab in the back, he shoots right between the eyes)

TF, Blink, Hunter, ALL...
Date: 9/8/99
From: buffyboy
Now, I agree that Exec has made some mistakes in the past, and he has
acted in a dis-honorable way. But the key part of that sentence is that
the actions I was referring too are in the past tense. he hasn't "caused"
any trouble lately. But a few people just can't let it go. The most
prominent of these of course, is the almighty deity:TemporalFlux. His
"thing" with executive has lasted a LONG time, and if executive
isn't continually bashed, maybe he will go away as all of you wish.
But if he makes the simplest statement, he is met with hostility.
I think exec just wants us to stop dwelling on him, and GET OVER IT.
I have already apologized to TF and the entire board, but people STILL
flamed me. And the one who felt I had wronged him (which I didn't),
TemporalFlux, was the most prominent of those flamers. I am meerly using
that incident as an example, as it recently happened, and i STILL mean
no ill will towrd TF (just for the record). Now I don't know if Exec
is sorry for some of the things he's done, but I'm sure he just wants
to let it go. Many here do the same thing. They cling to past conflicts
like a security blanket. I don't know why, but i do know that it has
got to stop. The key to moving on is WANTING to move on.

Date: 9/8/99
From: HunterD_Raven
You and me have gotten along well in the past, but 1 thing that i don't
stand is getting stabbed in the back. Talking about me behind my back
and making me look like frigging satan is unforgivable.
I wouldnt bother with exec about anything else, but his talking about
me behind my back really pissed me off, When he talked about me behind
my back he made a major enemy.
Like Superman and Lex Luthor, like batman & the Joker,Like The Crow
and Top Dollar. He started the battle between him and me, I don't take
kindly to getting talked about behind my back. Atleast ihave the courtesy
to say what i have to say to his FACE. Not run like a damn coward to
everyone else and dis him.

things you left out, Hunter
Date: 9/8/99
From: Executive
1. As I told you before in greater detail, I did talk about you on
the First Wave board, but only to let people know what several people
on the SLIDERS board thought of the show. I found your comments about
First Wave the most amusing, and that's why I chose your exchange with
me on that series as an example.
2. I apologized to you after you brought it up at the time and I kept
my promise not to mention on any board other than this one, and you
were going to let it go....but you haven't!!!

Date: 9/8/99
From: HunterD_Raven
Why the hell does the FW board need to know JACK about this board.
And also sorry i don't forget stuff like that easy.

don't care about it!
Date: 9/8/99
From: Executive
Why should you? From you're original response at the time it happened,
you said that you "could kind of understand" why I did it
before soon radically changing your position. They probably don't even
remember it.
But it was a bit more than that. I just wanted them to get an idea
what was going on here, not only regarding First Wave but the hostility
that exists among several people on this forum. The FW fans who are
also SLIDERS fans could come over here and see what a zoo this place
is. (It was not my intention to have a flame war between the two boards
erupt and fortunately that didn't happen anyway). I admit it wasn't
completely a good idea, but some people like occasionally talking about
other shows on other boards. Sometimes I bring up SLIDERS on the First
Wave board, but I'm never flamed for doing so!
As for First Wave, we are a much more peaceable bunch over there, and
some of them are complaining about the way they are treated on this
board that has nothing to do with either of us!

is the road to forgivness
Date: 9/8/99
From: QBall79
As soon as Executive owns up to his actions (namely the blatant attacks
of Tf under the assumed alias of Daniel_2) and apologizes, I will gladly
consider forgiving him.

is a loser
Date: 9/9/99
From: Magnaflux
HunterD, you are a freaking loser. And so are all the other anti-exec
posters. I'd normally lurk and not say a damn thing but you losers are
destroying this board and any chance of saving the show you SAY you
care about. Ya wanna know why, dumbass? Because all the people at Sci-Fi
see here are your stupid flames. Yes, the SFC DOES check these boards.
I don't give a rat's if Exec posted here that he voted that Sliders
should absolutely be axed, you who are obsessed with him do and you
think his opinion threatens you. Well, get a life, you BABY, because
in real life there are scores of people who disagree with your crap.
I didn't want to vote on that stupid poll because I didn't know how
I felt about it, but now I'd definitely say AXE the thing. The first
three season 5 eps were okay, but everything else sucked IMHO. That's
my opinion, you got anything against it, screw you. I got the right
to have it as much as you have the right to like the crap that is season
5. So now what ya gonna do, baby? Cry to momma and follow me around
posting how much you hate me? Feel free, loser, you'll only make a worse
fool out of your ass and help destroy this board you assumedly care
about. Oh, yeah, and if ya think Exec "recruited" me from
FW think again, he's not an infant like you who has to come up with
some preschool "AEL" to gang up on him just cuz you're too
damn incompetent to make yourself heard without them. If he had asked
me to be here I wouldn't have (and I don't post on FW, even). But I
hate wading through 10,000 stupid anti-Exec posts to find a single good
Sliders post. And when I went to read WHY you losers "hate"
exec I found out that not even you knew why, or had a good reason. So
screw you and your preschool pals, and let's go back to talking about
SLIDERS!! And to that other dumbass who thinks Exec is Daniel2, how
do we know HunterD isn't the_Cynic?

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/11761
Nominated by HunterD_Raven
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