@ the newbies
Date: 9/11/99
From: HunterD_Raven
"the worst ep ever" uhhhh, did you guys happen to watch season
4 or season 3, do the names Stoker,Breeder,or Genisis mean ANYTHING
to you? I mean get a grip onto reality.
The only people, and Hunter means the ONLY people, who disliked this
ep are those who WANTED to dislike it anyway. These people are guys
who need to pick apart EVERYTHING. I am quite sure these people would
pick apart Casablanca, Lord of the Rings and The Crow.
These people are so pathetic, they find the need to continue watching
a show they appearntly hate and then need to find forums for the FANS
of the show and dis it. I may have the time to come post here,but you
don't see me posting on the FW board now fdo you?
Anyone who has the time to find websites they don't like just to bother
those who do needs to desperatly get a life.
Ok about the Ep itself, it was a character driven and well done, what
you wanted Wade back, Wel get a grip on reality, Sabrina has a job on
Network, returning to basic Cable (much less low-rated SFC) is like
a Broadway actor going to do a high school production.
Deal is Sabrina ain't comin back, neither is JRD unless Peck dies. And
JOC is a heartless bastard who quit the show.
Deal is even at it's worse stages, sliders was still pretty good.
Don't like Sliders, go watch TGIF, maybe that is more on your intellectual
(or lack of intellect) level.
HunterD(flame away, but try to think up an origional insult.,the old
crap like "UR GAY,UR A LOOZA" just shows your stupidity.)

flaming everybody, will ya?!
Date: 9/11/99
From: Executive
It's bad enough Hunter complained about me in 200 messages this past
week, now he's gotten back to bitching about everybody else. First somebody
for enjoying "Revelations" (whom Hunter said was "on
acid") and now this!! With people like Hunter, Darkslider, and
Mars2002 (or whatever his name is), it's no wonder the flame wars here
never end...
Hunter, I know you're reading this: If the people completely disagree
with you on a TV show then just let them! Presenting your opposing views
in a CALM manner would be OK, but instead you attack them.
You are making an assumption about one possible reason why you believe
people hated "Requiem". You claim they had their minds made
up from the start, that they "wanted to dislike it anyway".
That may very well apply to SOME people (which is OK), but the way your
going on you are really stretching it out to include a much larger group.
And who cares what their reasons are? They are entitled to their opinions
-- whether you like it or not. Didn't you learn anything from when Buffyboy
did the same thing? I guess not...

Date: 9/11/99
From: HunterD_Raven
this from the guy who flamed me for not likeing FW.
Exec, i am done with this little battle, deal is now you ware defending
anyone i am against.
Revelations was one of the worst eps in Sliders history, it had 1 redeeming
quality and that was Kristanna Loken, who is one of my fave actresses.
It had a abd story, bad acting, bad ending,bad science. It was pitiful.
this was one of the best eps in SLiders history, if anything 99.9% of
these people wanted to dislike it anyway.
Besides i have been flamed for worse for jsut liking this season, so
just lay off, and get a bloody life.

have a life, Hunter
Date: 9/11/99
From: Executive
That's why I post only 1/100 as many messages as you in a single day!

thinks he is funny and he isn't -end-
Date: 9/11/99
From: eem

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