What are "we" called? POLL

Date: 03/18/2000
From: jerry_o_who

Star Trek fans are called "trekkies" or "trekkers", and now fans of Farscape have started calling themselves "Scapers". So my QUESTION/POLL is what do we call ourselves. What are Sliders fans called? I've been thinking about this for a while and I just cannot come up with a good name. Post your ideas below

For what it's worth...

Date: 03/18/2000
From: hakavonn

In my abbreviated year six "experimental opener", I referred to LeBeau's more rabid followers as "Slidees". (Or, did I spell it "Slidies"?)

I hate the sound of the word and that's why I used it in that case.

Saying "Sliders" in reference to fans doesn't sound right either, since that's what we call the characters.

All I can come up with is "Sliders Fans".

Top Ten Nicknames Given to Sliders Fans

Date: 03/18/2000
From: Callie21V

[Courtesy of Donner's Slightly Warped Sliders Page: http://www.geocities.com/therealdonner/sliders.html]

10. "Slidies"
9. "Slididians"
8. "Slidans"
7. "Slidetopians"
6. "Sli-Stallones"
5. "Slidentates"
4. "Slider-guys"
3. "Who?"
2. "Sli-huahuas"
1. "Servants of the almighty Bennish"

>>> C/21

Thats a hard one

Date: 03/18/2000
From: Slider39

Hmmm, Well, since "Star Trek" and "Farscape" are not names referring to what the characters in the shows do (well, maybe in a way for Trek), and "Sliders" does, Shouldn't we also be called Sliders? I do see your point tho'. This should be interesting to see other opinions.

Here's a thought...

Date: 03/18/2000
From: FogBoy

How about "Slidefans"? That seems fairly harmless...

Or maybe we should just go entirely different and call ourselves "Timers" or something.


"Blistering Idiots".....j/k

Date: 03/18/2000
From: STLSlider

This is a hard one though.Hmmm, maybe "portleites".Naw..hell..my brain is atrting to hurt.I can't think of anything.


Why not just "Sliders"?

Date: 03/18/2000
From: Nerd_Bro

i know it sounds kinda lame, but hey.. it's simple

Cuz "Sliders" are the characters!

Date: 03/18/2000
From: hakavonn

And we're not them!

I really like FogBoy's "SlideFans"

Date: 03/18/2000
From: hakavonn

It sounds right. Two syllables. "SliderFans", even as one word, is too much. "Slidefans" may at first sound funny to outsiders, but I still think it sounds right.


Date: 03/18/2000
From: Lenonn

... we were having a pain-in-the-butt time developing a name as "Crusade" fans and "Babylon 5" fans (since "Crusaders" and "Babylonians" were real names of groups in history). For what it's worth, I believe that "Sliders" is the best term to describe "Sliders" fans. Kind of our own, private joke. "Are you a Slider?" "Of course, you blistering idiot!"
Or we could jsut call ourselves "Blistering Idiots."

How about "Sliderites"?? (end)

Date: 03/18/2000
From: capaqu


How about....

Date: 03/18/2000
From: Stoker_chick

(well, for the sake of something original)...

in symbolic spite of Peck, and tribute to S's war of the Dominion, I propose something that doesn't make the fans sound arrogant enough to take credit for sliding (calling ourselves sliders would be just a little awkward, although I do like the idea of SlideFans).

I suggest going with the less obvious title of RIDERS. I have a feeling this will not be the most popular suggestion, but why not?



Wow Stoker! I was thinking Slide Riders!

Date: 03/19/2000
From: Sabre_Edge

I was going to post this as a suggestion but I was amazed you already had the same idea.


another thought

Date: 03/19/2000
From: Slider39

After thinking about it for several hours how about just calling us fans "Slides". It's not too drawn out and is close to the show name.

The Hunter Says

Date: 03/19/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

In the immortal words of Rocky "The Rock" Miavia
I would personally like to think us Sliders fans are above dorky names for our little group.

With all of my research i have found out

Date: 03/19/2000
From: Quinn_15

that we are called......"Sliders" I have found this remarkable answer because Sliders is a group. Think about it, Star Trek can't call themselves Star Treks. And Farscape fans can't call themselves Farscapes. Our name was handed to us by the good ole might Title. Thank you for your tax dollars and I will get back to you when necessary.

Quinn15 (Ladies Man)

I know!

Date: 03/19/2000
From: Slidemania

How 'bout "Vortex Pimps"?? j/k hehe ;-)

Was there a name for us in "The Seer"?

Date: 03/20/2000
From: mindflux

I know we'd all like to forget Seer cause of its lame ending, but what were the slider fans on that world called, I forgot?

Anyway, I think we should just be called Sliders if there wasnt a cool name for the Sliders fans on the "Seer" world

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/18828
Nominated by Blinker


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