This is another "Horrible thought of the day" by HurriKain...
Imaginge this...
Starring Tom Green as Quinn Mallory.
Horrible, isn't it?
This has been another "Horrible thought of the day" by HurriKain...
Carry on :-)
Date: 08/16/2000
From: dellyone
Well, if Sliders the Movie had Season 4 Quinn, I'd take a funny Quinn
over one that was totally unemotional.
at least it got made...
Date: 08/16/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
Tom: "You like the timer... with all its blink lights! Maybe I'll
lick the timer like this... *lick* *lick*... Maybe.. Maybe... I'll rub
it on my bum! On my bum bum bum! The timers on my bum! The timers on
my bum!
You want my eyes you ugly Kromaggs! You want these eyes! Maybe I'll
cross my eyes then you won't want them you big mean guys! Maybe I'll
lay on my back and spin around like this. Around and around and around."
hmmmm... at least it got made... ;p
Tom is Quinn...
Date: 08/16/2000
From: TheOne19
...who would Glenn and Phil be? An even MORE scary though!