NetForum funeral

Date: 12/08/1999
From: Informant

Over the past couple of days, a few of us have looked back on our old MCA Forum days. And now, since the forum is gone forever, I think it's be nice to look back once more... as a group.

What were your favorite memories of the Forum?
Who, if anyone, do you still keep in contact with?
Who will you miss the most? (I think we all know who will come up here)

Share your memories, all you oldies.


Date: 12/08/1999
From: QBall79

I don't believe in goodbyes...

My favorite memories are those involving Expert updates, and just discussion about Sliders in general. I'll always rememeber the little "almost-a-flame-war" between me and Shannen (and Deviate) when Expert disappeared. Although it was before my time, I'll always rememeber reading about that infamous "April Fool's Joke".

As for who I still keep in contact with, there's Informant and TemporalFlux, and that's about it. Oh, and CoolSlider occasionally. I remember folks like Thomas Malthus and John Ransom, who seemed like great people, but have since disappeared... I hope they are okay.

As for who I will miss the most... well, of course, I will miss those posts from Expert. He seemed like a cool guy, and what (is theorized to have) happened to make him yank his site was a cryin' shame. I will also miss the aforementioned posters, who for a period of time also posted on this board.

If we had only known, we could have prevented this! But alas, it is all in the past. Goodbye, Netforum...


Date: 12/08/1999
From: CoolSlider

Well, a lot of the people that I still talk to are:


I remember when EXPERT would come by, and ChicagoFan, Malthus, syrup...well syrup isn't that much of a fond memory :)

I think I'll miss Chance the Chaos God. I've been trying forever to e-mail him but I've gotten nothing in return.

Anyway, good bye NetForum...

Oh yeah...

Date: 12/08/1999
From: QBall79

I forgot ST posted there too! How soon I forget. Of course, it wasn't until I posted here that we actually conversed.


LOL, QB79!

Date: 12/08/1999
From: Informant

I'll just put this Tormé quote that I found at Earthprime here:

"If you ever want to see something about as lifeless as it can be, the funeral scene opens with Wade saying, 'I don't believe in good-byes' and ends with Wade saying, 'Good-bye, Professor!"



LOL... unless you didn't do that on purpose... in which case, sorry!


Date: 12/08/1999
From: humaggs

When I posted at the Netforum I went by kromaggs then later I changed to humaggs. I can't remember when my first post there was, but I remember posting during season 3. I remember when Expert posted about Arturo leaving and that he would be in one more episode, The Last of Eden. I didn't like it when he had to close down his web site. I liked going to the Netforum and his web site every day. I still go to his web site to see if it still says All good things... Well I'll miss the Netforum.

My thoughts..

Date: 12/08/1999
From: jlbanker

On a different topic I posted a lot so I am not going to say as much here. We all miss Expert and I wish he was still here but under a new handle. To just disapear doesn't make sence. I remember all the SlidersCon stuff... does that bring back memories. I remember all the Save Sliders stuff after season 3 and the stuff we still talk about to this day... which Arturo Slide. A few months ago I was looking at the net forum and saw the Exec/TF fights and looked for some of the which Arturo slide posts. I think where it go bad was after the death of Arturo. We the fans wanted some way to bring Arturo back if he decided to return. I remember suggesting that we followed the wrong Sliders not only the wrong Arturo. Of course now with the movie talk thoses same posts come up over and over. I go almost everyday into the computer lab at school and look up the netforum and Experts site... then I would go home and do the same thing. As I had mentioned before that one of the regular posters would use that same computer lab to post. I didn't realize it until I was sitting two computers from her and saw that she had the netforum page up. I think between the two of us every computer in the lab had the netforum bookmarked. Well it is gone now. Since we have this board I don't think I miss it that much but it was nice to be able to look back at the old posts from time to time. Like Informant mentioned it was one of the first places that I started doing message boards and the irc chat some of us went to was my first introduction to chats. I would go there after a Sliders ep and we would all talk about what we loved, and with season 3, hated about the show.

Did I say I wasn't going to say much... I lied

JL Banker or just banker on the netforum

To QBall79

Date: 12/09/1999
From: Stax_

I'd love if you could elaborate on the "April Fools Joke".I am wondering if it is the one (I think it was Informant who posted it)saying all the regulars were coming coming back for a season six.I can remember reading the last line saying it was an April Fools joke.I was crushed .I guess I was a little niave to belive it.stax

Gone (?) but not forgotten

Date: 12/13/1999
From: Wrong_Arturo

Hi, guys--
"Gone forever"? I know it's been down for a long time, but was it officially announced that it is not coming back? Of course, even if it did, I'm not sure anyone would be able to find it again. I just happen to have a bookmark to the old page, though when I've tried it in the last couple of months, the hourglass just spins and spins and never goes anywhere.

Things I will remember . . . Unsolved Mystery, of course, the fanfic chain story (and its later spinoff, The Portal), as well as the many people who participated in it with me:
Mina Skywalker
Justin Toner
Lisa Pheonix

...there may be others that I'm forgetting. Forgive me, it's late, I've been reading someone's graduate thesis, all day and my brain is fried. At any rate, of this group I still keep in the closest contact with is Gemmin, though she wrote the least for USM. I still occasionally hear from Lexie, Spindoctor and Ransom.

Others I always enjoyed talking to:
Donner (loved his warped sense of humor - still visit his webpage regularly)
ChicagoFan (very funny guy too)
Aleytys (loved those Monty Python quoting contests!)
Abbadon (fun guy to work with, as I found out at D*C '98 and '99)
And of course, you guys, Informant and QBall79.
Again, there are others -- forgive me for blanking on your names.

Things I'll remember the best:
Donner's hysterical episode reviews.
Spindoctor's very funny SNN and KNN (Sliders Network News and Kromagg Network News).
Discussions on which Arturo slid.
The amazing, and successful, effort by the fans to get the show renewed.
Great fanfic.
The chance to participate in D*C '98 and '99, and meet with some of the other fans in person. It also allowed me to meet Marc Scott Zicree, and got me my first paid published work (Sliders trivia questions for the Sci-Fi Channel Mindprobe game).
Off-topic discussions of Buffy, which sometimes outnumbered the on-topic discussions. ;-)
Fascinating discussions on the science of sliding.
Crazy threads, like the one where we re-wrote the Sliders theme by explaining the premise to the tune of different classic sitcoms ("Gilligan's Island," "The Brady Bunch").
Expert's fantastic info at his web site, his mysterious disappearance and the ensuing controversy over what happened. (I think he was kidnapped by Logan St. Clare.)

There was much more, but right now I'm tapped out. Sadly, a lot of flamewars happened here too, and my most negative memories of being on the Web happened there. However, many of my most positive memories happened there too. I'll never forget it. I guess what I'm trying to say is . . . I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!(sniff, sniff) There--I'm okay now. ;-)

Take care,

P.S. That story about finding a fellow NetForum user at the school lab was so cool! What you forgot to post was the handle of the other person.

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