Date: 08/19/1999
My computer is down again so now i have to post under my back up handle, (My old handle is I_AM_SCIFI)
Well lets get down to bizznisy. FUCK! wish i knew how to spell!!!!
Anyway I am gay, as you all know, (I am also fat) But my man left me. So i asking all the homos of this board to help me in my time of
need. Please! stick your dick in and up my ass! please! I also want
love, that only a man can give! Any takers?? Plaat, i have my eyes
on you! ;-)
Thank you

you know what...
Date: 08/19/1999
this post desecrates what everyone is trying to and has achevieved on this Bboard, and I find it truely offensive that you would put it on here!! I would and I'm sure many others would be grateful if you didn't say such things where people that aren't of the right ages can see it!! Next time think a little harder before you act!!
k e r i

Date: 08/19/1999
From: Fish_Bone
Looks like you should change your name to I_AM_GAY
Now go get a life.

Insensitive prick
Date: 08/20/1999
From: Green_Modus
You really must be a walking testament to the evils of incest. Shit boy, you are f*cked up. Who the hell screwed who to create you?
Holy shit man! In fact, I half-expect to see your left hand sticking out of your ass and your prick coming out of your ear. Shit! Sorry about the expletives but damn! Did your father f*ck a deer? Holy macaroni!!!!
"Mister Green"

That's real cute. (sarcasm)
Date: 08/20/1999
From: Plaat
If we didn't share a hatred of Executive I might be offended.

Date: 08/20/1999
From: jsim487
I have to say this was my first and only visit to the boards.
I came here looking for some mature, respectful comments and saw nothing but hatred and foul language. For those of you who do not stoop to these levels Im sorry. Lets act more mature and responsible kids. Im using the term kids since that is the behavior I see. Report the comments that are offensive and hateful to the web master, it will stop I know that for a fact.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/10776
Nominated by Blinker
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