>>>Let me try a new aproach since my sarcastism is too harsh
for you.
"You're very zealous in your attempts to talk shit. I love the
enthusiasm. What I don't love it the context of your slams."
>>>Well, lets see Tom. You start off with a subject heading
that immediately defaces a loved one of mine, and then proceed to try
and deluded my relationship with her based on your own prejudices and
ignorance. So yeah, I guess I should be zealous shouldn't I? Remember,
you cast the first stone in this!
"I know you're trying to bash me in your posts, but you end up
talking a lot of shit on homosexuality. I'm a lover of pussy, don't
get me wrong, but I don't think there's anything wrong with being gay.
That being the case, the first thing I find offensive about your posts
is the blatent overtones of homophobia."
>>>I wasn't trying to bash you, I DID bash you. Technically
I made you BiSexual since I put you in incessant relations with your
mother and sister. I also attacked your maturity and intelligece. Of
all these things it seems homosexuality was your soft spot huh? This
from the "pussy lover".
Let me set the record straight before I have Hunter after me on this
also. I am not homophobic, not against gays in any way nor looking to
put anyone down for having anything to do with homosexuality or bisexuality(in
fact I like Bi Girls).
Since I knew very little about you I picked away at a few possibilities
to find your weak points. And you bit into it hook, line and sinker!
Guess that now makes you my bitch doesn't it?
You see attacking your sexuality in terms of molesting family memebers,
cartoon charatcers(who have no sex), and dolls(no organs) is not an
attack on gays, its an attack on the warped psychological profile that
makes up the little boy I invision behind that post marked "Dump
That Bitch!". I obviously hit a few points otherwise this new post
of yours would not exist. I think the couple of gay friends I have would
be offended if I attacked the gay community over the post of a mollycoddle
like yourself. Also my gay friends would not have taken offense to my
bashing of you in this matter. They understand. Its like when you would
insult your friends in school and call them a girl when they couldn't
throw the ball far enough. Oh yeah, you would have to have friends to
understand that one! Oh well.
"The second offensive thing is your adovacation of dating what
is soon to be a single mother."
>>>Why the big beef about single mothers? All jokes and flames
aside, what is it about this that really bothers you? I want to understand
this. What she doesn't deserve to be happy? She was a good wife to someone
who didn't give a shit about anyone but himself! She was paitent, understanding,
and tried more than her best to make it work but he was too focused
on his own self destruction so after 7 years of trying(5 of which he
was this way ), she decided rather than have this guy become a danger
to their kids and to her she would have to divorce him. Why should she
not be given a chance when he was the one who ruined everything? Even
HE should have a shot at happiness with someone else if its possible.
She did nothing to deserve segragation. You talk about bashing gays?
How is that different from you bashing single mothers? If you do not
want to date a single mother that is fine. It doesn't make you a beter
or worse person for it. I on the otherhand am 27 years old and apprecite
her for what she is, not whether or not her marriage failed. Even if
it was her fault, its the past and I am more concerned in building our
future than damning her past. I love her and I love her kids and just
because an ignorant punk can't understand it doesn't mean I shouldn't
do so! If this offends you then don't read the fucking post and don't
respond! I posted asking for opinions on a gift. Those with suggestions
should post if they like to, those don't won't!
"You're homophobic and a pussy. Grow some balls and let go of the
ignorance that makes you ostracize people for being homosexual."
>>>Like the kettle calling the pot black. If I was missing
balls it would be thanks to your razor lips! OH NO!! I insulted the
entire gay community!!! Grow up you poor excuse for a pubic hair! Geez,
I would have thought the incess or the manhood cracks would have urked
you. I guess you had skeletons. Maybe you should be thanking me. I'm
not against gays, just hypocrites like you who think they are righteous
and won't face their own insecurities rather than try to put them on
other people.
"Anyway, I have to know, since you've started living with your
girlfriend, does she make you pee sitting down?
I bet she does."
>>>No, actually she would rather I pissed in your mouth but
doesn't think you are worth the trip.
You see, your cracks about me being whipped really don't hold any merit.
Guys like you who like never get laid
are always the first to get whipped when some girl or guy is stupid
enough to give you any. The real issue here is that you cannot stand
to see someone else happy because you are so miserable. I really feel
sorry for you Tom. After a day or so, our debatw will be over and I
will still be the happy guy who dates a single mother and enjoys the
life of a family most people want, but you Mr. Leykis will still be
a miserable wretch and attack people for no reason and never truly know
happiness. I am sad for you, but I will not condone you.
The best flame I can give you is this: Keep on being the way you are
sad, sad, little boy!