Dear Mr. Damron,
Somehow I get the feeling that your in logic in the last journal entry
is a Let me show you:
"I was starting to pound out ideas for what would be my final
Sliders script and very likely our season finale."
Weren't you doing that the week before, like when TO CATCH A SLIDER
was being done, like when you said, "I went off to begin work on
'The Seer' while Chris and Bill continued to hammer out the story, which
Bill would eventually script"? Gosh, how long does it take for
you to at least START? A whole week? Maybe it's all those lunches.
"I had forwarded a pitch on how we might consider ending the show.
It was to be a spectacular coda that, with the assistance of our arch
nemesis Doctor Geiger, would resolved the Kromagg's on Earth Prime problem,
(by using his patented recombinant science)."
Dr. Geiger? Um, hello? The good doc DIES the episode before! Wouldn't
that leave quite a huge continuity hole?
I suppose you figured that the world in GENESIS is really EP. Okay,
fine. But how can Geiger use his recombinant science? It doesn't work
in the macro level, as we learn in the key episode BEFORE the last one.
And besides, HE'S DEAD by then!!!
"We would address the issue of re-splitting Quinn once and for
all (hinging on the availability of a certain actor and TPTB to okay
it) and then we'd send Mallory and Diana home."
Didn't you say in THE UNSTUCK MAN that JOC was NOT available for all
of season 5? Remember this, sir? "Neither Jerry nor Charlie O'Connell
would be involved in the fifth season of the show." Hmm...I guess
your memory has a few continuity holes, as well.
"I hadn't forgotten about Mrs. Mallory, Quinn's adoptive mother
either. Somehow I managed to slip her and Colin in there."
I'm glad you remembered SOMETHING! And wouldn't you need ANOTHER certain
actor for this one?
"But the clock was ticking and still no word..."
And since time was running out, you still managed to only START the
idea. Good job, sir!
Well, Mr. Damron, what can I say? I'm utterly appalled at the journal
entry you have submitted. I can't believe you would give us a last paragraph
like that. Can you blame any Sliders fan for being annoyed at it?
And as for why I would be writing a letter like this? To toss it right
back at you, "Stuff happens."
Jorge Cisneros