just shouldn't talk anymore
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Informant
Every time Jerry opens his mouth, he makes himself look like even more
of an idiot. It should be illegal for him to speak in places where people
might hear him. (yeah yeah, freedom of speech be darned, this dude is
a moron)
Who saw him last night on P.I.? (or as I like to call it, four bullies
and a victim, since they always have three liberal guests, plus the
host attack and make fun of a republican) They were talking about waiting
till you're married to do it. (this is a PG post) One woman who seemed
very nice was ripped apart because she decided not to do it. All of
the guests just kept making fun of her, which I couldn't watch. It was
so mean.
Jerry kept making fun of her and degrading her, yelling "I'm a
celeb, I gots ta take advantage of the situation" a phrase which
proves two of my points about him. 1. He thinks he's a star when he's
really not and 2. he's a bigger slut than Kari.
I always thought that Jerry was a moron that degrades the image of
men, but this time he went too far. He degraded a woman for deciding
to wait. He tried to make her look like a fool. How must she have felt?
(this went beyond disagreeing, they were ganging up on her, making fun
of her, telling her that she'd never get a guy because we're some kind
of morons who are driven by... the deed.)
After seeing this, I hate Jerry more. Beyond anything before. Beyond
ego. Beyond a stereotypical pig. Beyond bad acting. Jerry O'Connell
isn't even worth my time to insult anymore. (not that I'll stop insulting
him, it'll just not be worth my time :-) )
Also, my theory that he'll die of a disease before the age of 30 (maybe
35) is getting stronger. I'm not wishing he'd die, just being realistic.

I think its time....
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
Make what you did in Part VII a reality.
I hope you're reading this,Jerry, so you know what a true dumbass you

Date: 03/25/2000
From: Slider_Dee
Agree (surprise!). Jerry acted the total jackass on Politically Incorrect.
And .... he wasn't even funny about it, Dana Carvey got all the belly
laughs (in my opinion). Also .... did you get that Bijou Phillips was
flirting for the camera, and Jerry thought it was for real AND for him???
He's still fun to look at ......

just needs to realize . . .
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Chaser9
that looks aren't everything, and he's going to get old and fat someday,
then where will all his precious droolig fanatics be? They'll have moved
on to the latest flavor of the week buffguy.
Besides, I'm a hell of a lot more attractive than Jerry and smarter

unless he has a script that is
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Slider_Dee
He really made a fool of himself on Politically Incorrect last night.
Now on MTV karaoke, that was fun to watch!
Also ... for his own health and sanity's sake, hopefully he isn't behaving
like he was talking on PI. Otherwise, Informnant will be right about
his future.

three pennies
Date: 03/25/2000
From: sleepingtiger
I stayed up late just to watch PI and turned it off only three minutes
into it. As soon as Bill mentioned waiting until marriage I knew the
one chick was gonna get slammed. I didn't need to listen to someone
get bashed for making a smart choice.

Date: 03/25/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
I usually try to catch PI, and missed it without meaning too.
Too bad, i'd love to have seen even more proof JOC is a jerk, but since
even his usual supporters dislike what he did we can only guess what
my reaction would have been.
"I'm a star i gots to take advantage"
Jerrys ego is insane.
Jerry is not a Star, at most he is a small asteroid, that when he finally
has to come down to earth he will burn up during entry to the atmosphere.
Dead before 35, i'd tend to agree with that, especially if i ever lay
eyes on the idiot.
I may not really kill him.....but at the least he'd have injuries that
would stay with him for the rest of his life.
The Hunter Has Spoken

dig the jerks!
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Fish_Bone
Who the hell does he think he is? He sould be drag out to the desert
and beatin for his comments!!! Now i wish HD really did shot him. I'll
tell you Jerry did seem like a nice guy before, with just an ego. But
this takes the cake!
Fish Bone

Date: 03/25/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
he's still very sexy, but he's a sexy twat so other than to look and,
no interest.
But it's always inevitable the girl would picked on. It's the way of
the world for the most part.
The thing I always rememeber about Jerry is that he said that when
he first got the Sliders gig, it was all about picking up girls.

Notice how......
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Fish_Bone
Guys feel the same way about Kari, like the girls feel about Jerry.
They look sexy, but are assholes!!!!
Fish Bone

Date: 03/25/2000
From: Informant
I'm don't think that Kari is very good looking. She just seems so...
dirty to me. Trashy, you know?

part 2, Hunter Says
Date: 03/25/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
Kari is attractive, but she is a LOT nicer person than JOC is, on interviews
She seems to be a beeyotch too Sabrina,but outside that we don't know
JOC has proven to be a jerk both in backstage politics and on TV.
Kari has only proven so much in backstage poltics.
Bottom Line,
Kari is a saint compared to that jerk Jerry.

are all morons
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Rodzilla70
You people talk shit, like if I see him I'm going to kick his ass, shut
the hell up you people are so full of shit, you may talk the talk but
I know none of you punks can back it up so shut your damn mouths

the big brain on Rodzilla!! <END>
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Brand_S

don't know....
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Stoker_chick
....what everyone sees in JOC.
I don't find him sexy at all. He's just like every other dime-a-dozen
horny guy out there, not that there's normally too much wrong with that,
expect that he's not even somewhat suave.
I don't know, guys are constantly trying to pick me up, and as for
a movie/tv *star* (hehe), he's not even half as appealing as random
gas attendents [or especially not guys that I've never even met or seen
on this bboard].
I don't think that he'll ever found a spouse, either, because he is
even below Kari when it comes to standards.
[Not to sound lackey-ish, or for that matter sadistic] His mindless,
drunk promiscuity will inevitable cause his demise due to an influx
of STD's from the ugliest airheads alive, because they will be the only
one's to buy his claims of movie stardom.
And Rodzilla, just remind me, if I ever meet you, that I promise to
kick you really hard in the balls. Don't worry, I won't let you down.

Date: 03/25/2000
From: Brand_S
You mean that I could be more attractive than Jerry? WOOHOO! By the
way, would you happen to be interested in going out to dinner with me...
if you can make the trip to Seattle in an hour?! ;-) I'm just kidding.
By the way, Robzilla is from the First Wave Board... 'Nuff said, in
my opinion.

= Charlie O'Connell _End
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Real_Slider

Date: 03/25/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
Rodzilla from the FW board???/ Like the S man said, Nuff Said.
And Stoker, want me to lend you my steel-toed size 15 boots for that

could work S....
Date: 03/25/2000
From: Stoker_chick
...if only. :) But I don't know if I'm ready to cheat on Hunter. He's
an ethereal kisser.
Oh, and Hunter, I'm thinking of more or less using my army boots with
these sharp metal spikes on the tips, but who's to say that there won't
be numerous chances? Or perhaps I could break my promise and kick him
twice.... hmmmm, this is starting to sound a lot like sixth grade recess....
With Eternal Love,

I go! Why? I don't know.
Date: 03/26/2000
From: SFDarlin
Wow, I also watched PI last night. However, my reactions to Jerry's
comments were not quite as negative as the rest of yours have been.
I began to wonder... is something wrong with me? (Yes, I know, some
of you inevitably would shout out "yes!") In any case, you
all made me go back and watch the tape again. (eeek, she actually taped
What's my conclusion? I think some of you might have been taking his
jokes much too literally. I suspect he may have been exaggerating a
tad bit just to get a laugh. (I found it hard to laugh at a few of the
jokes... but that's just me) I took it all very tongue in cheek. If
anyone wants to take every word Jerry said so literally, don't forget
what he said to Christine when she went off on him for being 'disrespectful',
'I know, I know. I'm really nice...I'm just trying to get a laugh.'
I'll admit, I truly hope that Jerry is being careful with the life
style choices he is making. I know I've heard the line about being an
actor and picking up girls more than once. I don't want to see the guy
suffering from some STD when he's in his 30's. (As for the comment that
someone posted about STD's from the ugliest airheads alive... I think
you are going too far there.) I do think that Jerry asked Christine
some valid questions regarding dating, and how long her relationships
last. They were the same questions that were on my mind.
And for those of you who don't understand Jerry's appeal, I'd be happy
to give you a little insight. I think it's the very fact that he is
NOT 'somewhat suave' that I find refreshing. After all, suave actors
are a dime a dozen!
Ok, now that everyone has bashed Jerry, can I rip apart Bijou? I think
her theory on the divorce rate being tied into loss of virginity before
marriage is a little off the mark. The reason for a low divorce rate
in the 40's? People didn't feel they had a choice! Especailly women!
They would put up with anything because they had no means of supporting
themselves. These days, men and women are much more independent. I also
think that people are much more selfish these days. When a relationship
is no longer living up to an individuals expectations, that person might
just make a conscious decision to move on rather than be 'stuck' in
an unhappy marriage.
There! I've said my piece!
Why I even bothered... I have no idea! Jerry haters will continue to
be hell bent on hating Jerry. Jerry droolers will probably just keep
on drooling. Ha ha!

Date: 03/26/2000
From: Aelita
You go girl!
I wish I could say anything about PI but unfortunately I missed it.
However, I've seen plenty of JOC interviews and I know better than to
take him seriously. There are a few things I don't like about him but
I honestly feel that I don't know ANYTHING about him that will give
me a right to judge him. Everything that is talked about in interviews
is discussed in advance no matter what the audience likes to believe.
But he always makes me smile. And I like that.
You are right that JOC haters will continue hating and bashing him...
don't know why. I don't like Kari, you know what I do? Ignore her and
I don't watch her interveiws or movies. I don't understand the pleasure
of watching someone you don't like just so that you could bash him/her
later. I'd rather talk about something I like.
But that's just me.
Now that I opened myself to bashing (in advance, those who want to
-- don't bother. I've been there, done that and just don't care anymore)
I'd like to say that I absolutely agree with you about small percentage
of divorce in the earlier decades. As a matter of fact I had a similar
discussion just last week and I used the same point.
Reality is for those with no imagination.

I got 2 words for ya
Date: 03/26/2000
From: Rodzilla70
Blow me

I have a few words for you...
Date: 03/27/2000
From: Stoker_chick
<I normally wouldn't signify this with a response, but>
Oh, and learn how to spell.
P.S. I don't give blow jobs to people whom I've kicked in the balls.
It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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