Robert K. Weiss Chat

Date: 05/12/2000
From: JorgeCis

Hey everyone,

QBall79 and I just finished having a deep discussion on something that ended up being because we interpret things differently. A lot of things were said on my part which I stand by. I don't feel I'm obligated to say anything about what I know behind the scenes (trust me, it's not that much compared to some others). I don't always correct mistakes that are made; sometimes I say "Close enough" and leave it at that.

Much of the things I decide not to say is really a judgement call on my part. I feel it's not necessary. I don't say it because I feel it's within the best interests of this bulletin board that I don't. I don't do it because I want to hurt people. I don't do it because I want to have secrets from other people.

One thing I totally missed was in SSN. I read one line as saying that the chat with Bob Weiss was the first chat ever with him. That's not what it says. It says that for many fans, this was their first chat ever with Mr. Weiss. This is why I don't do English courses.

In any case, there's something I didn't tell you all. I didn't feel it was neccessary to say so the first time, but six months later, I suppose that no harm will be done if I do. So Q-Ball79, Tigs, Informant, and everyone else that I'm not going to name because I'm too tired and too lazy, here you are:


There were two chats with Bob Weiss.

The second chat is the widely known chat we all hear about and see in SSN, Cinescape, and all the other places. It was the big one. But Mr. Weiss had computer problems then. You see, there was a special room, #RK, made specifically for that chat. He couldn't enter it for some reason. He could enter #Sliders, though. So we all relocated there.

These computer problems with Mr. Weiss occurred before. He was going to actually have a chat a little earlier in the week. I asked him to join us, and he said yes, right then and there. His computer ruined that, though.

Now, enter the first chat. The day before I was talking to Mr. Weiss, telling him what to expect. I told him that it would be a small party, and it would just be questions and answers mostly. I wanted him to get a feel for the chatroom first, though, and I wanted to make sure everything worked, so I asked him to join me in #Sliders on December 2, 1999.

While at the chatroom, I told him about some of the commands. I told him to click on my name to try to send a private message. He couldn't for some reason. I also told him about using "GA" when he finished answering a question.

But there was also something more. Bob Weiss was in disguise, under the name "Slidemaster". No one knew who this man was. To the people at the chatroom, he was just another person wanting the chat. No one thought otherwise.

No one, that is, except me.

There were about five of us there in all. And we just chatted about Sliders and life. Not about the movie, not about flame wars, nothing of the sort. Nothing that drives us to hate each other. Just a regular, enjoyable chat.

I learned then that Mr. Weiss has quite a sense of humor. He kept calling a man named "e" "MC squared", and he joked around with us a lot. He kept on mentioning how much he looked forward to Friday because it's the end of the week, and that he gets all of his work at night because it's the best time.

One of the things that got me though was when someone asked about the end of Sliders. Mr. Weiss' response? "It's cancelled. :-( " It was then when I felt the loss of the show for real. I could feel the pain that one message sent. Sure, it might not have been much, but to see the co-creator say something like that made me know that there was no hope for continuation for this show for now. The show that he helped create was on its deathbed, and he could do nothing but watch.

I kept covering his tracks the whole way through, though. At times, it seemed that he was about to give away who he was. I kept on covering. He said he liked Fridays, and I said, "Because it's the weekend!", and stuff like that. I didn't want it to be a professional chat. I wanted to see the man have fun. Not to say that he didn't in Chat 2, but you know what I mean. I wanted him to be one of the gang. And he was that night.

I told a few people who Slidemaster was afterward (like sliderbrix and girlx), but they, along with a few others, were talking to Mr. Weiss without even knowing it.

So there you have it. Unfortunately the transcripts of this chat do not exist in my inbox; computer glitches can really suck sometimes. And I've already written to Glenn the B-Board administrator about it, but it can't be accessed because #Sliders is not recorded. But it did happen. Doubt it if you'd like. It's the truth. And if I lost credibility for withholding this information, so be it. That was my decision, and I stand by it. Maybe it was wrong not to say anything, but that's life. And while I can't promise that I will say everything else, I will promise you this much: whether I make the right choice or not, I have your best interests in mind.



I can't seem to see a problem...

Date: 05/12/2000
From: Sabre_Edge

is their something I'm missing here? If I recall correctly I was in that early chat with Slidemaster and nothing was said or done that would warrant any type of apology. I remember not knowing who Slidemaster was at all, and not caring either.

...could be I'm just missing something.

I wish RK would stop in again from time to time just to hang around...


I'm with Sabre.

Date: 05/12/2000
From: FogBoy

Nothing wrong with what you did.

In fact, if anyone DOES think there's something wrong, I'm inclined to ask... what's wrong with THEM?

Nothing wrong with that.

Date: 05/12/2000
From: QBall79

There's nothing that needs to be corrected. You had a conversation with Bob Weiss in chat. You don't HAVE to tell anyone. I can't say you would lose any credibility as a result of anything you mentioned in this post.

Like FogBoy, I would have to ask what is wrong with someone who would have a problem.


Okay, it's official....

Date: 05/12/2000
From: JorgeCis

I smoke crack...

I'm sorry, guys. I just don't want it to seem like I'm holding out on you all. That's all. So I just wanted to tell you about this one thing that I left out as a sign that I'm not going to.

It's Finals Week here. I'm under a lot of stress. I've been behaving rather erratically on the homefront, and I guess it's rubbed off here. That's why I hate being challenged, Q-Ball: I was already challenged earlier this week, and I'm going to be next week...twice.

So Edge, you were at the first chat? Huh. What name were you using?

Thanks for your comments, you three. I think I need a vacation...

Let me reiterate: I smoke crack...




Date: 05/12/2000
From: TemporalFlux

Believe me...I don't care about this issue. I'm just trying to understand your reasoning for making this into such a BIG issue, Jorge. I guess you were upset that SSN didn't give you credit (and I won't fault you on that)...but this entire argument you made was ridiculous. If you were upset about not getting credit, you should have just said that instead of building up this first chat issue. Especially when nothing was said in the first chat that gives it weight (most didn't even know it was RK) and the only issue you portray with QBall is one of semantics. I mean...I would like to think you aren't *that* anal (which is why I believe the root of this entire thing is an issue of you wanting credit where credit was due...and I see nothing wrong with that if you would have just said it and got it over with instead of going through this non-sensical quibble in Informant's thread).

Just remember that you brought all of this up and went after web sites for not reporting every intimate detail (especially a detail you wanted kept private as exemplified by your not telling everyone in chat who RK was. I can personally find no sense in you getting upset because something you wanted private *wasn't* reported...the very definition of private is that you *don't* want it reported). The fact that the first chat was being ignored was obviously bothering you a great deal, though...but I would hope it's because of an issue of credit and not this semantical reason you've built it up to be.


It wasn't about that.

Date: 05/12/2000
From: JorgeCis

I never cared for the credit. I was more concerned about accuracy, or lack thereof. I didn't say anything because I felt it wasn't necessary. The second chat was what was important, so I let that one count. The other was, well, secondary.

All I was trying to say was that I look at something and say, "Close enough." I don't care much for the little things. That's why I felt the Cinescape article wasn't that big of a deal. That's why I never said anything about it being the second chat. "Close enough."

Believe me, I'm not pressing this issue any further. Sorry for taking up time, space, and energy.


In a way, it ALL makes sense.

Date: 05/12/2000
From: FogBoy

It's nothing much to be apologizing over, as most of us have noted. So why apologize at all?

Actually, I think it makes perfect sense. Anything hidden from this board, anything that COULD be considered a mistake on this board, has to be apologized for. Let's face it: This board is a harsh realm if there ever was one. Any mistake you make could be your last. Anything you say could get you crucified by torch-bearing posters who'll come for you in the night. Hold one unpopular opinion and it could be the end of your days as a respectable poster. It's stupid and unnecessary... but it's the way it is, and no one can change that alone.

So, in effect, almost everything that anyone says could get them flamed by a million posts on this board, and could get them despised and hated by the board as popular opinion swings against them.

Hell, you never know what might do it: even this post right here could get ME flamed, as stupid an idea as that is.

The fact of the matter is, it's all rooted in something positive and good: the fact that we all hold some value in the mutual respect we have among our BBoard colleagues.

And if anything comes along to threaten that -- which could be anything at all -- an apology is often necessary, in order to get in a pre-emptive strike. Otherwise, if you don't act regretful for ever having not been truthful or for ever having stated something that others disagreed with, or even for something that you never even did... you could very well just be setting yourself up for destruction.

So, hey, if it was me, I'd have apologized too. It would really be the only viable choice.

Rant over.


Date: 05/12/2000
From: TemporalFlux

Everyone does realize I wasn't talking about this apology, right? I was talking about what started the whole thing (Jorge bringing up that the information wasn't accurate because it didn't report something he didn't tell practically everyone - that still makes no sense to me. I guess telepathy is expected of people now).

And FogBoy...I've noticed you beating this drum more and more. If this board is such a harsh place, you do realize that no one is forcing you to be here? As you've pointed out yourself, there are dozens of other places to discuss Sliders on the net...and even you believe this place is a minority (as you pointed out recently). I wouldn't want anyone to be here if they feel as repressed and unhappy as you often portray...just trying to find you a better solution since there are so many other choices than this rancid place full of hate mongers and power mad posters.

Here's to you finding a place where people don't come chasing you down with torches in the night. And before this is construed otherwise, I'm just making sure you realize all your options...because you truly do seem highly unhappy here (I'm not the only person to notice it). Just thought I would help since you haven't mentioned the alternative.


:) Sweat it not, dear Jorgy.

Date: 05/13/2000
From: Yeontoo

Dear JorgeCis,

Oh my, either I've missed something really major somewhere too, or I'm missing something really major now. Either way, I'm missing something somewhere.

However, like the subject line says hun ...sweat it not!

And guys?'s time to let this find the fabled elephant's graveyard.



Date: 05/13/2000
From: Tigs

I saw my name and had to continue reading. All I had really wanted by butting into your debate was the Blazers score. I figured my odds were pretty good of finding out they won--heck there were two guys doing an ongoing--er--debate. Guy watch sports. [That wasn't meant to sound incredibly sexist.]

Anyhoo, thanks ever so to qball for the 411 the other night. And groovy on the whole chatty thing--v. cool for you.


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