Update, New, Bah, blah, blah...
Date: 12/25/2001
From: JessieMallory
I actually updated the site back in November. But due to an unexpected family tragedy and other personal difficulties, I haven't been up to finishing the new things I had started working on. I haven't been up to doing much at all. But life goes on and hopefully in the New Year I will get to finish the rest.
I added new sites to every category and/or deleted broken links in all the categories also. Don't ask how many I added I lost track somewhere along the way. MSR – I finally added your boy Ryan to the guest stars pages as well as: Brooke Langton and Ken Steadman.
I went ahead and put up one of the new pages I had finished before things went down hill. It is a directory for all the actors. I hope you guys will let me know what you think. Later I would like to have a directory page for each category.
I also added a feature I had been thinking about adding for quite awhile. I started a while back watching and researching to find as many Bboard member birthdays as I could find. The birthdays listed on my new Events Calendar are from all the Sliders Bboards (Dominion, Tex's, USA and JOCFanatics). And when I saw that Tex had dropped his from his board, I decided to make it an Events Calendar rather than just for birthdays. I will continue to update as other events are scheduled throughout the year or when new/overlooked birthdays come to light. Let me know if you hear of anything Chat, Con, New member birthday, etc.
Lastly and I think a Big one for me, I now have a domain name. A few people have told me that my URL was just waaay too long. So with the wonderful help and continued (and very much appreciated) support and encouragement from TemporalFlux with not only this, but everything. My new URL is now http://sliderslinks.com I hope that helps everyone’s sprained fingers.
Merry Christmas to All!!! And I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their holiday season.
TransDimensional Station - http://sliderslinks.com

Good Job!
Date: 12/26/2001
That's a nice collection of links there. Thank you for putting all the effort into putting the links together, and the calender is a nice touch. It was a good idea getting the domain too :-) Keep up the good work, Jessie. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with!
P.S. Thanks for linking to my site, too!
