don't you all just grow up!!!
Date: 8/7/99
From: Shannon_Stone
You all talk about saving Sliders. It's being cancelled because it
sucks. It always had and always will. The actors can't act. The show
is dead. Give up. SciFi should never have been picked up from FOX anyway.
You all act like a bunch of spoiled babies. Grow up. I hate the way
you wine. Posting all this "Save Sliders" shit. You can't
save it. All you all can do is annoy the hell out of the execs at Sliders.
And anyway, nobody can type that posts on this buildboard. You should
all go back to middle school to learn the basics of writing. I bet most
of you are still in middle school.
I got two words to say to you all: Fuck Sliders!!!

real name? You decide. <end
Date: 8/7/99
From: ElectricPeterTork

I think ur right <END>
Date: 8/7/99
From: stuslide

Date: 8/7/99
From: informant

I'm no drunk. <end>
Date: 8/7/99
From: ElectricPeterTork

when sliders dies
Date: 8/7/99
From: HunterD_Raven
And the Sliders fans leave the whole network will fall. Look at their
rateings - MST fans - Sliders fan = .01 if they are lucky.
We are trying to SAVE the network from going back to the crapola they
where before we started watching. I guess you like 1st wave huh? (First
Wave..Soft Porn-fi)
who the fuck asked you?
Date: 8/7/99
From: s_the_great
in the hell are you even here?
Date: 8/7/99
From: s_the_great
Why in the hell do you live? I mean, is there any justification for
your existence? Why don't you just do the world a favor and put a bullet
in your brain? In fact, don't even waste the bullet. Just suck on a
Volkswagen's tailpipe for about five minutes. No one will ever remember
that you were alive, except for having to go through all the trouble
to bury your pathetic carcass. Your "friends" in your middle
school will forget all about you.
I bet your parents regret the day they got drunk and made you! I mean,
who could love you? I don't see how anyone could stand you!
S the user of insults that play on the victim's self-esteem
I think YOU should grow up
Date: 8/7/99
From: susan_harris
Um, no, I think YOU should grow up.
Actually you ARE right about something. . I AM in middle school.
But you are SO wrong about Sliders sucking
I think you suck
Sliders is an awesome show and I'm sad it can't go on anymore. .
Look at who needs to grow up! At least we don't go around posting rude
messages on discussion boards. If you think Sliders sucks how come you
bothered to come here? You wasted a post, and you're acting like a bitch.
Shannon...EAT ME!!!! (nim)
Date: 8/7/99
From: vortex62
What a stupid bitch!!
would you say this?
Date: 8/7/99
From: ProfJimmy
This has to be the third in 4 days to say something that has no reason
to be said. Ms. Stone, if that is your name, please if you do not like
the show or think that an attempt to save the show is "childish",
don't write anything on this board or even visit to save you the aggrivation
of seeing what you do not want to see.
Oh and not everyone who likes SLIDERS is in middle school. I am over
30 and still like this show
THE Professor
Ok Mr. Pot!
Date: 8/8/99
From: ghostwriter13
(as in calling the kettle black, that is....)
Take a look at what you wrote and then tell us who needs to go back
to school to learn the basics of writing. You would probably benefit
from some lessons in manners as well.
grade are you in,5th?
Date: 8/8/99
From: birchie
Shannon Stone,
This message to you is from a grown up. I can very well remember when
a show was cancelled and brought back by the fans writing letters. That
show was considered dead by many people even the actors themselves.
Although it was brought back the writing for the next season was very
poor and it did not survive another season. However the fans would not
let it die. And that show is now a part of history. It is even possible
that the SCIFI channel would not even be here for you to enjoy if that
show had not been loved so much. That show was "Star Trek".
I have seen some of the same qualities in the show "Sliders"
as I saw in "Star Trek". However this past season it has lost
a lot of the original flavor that made it so enjoyable. I hope you grow
up and at some point can see the values that are in the original seasons.
I also hope you grow up and realize you do not have to use rude slang
such as "sucks", "shit", "hell", and "Fuck".
I would also like to know where you aquired you're "basics of writing".
I want to make sure my grandsons do not attend a school that teaches
them to write sentences such as the following. "SciFi should never
have been picked up from FOX anyway." Who picked up SciFi and when
did FOX own it? I can understand the mispelled words in your message
and in others that are posted on this bboard. Even though I have a college
degree, without a spellchecker I very often make mistakes. After all
I hope all of us are human.
Stone's sister?
Date: 8/8/99
From: TemporalFlux
Maybe she did it as part of a Basic Instinct? (insert rim shot here)
Now, I believe I'll sign off before people start throwing things at
me for that one... ;-D
you can go back to Elementary School
Date: 8/8/99
From: Serena12
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Although, if those opinions
are deliberatly meant to hurt others such as your post obviously was,
then I suggest you post somewhere else. Go find a hate board and post
there. This board is meant for the people who love Sliders, whether
it be the classic epsodes such as Season 1 or the newer episodes. Here's
an all-around great piece of advice....
If you don't like it, don't watch it.
(This has been a Sliders moment of clarity)
some good advice...
Date: 8/8/99
From: Serena12
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Although, if those messages
are deliberatly meant to hurt others such as your post obviously was,
then I suggest you post somewhere else. Go find a hate board and post
there. This board is meant for the people who love Sliders, whether
it be the classic epsodes such as Season 1 or the newer episodes. The
reason why most of us are upset is because we've been fans of the show
for quite a long time.
Here's an all-around great piece of advice....
If you don't like it, don't watch it.
(This has been a Sliders moment of clarity)
Date: 8/9/99
From: OldSlider
Surely they have a page for you on the net....www.pms.com....If it
was so bad, why did your daddy make you watch it for 5 years? ( You
have to watch it to make such a profound analysis )...School starts
soon....You will be in bed by the time it comes on....Barney is on at
Date: 8/10/99
From: sliderlass
a long walk off a short pier! <end>
Date: 8/10/99
From: daveyramone
could ya' please?
Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/10309
Nominated by Blinker